Point of quoting multiple times in lisp? (eg '''''a) - lisp

Is there a use in being able to quote multiple times?
Like 'a is different from ''a and (quote a) is different from (quote (quote a))
I mean, why not have it so that ''a is the same as 'a or even ''''''''a. quote would quote if the argument it's given has not been quoted already and that way ''''a would evaluate to 'a.
The way it is feels wrong to me because I think the question should be: is it quoted? and not how many times has it been quoted? none? once? a 100 times?

Nesting quotes is largely useless. It might happen in the output of a compiler for the backquote syntax, but I can't think of any reason why you would do that, even in nested macros. If you find yourself cascading quotes, that probably means you've inserted the expression in a backquote template at the wrong unquote level.
Concretely, suppose you have written something like this:
````(,,,,'''''a) ;; goal is to be left with ('a) at the end of four eval rounds
But here, the commas and quotes basically cancel and you can do it like this:
There is no need to assign the form ''''a to the innermost backquote, and have it work backwards toward 'a across multiple evaluations. Just assign 'a to the outermost level and you're done.
Another example would be a slight modification of the above. We expect four evaluation rounds to happen, and in the very last round a is substituted for the binding which it has in the environment of that evaluation:
````(,,,,''''a) ;; only four quotes this time
So now, after three evals of the result of the above backquote, we are left with (a) and if we eval that, it wants to call the function a. But, again, we could achieve the same thing like this:
Exactly like before, three evals produce (a) and one more wants to call a.
Now what if the symbol a is not literally a, but computed? Say a is to be replaced by b:
(let ((a 'b))
The substitution has to happen in the first evaluation of the backquote, inside the let, and so the b needs four commas on the left, so that it connects to the outermost backquote. The resulting object is equivalent to
In this example, we cannot just cancel the three commas and quotes. However, the customary way is to have the two interspersed:
(let ((a 'b))
````(,',',',a)) ;; instead of ,,,''',a
Each evaluation round strips away a quote but then adds one back. The first substitution replaces ,a with b, but then protects it with the quote. Then in the next round, the comma before that quote causes ,'b to be replaced with b, but another quote before that protects it once again, and so on.
That is to say, the two situations in which you might see directly compounded quotes doing something useful would be: triply (or more) nested backquote (rare to begin with!) in which someone used ,,'',expr instead of ,',',expr; and superfluous use of multiple quotes used to combat the multiple evaluation of some form that was needlessly submerged into multiple evaluation rounds.

Of course there is. When the expression is evaluated more than once and you need to pass the expression through more than one evaluation as is. Remember, when writing macros, the expression is usually evaluated twice (once during expansion and once as the macro result) and in some rare cases may need to be evaluated even more times.

#Kaz is no doubt right about usual practice, but I would agree with #JanHudec about what is appropriate for CL. 'a means the same thing as (quote a), and ''a means the same thing as (quote (quote a)). What you're suggesting, user1076329, is that evaluating (quote (quote a)) should have the same result as evaluating (quote a). It feels contrary to the spirit of CL to make it difficult for a function to return 'a. (Suppose, for example, that you were writing a program that would generate Lisp source code to be written to a file and evaluated later? Or writing a program that generates Lisp source code for a program that writes Lisp programs? Lisp is designed to make it easy to do this sort of thing.) You can and should use macros in many cases, but in essence a macro is just way of constructing lists and then evaluating them. You should be able to construct the same lists without macros or backquote, even if they make it easier.


how can I compare syntax objects in racket?

I'd like to compare the code contents of two syntax objects and ignore things like contexts. Is converting them to datum the only way to do so? Like:
(equal? (syntax->datum #'(x+1)) (syntax->datum #'(x+1)))
If you want to compare both objects without deconstructing them at all, then yes.
HOWEVER, the problem with this method is that it only compares the datum attached to two syntax objects, and won't actually compare their binding information.
The analogy that I've heard (from Ryan Culpepper), is this is kind of like taking two paintings, draining of them of their color, and seeing if they are identical. While they might be similar in some ways, you will miss a lot of differences from the different colors.
A better approach (although it does require some work), is to use syntax-e to destruct the syntax object into more primitive lists of syntax objects, and do this until you get identifiers (basically a syntax object whose datum is a symbol), from there, you can generally use free-identifier=? (and sometimes bound-identifier=? to see if each identifier can bind each other, and identifier-binding to compare module level identifiers.
The reason why there isn't a single simple predicate to compare two arbitrary syntax objects is because, generally, there isn't really one good definition for what makes two pieces of code equal, even if you only care about syntactic equality. For example, using the functions referenced above doesn't track internal bindings in a syntax object, so you will still get a very strict definition of what it means to be 'equal'. that is, both syntax objects have the same structure with identifiers that are either bound to the same module, or are free-identifier=?.
As such, before you use this answer, I highly recommend you take a step back and make sure this is really what you want to do. Once in a blue moon it is, but most of the time you actually are trying to solve a similar, yet simpler, problem.
Here's a concrete example of one possible way you could do the "better approach" Leif Andersen mentioned.
I have used this in multiple places for testing purposes, though if anyone wanted to use it in non-test code, they would probably want to re-visit some of the design decisions.
However, things like the equal?/recur pattern used here should be helpful no matter how you decide to define what equality means.
Some of the decisions you might want to make different choices on:
On identifiers, do you want to check that the scopes are exactly the same (bound-identifier=?), or would you want to assume that they would be bound outside of the syntax object and check that they are bound to the same thing, even if they have different scopes (free-identifier=?)? Note that if you choose the first one, then checking the results of macro expansion will sometimes return #false because of scope differences, but if you choose the second one, then if any identifier is not bound outside of the syntax object, then it would be as if you only care about symbol=? equality on names, so it will return #true in some places where it shouldn't. I chose the first one bound-identifier=? here because for testing, a "false positive" where the test fails is better than a "false negative" where the tests succeeds in cases it shouldn't.
On source locations, do you want to check that they are equal, or do you want to ignore them? This code ignores them because it's only for testing purposes, but if you want equality only for things which have the same source location, you might want to check that using functions like build-source-location-list.
On syntax properties, do you want to check that they are equal, or do you want to ignore them? This code ignores them because it's only for testing purposes, but if you want to check that you might want to use functions like syntax-property-symbol-keys.
Finally here is the code. It may not be exactly what you want depending on how you answered the questions above. However, its structure and how it uses equal?/recur might be helpful to you.
(require rackunit)
;; Works on fully wrapped, non-wrapped, and partially
;; wrapped values, and it checks that the inputs
;; are wrapped in all the same places. It checks scopes,
;; but it does not check source location.
(define-binary-check (check-stx=? stx=? actual expected))
;; Stx Stx -> Bool
(define (stx=? a b)
[(and (identifier? a) (identifier? b))
(bound-identifier=? a b)]
[(and (syntax? a) (syntax? b))
(and (bound-identifier=? (datum->syntax a '||) (datum->syntax b '||))
(stx=? (syntax-e a) (syntax-e b)))]
(equal?/recur a b stx=?)]))

Bizarre quoted list example from On Lisp

This passage from On Lisp is genuinely confusing -- it is not clear how returning a quoted list such as '(oh my) can actually alter how the function behaves in the future: won't the returned list be generated again in the function from scratch, the next time it is called?
If we define exclaim so that its return value
incorporates a quoted list,
(defun exclaim (expression)
(append expression ’(oh my)))
Then any later destructive modification of the return value
(exclaim ’(lions and tigers and bears))
(nconc * ’(goodness))
could alter the list within the function:
(exclaim ’(fixnums and bignums and floats))
To make exclaim proof against such problems, it should be written:
(defun exclaim (expression)
(append expression (list ’oh ’my)))
How exactly is that last call to exclaim adding the word goodness to the result? The function is not referencing any outside variable so how did the separate call to nconc actually alter how the exclaim function works?
a) the effects of modifying literal lists is undefined in the Common Lisp standard. What you here see as an example is one possible behavior.
(1 2 3 4) is a literal list. But a call to LIST like in (list 1 2 3 4) returns a freshly consed list at runtime.
b) the list is literal data in the code of the function. Every call will return exactly this data object. If you want to provide a fresh list on each call, then you need to use something like LIST or COPY-LIST.
c) Since the returned list is always the same literal data object, modifying it CAN have this effect as described. One could imagine also that an error happens if the code and its objects are allocated in a read-only memory. Modifying the list then would try to write to read-only memory.
d) One thing to keep in mind when working with literal list data in source code is this: the Lisp compiler is free to optimize the storage. If a list happens to be multiple times in the source code, a compiler is allowed to detect this and to only create ONE list. All the various places would then point to this one list. Thus modifying the list would have the effect, that these changes could be visible in several places.
This may also happen with other literal data objects like arrays/vectors.
If your data structure is a part of the code, you return this internal data structure, you modify this data structure - then you try to modify your code.
Note also that Lisp can be executed by an Interpreter. The interpreter typically works on the Lisp source structure - the code is not machine code, but interpreted Lisp code as Lisp data. Here you might be able to modify the source code at runtime, not only the data embedded in the source code.

How can I make a Racket reader macro to transform any instance of one character into two other characters?

More specifically, I need any instance of | to be transformed into \|. I tried reading the documentation on reader macros and I am extremely lost. Can somebody explain this in understandable terms, or ideally show me how to write such a macro.
You're essentially destroying the usual meaning of | in the usual syntax, so you should really do that in some uniform way to minimize surprises. Your solution doesn't do that -- it treats | differently based on whether it's the first thing or not, and that's bad. For example, xxx|xxx reads it as a character in the whole symbol which means that you get a symbol with a name of "xxx|xxx", but with an input of |xxx you get two symbols, with names of "|" and "xxx" respectively. It's therefore better to just make your syntax treat | as other characters to get a more consistent and easier-to-explain behavior.
Another possible problem with your code is your use of #f as a readtable, which means that the reader is not going to compose with a reader that is potentially modified.
And finally, you should really pay attention to the extra arguments and return a syntax object when they're given. The reason for that is obvious, and my guess is that your reason for not doing so is that you're interested in just reading such code. But you should really have one eye looking at potential extensions, and in Racket, and obvious future for such code would be to make up a proper language instead of a read+eval hack. It's true that it might seem like an overkill, but in this case there is a simple solution of using the "same as this other character" shortcut to avoid writing lengthy code.
The following addresses all of these:
(define rt (let ([c (current-readtable)]) (make-readtable c #\| #\a c)))
Figured it out! Here is the code to adjust the (read) function to change all instances of | into \|:
(define rt2 (make-readtable #f #\| 'non-terminating-macro
(lambda (c in . _)
(parameterize ([current-readtable rt2]
[current-namespace ns])
(eval (read)))

Strange Lisp Quoting scenario - Graham's On Lisp, page 37

I'm working my way through Graham's book "On Lisp" and can't understand the following example at page 37:
If we define exclaim so that its return value
incorporates a quoted list,
(defun exclaim (expression)
(append expression ’(oh my)))
> (exclaim ’(lions and tigers and bears))
> (nconc * ’(goodness))
could alter the list within the function:
> (exclaim ’(fixnums and bignums and floats))
To make exclaim proof against such problems, it should be written:
(defun exclaim (expression)
(append expression (list ’oh ’my)))
Does anyone understand what's going on here? This is seriously screwing with my mental model of what quoting does.
nconc is a destructive operation that alters its first argument by changing its tail. In this case, it means that the constant list '(oh my) gets a new tail.
To hopefully make this clearer. It's a bit like this:
; Hidden variable inside exclaim
oh_my = oh → my → nil
(exclaim '(lions and tigers and bears)) =
lions → and → tigers → and → bears → oh_my
(nconc * '(goodness)) destructively appends goodness to the last result:
lions → and → tigers → and → bears → oh → my → goodness → nil
so now, oh_my = oh → my → goodness → nil
Replacing '(oh my) with (list 'oh 'my) fixes this because there is no longer a constant being shared by all and sundry. Each call to exclaim generates a new list (the list function's purpose in life is to create brand new lists).
The observation that your mental model of quoting may be flawed is an excellent one—although it may or may not apply depending on what that mental model is.
First, remember that there are various stages to program execution. A Lisp environment must first read the program text into data structures (lists, symbols, and various literal data such as strings and numbers). Next, it may or may not compile those data structures into machine code or some sort of intermediary format. Finally, the resulting code is evaluated (in the case of machine code, of course, this may simply mean jumping to the appropriate address).
Let's put the issue of compilation aside for now and focus on the reading and evaluation stages, assuming (for simplicity) that the evaluator's input is the list of data structures read by the reader.
Consider a form (QUOTE x) where x is some textual representation of an object. This may be symbol literal as in (QUOTE ABC), a list literal as in (QUOTE (A B C)), a string literal as in (QUOTE "abc"), or any other kind of literal. In the reading stage, the reader will read the form as a list (call it form1) whose first element is the symbol QUOTE and whose second element is the object x' whose textual representation is x. Note that I'm specifically saying that the object x' is stored within the list that represents the expression, i.e. in a sense, it's stored as a part of the code itself.
Now it's the evaluator's turn. The evaluator's input is form1, which is a list. So it looks at the first element of form1, and, having determined that it is the symbol QUOTE, it returns as the result of the evaluation the second element of the list. This is the crucial point. The evaluator returns the second element of the list to be evaluated, which is what the reader read in in the first execution stage (prior to compilation!). That's all it does. There's no magic to it, it's very simple, and significantly, no new objects are created and no existing ones are copied.
Therefore, whenever you modify a “quoted list”, you're modifying the code itself. Self-modifying code is a very confusing thing, and in this case, the behaviour is actually undefined (because ANSI Common Lisp permits implementations to put code in read-only memory).
Of course, the above is merely a mental model. Implementations are free to implement the model in various ways, and in fact, I know of no implementation of Common Lisp that, like my explanation, does no compilation at all. Still, this is the basic idea.
In Common Lisp.
'(1 2 3 4)
Above is a literal list. Constant data.
(list 1 2 3 4)
LIST is a function that when call returns a fresh new list with its arguments as list elements.
Avoid modifying literal lists. The effects are not standardized. Imagine a Lisp that compiles all constant data into a read only memory area. Imagine a Lisp that takes constant lists and shares them across functions.
(defun a () '(1 2 3)
(defun b () '(1 2 3))
A Lisp compiler may create one list that is shared by both functions.
If you modify the list returned by function a
it might not be changed
it might be changed
it might be an error
it might also change the list returned by function b
Implementations have the freedom to do what they like. This leaves room for optimizations.

Apply-recur macro in Clojure

I'm not very familiar with Clojure/Lisp macros. I would like to write apply-recur macro which would have same meaning as (apply recur ...)
I guess there is no real need for such macro but I think it's a good exercise. So I'm asking for your solution.
Well, there really is no need for that, if only because recur cannot take varargs (a recur to the top of the function takes a single final seqable argument grouping all arguments pass the last required argument). This doesn't affect the validity of the exercise, of course.
However, there is a problem in that a "proper" apply-recur should presumably handle argument seqs returned by arbitrary expressions and not only literals:
;; this should work...
(apply-recur [1 2 3])
;; ...and this should have the same effect...
(apply-recur (vector 1 2 3))
;; ...as should this, if (foo) returns [1 2 3]
(apply-recur (foo))
However, the value of an arbitrary expression such as (foo) is simply not available, in general, at macro expansion time. (Perhaps (vector 1 2 3) might be assumed to always yield the same value, but foo might mean different things at different times (one reason eval wouldn't work), be a let-bound local rather than a Var (another reason eval wouldn't work) etc.)
Thus to write a fully general apply-recur, we would need to be able to determine how many arguments a regular recur form would expect and have (apply-recur some-expression) expand to something like
(let [seval# some-expression]
(recur (nth seval# 0)
(nth seval# 1)
(nth seval# n-1))) ; n-1 being the number of the final parameter
(The final nth might need to be nthnext if we're dealing with varargs, which presents a problem similar to what is described in the next paragraph. Also, it would be a good idea to add an assertion to check the length of the seqable returned by some-expression.)
I am not aware of any method to determine the proper arity of a recur at a particular spot in the code at macro-expansion time. That does not mean one isn't available -- that's something the compiler needs to know anyway, so perhaps there is a way to extract that information from its internals. Even so, any method for doing that would almost certainly need to rely on implementation details which might change in the future.
Thus the conclusion is this: even if it is at all possible to write such a macro (which might not even be the case), it is likely that any implementation would be very fragile.
As a final remark, writing an apply-recur which would only be capable of dealing with literals (actually the general structure of the arg seq would need to be given as a literal; the arguments themselves -- not necessarily, so this could work: (apply-recur [foo bar baz]) => (recur foo bar baz)) would be fairly simple. I'm not spoiling the exercise by giving away the solution, but, as a hint, consider using ~#.
apply is a function that takes another function as an argument. recur is a special form, not a function, so it cannot be passed to apply.