mqsvc.exe pegs cpu at full usage when deploying nservicebus to production - msmq

When I deployed my site that uses nservice to a new production box, it was unusably slow...
After some debugging I discovered that mqsvc.exe was taking up 50% of the CPU usage and the other 50% was being taken up by w3wp.exe
I found this post here:
which recommended the following:
Make sure you set the windows service for NserviceBus Generic Host to the right credentials
Make sure you have the queue set with the right permissions
Make sure you turn on the right logging configuration in NServiceBus
So I figured the issue was something related to permissions, but even after trying to set the permissions correctly (I thought) I still wasn't able to resolve the issue.

If you allow NServiceBus to create its own queues, then it will create them with the correct permissions it needs.
The problem comes in when you set up a web application, and then the queues are created, and then the identity the application runs under changes. Then you get exactly this problem. NServiceBus tries to check the queue for a message, it does not have access to do so, so it immediately retries over and over, and you spike the processor.
The fix: Delete the queue. Restart the web application. NServiceBus takes over.
Edit: As noted in the comments, NServiceBus 3.x doesn't invoke the installers by default, which means queues are not automatically created in production unless you ask it to. See the documentation page on Installers for more detail.
For a web application (or any other situation where you're not using NServiceBus.Host) you can invoke the installers as part of the fluent config. There is a full example in the NServiceBus download, but here is a link to the relevant file on GitHub.

The issue did end up being that the website needed to be granted explicit permissions to the queues.
I found a number of resources online telling me this, but I still had to spend a good amount of time monkeying around with exactly WHICH account needed access... turned out that since my application pools were set to run as ApplicationPoolIdentity, I need to grant the account permissions by adding the following account to the nservicebus queue:
I granted full access rights, though I'm sure you could refine that a bit if you needed to.
Hopefully, this will help anyone who runs into the same issues.
(This is my first attempt at the "Answer your own question" mechanism so please let me know if I am doing something wrong..)


how do you dynamically insert console logs on a development server

When you're developing on localhost, then you've got full access to a terminal that you can log anywhere you want. But, in a project, I work on (and am new to team collaboration as a whole) they use something called weavescope to view logs that developers have created at the time of coding.
Now what the difference between this and logging locally, everytime you'll create a change in the code, you gotta send a pull request, they approve it, and merge it, deploy it and we finally see it in the log. Now, sometimes the state of local and deployed things don't match and it really makes us wanna dynamically log on to the development server without having to go through all these cycles over again. Is there any solution already around that helps us insert some quick log statements without having to go through the routine PR, merge, deploy cycle?
EDIT: I think from discussions I had below, the tool I am looking for is more or less a logging statment code injection tool. A tool that would keep track of the logs I'm inserting into the production code, and on/off them at spin of a command.
This seems like something that logging levels can help with (unless I'm misunderstanding). Something I typically do is leave debug-level log messages on commonly problematic or complex functions, but change the logging level to something higher when I move out of local. Sometimes depending on the app and access these can be configured at the environment rather than in the build.
For example there are Spring libraries that will let you import a static logger, set the level of each message you log out. Then locally you can keep the level at DEBUG, in UAT the level can be INFO, and if you only want ERROR OR WARN messages in prod you can separate that too. At the time of deployment you can set what environment it is and store a separate or yml file for each environment storing the desired level for each
Of course there is a solution for fast pace code changes.
Maybe this kind of hot reloading is what you're looking for. This way you can insert new calls to a logger or console.log quickly.
Although it does come with a disclaimer from the author.
I honestly haven't looked into whether this method of hot reloading would provide stable production zero-downtime deploys, however my "gut feel" says don't do it. And production deployments are probably one area where we should stick to known, trusted procedures unless we have good reason.

how to automate bots to monitor for successful queues on orchestrator?

I have a project that I have to do that deals with queues being loaded successfully and unsuccessfully whereby I do manually at the moment that can be tedious and also positive negative meaning the orchestrator can state that new queues have been added but when I access the actual job (process) nothing has been added.
I would like to know, is there a way to monitor queue success and unsuccessful rates on orchestrator instead of the using monitoring it manually?
You can access pretty much any information via the Orchestrator API.
You can find the "Orchestrator HTTP Request" activity, which will allow you to access any relevant endpoint.
Note that the provisioned Robot in Orchestrator needs to have the right access permission, so please have a look at what roles are associated to the Robot user.
The API reference can be found here:
You will see it mentions swagger, which in turn will give you all the information you need to access the relevant APIs.

How to make uchiwa dashboard url be able to adjust threshold?

me again..
I had done all the sensu-uchiwa-graphite set up. And i get a new request,:(. Rather than go to change the threshold in check.json file on sensu server..any plugin at the UCHIWA that this adjustment will be shown in Uchiwa dashboard? I asked because in case that my application teams wanna change it by themselves without accessing to server.
I think sensu-admin in enterprise is available but we need to pay big money per year ;(...
Thanks in advance to help.
Sumana W.
This is fairly doable if you use a configuration management system like Chef/Ansible/Puppet - especially if you run standalone checks on the sensu-client.
This allows the clients to define their own thresholds, rather than changing the sensu servers themselves.
In this case, the definitions for the checks are sitting on the client servers and they have the choice of their thresholds or configurations. The client itself manages how often to run the check and sends the output back to the server, rather than the server requesting the checks. This helps quite a bit as far as scaling or multitenancy.
The other way to accomplish this, if you are tied to serverside checks, would be to use client attributes (
For example, you can have a cpu check that says something like -w :::cpu_warn::: -c :::cpu_critical::: and these come from a cpu_warn and cpu_critical value from the client.json on the client server.
Source: We use sensu extensively in an enterprise environment across thousands of hosts and have been working through these same issues.

Lync 2013: ConferenceFailureException "maxConferencesExceeded"

After some googling I found that this reason if caused by too many scheduled conferences by my Application Endpoint. My only problem is, how do I delete/remove currently stored scheduled conferences for my application endpoint, when the only access I have to my server is through PowerShell??
Just found a command that actually could increase number of scheduled meetings per organizer (Set-CsUserServicesConfiguration -MaxScheduledMeetingsPerOrganizer 2000), but it didn't change the issue. I'm still receiving MaxConferencesExceeded error. Any ideas??
Use Get-CsUserServicesConfiguration to make sure the change has actually occurred, and/or setting it globally to make sure it has the correct context for your users.
I've also found with a large pool, it can take a while to kick in.
Have you tried republishing your Lync topology after making the change? A bit dramatic, but can help with Lync gets itself into a knot with changes.

REST: how to tell server to do some background process

I am building a client-side product with REST. All user interaction will be done with a browser (the config stuff will be on a server running on localhost). I want everything to be REST compliant, even though the application will be running on a client's machine on localhost and will never be accessible from the outside.
The commands are pretty simple:
Here's what I've come up with:
POST to / with 'action' parameter (JSON) detailing specifics
PUT a new resource
subsequent GET requests will return the status
when the command is complete, the resource is deleted
What would be the most RESTful way to implement this?
I'm not asking for scrutinization of my software architecture. I have reasons for choosing a REST interface instead of a unix domain socket, CLI interface, or even a regular GUI interface. The justification would overcomplicate the question and make it too localized.
I have had the same need on a couple of different projects (both client only and server) and I am looking for community input on best practices.
I would POST to a /process resource with the appropriate parameters necessary to start the process, then I would have it return a Location header to that resource that actually represents the process status (/process/123). You can then use GET on that process to get the latest information about it.
I would not automatically delete the process, because if you do that, the client will not know if the process finished properly or not, just simply that it finished (well, stopped running).
Noting that, the client can certainly DELETE the resource when it is done, or you can clean it up later after some reasonable time where whoever was interested in it is likely not to be any more.