Xtify Missing api key - push

I'm trying to send a push from a php server with the example code from https://github.com/xtifyTools/xtifyTools/tree/master/PHPScripts
I put in "ADD_YOUR_APIKEY_HERE" the Google API key and "ADD_YOUR_APPKEY_HERE" the application key from xtify, the message is:
{"apiKey":"AIza....","appKey":"71....","sendAll":true,"content":{"subject":"prueba desde servidor","message":"mensaje, mensaje!!","action":{"type":"DEFAULT","data":"","label":""}}}
But I receive the error Missing API Key.
Where is the problem?
I send push from the xtify console and I receive it, but the devices don't appear in the Test Implementation although the application is development.

the API Key fragment you have in your example is not correct. When using the class, make sure that you set the API Key that you've created in the xtify console: https://console.xtify.com/api-keys-manager


Flutter : Exception caught by image resource service

HTTP request failed, status Code: 403, when I try to call Map Api in flutter Here is the screenshot
Anyone please help me out
The url shown in your screenshot returns the following message along with the 403 code:
The Google Maps Platform server rejected your request. You must enable Billing on the Google Cloud Project at https://console.cloud.google.com/project/_/billing/enable Learn more at https://developers.google.com/maps/gmp-get-started
You therefore have to do three things, in you code and on the Google cloud console:
Ensure that you trap and report any error message returned from the api in order to better understand the response code.
Cancel the api key that you have now published to the world and generate a new one for the Google maps api, in cloud console.
Enable billing on your project otherwise Google maps api will never work as it is a chargeable service.
Hope this helps. As I said, NEVER publish api keys nor store them on GitHub or similar.
Sorry to say but error 403 means you don't have any access to that image from the server side.

Can't connect to Salesforce With Google Data Fusion

Trying to configure the salesforce connector to read data from salesforce using Google Data Fusion, but can't connect to Salesforce.
I keep getting "Connection to salesforce with plugin configurations failed" error message when hitting the "get schema" button on the connector. My guess is that this related to my salesforce connected app, but can't really tell. Is it related to the callback URL setting in the connected app? Did anyone succeed connecting to Salesforce using Data fusion?
It looks like the error is coming from https://github.com/data-integrations/salesforce/blob/abc563938e837b3bcfc42dbd4b26c0c6ef347451/src/main/java/io/cdap/plugin/salesforce/authenticator/Authenticator.java#L57.
Unfortunately it looks like the error message doesn't include anything from the root cause, but most likely it's failing during the oauth login, which makes a POST request to:
[login url]?grant_type=password&client_id=[client id]&client_secret=[client secret]&username=[username]&password=[password]
You could try making that request manually and see if you get an error back.
I was getting the same error, but I managed to solve it.
First things first, even though the Security Token is optional, I did not manage to make it work without it.
Apparently, depending on how your Salesforce instance is configured, if your password is mypassword, and your security token is XXXXXXXXXX, then the plugin uses mypasswordXXXXXXXXXX during the authentication.
Secondly, and most important, for the login URL field, this field is the oauth2 url. Therefore where before I was putting https://test.salesforce.com, I had to put https://test.salesforce.com/services/oauth2/token. With this final step, it worked. Below a screenshot of the field.

Twillio Access token returns 20101 Invalid Access Token

I am using the Twilio testing tools to generate an access token that I can use to familiarize myself with the getting started project
However, whenever I generate one, I get an error when I run the project on the simulator.
This is the error;
Connection Failed couldn't connect to room arkit. code: 20101 Invalid
Access Token.
Note: I just started using twilio and so my knowledge is very basic.
I initially thought there is a specific user id one should post in the client identity field here https://www.twilio.com/console/video/runtime/testing-tools.
However, I figured you use any name and it should work. Thoughts?
Make sure you change your scheme from the default ARKitExample to the VideoQuickStart.
I figured what the problem was since I was sending the phone number in my code, the + in the country code was getting decoded as space. The number that was being sent to the API was therefore wrong and it could never work.

JIRA REST API Oauth dance cannot be implemented with consumer key

I am trying to call the JIRA REST API and get a request token. I have defined an application link in JIRA with consumer key and public key. But when I am trying to request the request-token with the following url
http://localhost:8080//plugins/servlet/oauth/request-token?oauth_consumer_key=consumerKey (which was used in creating the application link)
I am getting the following response
How to get rid of this?
This link would be handy if you are using python.
Also use python centrifi package to get pass sslHandShakeError. ( atlassian root certificate seems to be not from known one )

Getting error when connecting to an app using Intuit

I have just created an app in Customer Account Data section in
https://developer.intuit.com after signup.
Then I created a .NET application to get authorization after providing the details, I received just after app was successfully created like consumerKey and consumerSecret.
I am able to get the page that authenticate with my username but there is also an error like :
Oops! An error has occurred.
Please close this window and try again.
Error Code: invalid_database
Message: AppId cannot be <= 0, appId=-1
My main aim is to get back to the page which shows a successful authentication. I again checked my app in
and I see Status: Pending Review for that app.
I just want to test the authentication for a sample application.
How can I understand this review system? Do we have something like sandbox in PayPal for testing, and if so, how to get started with it?
Are you 100% positive that you have your OAuth key, secret, and your app token correctly entered in the config for your app?
You should not need to go through any sort of review process - you probably just have something entered/configured incorrectly.
I think you are confused between apps for Customer Account Data and Quickbooks.
If you created an app for CAD, then you need to upload a certificate too.
If you go to GITHUB sample app for CAD-
https://github.com/IntuitDeveloperRelations/IPP_Sample_Code->customer account data
You will see that it does not require the oauth callback url or any of the values, you have mentioned. All these values are required when you create a quickbooks sample application.
The above link has both the code samples for CAD as well as Quickbooks.
Please verify what you are looking for.
Most probably you were using wrong public-private key pair.
While setting up AggCat intergration, you had used one public key, but while doing SAML assertion you are not using the corresponding .key/.p12 file. Please verify that.
You can easily test this use case using APIExplorer tool.
You can refer the following steps to get new tokens and test API calls.
Key generation using openssl - https://developer.intuit.com/docs/0020_customeraccountdata/007_firstrequest
After generating these keys, you can create a sample app with the public key. https://developer.intuit.com/docs/0020_customeraccountdata/009_using_customeraccountdata/0010_gettingstarted/0015_create_an_cad_integration
then use the .p12 file with pwd for SAML assertion in apiexplorer Link - https://developer.intuit.com/apiexplorer