Is there an auto complete in Sublime Text 2 when integrating it with SASS? - autocomplete

I've noticed that it does auto completes CSS properties and values, but not the case with SCSS.

Check out the sass-textmate-bundle port for ST2. According to the readme,
This add-on adds syntax highlighting and tab/code completion for Sass and SCSS files. It features Zen Coding shortcuts for many CSS properties, making you look like some kind of stylesheet wizard to everyone around you. You've got to like that.
You might also want to take a look at SublimeCodeIntel. While not specifically for SASS/SCSS, it features context-sensitive autocomplete based on what you've already typed in the file, so it may be useful on top of what ST2 already provides.
Both of these are available through Package Control.


Custom VSCode extension: embed native editor in webview

I want to have a webview, that embeds the native editor (see image).
The embedded part does not need to have a tabbing-feature. It would be enough to have the editor object, that I fill and update manually per Javascript.
Is that possible? How would I do that?
I want to show various file contents within my own webview. These contents should be editable and have all functionality, that the vscode editor has (e.g. syntax highlighting, multiple cursors, intellisense,...). At best, also 3rd party extensions should work within them.
I don't want to start implementing the whole editor again, so I'm searching for a way to embed the editor.
It is not possible to embed the native editor that comes with VS Code. The extension API simply does not support it.
The closest you can get is to import the code of the editor into your webview. The editor is called Monaco and is available via the npm package monaco-editor. It supports most (or all?) of the features offered by VS Code editor, such as IntelliSense.
However, since this editor would be unaware of the installed VS Code extensions, themes and configuration options, it will behave differently than native editors. You might be able to improve the user experience by manually propagating configuration options and themes, but this would require a significant amount of work and might not be possible for other things, such as support for language servers or third party extensions.

How to do JavaScript autocompletion in Geany?

Is it possible to make in Geany JavaScript autocompletion?
If it is possible it would be better if it will work without Ctrl+Space like in sublime
Unfortunately, your question is not very clear in terms what you expect from auto completion. Geany is supporting e.g. static tags -- which can be self generated or downloaded from the wiki. To enable them go to Tools->Load tags. Also it supports some session based autocompletion, which is turned on by default.
Please take care, as there is a difference between inline JavaScript and explicit JavaScript-file.

In the Eclipse HTML editor, is there an easy way to have custom tags available in content assist (autocomplete)?

I'm learning to use a new hosted e-commerce system at work which uses a proprietary markup/scripting language for its page templates. They are similar to JSP pages (although the server tags don't have a prefix, i.e. there is no "xsp:") and use ${expressions} similar to Expression Language. We are transitioning from a .Net system, so all of my fellow devs are very used to having thorough IntelliSense available in our editors.
So, my question is whether it is possible to make these custom tags available in content assist, and whether it is worth the hassle if there is any. (I'm aware the latter is subjective - I'm a reasonable guy and open to opinions.)
FYI, I'm more concerned with auto-completion of tags, but expressions would be great as well depending on how much work is involved. We are using eclipse for Java EE, Juno (core IDE v4.2.1) with WTP... Sorry I'm not really sure how or what to share as far as versions and components go! Let me know if any additional info would help.
Thanks in advance.
A decidedly non-hassle-free answer would be to create an Eclipse plug-in to support your proprietary template language. One place to start might be Veloeclipse, a HTML/XML/JSP/Velocity Editor for Eclipse, which claims to have the following features which you may find interesting:
Smart indentation of velocity directives (on pressing return or when using tabs)
Code folding
Code Formatting
Smart indentation of html tags (on pressing return or when using tabs)
Syntax highlighting for both html and velocity
Autocompletion and Content assist for tags, directives and references (Ctrl + space in html attribute values or when opening or closing tags)
Sources here:

Adding IcedCoffeeScript keywords to Webstorm Intellisense

I want to add a few IcedCoffeeScript keywords to the CoffeeScript files highlighting, but the edit button is grayed out for the CoffeeScript file type. Is there a way that I could duplicate a file type that's already in the list and add keywords? Or, is there a simple way to add keywords to an existing filetype? Why is edit file type grayed out for CoffeeScript files but not others?
No -- you cannot extend existing language by adding your own keywords, as original support is done via Java-based plugin (for proper language support: syntax, inspections, validations, code completions, refactorings etc).
Actual ticket on JetBrains Issue Tracker:

OpenOffice syntax highlighting

I have some big documentation to do that will contain pieces of code I'd like to give the conventional "coding language" syntax highlighting. I've searched the styles feature to do such a thing, but there is no way to do that (in fact I could only found a forum where people were fighting about adding this feature or not, but this is not the point).
There is an abandoned extension for OpenOffice, but using it freezes my installation of OpenOffice.
What's the easiest way to do this? Should I try to recompile the extension and debug it (although I'm already having a hard time compiling another Java project), or maybe I should use a macro? How to implement this?
One possibility is to use one of the many code to html tools out there and then include the html in your OpenOffice document (using "File..." on the Insert menu).
One possibility is highlight. Vim has a :TOhtml command that will convert the current file to syntax highlighted html using the current colour scheme. I've not tried it, but this looks promising. There are also a few online ones, such as this. I'm sure there are a great many other options.