changing the values specified on the axis - matlab - matlab

I am trying to generate the following graph:
Up until now I managed to do the following:
close all
y=gaussmf(x,[3 3]);
y1=gaussmf(x,[3 -3]);
hold on
hold on
hold on
I didn't manage to adjust the x axis so it will mark the values -12:3:12 instead of -15:5:15.

You're wanting your tick locations in different places? You can set them manually by changing the 'Xtick' property of your graphics object, as in
set(gca,'xtick', -12:3:12)


How to control the default distance between ticks of the Y axis?

Here is a simple MATLAB code. How to control the default distance between ticks of the Y axis? I want to make it smaller to fit in my paper. Hint: I update the post with 2 picture that shows what I mean (they are the same but the distance between the y axis ticks is smaller in one picture that the other.
x = linspace(-10,10,200);
y = sin(4*x)./exp(x);
xlim([0 10])
ylim([-0.4 0.8])
You can control the tick by using the gca object of the plot. Here is an example for xtick. Change 'xtick' to 'ytick':
set(gca, 'xtick', [-10:2:10]);
If you want to change the x-axis tick labels with new labels, then you can change the values of the labels as follows:
% specify the ticks first where you want to change
xticks([0 2 4 6 8])
% change the corresponding labels to the required ones
xticklabels({'-1', '-2', '-3', '-4', '-5'})
You can modify the height of the graph, maintaining the number and values of the tick marks, which makes the distance between tick marks smaller.
To do so, set the figure window’s 'Position' property (this is equivalent to dragging the edges of the window to make the figure smaller), and setting the locations of the tick marks manually to prevent MATLAB from reducing their number. For example:
h = gcf; % figure handle
a = gca; % axes handle
ticks = get(a,'YTick');
pos = get(h,'Position');
pos(4) = pos(4) * 0.75; # reduce the size
You should also note the PaperPosition, PaperSize and other Paper... properties of the figure, as they are used when printing (also to file). You might want to manually set those properties before creating a PDF or EPS from the graph.
Here is even a simpler way then what #Cris suggested:
ax = axes;
ax.YTickMode = 'manual';
ax.Position(4) = ax.Position(4)*0.75;
by setting the YTickMode to manual you prevent Matlab from updating the ticks upon resizing of the axes. Then you change the hight of the axes by setting the position property directly.

Switch axes on .fig matlab

While editing a .fig matlab file, I want to swap the x and y axes without redrawing the plot by code (without changing the order of vector data). Does a solution exist to my problem? Is there some option in the figure properties menu? Thanks in advance.
In addition to Luis 's answer you can set the current axes View property to [90 -90] directly from the property inspector.
Programmatically this is equivalent to this:
set(gca,'View',[90 -90])
Thanks to Luis for the correction. Using [-90 90] does swap the axis but then you need to reverse the direction of the y-axis. Therefore it's better to use [90 -90].
Simple example:
Before swap:
And then after changing the view:
You can directly access the 'XData' and 'YData' properties of each plot and swap them:
c = get(gca,'children'); %// get children of axes
for n = 1:numel(children); %// for each children
set(c(n),'XData',get(c(n),'YData'),'YData',get(c(n),'XData')); %// swap XData, YData

How to change limits of y-axis? `ylim` does not work

When the graph below is plotted, NSS1 which is simply a constant set equal to one is right on the top border of the graph and thus hard to see.
How can I change the length of the y-axis to say 1.2 so that the NSS1 can be seen more clearly?
%ylim([0, 1.2])
xlabel('t = 0 to 30y', 'FontSize',30)
The reason why ylim doesn't work if you put it before the plot command is that there is no axes object it can relate to.
So there are two options:
First, you create an axes object and hold it with hold on, so the upcoming plot is plotted on the same axis.
ax = axes; hold on;
ylim([0, 1.2])
or second, you plot first, the command automatically generates an axes object and you can modify its y-limits afterwards:
ylim([0, 1.2])

MATLAB: adding a plot to an axis

I am using plotyy to plot two vectors on different y-axes. I wish to add a third vector to one of the two axes. Can someone please tell me why the following code is not working?
[ax h1 h2] = plotyy(1:10,10*rand(1,10),1:10,rand(1,10));
hold on; plot(ax(2),1:10,rand(1,10));
??? Error using ==> plot
Parent destroyed during line creation
I simply wish to add an additional vector to one of the axes (ax(1),ax(2)) created by plotyy.
Apply hold to the axis of interest.
[ax h1 h2] = plotyy(1:10,10*rand(1,10),1:10,rand(1,10));
hold(ax(2), 'on');
plotyy works by creating two axes, one on top of the other. You are carefully adding the new vector to the second axis. The hold property is also a per-axis property, so you just need to make sure that the hold is set on the same axis.

Matlab: Plot a subplot with hold on and hold off in a loop without always calling xlabel, ylabel, xlim, etc

Matlab question: this might be really simple but I can't figure it out...I'm pretty new. I have a plot window, broken up into two subplots, lets call them A and B, which have different labels and limits. I (hold on), make several plots to B, then I (hold off), then start iterating. In the loop, I want to update both A and B with NEW plots, but I want the axis labels, and xlim and ylim to stay the same, WITHOUT having to call xlabel, xlim, etc every iteration.
Now, (hold off) destroys all axis properties. How do I save the axis properties so I don't have to keep calling xlabel, etc in the loop? I've tried newplot, setting the Nextplot property, etc to no avail. I'd like a simple solution please...not something like re-writing the plot command. Thanks!
hax = axes('Parent',hfig);
hold on
%this hold off resets the axes
hold off
while (1)
subplot('Position',[.07 .05 .92 .44]);
%I want to do this without having to call xlabel, ylabel, etc
%over and over
plot(newx, newy);
hold on
plot(newx1, newx2)
hold off
One solution here is to initialize your plot and axes properties before your loop, then within your loop set the 'NextPlot' property of the axes to 'replacechildren' so that only the plot objects (and not the axes settings) will be changed on the next call to PLOT:
hFigure = figure();
hAxes = axes('Parent',hFigure);
hold on;
xlabel(...); %# Set the x label
ylabel(...); %# Set the y label
xlim([...]); %# Set the x limits
ylim([...]); %# Set the y limits
while (1)
hold on;
This should maintain the settings for hAxes when new data is plotted in the loop.