CLISP Lambda Calculus Div Implementation - lisp

I'm trying to implement a Division function with clisp Lambda Calc. style
I read from this site that lambda expression of a division is:
Y (λgqab. LT a b (PAIR q a) (g (SUCC q) (SUB a b) b)) 0
These are TRUE and FALSE
(defvar TRUE #'(lambda(x)#'(lambda(y)x)))
(defvar FALSE #'(lambda(x)#'(lambda(y)y)))
These are conversion functions between Int and Church numbers
(defun church2int(numchurch)
(funcall (funcall numchurch #'(lambda (x) (+ x 1))) 0)
(defun int2church(n)
((= n 0) #'(lambda(f) #'(lambda(x)x)))
(t #'(lambda(f) #'(lambda(x) (funcall f
(funcall(funcall(int2church (- n 1))f)x))))))
This is my IF-THEN-ELSE Implementation
(defvar IF-THEN-ELSE
#'(lambda (acc2)
(funcall (funcall (funcall (funcall c x) y) acc1) acc2))))))
And this is my div implementation
(defvar division
#'(lambda (g)
#'(lambda (q)
#'(lambda (a)
#'(lambda (b)
(funcall (funcall (funcall (funcall (funcall IF-THEN-ELSE LT) a) b)
(funcall (funcall PAIR q)a))
(funcall (funcall g (funcall succ q)) (funcall (funcall sub a)b))
PAIR, SUCC and SUB functions work fine. I set my church numbers up like this
(set six (int2church 6))
(set two (int2church 2))
Then I do:
(setq D (funcall (funcall division six) two))
And I've got:
For what I understand, this function return a Church Pair. If I try to get the first element
with a function FRST (FRST works ok) like this:
(funcall frst D)
I've got
If I try to get the int value with Church2int (Church2int works OK) like this:
(church2int (funcall frst D))
I've got
*** - +:
is not a number
Where I expect to get 3
I think the problem is in DIVISION function, after the IF-THEN-ELSE, I tried to change it a little bit (I thought it was a nested parenthesis problem) but I got lots of errors.
Any help would be appreciated

There are several problems with your definition.
DIVISION does not use the Y combinator, but the original definition does.
This is important, because the DIVISION function expects a copy of itself in the g
However, even if you added the Y invocation, your code would still not work
but go into an infinite loop instead. That's because Common Lisp, like most of today's languages, is a call-by-value language. All arguments are evaluated before a function is called. This means that you cannot define conditional functions as elegantly as the traditional lambda calculus semantics would allow.
Here's one way of doing church number division in Common Lisp. I've taken the liberty of introducing some syntax to make this a bit more readable.
;;;; -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
;;;; --- preamble, define lambda calculus language
(cl:in-package #:cl-user)
(defpackage #:lambda-calc
;; note: not using common-lisp package
(:export #:λ #:call #:define))
;; (lambda-calc:λ (x y) body)
;; ==> (cl:lambda (x) (cl:lambda (y) body))
(defmacro lambda-calc:λ ((arg &rest more-args) body-expr)
(labels ((rec (args)
(if (null args)
`(lambda (,(car args))
(declare (ignorable ,(car args)))
,(rec (cdr args))))))
(rec (cons arg more-args))))
;; (lambda-calc:call f a b)
;; ==> (cl:funcall (cl:funcall f a) b)
(defmacro lambda-calc:call (func &rest args)
(labels ((rec (args)
(if (null args)
`(funcall ,(rec (cdr args)) ,(car args)))))
(rec (reverse args))))
;; Defines top-level lexical variables
(defmacro lambda-calc:define (name value)
(let ((vname (gensym (princ-to-string name))))
(defparameter ,vname nil)
(define-symbol-macro ,name ,vname)
(setf ,name
(flet ((,vname () ,value))
;; Syntax: {f a b}
;; ==> (lambda-calc:call f a b)
;; ==> (cl:funcall (cl:funcall f a) b)
(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
(set-macro-character #\{
(lambda (stream char)
(declare (ignore char))
,#(read-delimited-list #\} stream t))))
(set-macro-character #\} (get-macro-character #\))))
;;;; --- end of preamble, fun starts here
(in-package #:lambda-calc)
;; booleans
(define TRUE
(λ (x y) x))
(define FALSE
(λ (x y) y))
(define NOT
(λ (bool) {bool FALSE TRUE}))
;; numbers
(define ZERO
(λ (f x) x))
(define SUCC
(λ (n f x) {f {n f x}}))
(define PLUS
(λ (m n) {m SUCC n}))
(define PRED
(λ (n f x)
{n (λ (g h) {h {g f}})
(λ (u) x)
(λ (u) u)}))
(define SUB
(λ (m n) {n PRED m}))
(define ISZERO
(λ (n) {n (λ (x) FALSE) TRUE}))
(define <=
(λ (m n) {ISZERO {SUB m n}}))
(define <
(λ (m n) {NOT {<= n m}}))
(define ONE {SUCC ZERO})
(define TWO {SUCC ONE})
(define THREE {SUCC TWO})
(define FOUR {SUCC THREE})
(define FIVE {SUCC FOUR})
(define SIX {SUCC FIVE})
(define SEVEN {SUCC SIX})
(define NINE {SUCC EIGHT})
(define TEN {SUCC NINE})
;; combinators
(define Y
(λ (f)
{(λ (rec arg) {f {rec rec} arg})
(λ (rec arg) {f {rec rec} arg})}))
(define IF
(λ (condition if-true if-false)
{{condition if-true if-false} condition}))
;; pairs
(define PAIR
(λ (x y select) {select x y}))
(define FIRST
(λ (pair) {pair TRUE}))
(define SECOND
(λ (pair) {pair FALSE}))
;; conversion from/to lisp integers
(cl:defun int-to-church (number)
(cl:if (cl:zerop number)
{succ (int-to-church (cl:1- number))}))
(cl:defun church-to-int (church-number)
{church-number #'cl:1+ 0})
;; what we're all here for
(define DIVISION
{Y (λ (recurse q a b)
{IF {< a b}
(λ (c) {PAIR q a})
(λ (c) {recurse {SUCC q} {SUB a b} b})})
If you put this into a file, you can do:
[1]> (load "lambdacalc.lisp")
;; Loading file lambdacalc.lisp ...
;; Loaded file lambdacalc.lisp
[2]> (in-package :lambda-calc)


Racket implementation of car, cdr, etc

I want to create own implementation of such interface with following procedures :
(define (cons a b)...)
(define (pair? p) ... )
(define (car p) ...)
(define (cdr p) ...)
(define null ... )
(define (null? p) ... )
Pair and other functions has to be represented as returned procedures.
I started with:
(define (cons a b)
(lambda (m) (m a b)))
(define (car p)
(p (lambda (x y) x)))
(define (cdr p)
(p (lambda (x y) y)))
And I'm stuck with:
(define (pair? p) ... )
(define null ... )
(define (null? p) ... )

a bunch of lists of numbers

I would like to write the Racket function find-subsets. The function produces the list of subsets of a list of numbers w/o helper functions and that only uses lambda, cond, cons, rest, first, and other primitive functions.
For instance, the following check-expects should be satisfied:
(check-expect (find-subsets '(2 2 3 3)) '(() (2) (3) (2 2) (2 3) (3 3) (2 2 3) (2 3 3)
(2 2 3 3)))
(check-expect (find-subsets '(1 2 3)) '(() (1) (2) (3) (1 2) (1 3) (2 3) (1 2 3)))
Basically, this function produces the power set of a set of numbers, but I'm not sure how it can produce all of the elements, without recursion.
#lang racket
(define-syntax-rule (my-let ([var val]) body)
((λ (var) body) val))
(define-syntax-rule (Y e)
((λ (f) ((λ (x) (f (λ (y) ((x x) y))))
(λ (x) (f (λ (y) ((x x) y))))))
(define-syntax-rule (define/rec f e)
(define f (Y (λ (f) e))))
(define/rec my-append
(λ (l1)
(λ (l2)
(cond [(empty? l1) l2]
[else (cons (first l1) ((my-append (rest l1)) l2))]))))
(define/rec my-map
(λ (f)
(λ (l)
(cond [(empty? l) empty]
[else (cons (f (first l)) ((my-map f) (rest l)))]))))
(define/rec my-power-set
(λ (set)
(cond [(empty? set) (cons empty empty)]
[else (my-let ([rst (my-power-set (rest set))])
((my-append ((my-map (λ (x) (cons (first set) x))) rst))
I took the standard definition of powerset from here and curried it. Then I replaced let, append, and map with my-let, my-append, and my-map. I defined the Y combinator as the Y macro and a helper define/rec that makes a function recursive. Then I defined my-append and my-map using the define/rec macro (note that they're curried too). We can substitute everything to get the desired code.

How does this code behave (function composition in funcall)

I have the following function in lisp:
(defun F(F)
#'(lambda (n)
(if (zerop n)
(funcall F n)
(1+ (funcall (F F) (1- n))))))
How does this code behaves if I call:
(funcall (F #'(lambda (x) (+ 2 x))) 2)
I dont understand why the output is 4.
Thanks in advance
Since we know the argument, we can simplify the if statement in the function:
(funcall (F #'(lambda (x) (+ 2 x))) 2)
(1+ (funcall (F #'(lambda (x) (+ 2 x))) 1))
(1+ (1+ (funcall #'(lambda (x) (+ 2 x)) 0)))
(1+ (1+ 2))
The first 2 transformations replace (if false A B) with B, while the 3rd replaces (if true A B) with A.
First, untangle the two F:
(defun foo (fun)
#'(lambda (n)
(if (zerop n)
(funcall fun n)
(1+ (funcall (foo fun) (1- n))))))
Now, you call:
(funcall (foo #'(lambda (x) (+ 2 x))) 2)
We can give the inner lambda a name, I'll call it add-2.
(funcall (foo #'add-2) 2)
(Foo #'add-2) then returns the function
(lambda (n)
(if (zerop n)
(funcall #'add-2 n) ; n is always 0 here
(1+ (funcall (foo #'add-2) (1- n)))))
This gets called with 2, which is not zerop, so it is:
(1+ (funcall (foo #'add-2) 1))
We already know what (foo #'add-2) returns, and it gets called with 1 now, which still is not zerop:
(1+ (1+ (funcall (foo #'add-2) 0)))
Now the argument is 0, so we get to the base case:
(1+ (1+ (funcall #'add-2 0)))
We now can see that foo creates a function that adds n to the result of calling (fun 0).

Mysterious Racket error: define: unbound identifier; also, no #%app syntax transformer is bound in: define

This program produces an error:
define: unbound identifier;
also, no #%app syntax transformer is bound in: define
When pasted into the REPL (to be exact, the last line: (displayln (eval-clause clause state))), it works. When run in definition window, it fails. I don't know why.
#lang racket
(define *state* '((a false) (b true) (c true) (d false)))
(define *clause* '(a (not b) c))
(define (eval-clause clause state)
(for ([x state])
(eval `(define ,(first x) ,(second x))))
(eval (cons 'or (map eval clause))))
(displayln (eval-clause *clause* *state*))
This too:
(define (eval-clause clause state)
(eval `(let ,state ,(cons 'or clause))))
let: unbound identifier;
also, no #%app syntax transformer is bound in: let
This was my attempt to translate the following Common Lisp program: Common Lisp wins here?
; (C) 2013 KIM Taegyoon
; 3-SAT problem
(defvar *state* '((a nil) (b t) (c t) (d nil)))
(defvar *clause* '(a (not b) c))
(defun eval-clause (clause state)
(dolist (x state)
(set (car x) (nth 1 x)))
(some #'identity (mapcar #'eval clause)))
(print (eval-clause *clause* *state*))
And in Paren:
(set *state* (quote ((a false) (b false) (c true) (d false))))
(set *clause* (quote (a (! b) c)))
(defn eval-clause (clause state)
(for i 0 (dec (length state)) 1
(set x (nth i state))
(eval (list set (nth 0 x) (nth 1 x))))
(eval (cons || clause)))
(eval-clause *clause* *state*)
eval is tricky in Racket. As per Racket Guide, 15.1.2, you need to hook into the current namespace as follows
(define-namespace-anchor anc)
(define ns (namespace-anchor->namespace anc))
and then add ns to every call to eval:
(define (eval-clause clause state)
(for ([x state])
(eval `(define ,(first x) ,(second x)) ns))
(eval (cons 'or (map (curryr eval ns) clause)) ns))
Note that this is not necessary in the REPL, as explained in the document referenced above.
However, it's probably a better idea to create a specific namespace for your definitions so that they don't get mixed up with your own module's definitions:
(define my-eval
(let ((ns (make-base-namespace)))
(lambda (expr) (eval expr ns))))
(define *state* '((a #f) (b #t) (c #t) (d #f)))
(define *clause* '(a (not b) c))
(define (eval-clause clause state)
(for ([x state])
(my-eval `(define ,(first x) ,(second x))))
(my-eval (cons 'or (map my-eval clause))))
(displayln (eval-clause *clause* *state*))
or, if you want to continue using true and false from racket/bool, define my-eval as follows;
(define my-eval
(let ((ns (make-base-namespace)))
(parameterize ((current-namespace ns))
(namespace-require 'racket/bool))
(lambda (expr) (eval expr ns))))
I would write the Common Lisp version slightly simpler:
(defun eval-clause (clause state)
(loop for (var value) in state
do (set var value))
(some #'eval clause))
The LOOP form is more descriptive (since we can get rid of CAR and NTH) and EVAL can be directly used in the SOME function.

How to set local function definition using function (or closure) objects?

The problem with flet is that the functions bound therein must be defined inline. In other words, there's no way to do this:
(new-flet ((a (lambda (f x)
(funcall f (* x 2))))
(b (function-generator)))
(a #'b 10))
I considered defining such a macro myself, but the problem is that flet seems to be the only way to set local function values. symbol-function always gets the global definition only, and function can't be used with setf. Anyone have an idea how this can be done fairly cleanly, if at all?
You can easily build a trampoline
(defun function-generator (x)
(lambda (y) (* x y)))
(let ((fg (function-generator 42)))
(flet ((a (f x) (funcall f (* x 2)))
(b (x) (funcall fg x)))
(a #'b 10)))
A macro implementation of new-flet with this approach is
(defmacro new-flet (bindings &body body)
(let ((let-bindings (list))
(flet-bindings (list))
(args (gensym)))
(dolist (binding bindings)
(let ((name (gensym)))
(push `(,name ,(second binding))
(push `(,(first binding) (&rest ,args)
(apply ,name ,args))
`(let ,(nreverse let-bindings)
(flet ,(nreverse flet-bindings)
that expands in your example case as
(macroexpand-1 '(new-flet ((a (lambda (f x) (funcall f (* x 2))))
(b (function-generator)))
(a #'b 10)))
==> (LET ((#:G605 (LAMBDA (F X)
(FUNCALL F (* X 2))))
(FLET ((A (&REST #:G604)
(APPLY #:G605 #:G604))
(B (&REST #:G604)
(APPLY #:G606 #:G604)))
(A #'B 10)))
(let* ((a (lambda (f x) (funcall f (* x 2))))
(b (function-generator)))
(funcall a b 10))
a fairly clean solution to your problem?
How about binding the variables with let, so that they're setfable, and then using an flet as the body of the let so that they're funcallable and (function …)-able, too. E.g., where I've given a silly little function instead of (generate-function):
(let ((a (lambda (f x)
(funcall f (* x 2))))
(b (lambda (&rest args)
(print (list* 'print-from-b args)))))
(flet ((a (&rest args)
(apply a args))
(b (&rest args)
(apply b args)))
(a #'b 10)))
We can wrap this up in a macro relatively easily:
(defmacro let/flet (bindings &body body)
(let ((args (gensym (string '#:args-))))
`(let ,bindings
(flet ,(loop :for (name nil) :in bindings
:collect `(,name (&rest ,args) (apply ,name ,args)))
(let/flet ((a (lambda (f x)
(funcall f (* x 2))))
(b (lambda (&rest args)
(print (list* 'print-from-b args)))))
(a #'b 10))
expands into the first block of code. Note that you can also use (a b 10) in the body as well, since the binding of b is the same as the value of #'b. You can use setf on the variable as well:
(let/flet ((a (lambda (x)
(print (list 'from-a x)))))
(a 23)
(setf a (lambda (x)
(print (list 'from-new-a x x))))
(a 23))
(FROM-A 23)
(FROM-NEW-A 23 23)
If anyone's interested in a labels equivalent, here it is:
(defmacro my-labels ((&rest definitions) &rest body)
(let ((gensyms (loop for d in definitions collect (gensym)))
(names (loop for d in definitions collect (car d)))
(fdefs (loop for f in definitions collect (cadr f)))
(args (gensym)))
`(let (,#(loop for g in gensyms collect (list g)))
(labels (,#(loop for g in gensyms for n in names
collect `(,n (&rest ,args) (apply ,g ,args))))
,#(loop for g in gensyms for f in fdefs
collect `(setf ,g ,f))
This is sort of like Scheme's letrec.