Service Bus Explorer - service

Our project has Microsoft Service Bus (on-prem ) running on Windows 2012 R2 servers for message processing.
When sending messages to service bus topic above the size limit (say 10 mb ) , services bus shows processing error – throws socket timeout exception.
Just wanted to know ,
if anyone has worked with sending messages (say > 10 MBs ) to Service Bus Topics . Would appreciate any suggested approach on how to handle this.
Also is there a way to increase the service bus timeout configuration or message size limit settings on Service Bus Topics either through Powershell cmds or Service Bus Explorer.

Service Bus queues support a maximum message size of 256 Kb (the header, which includes the standard and custom application properties, can have a maximum size of 64 Kb).
There is no limit on the number of messages held in a queue but there is a cap on the total size of the messages held by a queue. This queue size is defined at creation time, with an upper limit of 5 GB.

Are you asking about sending a message which is of size 10 MB? Service Bus doesn't allow that large message. For Premium, the maximum message size is 1 MB, and for Standard, it's 256 KB as #Ana said.
Also is there a way to increase the service bus timeout configuration
or message size limit settings?
Yes, there is a possibility to handle time-to-live property of messages which can be configured either at the time of Queue/Subscription creation or while sending Individual message. Refer to set Time to live for Queue as well as message.
Also is there a way to increase message size limit settings?
No, as the maximum size is 1 MB (May be increased by Azure in the future).

To answer this "Can we Send messages (say > 10 MBs ) to Service Bus Topics".
Now as of today, the updated answer will be YES: The Premium tier of Service Bus, enabling Message size up to 100 MB. Where as Standard is up to 256 KB as of today.
How to enabling large messages support for an existing queue (or topic)
While 100 MB message payloads are supported, it's recommended to keep the message payloads as small as possible to ensure reliable performance from the Service Bus namespace.
The Premium tier is recommended for production scenarios.


process pubsub messages in constant rate. Using streaming and serverless

The scenario:
I have thousands of requests I need to issue each day.
I know the number at the beginning of the day and hopefully I want to send all the data about the requests to pubsub. Message per request.
I want to make the requests in constant rate. for example if I have 172800 requests, I want to process 2 in each second.
The ultimate way will involved pubsub push and cloud run.
Using pull with long running instances is also an option.
Any other option are also welcome.
I want to avoid running in a loop and fetch records from a database with limit.
This is how I am doing it today.
You can use batch and flow control settings for fine-tuning Pub/Sub performance which will help in processing messages at a constant rate.
A batch, within the context of Cloud Pub/Sub, refers to a group of one or more messages published to a topic by a publisher in a single publish request. Batching is done by default in the client library or explicitly by the user. The purpose for this feature is to allow for a higher throughput of messages while also providing a more efficient way for messages to travel through the various layers of the service(s). Adjusting the batch size (i.e. how many messages or bytes are sent in a publish request) can be used to achieve the desired level of throughput.
Features specific to batching on the publisher side include setElementCountThreshold(), setRequestByteThreshold(), and setDelayThreshold() as part of setBatchSettings() on a publisher client (the naming varies slightly in the different client libraries). These features can be used to finely tune the behavior of batching to find a better balance among cost, latency, and throughput.
Note: The maximum number of messages that can be published in a single batch is 1000 messages or 10 MB.
An example of these batching properties can be found in the Publish with batching settings documentation.
Flow Control
Flow control features on the subscriber side can help control the unhealthy behavior of tasks on the pipeline by allowing the subscriber to regulate the rate at which messages are ingested. These features provide the added functionality to adjust how sensitive the service is to sudden spikes or drops of published throughput.
Some features that are helpful for adjusting flow control and other settings on the subscriber are setMaxOutstandingElementCount(), setMaxOutstandingRequestBytes(), and setMaxAckExtensionPeriod().
Examples of these settings being used can be found in the Subscribe with flow control documentation.
For more information refer to this link.
If you are having long running instances as subscribers, then you will need to set relevant FlowControl settings for example .setMaxOutstandingElementCount(1000L)
Once you have set it to the desired number (for example 1000), this should control the maximum amount of messages the subscriber receives before pausing the message stream, as explained in the code below from this documentation:
// The subscriber will pause the message stream and stop receiving more messsages from the
// server if any one of the conditions is met.
FlowControlSettings flowControlSettings =
// 1,000 outstanding messages. Must be >0. It controls the maximum number of messages
// the subscriber receives before pausing the message stream.
// 100 MiB. Must be >0. It controls the maximum size of messages the subscriber
// receives before pausing the message stream.
.setMaxOutstandingRequestBytes(100L * 1024L * 1024L)

Will Kafka Producer always waits for the value specified by, before sending a request?

As per LINGER_MS_DOC in ProducerConfig java class:
"The producer groups together any records that arrive in between
request transmissions into a single batched request. Normally this
occurs only under load when records arrive faster than they can be
sent out. However in some circumstances the client may want to reduce
the number of requests even under moderate load. This setting
accomplishes this by adding a small amount of artificial delay; that
is, rather than immediately sending out a record the producer will
wait for up to the given delay to allow other records to be sent so
that the sends can be batched together. This can be thought of as
analogous to Nagle's algorithm in TCP. This setting gives the upper
bound on the delay for batching: once we get "BATCH_SIZE_CONFIG" worth
of records for a partition it will be sent immediately regardless of
this setting, however if we have fewer than this many bytes
accumulated for this partition we will 'linger' for the specified time
waiting for more records to show up. This setting defaults to 0 (i.e.
no delay). Setting "LINGER_MS_CONFIG=5" for example, would have the
effect of reducing the number of requests sent but would add up to 5ms
of latency to records sent in the absence of load."
I searched for a suggested value for but nowhere found a higher value suggested for this. Most of the places 5 ms is mentioned for
For testing, I have set "batch.size" to 16384 (16 KB)
and "" to 60000 (60 seconds)
as per doc I felt if I send a message of size > 16384 bytes then the producer will not wait and send the message immediately, but I am not observing the same behavior.
I am sending events of size > 16384 bytes but it still waits for 60 seconds. Am I missing to understand the purpose of "batch.size"? My understanding of "batch.size" and "" is that whichever meets first the messages/batch will be sent.
In this case, if it is going to be the minimum wait time and do not give preference to "batch.size" then I guess setting a high value for is not right.
Here is the kafka properties used in yaml:
acks: all
retries: 5
size: 16384
ms: 10
size: 1046528

producerWindowSize doesn't work for AMQ 7.1

I am using Red Hat JBoss AMQ 7.1.0.GA and testing flow control with producerWindowSize, I used example under amq71Install\examples\features\standard\queue, here is sample jndi.proerties:
# Neither of the following parameter works
I send 10 messages with total size smaller than 1024 but still can see them arrived on broker, did I miss something or I misunderstood this parameter?
Best regards
Yes, I believe you've misunderstood this parameter.
The "producerWindowSize" is the number of credits which the client will request from the broker. Each credit corresponds to a byte of data. When the client receives those credits then it will be able to send that number of bytes. In your case the client requests 1024 credits from the broker which it receives, therefore it is able to send 1024 bytes before requesting more credits.
Since you're sending 10 messages with a total size smaller than 1024 then you should expect them to arrive on the broker without any issue.

Performance issue sending larger messages via akka remote actors

The responses to concurrent requests to remote actors were taking long time to respond, aka 1 request takes 300 ms, but 100 concurrent requests took almost 30 seconds to complete! So it almost looks like the requests are being executed sequentially! The request size is small, but response size was about 120 kB in JVM before serialization. But the response had deep nested case class.
The response times are similar when running on two different JVMs on same machine as well. But responses are fast when in same JVM (i.e. local actors). It is a single client making concurrent requests to one remote actor.
I see this log in akka debug logs. What does this indicate?
DEBUG test-app akka.remote.EndpointWriter - Drained buffer with
maxWriteCount: 50, fullBackoffCount: 546, smallBackoffCount: 2,
noBackoffCount: 1 , adaptiveBackoff: 2000
The logs show that write to send-buffer failed. This could indicate that
send-buffer is too small
receive-buffer on the remote actor's side is too small
network issues
The send buffer size and receive buffer size directly limits the number of concurrent requests and responses! Increase the send buffer and receive buffer sizes, on both client and server, to support the required concurrency in both client and server.
If the buffer size is not adequate, netty will wait for the buffer to be cleared before attempting to rewrite to the buffer. And by default there will be a backoff time too, and this can be configured as well.
The settings are under remote.netty.tcp:
akka {
remote {
netty.tcp {
# Sets the send buffer size of the Sockets,
# set to 0b for platform default
send-buffer-size = 1024000b
# Sets the receive buffer size of the Sockets,
# set to 0b for platform default
receive-buffer-size = 2048000b
# Controls the backoff interval after a refused write is reattempted.
# (Transports may refuse writes if their internal buffer is full)
backoff-interval = 1 ms
For full configuration see Akka reference config.

TCP, HTTP and the Multi-Threading Sweet Spot

I'm trying to understand the performance numbers I'm getting and how to determine the optimal number of threads.
See the bottom of this post for my results
I wrote an experimental multi-threaded web client in perl which downloads a page, grabs the source for each image tag and downloads the image - discarding the data.
It uses a non-blocking connect with an initial per file timeout of 10 seconds which doubles after each timeout and retry. It also caches IP addresses so each thread only has to do a DNS lookup once.
The total amount of data downloaded is 2271122 bytes in 1316 files via 2.5Mbit connection from . The thumbnail images are hosted by a company which claims to specialize in low latency for high bandwidth applications.
Wall times are:
1 Thread takes 4:48 -- 0 timeouts
2 Threads takes 2:38 -- 0 timeouts
5 Threads takes 2:22 -- 20 timeouts
10 Threads take 2:27 -- 40 timeouts
50 Threads take 2:27 -- 170 timeouts
In the worst case ( 50 threads ) less than 2 seconds of CPU time are consumed by the client.
avg file size 1.7k
avg rtt 100 ms ( as measured by ping )
avg cli cpu/img 1 ms
The fastest average download speed is 5 threads at about 15 KB / sec overall.
The server actually does seem to have pretty low latency as it takes only 218 ms to get each image meaning it takes only 18 ms on average for the server to process each request:
0 cli sends syn
50 srv rcvs syn
50 srv sends syn + ack
100 cli conn established / cli sends get
150 srv recv's get
168 srv reads file, sends data , calls close
218 cli recv HTTP headers + complete file in 2 segments MSS == 1448
I can see that the per file average download speed is low because of the small file sizes and the relatively high cost per file of the connection setup.
What I don't understand is why I see virtually no improvement in performance beyond 2 threads. The server seems to be sufficiently fast, but already starts timing out connections at 5 threads.
The timeouts seem to start after about 900 - 1000 successful connections whether it's 5 or 50 threads, which I assume is probably some kind of throttling threshold on the server, but I would expect 10 threads to still be significantly faster than 2.
Am I missing something here?
Just for comparisons sake I installed the DownThemAll Firefox extension and downloaded the images using it. I set it to 4 simultaneous connections with a 10 second timeout. DTM took about 3 minutes to download all the files + write them to disk, and it also started experiencing timeouts after about 900 connections.
I'm going to run tcpdump to try and get a better picture what's going on at the tcp protocol level.
I also cleared Firefox's cache and hit reload. 40 Seconds to reload the page and all the images. That seemed way too fast - maybe Firefox kept them in a memory cache which wasn't cleared? So I opened Opera and it also took about 40 seconds. I assume they're so much faster because they must be using HTTP/1.1 pipelining?
And the Answer Is!??
So after a little more testing and writing code to reuse the sockets via pipelining I found out some interesting info.
When running at 5 threads the non-pipelined version retrieves the first 1026 images in 77 seconds but takes a further 65 seconds to retrieve the remaining 290 images. This pretty much confirms MattH's theory about my client getting hit by a SYN FLOOD event causing the server to stop responding to my connection attempts for a short period of time. However, that is only part of the problem since 77 seconds is still very slow for 5 threads to get 1026 images; if you remove the SYN FLOOD issue it would still take about 99 seconds to retrieve all the files. So based on a little research and some tcpdump's it seems like the other part of the issue is latency and the connection setup overhead.
Here's where we get back to the issue of finding the "Sweet Spot" or the optimal number of threads. I modified the client to implement HTTP/1.1 Pipelining and found that the optimal number of threads in this case is between 15 and 20. For example:
1 Thread takes 2:37 -- 0 timeouts
2 Threads takes 1:22 -- 0 timeouts
5 Threads takes 0:34 -- 0 timeouts
10 Threads take 0:20 -- 0 timeouts
11 Threads take 0:19 -- 0 timeouts
15 Threads take 0:16 -- 0 timeouts
There are four factors which
affect this; latency / rtt , maximum end-to-end bandwidth, recv buffer size
and the size of the image files being downloaded. See this site for a
discussion on how receive buffer size and RTT latency affect available
In addition to the above, average file size affects the maximum per connection
transfer rate. Every time you issue a GET request you create an empty gap in
your transfer pipe which is the size of the connection RTT. For example, if
you're Maximum Possible Transfer Rate ( recv buff size / RTT ) is 2.5Mbit and
your RTT is 100ms, then every GET request incurs a minimum 32kB gap in your
pipe. For a large average image size of 320kB that amounts to a 10% overhead
per file, effectively reducing your available bandwidth to 2.25Mbit. However,
for a small average file size of 3.2kB the overhead jumps to 1000% and
available bandwidth is reduced to 232 kbit / second - about 29kB.
So to find the optimal number of threads:
Gap Size = MPTR * RTT
MPTR / (MPTR / Gap Size + AVG file size) * AVG file size)
For my above scenario this gives me an optimum thread count of 11 threads, which is extremely close to my real world results.
If the actual connection speed is slower than the theoretical MPTR then it
should be used in the calculation instead.
Please correct me this summary is incorrect:
Your multi-threaded client will start a thread that connects to the server and issues just one HTTP GET then that thread closes.
When you say 1, 2, 5, 10, 50 threads, you're just referring to how many concurrent threads you allow, each thread itself only handles one request
Your client takes between 2 and 5 minutes to download over 1000 images
Firefox and Opera will download an equivalent data set in 40 seconds
I suggest that the server rate-limits http connections, either by the webserver daemon itself, a server-local firewall or most likely dedicated firewall.
You are actually abusing the webservice by not re-using the HTTP Connections for more than one request and that the timeouts you experience are because your SYN FLOOD is being clamped.
Firefox and Opera are probably using between 4 and 8 connections to download all of the files.
If you redesign your code to re-use the connections you should achieve similar performance.