how to manually insert data in core data - iphone

I am using core data first time. so I know how to insert data manually in core data.
First of all I have .csv file but I don't know how to insert data into core data from this .csv file
My entity name is: "HatList"
attribute1: "Category id"
attribute2: "Hat id"
attribute3: "Hat name"
I have read various links like link1 and link2
and other than these I have searched a lot but I didn't get proper idea.
so, can anyone give me proper code or information about my question?

Theres not a magical way to put the .csv into coredata, you have to parse it using NSScaner for example, like here: and then insert it as a managed object.
Alternatively you can try googling for a library that does this for you, im sure there has to be one.


Determining Table to Paste to On The Fly

How do I tell Filemaker what table to paste a value into based on the value? Is there a way to somehow have Filemaker paste a value into a table without hard coding the table name?
Using imported transaction data, I determine which ledger (table) the transaction should be posted to. But I can't seem to get the script to then post it into the right table based on the value.
Screenshot of Script
Thanks for the thoughtful suggestions!
I found a way to do what I was thinking, #AndreasT your suggestion helped.
Case (
Imported_Transactions::Debit_To = "Expenses_All"; "Expenses_All::Description";
Imported_Transactions::Debit_To = "Liability_CrCard_BofA"; Liability_CrCard_BofA::Description;
Imported_Transactions::Debit_To = "Liability_CrCard_CitiBusiness"; Liability_CrCard_CitiBusiness::Description;
Using the Case function, I was able to get Filemaker to put the data in the right table. It took some doing, but by putting the tablename::field in quotes, it worked.
Ultimately, though, I found it easier to just use one table and field descriptors to store my data. Simplicity makes it easier to produce reports.
You could use the conditional If script step to determine what table to insert data into based on your input.
Set field by name[ tablename::fieldname ; value ]

Inserting data properly in to sqlite database

I am developing an app that contains a view controller,where the user fills all the fields and when he clicks save,the data must get inserted in to the database.I am able to retrieve the primary key (id) for every reminder saved.But I am unable to insert data,as when I am trying to display it in console,it's displaying null.Please post the correct and relevant code of my requirement to save the data in to created table in database.
It's my humble request to post the code for performing an action in such a way that when I click save,the data must get inserted in to the table of database.I would be pretty glad If I can see the code for retrieval of data to display in the other controller(page) "View/Edit Reminder"...Please help me out.I tried all the ways,I have gone through 100's of solutions.
retrieved data from sqlite database and displaying it on grouped table view
Sqlite iPhone data insertion problem
how to insert value from one table to other table in sqlite3 database
SQLite3 database doesn't actually insert data - iPhone
Why does SQLite not bring back any results from my database
etc... etc... Please make me get out of this problem
Check the answer of this question:
Storing and retrieving data from sqlite database
It shows how to connect to a database, insert a new record, and retrieve an old one.
Check Out this link:-
how to insert only one username and password in sqlite database
I have explain two method first is how to read from a table and second how to write inside the database.Just before calling any of these methods you have to call the method checkandCreateDatabase.

Using SQLite database for Quiz game

For a Quiz game I would like to store the questions in a database containing 7 columns for the Primary key, Question, 4 answers, and the correct answer then run a random method that would pick on of the questions and populate several text fields with the data.
I would then store the value for the "correct answer" column in a variable for a if statement called later on when the user selects an answer.
I have attempted so many tutorials involving SQLite databases that I am very unclear how to do the following:
Connect my xcode project to the database (a read-only database stored in the resources folder)
Load the database into an object (or load each row at run time at each question to save memory?)
Make a method that randomly selects a row, then populates text fields with the data and stores the correct answer column into a variable.
I have been banging my head on my desk for several weeks now, so ANY help would be GREATLY appreciated!
Thanks guys!
iPhone Programming Tutorial – Creating a ToDo List Using SQLite Part 1
iPhone SDK Tutorial: Reading data from a SQLite Database
Selecting a Random Row in SQLite
And here is Core Data and How to select a random row if you want to give that a try

coldfusion - bind a form to the database

I have a large table which inserts data into the database. The problem is when the user edits the table I have to:
run the query
use lots of lines like value="<cfoutput>getData.firstname#</cfoutput> in the input boxes.
Is there a way to bind the form input boxes to the database via a cfc or cfm file?
Many Thanks,
Query objects include the columnList, which is a comma-delimited list of returned columns.
If security and readability aren't an issue, you can always loop over this. However, it basically removes your opportunity to do things like locking certain columns, reduces your ability to do any validation, and means you either just label the form boxes with the column names or you find a way to store labels for each column.
You can then do an insert/update/whatever with them.
I don't recommend this, as it would be nearly impossible to secure, but it might get you where you are going.
If you are using CF 9 you can use the ORM (Object Relation Management) functionality (via CFCs)
as described in this online chapter
(starting on page 6 of the pdf)
Take a look at <cfgrid>, it will be the easiest if you're editing table and it can fire 1 update per row.
For security against XSS, you should use <input value="#xmlFormat(getData.firstname)#">, minimize # of <cfoutput> tags. XmlFormat() not needed if you use <cfinput>.
If you are looking for an easy way to not have to specify all the column names in the insert query cfinsert will try to map all the form names you submit to the database column names.
This is indeed a very good question. I have no doubt that the answers given so far are helpful. I was faced with the same problem, only my table does not have that many fields though.
Per the docs EntityNew() the syntax shows that you can include the data when instantiating the object:
artistObj = entityNew("Artists",{FirstName="Tom",LastName="Ron"});
instead of having to instantiate and then add the data field by field. In my case all I had to do is:
artistObj = entityNew( "Artists", FORM );
EntitySave( artistObj );
It does appear from your question that you may be running insert or update queries. When using ORM you do not need to do that. But I may be mistaken.

Is it possible to store hidden metadata information that is tied to a specific Table or Cell within a Word document?

I am trying to store metadata (basically a unique id) along with each cell of a table in a Word document. Currently, for the add-in I'm developing, I am querying the database, and building a table inside the Word document using the data that is retrieved.
I want to be able to save any of the user's edits to the document, and persist it back to the database. My initial thought was to store a unique id along with each cell in the table so that I would be able to tell which records to update. I would also like to store some sort of "isChanged" flag within each cell so that I could tell which cells were changed. I found that I could add the needed information into the "ID" property of the cell - however, that information was not retained if the user saved the document, closed it, and re-opened it. I then tried storing the data by adding a data to the "Fields" collection - but that did not work and threw a runtime error. Here is the code that I tried:
object t1 = Word.WdFieldType.wdFieldEmpty;
object val = "myValue: " + counter;
object preserveFormatting = true;
tbl.Cell(i, j).Range.Fields.Add(tbl.Cell(i, j).Range, ref t1, ref val, ref preserveFormatting);
This compiles fine, but throws this runtime error "This command is not available".
So, is this possible at all? Or am I headed in the wrong direction?
Thanks in advance.
Wound up using "ContentControls" to store the information I needed. I used the "Title" field to store the unique id, and the "tag" field to track whether the field had been changed or not. See this link for more info:
Since a "Word 2007 Document" is XML, you can add a namespace to the document then adore the elements with attributes from your namespace. Word should ignore your namespace when loading and saving. Moreover, you can add new elments to store any information (metadata) needed.
With that said, I have not used this technique with Word, but I have done it successfully using Excel 2003.
First thing to try, is create a bare "Word 2007 Document". In your case, add a simple two by two table. Open it with a text or XML editor and add your namespace, and adore an attribute and add an element. Open with Word make a change then save it. Open with editor and make sure your namespace attribute and element have not been changed.