Cannot see Content Type in Orchard - content-management-system

I am running Orchard 1.6 and have the following problem when setting up a Site of either template Blog or Core.
I go to the dashboard and go to the Content menu item on the left. There is no Content Type menu item only Content.
All training videos seem to get this straight away, what am I doing wrong?

Go to the modules (there's a link in the left menu) and enable ContentTypes feature.


how to get the X path for cucumber testing?

I tried it by right clicking on the web page and there is no xpath icon. So how can I make visible the xpath of the web page. Please reply soon. Now I am learning on cucumber automation testing. It is very important to know how to find the xpath of the web page.
You can also use ChroPath to find xpath of an object. Chropath is an extension of chrome browser. It gives value of selected object. Can be seen in Developer tool only.
The java side of this may let me down, but is there a specific reason you need the xpath rather than the css selectors?
But answering your question, if you use chrome and right click on the element you want to find the selector for. The select inspect at the bottom of the menu. This will open the dev tools at the bottom of your browser.
Find the element you want to target, right click that (within the dev tools) then expand the copy list in the menu and select copy xpath. If you look at the screenshot you can see that I can copy the xpath of the google logo

DNN Extensions fail to load DNN 7.4.2

My first DNN site. Please go easy.
I'm trying to load some extensions (Blog & a PayPal extension).
While the admin console show's they're installed I can't see them or start them. They are not evident on any of the menus.
The theme creators say its not their problem.
Any suggestions for a Newby on how to get the extensions working?
You actually need to go to the page where you want a module to live and then use the Modules admin menu entry to Add New Module to the page. Click the menu entry, and you can drag and drop a module onto the page.
They're listed and "In Use" is recorded OS "No"
OK - here's a screenshot of the Admin Page in Edit Mode whilst loggedon as a Super User after an Extension Module has been added to the page.
As you can see:
The extensions are not showing
Instead the area on the page shows 'Banner Options' even though no banners were inserted.
You are on the Admin page, and it certainly looks like you have added two modules to the bottom of the page. One of them seems to be the Banners module, as the screenshot shows that mousing over the edit pencil icon shows the Banner Options.
My guess is that this isn't close to what you want to do.
I think that what you want to do is to add a module or modules to some other pages.
So, go to the page to which you want to add a module. Then, click or mouseover the Modules menu item in the admin menu. Select a module and add it to the page.
Does that make more sense?

Joomla! 3 multi language content switching

Many visitors visiting our website by a link to content in a different language from their mother tongue. If they click on the language switcher, they will be redirected to the home link of the current menu. That means they have to navigate to the content again.
Is there a Plugin available that solve this problem?
The use should change the language and see the english version of the specific content.
That should not be the case, if you have set up bi/multi language in the right way.
Have you associated the articles to each others as well as the menu entrys?
You need to have exact copies of your menu.
Are you talking about "Content Pages" that have no menu entry? If so, try to create a menu which is not visible for the user, but use it to associate content.
You find the Association Tab in the Menu Entry Edit
The Falang component allows you to manage all your content translations, even the content of all your components/modules, on your web site.
Falang doesn't use the default language system of Joomla 2.5 and 3.3. You don't have to specify a language for each content article or menu item (which results in a huge amount of duplication). You don't need to create few menu copies, few articles/categories copies for different languages.
Here is described how to use it

Joomla 1.5 500 errors on all menu items

I have a website that was working just fine for a long time but out of the blue, the main menu off the template and a module menu are all giving 500 errors.
You are still able to grab articles by their ID's and view them.
You can also create a new menu items and that new menu item will work just fine.
Why would all menu links just break but you can create new ones and they work?
We have over 40-50 different menu's depending on what pages you’re on. I would hate to have to re-due this whole process and instead fine a fix to it.
Any ideas?
It can be apache mod_rewrite that is not loaded.
Have you touched to apache (or any web server) configuration ?
Administration panel > Menu > Site -> Global Configuration -> Site: Search Engine Friendly URLs to No
If your website works, then the mod_rewrite module is your problem.

Trigger a click on a page in the pagetree in Backend

How could I trigger in JS a click on the pageitem of TYPO3 BE pagetree by an ID of the page ?
Looking for solutions for versions 4.5 and 6.1.
The basics are described in this document (might be slightly deprecated):
For example, to open the submodule "task center" in the "user tools" module, enter this
or, to change to the pagetree, this
inside the firebug console. According to the author,
The pagetree resides in top.TYPO3.Backend.NavigationContainer, the
content resides in top.TYPO3.Backend.ContentContainer.
I haven't really understood what you'd like to click on exactly. But it might get you started.
I think in real life (or in an html fragment in a page in the backend) you can set <a javascript:...> urls</a>
I am still trying to figure out the fine points of this javascript myself. I for one want to also click on a select-box in the content Iframe after clicking in the Admintools/Report submodule. The first part is this: