Adding IcedCoffeeScript keywords to Webstorm Intellisense - coffeescript

I want to add a few IcedCoffeeScript keywords to the CoffeeScript files highlighting, but the edit button is grayed out for the CoffeeScript file type. Is there a way that I could duplicate a file type that's already in the list and add keywords? Or, is there a simple way to add keywords to an existing filetype? Why is edit file type grayed out for CoffeeScript files but not others?

No -- you cannot extend existing language by adding your own keywords, as original support is done via Java-based plugin (for proper language support: syntax, inspections, validations, code completions, refactorings etc).
Actual ticket on JetBrains Issue Tracker:


Goto definition like feature in custom (user-defined) language in notepad++

Is there any way (by means of plugins or settings) to create (by that I mean modifying, adding & deleting) custom tags in notepad++?
By tags I mean, to jump to the definition of an instance used anywhere in project (some kind of like 'goto definition' function like we have in other popular languages like C, C++, C#).
I searched for this topic but could not find satisfactory result.
My requirement:
I have created a custom language in Notepad++ (by adding keywords, coloring patterns and other rules). Now I need the way to add custom tags for this language. How can I achieve this?
With the help of tags I should be able to navigate to definition (just like goto definition in other popular languages) in the particular project (all files in project or at least opened files).
Now I need the way to add custom tags for this language. How can I achieve this?
If you're using Exuberant Ctags you can configure a new language definition using just a handful of regular expressions.
For example this link shows how to configure ctags for the Clipper language using this regexp approach:
I have just had to deal with essentially the same issue. I am using Notepad++ with a legacy codebase written in a custom markup language. Each file can contain cross references to definitions in other files, so a way of jumping to the definition would be very useful.
It has not been easy to find a solution that meets all four requirements: a goto definiton feature that works across multiple files and for a custom language in Notepad++. I found this question while searching for a solution; the answer jussij provided is good but it does not really provide a complete solution.
I ended up using the SourceCookifier plugin with a custom language definition. There is not a huge amount of guidance online about how to use it, but once installed you can use it to manually create a language definition using regex rules.
SourceCookifier will work for your language if you can configure the following:
A set of file extensions used by the language
A set of tag types (i.e. a function, class, variable)
A set of POSIX Basic Regular Expressions for locating each tag type, see this post
Once a language has been defined, you can highlight any instance of a found tag and use the shortcut Ctrl+Shift+Enter to jump to the definition of that tag. This can work across a whole codebase of files if you provide it with a list of files to inspect, it calls this a 'session'. All you need to do is drag and drop your codebase folder into the SourceCookifier sidebar window. The codebase I was working with is very large, so I am only using basic functionality, see this post for a good explination of that. The goto definition shortcut can also be added to a right-click context menu, see this post.

Is there an auto complete in Sublime Text 2 when integrating it with SASS?

I've noticed that it does auto completes CSS properties and values, but not the case with SCSS.
Check out the sass-textmate-bundle port for ST2. According to the readme,
This add-on adds syntax highlighting and tab/code completion for Sass and SCSS files. It features Zen Coding shortcuts for many CSS properties, making you look like some kind of stylesheet wizard to everyone around you. You've got to like that.
You might also want to take a look at SublimeCodeIntel. While not specifically for SASS/SCSS, it features context-sensitive autocomplete based on what you've already typed in the file, so it may be useful on top of what ST2 already provides.
Both of these are available through Package Control.

Is There Mustache Syntax Highlighter Or Plugin For NetBeans?

There are such thing as Mustache. I'm using NetBeans and I need to edit .mustache files. The problem is that when I open it using NetBeans, syntax is just like for plain text.
1) Is it possible to have HTML-like syntax for .mustache files?
2) Is there any plugin that allows to work easier with Mustache? I have found only this tutorial.
If creating your own plugin is to hard, you might be already content if mustache templates are displayed as (normal) HTML instead of plain text.
This can be configured in Options > Miscellaneous > Files. Create a 'New' file extension named 'mustache'. Than select 'HTML Files (text/html)' as associated file type.
It seemes that the way described at the link you've posted is
only way: write your own plugin for netbeans (it's quite difficult task)
1) Follow
2) But the more difficult thing is to implement your language definition as an embedded one.
It's needed if you want to highlight mustache template tags inside other language files (html, xhtml)
In older versions of NetBeans was a really simple api and module (it cannot be itegrated with all the platform services, like refactoring and so on) but it was based on grammar definition (BNF or something like that) and color scheme for tokens.
I think better is to open this files as text/x-twig.

Eclipse plug-in: Create a new file extension for a language not supported by Eclipse

I am creating an Eclipse plug-in for it to support a new language. The problem I have is with the content type/file association and its respective editor.
The language has no base in Java or XML and let's say its extension is '.xyz'
From what I understood of research online, I would need to create a new Content Type with file extension '.xyz'. But all the information I have found online has related to either associating a new extension with java (for java syntax highlighting) or creating a new type of file which can be a variant of XML, hence having a lot of details about the describer.
Basically, I am confused about the content describer, am I also to create a new describer for a new language? And what base-type would I give for a language not related to XML or JAVA at all?
Also, since I will be adding my own syntax highlighting, would I need to create my own editor or can I just open such a file in the pre-set editorArea (editors).
The package I am looking at for content types is org.eclipse.core.contenttype.contentTypes.
I realised that I never really picked an answer for this question and eventually I found some useful information on it, so I thought I would share it.
This is the information I understood and used; I apologize if there are any errors or I have misunderstood, and I am open to any corrections.
It was actually a lot simpler than I expected.
To create a new file extension, you just need to extend
If you are using the PDE, then you can just right click on the extension (once it is added in the extensions tab) and choose New... -> content-type
Here is the xml code for it,
name="XYZ File"
Here you can set the properties of this content-type by defining a unique id, a human-readable name and the extension. You can also give multiple extensions for this content type. For example, my XYZ language can have 2 types of extension '.xyz, and '.xyzz'.
The content describer comes in when I have one generic file-extension: '.xy' but the content or format of the file may differentiate and so I need a describer for the editor to be able to go through the content of the file and recognize the difference. This is handy for syntax highlighting where I need to know the differences.
Since I am not very good at explaining this, this link was extremely useful to me.
But all in all, this tutorial is what set me on my pace and has actually taken me far in understanding how to implement an IDE plug-in for Eclipse. I think it is a very ideal place to start, especially for someone new.
Another place that kept my work going is the Eclipse FAQs but I would specifically like to point out to section 3.5 Implementing Support for Your Own Language which has many tutorial links.
Note: this (new language support, custom syntax highlighting, ...) is the kind of feature provided with XText.
Xtext - Language Development Framework
With Xtext you can easily create your own programming languages and domain-specific languages (DSLs).
The framework supports the development of language infrastructures including compilers and interpreters as well as full blown Eclipse-based IDE integration.
Since the sources are available, you might have a lots of clues to illustrate the usage of the packages you are currently looking.

Is it possible in Eclipse to define syntax highlighting for a language without resorting to Java programming?

I am looking for a way to define some syntax coloring for a language in Eclipse. I only need to highlight certain sets of keywords, so the logic is trivial. So I would like to be able to define these in a plain definition file. Is there perhaps some Eclipse plugin which allows this, or is it possible out of the box?
XText is a more generic and complex solution, which will generate for you the code for a custom Editor able to offer the usual IDE features, that are derived from a grammar (your "plain definition file"), including.
syntax coloring, but also
model navigation (F3, etc.),
code completion,
outline view, and
code templates.
The EclipseColorer plugin may fit the bill!
It's a bit fiddly, but try
It uses the jEdit syntax highlighting files. So you need to create your highlighting file and add it to the jar in the plugin, as well as editing the catalog file in there to include it.
I used jEdit itself to test and debug my custom highlighting, rather than having to exit Eclipse, make the change and reload it each time.