MongoDB findAndModify Optimization - mongodb

Currently we write a lot of records into MongoDB, while doing findAndModify in another process (basically we want an atomic update on one field of the record when we are querying). The problem is, findAndModify seems to slow at 30 ops/sec, that's not acceptable for our request, is there any good way to optimize it?

If you could post your exact query that would help, but I suspect that you are not currently specifying the fields
Try specifying not to return fields you don't need - remember this is FIND and modify
So it fetches a document, as well as modifying it.


In MongoDB, is there a way to update many documents and get the documents that were modified in a single call?

I'm working with the Mongo Java Driver, but looking through Mongo's documentation, it doesn't look driver specific.
update(filter, update) can update multiple documents but returns a WriteResult which only provides flags/counts.
findOneAndUpdate(filter, update) returns the actual document that was modified, but it can only update one document at a time.
Is there no way to do this in one call? If not, the client would have to call find(filter), then update(filter, update), then find(...) with a new filter matching the IDs obtained in the initial find (since the update can potentially change document values that were in the initial filter).
Is there a better way?
I am unaware of any write commands that return a cursor, which is essentially what you are asking for, nor am I seeing anything relevant in driver source.

Performance loss with big size of collections

I've a collection that name "test" and has 132K documents in it. When I get first document of the collection it takes between 2-5ms but it's not same for last documation. It takes 100-200ms to pull.
So I've decided to ask the community.
My questions
What is the best document amount in one collection for the performance?
Why does it take so long to get last document from the collection? (I actually don't know how mongo works partially.)
What should I do for this issue and future problems?
After some search of how mongodb works, I found the solution. I didn't use any indexes for my collection so whenever I try to pull something it scans each data and each document. After creating some indexes for my needs, it is much more faster, actually 1ms, than before.
Create indexes for your collection and your needs. It'd be effective write and read operation both. Do not forget to search more 'cause there're some options like background which prevents blocking operations while creating index.

Updating data in Mongo sorted by a particular field

I posted this question on Software Engineering portal without conducting any tests. It was also brought to my notice that this needs to be posted on SO, not there. Thanks for the help in advance!
I need Mongo to return the documents sorted by a field value. The easiest way to achieve this would be running the command db.collectionName.find().sort({field:priority}), however, I tried this method on a dummy collection of 1000 documents; it runs in 22ms. I also tried running db.collectionName.find() on the same data, it runs in 3ms, which means that Mongo is taking time to sort and return the documents (which is understandable). Both tests were done in the same environment and were done by adding .explain("executionStats") to the query.
I will be working with a large amount of data and concurrent requests to access DB, so I need the querying to be faster. My question is, is there a way to always keep the data sorted by a field in the DB so that I don't have to sort it over and over for all requests? For instance, some sort of update command that could sort the entire DB once a week or so?
A non-unique index with that field in this collection will give the results you're after and avoid the inefficient in-memory sorting.

MongoDB update (add field to nearly every document) is very very slow

I am working on a MongoDB cluster.
One DB named bnccdb, with a collection named AnalysedLiterature. It has about 7,000,000 documents in it.
For each document, I want to add two keys and then update this document.
I am using Java client. So I query this document, add these both keys to the BasicDBObject and then I use the save() method to update this object. I found the speed is so slow that it will take me nearly several weeks to complete the update for this whole collection.
I wonder the reason why my update operation is so slow is that what I do is add keys.
This will cause a disk/block re-arrangement in the background, so this operation becomes extremely time-consuming.
After I changed from save() to update, problem remains.This is my status information.
From the output of mongostat,it is very obvious that the faults rate is absolutely high.But I don't know what cased it.
Anyone can help me?

Why mongodb only updates the first matching document in the collection?

Consider a collection student contains the following documents.
I want to update all the documents whose name is “Nithin” as age=60.
If we execute the following query it will only update the first document.
For update all the documents I have to use the query
What is the reason by default mongodb not updating all the documents by executing db.student.update({name:”Nithin”},{age:60}) ? What is the motivation for creating separate queries for updating all the documents? Is it improving the performance?
Originally, in the early early days of MongoDB (pre 1.1) it was not possible to update multiple documents. This was a feature added around 1.1.3.
You can see it in the release notes, New Feature 268.
I'm guessing this was not enabled by default for backwards compatibility with previous versions.
This may not really be the reason but I find the additional multi parameter as a safeguard to prevent accidental update of multiple records when one intends to update a single document only, something like accidentally performing UPDATE...SET on SQL without specifying additional constraints.
Again this is just an assumption but may not really be the case.
I suppose part of the reason might be to avoid people coming from the SQL world to think about multi-document updates as isolated transactions.
In fact, during a long update MongoDB will periodically yield control to other queries which can potentially modify the same dataset.
So, by explicitly setting multi=true you are somewhat acknowledging this fact (well, not really, but I guess that's the spirit...)