zf scaffolding tools [closed] - zend-framework

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Closed 10 years ago.
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Are there any open source projects any of you would recommend to follow or contribute toward, including those already documented among the zf contributors, to add zend framework scaffolding of crud functionality for rapid development as found in most competitors frameworks?
As a contributor of not only the language and framework, but also as a user of zf on a daily basis, I know this is a topic of interest and I feel professional developers like you would find here would have something to contribute toward my question and finding a library that is underway that can be contributed to.

Still pointing out one Repo that generates a new module with folder structure, config and module class
Inforbiro / ZF2-Code-Generator
While personally i feel this to be more troublesome than doing it by hand, it's a first step only. Though it appears development already has stopped, for now.
If ever (and i'm pretty sure) there will be a ZF2-Tool, you'll find it at the zf-commons repository

Sorry, apparently this is not an appropriate question to ask, i've learned, at stackoverflow. Didn't realize this kind of question wasn't allowed since it doesn't have code I guess.


Which one is best to consume Restful WebServices for Xamarin.Forms? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I want to go with Xamarin.Forms project. Now, I am bit confuse for consuming Rest API for this project. Performance matters.
There are many available but can any body please suggest me which should be best for Xamarin.Forms(.Net Standard)?
Microsoft Http Libraries or third party libraries like Refit, RESTSharp, PortableRest, etc.
Please suggest
All of these options are viable. I think the performance differences between these libraries will be marginal. So, it mostly comes down to what you feel comfortable with.
I like to use Refit because it will take a lot of redundant code out of your hands and you just have to focus on the contract. All the code for the actual calls is generated at compile-time (and thus won't impact your performance at runtime).
Also have a look at how well the library is maintained and if it's active. If you choose one that is already inactive for a while, chances are that you will start relying on older software versions which might not be what you want.

Using GitHub as a work experience portfolio [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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Would using GitHub as a work experience portfolio, including personal projects in various languages/frameworks, be a good practice when seeking employment?
Yes. You'll want to target the specific companies you are applying to, as well. For example, does the company you are targeting value, use, or promote open source projects? Then find some contributions you can make, especially if that company has their own open source projects on GitHub.com.
Definitely host your own projects with a very clear README.md that explains the purpose of the project, anything that showcases design decisions you made, and clear instructions on how to launch/run your project.
No, Since github functions as a site where you host your codes, employers won't have time to access and examine each of your codes.
Your future employer may not check out your code, but it will prove that development is your hobby and not only your job.
Put your github repo link in your resume

Github equivalent to Launchpad "Questions & Answers" [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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For Launchpad projects, it is possible to offer community support thanks to the Questions & Answers. How can I enable similar functionality for my Github project? Is there something already offered by Github, or some other site? The purpose is to help with for example software installation.
I believe there's nothing like that on GitHub. However, exploiting available tools, I would use the project wiki to build a knowledge base about your software, and the issue tracker (perhaps with some kind of "documentation" category/label) as a mean to reproduce Q&A threads, which ideally should result in a wiki page (that you'll need to put together yourself) with some kind of definitive answer to the specific question.
There is no Q&A functionality in Github. Q&As and forums can, however, be created at other sites, for example googlegroups.

Site where you can submit your Scala code and have it reviewed [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
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Does anyone know of a site, newsgroup, message board, etc. where I can submit some of my Scala code to have it "reviewed" by experienced Scala developers? The code works and whatnot, but I'd really like to learn to be more idiomatic when coding Scala, and often I find myself reverting to more imperative like development because I can't find a "better way."
Try on Code Review
My advice is to upload your project to github - make sure to add copyright and licensing information. Then post the one or two relevant short snippets on Code Review and link to your project on github.
Note that there are plenty of questions here on stackoverflow where users have asked to turn something that is imperative to something more functional or idiomatic. The key is to break down your problems into distinct issues you're trying to solve then take the one that has the most chance to get an answer and ask a question about it. If you can make it self contained then that really good. See https://stackoverflow.com/search?tab=relevance&q=%5bscala%5d%20%20idiomatic for some ideas...

Software Configuration Management - Has Google Got it Wrong? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I am learning about SCM - I have looked at the usual places like wiki and google. But Google Code University gives a funny description of SCM: Google Code University
It is completely void of any mention of build tools such as ANT which I thought were a key factor in SCM, has Google got it wrong?
Well, wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Software_configuration_management says this
In software engineering, software configuration management (SCM) is the task of tracking and controlling changes in the software. Configuration management practices include revision control and the establishment of baselines.
So that includes tools like SVN, not necessarily ANT