How to change limits of y-axis? `ylim` does not work - matlab

When the graph below is plotted, NSS1 which is simply a constant set equal to one is right on the top border of the graph and thus hard to see.
How can I change the length of the y-axis to say 1.2 so that the NSS1 can be seen more clearly?
%ylim([0, 1.2])
xlabel('t = 0 to 30y', 'FontSize',30)

The reason why ylim doesn't work if you put it before the plot command is that there is no axes object it can relate to.
So there are two options:
First, you create an axes object and hold it with hold on, so the upcoming plot is plotted on the same axis.
ax = axes; hold on;
ylim([0, 1.2])
or second, you plot first, the command automatically generates an axes object and you can modify its y-limits afterwards:
ylim([0, 1.2])


Hold on only the axis, not the data

I want my graph to fixed axes and also plot the data one by one. Everything is already known, however if i use hold off to remove the first set of data, it also forgets the limits on the axes and automatically assigns new limits for the second set of data.
Is it somehow possible to keep the axes the same for each time a separate data piece is plotted in the same figure?
code for now is:
grid on
axis([xL yL zL])
for j = 1:n % n is amount of data sets
for i = 1:2 % two items drawn per data set
*plot data*
hold on
%This part has to be done every iteration again in order to make it work now
axis([xL yL zL])
xlabel = ...
hold off
after some searching the only relevant topic i found was; Matlab: Plot a subplot with hold on and hold off in a loop without always calling xlabel, ylabel, xlim, etc
However i do not understand it at all. It uses a parent figure, replacechildren, nextplot and such which i am not familiar with and also cant find much information about.
Here's an example that can be easily adapted to your needs:
xlim([0 10]) %// set x-axis limits
ylim([0 10]) %// set y-axis limits
set(gca,'nextplot','replacechildren') %// prevent axis limits from changing with
%// each new plot
plot(3:8,3:8); %// note axis limits are kept as [0 10]
plot(5:7,5:7); %// note axis limits are kept as [0 10]

Resizing of axes when plotting in the same figure

Please, create two functions to be able to reproduce what I mean:
First function:
function testPlot1()
pointData = rand(20000,3);
%hold on; % <- if commented out, does not work
plot3(pointData(:,1), pointData(:,2), pointData(:,3),'Marker', '.', 'MarkerEdgeColor', 'b','MarkerSize', 5, 'LineStyle', 'none');
axis equal;
xh = xlabel('X');
yh = ylabel('Y');
zh = zlabel('Z');
set([xh,yh, zh],...
Second function:
function testPlot2(fighandle)
hold on;
plot3([0 3],[0 3],[0 3], 'r', 'LineWidth', 10);
If you now call
you will get the following:
If you however uncomment the "hold on" line in testPlot1() and call the above statement again, you will get:
To me this is unclear behavior. In the first case, testPlot1() creates a figure, draws the point cloud into it and modifies the axes properties. Then the call to testPlot2(gca) adds the line to the figure, but the line is clipped.
In the second case however the line is not clipped anymore. Why is it now not clipped and previously it was?
It seems to be related to the changes I make in the axes properties in testPlot1(). Could somebody explain this behavior to me? (why does it work with hold on, what do my changes in the axes properties cause)
hold on is a Matlab command (hold off turns it off again), where you can draw multiple elements on a single figure without the previous elements being erased.
What happens
If you call the plot function, a figure is created (or an already exisiting figure is used!) and Matlab draws a new plot into that figure. The previous plot that was in that figure is gone.
If you want to add more points to your plot, you can call hold on and then call plot again, this time with different numbers and maybe a different colour or so.
However, if you forget to turn hold off again for the active figure, any drawing activity you do (like plot) will be added to the figure. This is what happens in your second image in your question. You drew some points in the range 0 to 1, and then in the second function, you add some more but in the range 2 to 3. As a result, the axes expand to the range of 0 to 3.
Alternatively, you can call figure, which will cause a new figure to appear. figure_handle = figure(); will return a figure handle, which you can pass to your function, in case you have multiple figures and want to change one of them after a while.

changing the values specified on the axis - matlab

I am trying to generate the following graph:
Up until now I managed to do the following:
close all
y=gaussmf(x,[3 3]);
y1=gaussmf(x,[3 -3]);
hold on
hold on
hold on
I didn't manage to adjust the x axis so it will mark the values -12:3:12 instead of -15:5:15.
You're wanting your tick locations in different places? You can set them manually by changing the 'Xtick' property of your graphics object, as in
set(gca,'xtick', -12:3:12)

MATLAB: adding a plot to an axis

I am using plotyy to plot two vectors on different y-axes. I wish to add a third vector to one of the two axes. Can someone please tell me why the following code is not working?
[ax h1 h2] = plotyy(1:10,10*rand(1,10),1:10,rand(1,10));
hold on; plot(ax(2),1:10,rand(1,10));
??? Error using ==> plot
Parent destroyed during line creation
I simply wish to add an additional vector to one of the axes (ax(1),ax(2)) created by plotyy.
Apply hold to the axis of interest.
[ax h1 h2] = plotyy(1:10,10*rand(1,10),1:10,rand(1,10));
hold(ax(2), 'on');
plotyy works by creating two axes, one on top of the other. You are carefully adding the new vector to the second axis. The hold property is also a per-axis property, so you just need to make sure that the hold is set on the same axis.

How to make 1-D plots in MATLAB?

How can I make plots in MATLAB like in below?
I won't need labels, so you can ignore them. I tried using normal 2D plot, by giving 0 to y parameter for each data points. It does help, but most of the plot remains empty/white and I don't want that.
How can I solve this problem?
This is how I plot(playing with values of ylim does not help):
hold on
for i=1:120
if genders(v_labels(i)) == CLASS_WOMAN
plot(v_images_lda(i,:) * w_lda,0,'r*');
plot(v_images_lda(i,:) * w_lda,0,'b.');
title('LDA 1D Plot');
ylim([-0.2 0.2]);
hold off
One way to do this would be to adjust the 'XLim', 'YLim', and 'DataAspectRatio' properties of the axes so that it renders as essentially a single line. Here's an example:
data1 = rand(1,20)./2; %# Sample data set 1
data2 = 0.3+rand(1,20)./2; %# Sample data set 2
hAxes = axes('NextPlot','add',... %# Add subsequent plots to the axes,
'DataAspectRatio',[1 1 1],... %# match the scaling of each axis,
'XLim',[0 1],... %# set the x axis limit,
'YLim',[0 eps],... %# set the y axis limit (tiny!),
'Color','none'); %# and don't use a background color
plot(data1,0,'r*','MarkerSize',10); %# Plot data set 1
plot(data2,0,'b.','MarkerSize',10); %# Plot data set 2
And you will get the following plot:
Here's one way to reproduce your figure using dsxy2figxy and annotate. dsxy2figxy can be hard to find the first time, as it is not really in your path. It is part of the MATLAB package and is provided in the example functions. You can reach it by searching for it in the help docs and once you find it, open it and save it to a folder in your path.
hold on
axis off
This will produce the following figure:
This is sort of a hackish way to do it, as I've tricked MATLAB into printing just one subplot. All rasterized formats (jpeg, png, etc) will not give you the same result, as they'll all print the entire figure including where the non-declared subplots should've been. So to get this effect, it has to be an eps, and it works with it because eps uses much tighter bounding boxes... so all the meaningless whitespace is trimmed. You can then convert this to any other format you want.
Ok so the closest I have come to solving this is the following
hax = gca();
hold on
for i=1:120
if genders(v_labels(i)) == CLASS_WOMAN
plot(v_images_lda(i,:) * w_lda,0,'r*');
plot(v_images_lda(i,:) * w_lda,0,'b.');
set(hax, 'visible', 'off');
hax2 = axes();
set(hax2, 'color', 'none', 'ytick', [], 'ycolor', get(gcf, 'color');
pos = get(hax, 'position');
set(hax2, 'position', [pos(1), pos(2)+0.5*pos(4), pos(3), 0.5*pos(4)]);
title('LDA 1D Plot');
hold off
So in short, I hid the original axis and created a new one located at 0 of the original axis, and as I couldn't remove the y axis completely I set it's color to the background color of the figure.
You can then decide if you also want to play with the tick marks of the x-axis.
Hope this helps!
Very naive trick but a useful one.
Plot in 2d using matlab plot function. Then using edit figure properties compress it to whichever axis you need a 1D plot on !! Hope that helps :)