how do you dynamically insert console logs on a development server - merge

When you're developing on localhost, then you've got full access to a terminal that you can log anywhere you want. But, in a project, I work on (and am new to team collaboration as a whole) they use something called weavescope to view logs that developers have created at the time of coding.
Now what the difference between this and logging locally, everytime you'll create a change in the code, you gotta send a pull request, they approve it, and merge it, deploy it and we finally see it in the log. Now, sometimes the state of local and deployed things don't match and it really makes us wanna dynamically log on to the development server without having to go through all these cycles over again. Is there any solution already around that helps us insert some quick log statements without having to go through the routine PR, merge, deploy cycle?
EDIT: I think from discussions I had below, the tool I am looking for is more or less a logging statment code injection tool. A tool that would keep track of the logs I'm inserting into the production code, and on/off them at spin of a command.

This seems like something that logging levels can help with (unless I'm misunderstanding). Something I typically do is leave debug-level log messages on commonly problematic or complex functions, but change the logging level to something higher when I move out of local. Sometimes depending on the app and access these can be configured at the environment rather than in the build.
For example there are Spring libraries that will let you import a static logger, set the level of each message you log out. Then locally you can keep the level at DEBUG, in UAT the level can be INFO, and if you only want ERROR OR WARN messages in prod you can separate that too. At the time of deployment you can set what environment it is and store a separate or yml file for each environment storing the desired level for each

Of course there is a solution for fast pace code changes.
Maybe this kind of hot reloading is what you're looking for. This way you can insert new calls to a logger or console.log quickly.
Although it does come with a disclaimer from the author.
I honestly haven't looked into whether this method of hot reloading would provide stable production zero-downtime deploys, however my "gut feel" says don't do it. And production deployments are probably one area where we should stick to known, trusted procedures unless we have good reason.


Why should I store kubernetes deployment configuration into source control if kubernetes already keeps track of it?

One of the documented best practices for Kubernetes is to store the configuration in version control. It is mentioned in the official best practices and also summed up in this Stack Overflow question. The reason is that this is supposed to speed-up rollbacks if necessary.
My question is, why do we need to store this configuration if this is already stored by Kubernetes and there are ways with which we can easily go back to a previous version of the configuration using for example kubectl? An example is a command like:
kubectl rollout history deployment/nginx-deployment
Isn't storing the configuration an unnecessary duplication of a piece of information that we will then have to keep synchronized?
The reason I am asking this is that we are building a configuration service on top of Kubernetes. The user will interact with it to configure multiple deployments, I was wondering if we should keep a history of the Kubernetes configuration and the content of configMaps in a database for possible roll backs or if we should just rely on kubernetes to retrieve the current configuration and rolling back to previous versions of the configuration.
You can use Kubernetes as your store of configuration, to your point, it's just that you probably shouldn't want to. By storing configuration as code, you get several benefits:
Configuration changes get regular code reviews.
They get versioned, are diffable, etc.
They can be tested, linted, and whatever else you desired.
They can be refactored, share code, and be documented.
And all this happens before actually being pushed to Kubernetes.
That may seem bad ("but then my configuration is out of date!"), but keep in mind that configuration is actually never in date - just because you told Kubernetes you want 3 replicas running doesn't mean there are, or if there were that 1 isn't temporarily down right now, and so on.
Configuration expresses intent. It takes a different process to actually notice when your intent changes or doesn't match reality, and make it so. For Kubernetes, that storage is etcd and it's up to the master to, in a loop forever, ensure the stored intent matches reality. For you, the storage is source control and whatever process you want, automated or not, can, in a loop forever, ensure your code eventually becomes reflected in Kubernetes.
The rollback command, then, is just a very fast shortcut to "please do this right now!". It's for when your configuration intent was wrong and you don't have time to fix it. As soon as you roll back, you should chase your configuration and update it there as well. In a sense, this is indeed duplication, but it's a rare event compared to the normal flow, and the overall benefits outweigh this downside.
Kubernetes cluster doesn't store your configuration it runs it, as you server runs your application code.

My Main branch in TFS just disappeared - why?

Our Main branch was apparently just deleted and there's no record of why. (The branch still appears in Source Control Explorer - When I view the history of the branch it's empty). When I get latest on the branch it deletes everything locally. We have numerous children branches that all appear to be fine, but Main is now empty with no record of how/why. Anybody have any idea how we can figure out what happened and recover it? We have a child branch that should be a duplicate so we should be OK, but we'd really like to figure out what happened!
What may have happened
There are a few things I can think of, the most logical in this case is that someone issued a tf destroy $/project/Branch/* /recursive, that would have the observed effect.
It could also be that someone has renamed the branch, that would not be visible in the history per se, unless you turn on the "Show Deleted Items" option in the options of the Team Foundation Source control options.
Your Application Tier's version control cache may have become corrupted, the chance of this happening is very slim, but it may have caused this. Ensure you have a good backup of your databases even if this may seem the case, if it isn't you're going to need the database backup and the older it is, the more unlikely it is data marked for deletion will still be there.
How can you find out what happened?
Check the tbl_command in the Project Collection Database or access the hidden _oi activity log page on the web access server. You may be able to find the command that caused the deletion.
If that doesn't tell you, analyze the transaction logs of the SQL Server (if your server is configured to keep these).
What to do now?!
Make a backup of your TFS server or secure the ones you have if you haven't done so
If the version control cache is the culprit clearing it (on Application Tier machines) may solve your problem, the cache location shows on the TFS Admin Control panel:
Best way to go about this, is to stop the TFS server temporarily and then delete the contents of this folder.
There seem to be a few ways out:
Forget about it, take the contents of the most up-to-date branch and use that to repopulate the missing data. Just add them to the empty folder, check them in and then re-merge all other branches and resolve all conflicts.
Pro: Fast
Con: you loose history, resolving conflicts will be a horrible task.
Restore the project collection database to a previous point in time (warning! may require restore of all project collections to a previous point in time)
Pro: You get all your history back
Con: You loose changes made since the last known good backup, takes alot of work, will impact all projects in the same collection, possibly all projects on the same server.
Restore the whole server to temporary server and restore the collection with the missing data to the last known good configuration. Use a tool like OpsHub or Team Foundation Migration Toolkit to replay the changes since the disaster.
Pro: You get back to the most up to date point in time
Con: Takes a lot of time and expertise in TFS Migration
Restore the collection database and use the transaction logs to replay as much of the changes to the collection , then skip the transactions that perform the destroy. Be careful though, usually the destroy action marks files as deleted, but a job does the actual deletion in the background.
Pro: You get back to the most up to date point in time
Con: Takes a lot of time and expertise in SQL
Contact Microsoft Support and get a Field expert in the house. They may be able to restore the deletion if it was done without immediately triggering the cleanup job.
Pro: You will get back into the best state possible
Con: it will be costly
Whatever you do, make sure you have a backup of your current situation, that allows you to try different tactics, should your first attempts fail.
Consider splitting the project collection to allow other projects to continue working. You will end up in a situation were this one project ends up in an isolated Project Collection on its own, but it will allow you to move forward quickly.
OK - this is one for the record books, because inexplicably the project reappeared later in the day. All of it's history is back as well. I would have thought that perhaps the DBAs here did a database restore, but that's not possible since all of the checkins that have been happening all day are still there.
So if this happens to you in the future, just cross your fingers and wait a few hours!
p.s. I did look in the SQL logs but couldn't find anything. Bizarre!

Is it safe to cloud sync TFS workspaces?

Please excuse a newbie question, but I've always used SVN and more recently, Git. Just now am touching TFS for the first time.
If I have two different machines that I work on regularly, can I safely keep the project files in sync using something like Dropbox/Sugarsync/Skydrive?
Are there any pros/cons to be aware of?
(I know that some of you might ask something like why not just checkout on the other machine. Just trying to save a step. I want to just pick up the other machine and do what I need to do without having to check out anything.)
TFS workspaces contain information about the machine name and user that created them, however if you're using local workspaces and you're not putting any server-side locks on files then I suppose you could sync them via dropbox and it should probably work just fine.
That said, I'd never recommend it.
You're not only going to sync all your code but also all the binaries that you're producing each and every time you compile, plus you won't have any change history between machines and you need to keep monitoring the drop box app to make sure things have synced fully before switching machines.
If you want to move changes between two machines I'd recommend using shelvesets. It only takes a few seconds to do and you'll have a more explicit update process between machines. You can be sure of what is happening in your code on each machine and you have an implicit rollback point if you realise you put something in the shelveset you didn't want.

Feedback desired: non-disruptive deployment strategies for production Lisp webapps

I am interested in hearing how people do their Lisp webapp deployments and updates (especially updates) in production.
In Ruby many, myself included, use Capistrano for deployments. It provides some nice indirection and the ability to execute commands remotely and most importantly (in my mind) the ability to rollback to a working code base.
I know that the idea of a long running Lisp process being connected to via Swank through an SSH tunnel and modified in place is a popular idea that's knocked around, but I haven't drunk that Koolaid, mostly because of the issue of updating a stateful process (which seems like asking for trouble if something goes wrong - like unforeseen impedance mismatches between current state in memory and new object definitions that will soon be in memory).
Given that you can create nearly stateless (or completely) webapps using hunchentoot (or insert your favorite Lisp app server here), it seems like using something like Capistrano could be used for non-disruptive updates to Lisp code too if the Lisp process(es) hide behind nginx in its upstream channel and if you can correctly choreograph taking down the hunchentoot processes and spin them back up after an update to code, e.g., bring them back up all the while leaving at least one hunchentoot process running in the cluster at any given moment (CGI or mod_lisp could be used, but I am not particularly interested in that approach - though if you really like that approach, please at least say something about it, I want to learn). For instance, using Passenger (which is comparing oranges to apples since it spins up processes on demand), you touch tmp/restart.txt and the app server restarts this time with freshly updated code - no interruptions from the users perspective.
Well, this is a bit of a ramble, and actually I am about to try all this out, but I'd like to get some feedback on these ideas from others. Maybe you have a better idea.
You can accomplish non-disruptive (zero downtime) deployments by writing capistrano scripts for an intelligent front-end/load balancer like HAProxy that pulls app servers out of rotation, restarts them with the newly deployed code, and puts them back in the mix.
By incrementally rolling your appservers while they are out of live rotation in production you can achieve smooth deployments.
This doesn't touch on having persistent app server loops with specific state, that seems scary for exactly the reasons you mentioned. REPLs are cool for debugging and tweaking, but your instincts to run the code on disk seem well founded.

How to apply database updates after deployment?

i know this is an often asked question on these boards. And usually the question has been about how to manage the changes being made to the database before you even get around to deploy them.Mostly the answer has been to script the database and save it under sourcecontrol and then any additional updates are saved as scripts under version control too.(ex. Tool to upgrade SQL Express database after deployment)
my question is when is it best to apply the database updates , in the installer or when the new version first runs and connects to the database? note this is a WinApp that is deployed to customers each have their own databases.
One thing to add to the script: Back up the database (or at least the tables you're changing!) before applying the changes.
As a user I think I'd prefer it happens during the install, and going a little further that the installer can roll itself back in the event of a failure. My thinking here is that if I am installing an update, I'd like to know when the update is done that it actually is done and has succeeded. I don't want a message coming up the next time I run it informing me that something failed and I've potentially lost all my data. I would assume that a system admin would probably also appreciate install time feedback (of course, that doesn't matter if your web app isn't something that will be installed on a network). Also, as ראובן said, backing up the database would be a nice convenience.
You haven't said much about the architecture of the application, but since an installer is involved I assume it's a client/server application.
If you have a server installer, that's where you want to put it, since the database structure is only going to change once. Since the client installers are going to need to know about the change, it would be nice to have a way to detect the database version change, and for the old client to be able to download the client update from the server automatically and apply it.
If you only have a client installer, I still think it's better to put it there (maybe as a custom action that fires off the executable for updating the database). But it really isn't going to matter, because conceptually one installer or first-time user of the new version is going to have to fire off the changes to the database anyway. The database changes are going to put structural locks on the database so, in practical terms, everyone is going to have to be kicked off the system at that time for the database update to be applied.
Of course, this is all BS if it's not client-server.