xtify 503 Rate Limit Exceeded - push

I'm sending push from my php server and I get the error 503 Rate Limit Exceeded.
I read in http://developer.xtify.com/display/APIs/Push+API+2.0 that "The default service limits you to 50 connections per IP address over 10 second period" but in another chat says that the limit is 5.
Which is correct? What are the limits?
Thank you!

The answer is: The default service limits you to 50 connections per IP address over 10 second period.


I keep hitting `You have exceeded a secondary rate limit` on my Github API after just 4 request in a minute when using search

I am using the api endpoint https://api.github.com/search/code? and just after hitting 3 or 4 request in a minute the response is showing me that I have exceeded my limit.
According to the documentation we have a limit of 30 request in a minute.

Envoy proxy returning 500

We are running production workloads with Istio 1.1.4 and noticed that for a specific timeframe, the request latency reported to the telemetry component for client invoked traffic increased from 50-60ms to 6-7 seconds and at the same time we started observing 500 (internal server error) response codes from Envoy.
We are trying to understand under what cases Envoy returns 500 and the only thing I could find in the documentation/source code was that a 500 is returned if the response body must be buffered and it exceeds the buffer limit. This is certainly not the case for us, as those 500 occurred for a health check endpoint beyond other endpoints, whose response body is very small.
What are the cases where Envoy will return 500? What should we investigate as the root cause of the issue?
Can you please provide the status code for below ?
a) Log Entry
b) Telemetry
c) Prometheus and Grafana
and just see if all three above shows response code as 500 or any deviation ?

Service Bus Explorer

Our project has Microsoft Service Bus (on-prem ) running on Windows 2012 R2 servers for message processing.
When sending messages to service bus topic above the size limit (say 10 mb ) , services bus shows processing error – throws socket timeout exception.
Just wanted to know ,
if anyone has worked with sending messages (say > 10 MBs ) to Service Bus Topics . Would appreciate any suggested approach on how to handle this.
Also is there a way to increase the service bus timeout configuration or message size limit settings on Service Bus Topics either through Powershell cmds or Service Bus Explorer.
Service Bus queues support a maximum message size of 256 Kb (the header, which includes the standard and custom application properties, can have a maximum size of 64 Kb).
There is no limit on the number of messages held in a queue but there is a cap on the total size of the messages held by a queue. This queue size is defined at creation time, with an upper limit of 5 GB.
Are you asking about sending a message which is of size 10 MB? Service Bus doesn't allow that large message. For Premium, the maximum message size is 1 MB, and for Standard, it's 256 KB as #Ana said.
Also is there a way to increase the service bus timeout configuration
or message size limit settings?
Yes, there is a possibility to handle time-to-live property of messages which can be configured either at the time of Queue/Subscription creation or while sending Individual message. Refer to set Time to live for Queue as well as message.
Also is there a way to increase message size limit settings?
No, as the maximum size is 1 MB (May be increased by Azure in the future).
To answer this "Can we Send messages (say > 10 MBs ) to Service Bus Topics".
Now as of today, the updated answer will be YES: The Premium tier of Service Bus, enabling Message size up to 100 MB. Where as Standard is up to 256 KB as of today.
How to enabling large messages support for an existing queue (or topic)
While 100 MB message payloads are supported, it's recommended to keep the message payloads as small as possible to ensure reliable performance from the Service Bus namespace.
The Premium tier is recommended for production scenarios.

Making api highly available in Swift Perfect

I have defined an API for giving data from MongoDB. But, the problem is, if I hit the api continuously from same IP address, the results are not consistent. If it gives proper result for first time, the next time it gives failed to connect. If I hit just "hello world" api, it won't fail no matter how frequently I hit from same IP. I am listening to port range of HTTP 80. Can anyone please advise me the problem and how to solve this. I'm new to this server concepts.
In my humble opinion, Perfect has already a high availability. Even in the most affordable VM, the api response should be still fast enough. This is my load testing result:
$ wrk -t12 -c400 -d30s http://localhost:19808/
Running 30s test # http://localhost:19808/
12 threads and 400 connections
Thread Stats Avg Stdev Max +/- Stdev
Latency 30.98ms 10.10ms 86.14ms 73.83%
Req/Sec 546.08 267.66 1.75k 58.56%
194376 requests in 30.07s, 27.07MB read
Socket errors: connect 157, read 717, write 0, timeout 0
Requests/sec: 6464.58
Transfer/sec: 0.90MB
so even in the extremest situation, there is only 0.8% opportunity to see a bad connection. Please share us your source code otherwise no one will get the clue of what is going on your AWS instance.

Getting QuotaExceededException - What are the operation quota limitations for Azure Notification Hubs?

I was doing some latency/performance testing for sending push notifications with Azure Notification Hub by consecutively sending many notifications in a foreach loop. It worked fine for 100 "SendNotification" requests, altough it was relatively slow (14s), but I got a QuotaExceededException for 1000 requests in a row:
[QuotaExceededException: The remote server returned an error: (403)
Forbidden. The request was terminated because the namespace
pushnotification-testing is being throttled. Please wait 60 seconds
and try again. TrackingId:...
Even when I don't wait for 60 seconds as advised, I can again execute 100 consecutive requests, but 1000 requests in a row always fail... Anything slightly above 100 consecutive requests fails most of the time...
I couldn't find any documentation on these limitations. This should be documented somewhere, so I can be sure Azure Notification Hubs will fit my needs.
The answer to this question says
There is a throttling for CRUD operation's rate. Quotas depend on tire
your are but it is not going to be less then 2000 operations per
minute per namespace any way. If quota is exceed then service returns
For me, it seems to be less then 2000 operations. By the way, I'm using "FREE" tier for testing, but I guess we would switch to "STANDARD" for production.
Has anyone similar experiences or knows where to look for more information?
In particular, what are the operation quota limitations per timefram for the different tiers of Azure Notification Hubs?
UPDATE1: It's weird, but I sending 1000 requests in parallel works most of the time, but consecutively it fails on the 101st request.
For my best knowledge for right now NH has following limitations on number of SENDS (not registrations) per namespace per minute per NH machine:
Free tire: 100
Basic tire: 900
Standard tire: 11500
Massive sending in parallel allows to send more because calls are very likely to be routed on different machines.