Adding specific number of sections in a google form - forms

When an user enters a number into a field (representing the number of persons in a group), I want to have a section of google forms to be multiplied that many times - one for each person. In each such section I need to enter their details. Anybody did something similar to this ?

I think what you're trying to do isn't possible (without using App Scripts) but I have built a little example of something that might work for you. Please see if this will work and get back to ASAP.
Pretty much it has a title page asks the user how many people they want to sign up. Then, depending on the answer, the form directs them to a section with the appropriate number of sign-ups.


Is there a way to permanently add a box displaying points of students in the navbar

So I am working on a project that awards points to students for submitting assignments or participating in forums, these points are then exposed as an Http resource using Flask.
The points are calculated by looking at the events triggered for each student.
One of the requirements right now is to add a box next to the student's name that shows the total amount of points they have. I have two ways of accessing the points, either by an http request from moodle or by storing and retrieving the points from moodle's database.
My question is what is the best approach of creating this "box", I have tried using moodle blocks and hacking the code but nothing seems to be working. Is creating a plugin for this the only solution or is there a simpler way to do it (if it is even possible)?
To answer your question properly you should have provided at least the theme and the Moodle version you work with. Should this box be displayed everywhere? Is the score calculated for every course individually?
Two proposals that came into my mind:
You could create a custom plugin of type block. There you can display the score of the user of the session and the top ten for example (If the score is calculated for each course individually). A disadvantage is that every teacher of a course could remove that block easily, if he or she wants to.
If the score counts system-wide you could put that box at the start page of your Moodle website, where only people with higher rights will be able to remove it.
If you use boost you could display the score in the navbar right next to the users name. For that you will have to create a new child theme of boost and overwrite navbar.mustache of theme_boost which get's it's information from columns2.php because it's included into columns2.mustache. In this PHP file you can include your logic and display it with the HTML which you put into navbar.mustache.
Of course these are not really simple ways to do that. But at the moment I doubt that an easy solution exists for this problem.

Go to a record from a portal

I'm making an app for authors using Filemaker. I posted this question on their forum but still haven't gotten an answer.
My app is basically a place where people can keep track of all the details that go into creating characters and locations. In each book (record) I have a tab control with 4 tabs: Book Details, Character List, Location List and Group List. Within the character list tab I have a portal which shows a list of the characters for that book.
I'm trying to create a button for each row in the portal which takes me to that records details page (the one with the red box around it). Right now, it's set to go to the character details layout. However, whichever row I click on, it takes me to the last visited record. Is there a way to go to each row's record from the portal? If not, do you know of a way to do the same thing through another method? I have a list layout which I used before, however, it doesn't hide the records for different books. For example, if I select book 1, it still shows characters for book 2. Thanks in advance for any help you can give me!
Create a button, attach a script or single command that uses the Go To Related Record script step using the same relationship as the portal.
Make sure the button fits within the row.

laravel 5; redirect to previous section after store or view

I think this is a basic problem or question, but i can't find any solution that solves this problem, so probably i'm searching in the wrong way or on the wrong keywords.
I have a bunch of articles in my DB, and there are a number of ways to read/edit them on the site.
- The visitor can see them in a list, click on them and read the whole article
- The registered users can see them in the same list, but click on them to read or edit the article
- The admin can see a different list (an different view), and edit or delete them
and i'm sure i will come up with some other ways to read or edit the articles or other data.
The point is, that if a visitor or user had read or edited the article, i want them to return to their own index of articles, but if an admin has read or edited the article i want him to go back to the admin-index.
So from the start i have a number of routes:
Route::get('/article'... will display the index of articles
Route::get('/article/{name}'... will display an article
Route::get('/article/{name}/edit'... will display the edit form for the article
Route::post('/article/{name}'... will update the article
And for the admin:
Route::get('/admin/article'... will display the index of article
Route::get('/admin/article/{name}'... will display an article
Route::get('/admin/article/{name}/edit'... will display the edit form for the article
Route::post('/admin/article/{name}'... will update the article
But..Route::post('/article/{name}' and Route::post('/admin/article/{name} should point to the same function to update the data, and that function should redirect to different routes, in this case Route::get('/article' and Route::get('/admin/article'
I really dont want to write 2 different routines to store or update the data in the database, that are in fact the same, except for the 'redirect'-line after updating or storing.
My first thought was to make 2 routes, with two entries in my controller that each call the same routine that saves the data, and return where i can redirect, but then i would have to use different 'actions' in my form. That would mean i would have to make 2 forms that are the same, except for the 'action'-line.
Whatever i do, i would have to redirect somewhere based on the section of my site where i was before i started to read or edit my data.
I read something about the 'back()'-function, but that won't help me because i want to be able to read an article, and then choose to edit it, then return back to my index.
I hope i was able to explain what i want to do, and i'm sure i'm not the only one looking for this, but again, i failed in finding a right solution.
What is het best way to achieve this?!?
I would just separate the controllers between normal users and admin users. This way your code will stay clean and understandable.
You could for example make the following folder structure:
- Http
- Controllers
- Admin
- User
Don't forget to change the namespace in your controllers.
If you really want to stick with the same controller for both users then you need to make some kind of if else statement to see what kind of user your are dealing with and redirect on that outcome. Do you have some kind of role structure in your application?

Create a Google Form (or similar) that verifies Student ID before submission

I teach at a university with mostly monolingual, English-speaking teachers, and students with mostly Russian and Kazakh names.
I want to create a simple form (like this ) that would keep track of reports of plagiarism on a Google Sheet (like this )
Having the English speaking teachers type in Russian and Kazakh names would likely lead to mistakes. There are too many students at the university to choose them from a drop-down menu, and would be too many teachers and courses to create separate Google Forms for all of them, or to use Google's branching page choices (it would require creating hundreds of pages). So I would like instructors to be able to type in the Student ID # and their own Instructor ID #, and then have some way to verify that they have typed that information in correctly (so we don't have the wrong students being penalized, or penalties that don't get assigned to any student at all).
1. Is there any possible way (via scripting, an add-on, etc.) to have Google Forms take the Student ID from Page 1, then look up the student's name on the Student Info tab of the Google Sheet and insert it into the text field on the second page of the Google form, so the instructor can verify it's the correct student? (Or any other technique anyone can think of that would allow a Google Form user to verify that they had entered the correct data, or help manage the massive number of choices of students in a university of several thousand students.)
If (as I'm afraid), there is no way to do it with Google Forms, can anyone suggest a Form creation platform that would do something like this, and that would integrate with Google Sheets or something similar?
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
If you are open to doing it differently I'd go this route...
1) Use a short answer box and allow edits to answers.
2) Put the onSubmit() trigger into the sheet. When a submission comes in, send a follow up email to the person with the ID that they typed and the student name that it corresponds to. Let them know that no action is required if that is correct. If it isn't correct, they should edit their response with the edit response link which you can get using getEditResponseUrl(). I'd call it done right here and only worry about additional features if they are needed. It isn't as ideal as verifying at the time but would get the same thing done for people that can't keep their IDs straight. :-)
3) But... if you have people that keep messing up and they don't fix their issues or whatever, add a link in the email to confirm that the entry is accurate. If it isn't then a weekly/daily task runs that deletes any entries that haven't been confirmed and are older than Y days.
4) Alternately, instead of verifying what they type, give them drop down lists made up of a combination of student ID and name. I'd have multiple lists, depending on the number of active students. One or many though, make a script in the sheet that updates the dropdowns in the form either on edit or by manually running the script, either from a menu item or by attaching it to an icon on the page where the IDs/names are at. They should see 12345 - Joe Smith as the option and can find the right one if that student name doesn't match the ID they thought they should use.
I have a script like #4 that I use to populate a form with updated products whenever the list changes. I tied it to a big red button JPG to help the end users remember to run it when they change something, as a menu option didn't work and running every time there was an edit was too much.
If you list of students/IDs also includes the teachers/classes/etc you could even do custom forms for each staff member that uses the form that only populates their students. Not sure how many staff you have so that might not be practical. Though again, once you have the script and the data is accurate, updates are a single click.

Best Product Listing Option for Concrete5

I'm going to be creating a Concrete5 website that will feature product listings. The listing system must offer all your typical ecommerce features, minus the ability to purchase items. It's strictly for browsing purposes only.
For example:
- Browse by category
- Search products
- Listings/results page with thumbnails and brief information (title, description, price in US/CAD, manufacturer, maker, etc.)
- Products single page (with detailed information, attributes and gallery/images)
All the things you'd expect to find in a listing system.
My issue is I can't find a specific add-on for something like product listings. This leaves me thinking that it may be best to use the e-commerce add on and do my best to hide anything related to the cart/payment process. That way it could just be used for everything else it offers.
What are your thoughts on this? Is there a better option?
Thanks for the advice!
Use the page list block. It has everything you need except for searching. But, in essence, that's what your requirements call for -- listing of pages.
Create a page type for your "product". The "brief information" can be in the Content block, or you can set as attributes. You'll probably want to make some minor changes to the block's view (by creating a new template) that displays the image as you want, the proper attributes, etc. Something similar to
There are several adanced page list blocks in the marketplace. You might want to start with those.
Right creat Page type.
After creat Page attributes.
Add a block page_list create a template for it and filter by attributes.
You can even use ajax to filter.
U can find here about page_list or read documentation Concrete5.