I have a query :
update (select tmp."table1" as tmpid,
del."table1" as delid
from "table1_TMP" tmp ,
"table1_DEL" del
where del."table2" = tmp."table2" and
del."REFSEQNO" = tmp."REFSEQNO")
set tmpid = delid;
This query runs in oracle without any problem.
How can I modify this query to run on Postgresql?
I think this would do it.
update "table1_TMP" tmp
set "table1" = del."table1"
from "table1_DEL" del
where del."table2" = tmp."table2" and
I have a couple of update queries that I want to be able to run in the same query. (PostgreSQL)
What is the best way to be able to turn this 4 update statements into just 1? Separately they work fine.
with d2 as(
select d.*,arr.elem, arr.pos_elem,elem->>'expression' as expr,elem->>'value' as val ,('{'||pos_elem-1||',default}')::text[] as path
from data_r d,
jsonb_array_elements(d.js) with ordinality arr(elem,pos_elem)
where elem->>'expression' in ('p_start','p_end') or elem->>'value' in (':period_start',':period_end)
update queries q
set reports_function_parameters = jsonb_set(reports_function_parameters::jsonb,d2.path,'"Date.new((Date.today.month<2 ? Date.today.year - 2 : Date.today.last_year.year),7,1)"',false)
from d2 where d2.expr = 'p_start'
and q.name in ('HK1','HK2')
update queries q
set reports_function_parameters = jsonb_set(reports_function_parameters::jsonb,d2.path,'"Date.new((Date.today.month<2 ? Date.today.last_year.year : Date.today.year),6,30)"',false)
from d2 where d2.expr = 'p_end'
and q.name in ('HK1','HK2')
update queries q
set reports_function_parameters = jsonb_set(reports_function_parameters::jsonb,d2.path,'"Date.new((Date.today.month<2 ? Date.today.last_year.year : Date.today.year), 1, 1)"',false)
from d2 where d2.val = ':period_start'
and q.name = 'Bookings'
update queries q
set reports_function_parameters = jsonb_set(reports_function_parameters::jsonb,d2.path,'"Date.new((Date.today.month<2 ? Date.today.last_year.year : Date.today.year), 12, 31)"',false)
from d2 where d2.val = ':period_end'
and q.name = 'Bookings'
I've tried to rewrite my update query after reading this thread Update multiple rows in same query using PostgreSQL but I don't get it to work and I don't know if this solution will work for my case.
I'm trying to use UPDATE SELF JOIN and could not seem to get the correct SQL query.
Before the query, I execute this SQL query to get the values:
SELECT DISTINCT ON (purpose) purpose FROM user_assigned_customer
By the time I run this query, it overwrites all the purpose columns:
UPDATE user_assigned_customer SET purpose = (
SELECT 'main_supervisor' AS purpose FROM user_assigned_customer AS assigned_user
LEFT JOIN app_user ON app_user.id = assigned_user.app_user_id
WHERE app_user.role = 'supervisor'
AND user_assigned_customer.purpose IS NULL
AND assigned_user.id = user_assigned_customer.id
The purpose column is now only showing when running the first query:
Wondering if there is a way to query to update SQL Self JOIN with a custom value.
I think I got it with a help of a friend.
UPDATE user_assigned_customer SET purpose = 'main_supervisor'
FROM user_assigned_customer AS assigned_user
LEFT JOIN app_user ON app_user.id = assigned_user.app_user_id
WHERE app_user.role = 'supervisor'
AND user_assigned_customer.purpose IS NULL
AND assigned_user.id = user_assigned_customer.id
This is the MySQL query, now I need this below dynamic query to execute in TERADATA SQL.
set l_sql=concat('SELECT max(',l_rid_col,'), MAX(cid) INTO #c2, #c3 FROM ',p_database,'.',p_table);
SET l_rid = #c2;
SET l_cid = #c3;
And this update query:
update table_a
set row = ifnull(l_rid, 0),
column = ifnull(l_cid, 0)
where databasename = p_database
and tablename = p_table;
But In Teradata I tried this way:
update table_a as a
from (select max(l_rid) TR, MAX(l_cid) TCC
from DEVP.employees) as b
set a.row = b.TR, a.column = b.TCC
where a.databasename = 'DEVP'
and a.tablename = 'employees';
Please remove the alias name from the LHS of the update statement.
a.colA=b.colname should be colA=b.colname
I got the answer:
update table_a from (select max(l_rid) TR, MAX(l_cid) TCC from DEVP.employees )as b
set row= b.TR , column=b.TCC where databasename='DEVP' and tablename='employees';
ISSUE: I just removed the alias name in UPDATE. finally got it.
There are two update queries and 1st update query execute successfully but 2nd update query is not execute and show the following message:
Msg 512, Level 16, State 1, Line 10
Subquery returned more than 1 value. This is not permitted when the subquery follows =, !=, <, <= , >, >= or when the subquery is used as an expression. The statement has been terminated.
1st update query:
update dbo.TblPrePostApproval
dbo.TblPrePostApproval.PAApprovedDate = (select dbo.TblMasterInfo.AppRefDate
from dbo.TblMasterInfo
Where dbo.TblMasterInfo.Appid = dbo.TblPrePostApproval.Appid),
dbo.TblPrePostApproval.PAApprovedTenor = '36',
dbo.TblPrePostApproval.PAApprovedAmt = (select dbo.TblMasterInfo.AppReqeustAmt
from dbo.TblMasterInfo
where dbo.TblPrePostApproval.Appid = dbo.TblMasterInfo.AppID),
dbo.TblPrePostApproval.PADisbBr = (select dbo.TblMasterInfo.AppSourceBrName
from dbo.TblMasterInfo
where dbo.TblPrePostApproval.Appid = dbo.TblMasterInfo.AppID)
2nd update query
update dbo.TblPrePostApproval
dbo.TblPrePostApproval.PAApprovedDate = (select dbo.TestPost.PADate
from dbo.TestPost
Where dbo.TestPost.Appid = dbo.TblPrePostApproval.Appid),
dbo.TblPrePostApproval.PAApprovedTenor = (select dbo.TestPost.PATenor
from dbo.TestPost
Where dbo.TestPost.Appid = dbo.TblPrePostApproval.Appid),
dbo.TblPrePostApproval.PAApprovedAmt = (select dbo.TestPost.PAAmt
from dbo.TestPost
where dbo.TestPost.Appid = dbo.TblPrePostApproval.AppID),
dbo.TblPrePostApproval.PADisbBr = (select dbo.TestPost.PABr
from dbo.TestPost
where dbo.TestPost.Appid = dbo.TblPrePostApproval.AppID)
Where is my problem? Pls any one suggest me.
One of your subqueries (I guess on line 10) is returning more than one row, so it can't check to see if it equals anything, because it's a set, not a value. Just change your query to be more specific. Try adding LIMIT 0, 1 to the end of the subqueries, or TOP (1) after the the SELECT in each subquery.
Why don't you use JOINs for your update? Much easier to read and understand!
Query #1:
PAApprovedDate = info.AppRefDate,
PAApprovedTenor = '36',
PAApprovedAmt = info.AppReqeustAmt,
PADisbBr = info.AppSourceBrName
dbo.TblPrePostApproval ppa
dbo.TblMasterInfo.TblMasterInfo info ON info.Appid = ppa.Appid
Query #2:
PAApprovedDate = tp.PADate,
PAApprovedTenor = tp.PATenor,
PAApprovedAmt = tp.PAAmt,
PADisbBr = tp.PABr
dbo.TblPrePostApproval ppa
dbo.TestPost tp ON tp.Appid = ppa.AppID
I have imported one shapefile named tc_bf25 using qgis, and the following is my python script typed in pyscripter,
import sys
import psycopg2
conn = psycopg2.connect("dbname = 'routing_template' user = 'postgres' host = 'localhost' password = '****'")
cur = conn.cursor()
query = """
ALTER TABLE tc_bf25 ADD COLUMN source integer;
ALTER TABLE tc_bf25 ADD COLUMN target integer;
SELECT assign_vertex_id('tc_bf25', 0.0001, 'the_geom', 'gid')
query = """
SELECT *, startpoint(the_geom), endpoint(the_geom)
FROM tc_bf25
query = """
SELECT row_number() OVER (ORDER BY foo.p)::integer AS id,
foo.p AS the_geom
SELECT DISTINCT tc_bf25_ext.startpoint AS p FROM tc_bf25_ext
SELECT DISTINCT tc_bf25_ext.endpoint AS p FROM tc_bf25_ext
) foo
GROUP BY foo.p
query = """
SELECT a.*, b.id as start_id, c.id as end_id
FROM tc_bf25_ext AS a
JOIN node AS b ON a.startpoint = b.the_geom
JOIN node AS c ON a.endpoint = c.the_geom
query = """
ALTER TABLE network1 ADD COLUMN shape_leng double precision;
UPDATE network1 SET shape_leng = length(the_geom)
I got the error at the second cur.execute(query),
But I go to pgAdmin to check result, even though no error occurs, the first cur.execute(query) didn't add new columns in my table.
What mistake did I make? And how to fix it?
I am working with postgresql 8.4, python 2.7.6 under Windows 8.1 x64.
When using psycopg2, autocommit is set to False by default. The first two statements both refer to table tc_bf25, but the first statement makes an uncommitted change to the table. So try running conn.commit() between statements to see if this resolves the issue
You should run each statement individually. Do not combine multiple statements into a semicolon separated series and run them all at one. It makes error handling and fetching of results much harder.
If you still have the problem once you've made that change, show the exact statement you're having the problem with.
Just to add to #Talvalin you can enable auto-commit by adding
psycopg2.connect("dbname='mydb',user='postgres',host ='localhost',password = '****'")
conn.autocommit = True
after you connect to your database using psycopg2