Linux Page Cache Replacement - postgresql

I have two PostgreSQL databases named data-1 and data-2 that sit on the same machine. Both databases keep 40 GB of data, and the total memory available on the machine is 68GB.
I started data-1 and data-2, and ran several queries to go over all their data. Then, I shut down data-1 and kept issuing queries against data-2. For some reason, the OS still holds on to large parts of data-1's pages in its page cache, and reserves about 35 GB of RAM to data-2's files. As a result, my queries on data-2 keep hitting disk.
I'm checking page cache usage with fincore. When I run a table scan query against data-2, I see that data-2's pages get evicted and put back into the cache in a round-robin manner. Nothing happens to data-1's pages, although they haven't been touched for days.
Does anybody know why data-1's pages aren't evicted from the page cache? I'm open to all kind of suggestions you think it might relate to problem.
This is an EC2 m2.4xlarge instance on Amazon with 68 GB of RAM and no swap space. The kernel version is:
$ uname -r
It seems that there is no NUMA configuration:
$ dmesg | grep -i numa
[ 0.000000] No NUMA configuration found
I used page-types tool in Linux kernel source tree to monitor page cache statuses. From the results I conclude that:
data-1 pages are in state : referenced,uptodate,lru,active,private
data-2 pages are in state : referenced,uptodate,lru,mappedtodisk

Take a look at the cpusets you have configured in /dev/cpusets. If you have multiple directories in here then you have multiple cpusets, and potentially multiple memory nodes.
The cpusets mechanism is documented in detail here:


Jenkins and PostgreSQL is consuming a lot of memory

We have a Data ware house server running on Debian linux ,We are using PostgreSQL , Jenkins and Python.
It's been few day the memory of the CPU is consuming a lot by jenkins and Postgres.tried to find and check all the ways from google but the issue is still there.
Anyone can give me a lead on how to reduce this memory consumption,It will be very helpful.
below is the output from free -m
total used free shared buff/cache available
Mem: 63805 9152 429 16780 54223 37166
Swap: 0 0 0
below is the postgresql.conf file
Below is the System configurations,
Results from htop
Please don't post text as images. It is hard to read and process.
I don't see your problem.
Your machine has 64 GB RAM, 16 GB are used for PostgreSQL shared memory like you configured, 9 GB are private memory used by processes, and 37 GB are free (the available entry).
Linux uses available memory for the file system cache, which boosts PostgreSQL performance. The low value for free just means that the cache is in use.
For Jenkins, run it with these JAVA Options
JAVA_OPTS=-Xms200m -Xmx300m -XX:PermSize=68m -XX:MaxPermSize=100m
For postgres, start it with option
-c shared_buffers=256MB
These values are the one I use on a small homelab of 8GB memory, you might want to increase these to match your hardware

HowTo zdb -e poolname to recover data from a single ZFS device

I have the following situation:
1*10TB Drive, full of data on a ZFS
I wanted to add a 100GB NVME partition as a cache
instead of using zpool add poolname cache nvmepartion I wrote zpool add poolname nvmepartition
I did not see my mistake and exported this pool.
Neither the NVME drive is availeable any more, nor the system has any information about this pool in the ZFS cache (due to export).
current status:
zpool import shows the pool but I cannot import the pool using any way found on the internet.
zdb -e poolname shows me what i know: the pool, its name, that it (sadly) has 2 children which one is not availeable any more - and that the system has no informatioon about the missing child (so all tricks i found on internet in linked a ghost device etc. wont work either)
as far i know the only way is to use ZDB to generate all files through
the "journal" and pipe/save them to another path.
but how? Nowhere I found any documentation on that.
note: the 10 TB drive was 90% full, then I added the NVME partion as a sibling - as ZFS is no real raid 0 and due to the fact that these sibling have been so unequal in size and as I did not wrote many data after my mistake happened - I am quite sure that most of my data is still there.

Deleting files in Ceph does not free up space

I am using Ceph, uploading many files through radosgw. After, I want to delete the files. I am trying to do that in Python, like this:
bucket = conn.get_bucket(BUCKET)
for key in bucket.list():
Afterwards, I use bucket.list() to list files in the bucket, and this says that the bucket is now empty, as I intended.
However, when I run ceph df on the mon, it shows that the OSDs still have high utilization (e.g. %RAW USED 90.91). If I continue writing (thinking that the status data just hasn't caught up with the state yet), Ceph essentially locks up (100% utilization).
What's going on?
Note: I do have these standing out in ceph status:
3 near full osd(s)
too many PGs per OSD (2168 > max 300)
pool has many more objects per pg than average (too few pgs?)
From what I gather online, this wouldn't cause my particular issue. But I'm new to Ceph and could be wrong.
I have one mon and 3 OSDs. This is just for testing.
You can check if the object is really deleted by rados -p $pool list,
I knew for cephfs, when you delete a file, it will return ok when mds mark
it as deleted in local memory and then do real delete by sending delete messages to related osd.
Maybe radosgw use the same design to speed up delete

Memory issues with new version of Mongodb

I'm using Mongodb on my Windows server 2012 for more than two years. Since the last update some weird issues started to happen which in the end lead to usage of the entire RAM memory.
The service Iv'e configured for Mongodb is as follows:
#override port
#configsvr = true
shardsvr = true
And in order to limit the Cache memory usage Iv'e added the following line:
And this is where the weird stuff started happening. When I check the task manager it says that now Mongodb is really limited to 10GB as I defined in the service but it is actually using a lot more than 10GB.
In the first image you can see the memory consumption sorted by RAM consumption
While in fact the machine I'm using has 28GB in total
This crazy consumption leads to failure in the scripts I'm running, even the most basic ones, even when I only run simple queries like 'count' or 'distinct', I believe that this is a direct results of the memory consumption.
When I checked the log files I saw that there are many open connections that even when the session ends it indicates that still the same amount of connections is opened:
So in the end I have two major questions:
1. Is there a way of solving this issue without downgrading the Mongodb version?
2. The config file looks right? is everything there is necessary?
Memory usage in WiredTiger is a two-level cache:
First is the WiredTiger cache as controlled by --wiredTigerCacheSizeGB
Second is the Operating System filesystem cache. MongoDB automatically uses all free memory that is not used by the WiredTiger cache or by other processes
See also WiredTiger memory usage
For OS filesystem cache, MongoDB doesn't manage the memory it uses directly - it lets the OS manage it. Windows will try to use every last scrap of physical memory if it can - but lots of it should and will be thrown out if other processes request memory.
An alternative is to run mongod in a container (e.g. lxc, cgroups, Docker, etc.) that does not have access to all of the RAM available in a system.
Having said the above:
You are also running another database in the server i.e. mysqld. MongoDB, like some databases will perform better on a dedicated server to reduce memory contention.
Task Manager shows mongod is using 10GB, although the machine is using up to ~28GB. This may or may not be mongod as you have other processes as well.
Useful resources:
FAQ: Memory diagnostics for WiredTiger
FAQ: MongoDB Cache Handling
MongoDB Production Notes

What are some useful tips/tools for monitoring/tuning memcached health?

Yesterday, I found this cool script 'memcache-top' which nicely prints out stats of memcached live. It looks like,
memcache-top v0.6 (default port: 11211, color: on, refresh: 3 seconds)
INSTANCE USAGE HIT % CONN TIME EVICT/s READ/s WRITE/s 88.8% 94.8% 20 0.8ms 9.0 311.3K 162.8K
AVERAGE: 88.8% 94.8% 20 0.8ms 9.0 311.3K 162.8K
TOTAL: 1.8GB/ 2.0GB 20 0.8ms 9.0 311.3K 162.8K
(ctrl-c to quit.)
it even makes certain text red when you should pay attention to something!
Q. Broadly, what are some useful tools/techniques you've used to check that memcached is set up well?
Good interface to accessing Memcached server instances is phpMemCacheAdmin.
I prefer access from the command line using telnet.
To make a connection to Memcached using Telnet, use the following telnet localhost 11211 command from the command line.
If at any time you wish to terminate the Telnet session, simply type quit and hit return.
You can get an overview of the important statistics of your Memcached server by running the stats command once connected.
Memory is allocated in chunks internally and constantly reused. Since memory is broken into different size slabs, you do waste memory if your items do not fit perfectly into the slab the server chooses to put it in.
So Memcached allocates your data into different "slabs" (think of these as partitions) of memory automatically, based on the size of your data, which in turn makes memory allocation more optimal.
To list the slabs in the instance you are connected to, use the stats slab command.
A more useful command is the stats items, which will give you a list of slabs which includes a count of the items store within each slab.
Now that you know how to list slabs, you can browse inside each slab to list the items contained within by using the stats cachedump [slab ID] [number of items, 0 for all items] command.
If you want to get the actual value of that item, you can use the get [key] command.
To delete an item from the cache you can use the delete [key] command.
For a production systems, you should really set up active monitoring (with downtime alerts, automated restarts etc.) of Memcache using something like Monit. Here is an example config: Monitoring Memcache with Monit
It is good to monitor overall memory usage of memcached for resource planning.
Track the eviction statistics counter to know how often cached items are getting evicted due to lack of memory.
Track cache hit/misses, reclaims(The number of expired items removed to allow space for new writes), current connections, flush cmd which is available in stats.
Memcached stats (can be read from telnet, libmemcached, language specific library)
stats slabs
stats items
stats sizes
stats detail
stats settings
run the above commands using telnet
or simply run using netcat
echo "stats settings" | nc 11211
Other scripts/tools
memcached top
memcached metrics per slab
This is what memcached metrics per slab looks like
desc for some fields can be found here.
Memcached Prometheus exporter - Exports metrics from memcached servers for consumption by Prometheus.