Common method call on Error in amplify.request - amplifyjs

In My Application I am using amplify.js to call the data API.
On Response from the API I want to check if the response is 403 Forbidden and redirect the user to Login page.
My Problem is I have about 50 different API call and I want to hadle it in one place.
Is there any way in amplify.js to handle the error is single place?


Surveymonkey: create webhook to get response in sugarcrm

I am trying to create a surveymonkey webhook to receive my survey response and i am passing my SugarCRM custom entry point URL as "Subscription Url". But i am getting error " 'mycustomEntryPointUrl' did not return a success status code. Status code is 301". My Entry point is working fine if i run it in browser using its URL also my Sugar is working smoothly.
So, i just want to know any other reason which can cause this error.
Yes so HTTP status code 301 means the page has moved permanently. If you visit it in your browser, for example, you would see a network request to the page specified with a status code of 301, then a second one to the new page. Our API request won't do any redirect, so if a 301 is returned it will raise an error.
This sometimes happens when you go to a page with http and then it redirects to https due to rules on your server.
You also want to make sure your subscription URL supports a HEAD request without any redirect.

Ajax call to Zomato API is not working

I am trying to access zomato api.
Headers: 'X-Zomato-API-Key':'myapikeyhere-763demoapi434'
If I use chrome's postman extension or curl then I can access the url & getting 200 status code.
But if I run it through my angular2 app or simple ajax, it is giving error at preflight OPTIONS request, error code is 501. I have tried otherways too, error is same. Need help
Zomato API's can only be accessed from server to server calls, the error message you have reported is a security policy implemented by Chrome to prevent cross site request forgery on the client side.
A way you can get around this is to write a handler on your server end to make handler which the ajax call will use, this handler in-turn makes a request to the Zomato's server to retrieve the data required.

Why am I getting request method GET not supported?

I am using PostMan as a REST client to test this API method Cisco ACL Analysis API. specifically POST /acl/trace or getAClTracksStd (first go to Policy Analysis)
Here is my PostMan HTTP test call
Does anyone who is familiar with PostMan understand why I am getting this "Request method 'GET' is not supported" error from the server? I am making a POST HTTP request, not GET.(Selected from Drop down menu) It make more sense for me to get a input invalid parameter error or something.
Just to show that the endpoint url works, heres a HTTP test request that works
(same link, host->host API -> GET /host/{startIndex}/{recordsToReturn}
There's two issues that I'm seeing with your REST call. First, the error you're seeing is because the call needs to be preceded by "https://". Second, remove the interface IDs parameter and values. You should get a response with data after making these changes.
Your json looks erronuous (comma after the destIp) - and the server probably always responds with a default confusing error message in this case. (Postman is very well tested and it sends POST).

Handling HTTP 302 error and redirecting in Backbone.JS "sync" method

I've got a secured Backbone.js app (that uses Spring security atm.), so a logged-in user must have a valid session-cookie (JSESSIONID). Now, if this session is invalidated (deleted, expired, whatever) and the user attempts to make a request, Spring security will return a 302 Error as an attempt to redirect the user to a login-form.
As is explained in this answer, this 302 response gets handled by the browser (it doesn't reach my app) so what is returned to my app is a 200 OK response with contenttype="text/html" (containing the login form).
Thats an issue, because when my Backbone model attempts to do a sync to a url, it expects JSON. If this sync happens without a valid session, the 200 "text/html" response is returned when "application/json" is expected, giving me a JSON parse error in jQuery.extend.parseJSON.
With great help from this question/answer, I've overridden the Backbone.sync method in order to use my own error handling. However, since the 302 never reaches my error handler I cannot override the redirect myself.
My situation is very similar to this question, however a final solution to the problem was never posted. Could someone please help me figure out the ideal way to ensure a redirect to the login page happens?
Instead of returning the login page with HTTP 200 OK, you should configure Spring Security to return HTTP 401 Unauthorized for unauthenticated AJAX requests. You can detect an AJAX request (as opposed to a normal page request) by checking for the X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest request header.
You can use the global $.ajaxError handler to check for 401 errors and redirect to the login page there.
This is how we've implemented it and it works nicely. I'm not a Spring guy, though, so I can't really help with the Spring Security configuration.
EDIT. Instead of custom coockie it will be better to use solution provided by #fencliff.
I think you can use some other field of XHR to detect this situation. A special coockie may do the trick.
You can define your own authentication failure handler from Spring Security side. At the moment when redirect to login page occurs you will be able to add some coockie to HttpServletResponse. Your custom Backbone.sync method will check this cookie. If it is present, it will launch your custom handler for this case (do not forget remove the coockie at the same time).
<sec:http ... >
<sec:form-login login-page='/login.html' authentication-failure-handler-ref="customAuthenticationFailureHandler" />
<bean id="customAuthenticationFailureHandler" class="com.domain.CustomAuthenticationFailureHandler" />
CustomAuthenticationFailureHandler must implement interface. You can add your coockie and then call default SimpleUrlAuthenticationFailureHandler.onAuthenticationFailure(...) implementation.

how to get a facebook status updates from certain fan page?

After some research I found out that I need to do a http get ..
I am using graph apis . I am using the below url .
How ever each time I am getting a bad request?
I have assumed access token to be for user access token which I get every time a user logs in.
Is there any thin I am doing wrong?
I am now able to get the json data .. For any one who gets stuck here I suggest you guys to use fiddler traces to capture the https traffic an duse that url in your app....
So my mistake here was"wahtever is teh access token" ....