Transactions in Cross-appserver calls - progress-4gl

Progress version 10c.
Suppose I have two different appservers, let's call one X and the other Y, each pointing at a different DB instance.
If I have a .p process running on X and using (locking) some records on X.db, and in the middle of it I invoke a process on appserver Y, in order to manipulate records on Y.db... do I get a correct "behaviour" in case of failures?
Y process fails, X process can detect it and rollback (on its own or by forcing it in the code itself.
X process fails after having successfully invoked Y process, Y rollbacks any changes.
X commits after Y has committed: both have updated their respective data and released all locks
Even if this work, are there any specific caveats I should be wary about?
What about performance?

There is no automatic linking of transaction states between the two processes. An app server is just another session -- it is no different than another user. The two sessions just happen to have a communication channel between them but there is no TRX state coordination.
In scenario 1 if the app server call fails it can return an error code. The parent process can then decide what it wants to do via code. But not all TRX failures will return to the caller (think "kill -9"...) And application driven error logic can have bugs.
In scenario 2 Y will have committed independently of X. No rollback will occur.
I don't see that scenario 3 is any different than scenario 2. If one of these is an asynchronous call it still doesn't matter, the transactions are still distinct from one another.


How to distribute tasks between servers where each task must be done by only one server?

Goal: There are X number backend servers. There are Y number of tasks. Each task must be done only by one server. The same task ran by two different servers should not happen.
There are tasks which include continuous work for an indefinite amount of time, such as polling for data. The same server can keep doing such a task as long as the server stays alive.
Problem: How to reassign a task if the server executing it dies? If the server dies, it can't mark the task as open. What are efficient ways to accomplish this?
Well, the way you define your problem makes it sloppy to reason about. What you actually is looking for called a "distributed lock".
Let's start with a simpler problem: assume you have only two concurrent servers S1, S2 and a single task T. The safety property you stated remains as is: at no point in time both S1 and S2 may process task T. How could that be achieved? The following strategies come to mind:
Implement an algorithm that deterministically maps task to a responsible server. For example, it could be as stupid as if'foo') then server1.process(task) else server2.process(task). That works and indeed might fit some real world requirements out there, yet such an approach is a dead end: a) you have to know how many server would you have upfront, statically and - the most dangerous - 2) you can not tolerate either server being down: if, say, S1 is taken off then there is nothing you can do with T right now except then just wait for S1 to come back online. These drawbacks could be softened, optimized - yet there is no way to get rid of them; escaping these deficiencies requires a more dynamic approach.
Implement an algorithm that would allow S1 and S2 to agree upon who is responsible for the T. Basically, you want both S1 and S2 to come to a consensus about (assumed, not necessarily needed) T.is_processed_by = "S1" or T.is_processed_by = "S2" property's value. Then your requirement translates to the "at any point in time is_process_by is seen by both servers in the same way". Hence "consensus": "an agreement (between the servers) about a is_processed_by value". Having that eliminates all the "too static" issues of the previous strategy: actually, you are no longer bound to 2 servers, you could have had n, n > 1 servers (provided that your distributed consensus works for a chosen n), however it is not prepared for accidents like unexpected power outage. It could be that S1 won the competition, is_processed_by became equal to the "S1", S2 agreed with that and... S1 went down and did nothing useful.... you're missing the last bit: the "liveness" property. In simple words, you'd like your system to continuously progress whenever possible. To achieve that property - among many other things I am not mentioning - you have to make sure that spontaneous server's death is monitored and - once it happened - not a single task T gets stuck for indefinitely long. How do you achieve that? That's another story, a typical piratical solution would be to copy-paste the good old TCP's way of doing essentially the same thing: meet the keepalive approach.
OK, let's conclude what we have by now:
Take any implementation of a "distributed locking" which is equivalent to "distributed consensus". It could be a ZooKeeper done correctly, a PostgreSQL running a serializable transaction or whatever alike.
Per each unprocessed or stuck task T in your system, make all the free servers S to race for that lock. Only one of them guaranteed to win and all the rest would surely loose.
Frequently enough push sort of TCP's keepalive notifications per each processing task or - at least - per each alive server. Missing, let say, three notifications in a sequence should be taken as server's death and all of it's tasks should be re-marked as "stuck" and (eventually) reprocessed in the previous step.
And that's it.
P.S. Safety & liveness properties is something you'd definitely want to be aware of once it comes to distributed computing.
Try rabbitmq worker queues
It has an acknowledgement feature so if a task fails or server cashes it will automatically replay your task. Based on your specific use case u can setup retries, etc
"Problem: How to reassign a task if the server executing it dies? If the server dies, it can't mark the task as open. What are efficient ways to accomplish this?"
You are getting into a known problem in distributed systems, how does a system makes decisions when the system is partitioned. Let me elaborate on this.
A simple statement "server dies" requires quite a deep dive on what does this actually mean. Did the server lost power? Is it the network between your control plane and the server is down (and the task is keep running)? Or, maybe, the task was done successfully, but the failure happened just before the task server was about to report about it? If you want to be 100% correct in deciding the current state of the system - that the same as to say that the system has to be 100% consistent.
This is where CAP theorem ( comes to play. Since your system may be partitioned at any time (a worker server may get disconnected or die - which is the same state) and you want to be 100% correct/consistent, this means that the system won't be 100% available.
To reiterate the previous paragraph: if the system suspects a task server is down, the system as a whole will have to come to a stop, till it will be able to determine on what happened with the particular task server.
Trade off between consistency and availability is the core of distributed systems. Since you want to be 100% correct, you won't have 100% availability.
While availability is not 100%, you still can improve the system to make it as available as possible. Several approaches may help with that.
Simplest one is to alert a human when the system suspects it is down. The human will get a notification (24/7), wake up, login and do a manual check on what is going on. Whether this approach works for your case - it depends on how much availability you need. But this approach is completely legit and is widely used in the industry (those engineers carrying pagers).
More complicated approach is to let the system to fail over to another task server automatically, if that is possible. Few options are available here, depending on type of task.
First type of task is a re-runnable one, but they have to exist as a single instance. In this case, the system uses "STONITH" (shoot the other node in the head) technic to make sure previous node is dead for good. For example, in a cloud the system would actually kill the whole container of task server and then start a new container as a failover.
Second type of tasks is not re-runnable. For example, a task of transferring money from account A to be B is not (automatically) re-runnable. System does not know if the task failed before or after the money were moved. Hence, the fail over needs to do extra steps to calculate the outcome, which may also be impossible if network is not working correctly. In this cases the system usually goes to halt, till it can make 100% correct decision.
None of these options will give 100% of availability, but they can do as good as possible due to nature of distributed systems.

In this case from Nygard's "Release it!" why do deadlocks happen?

I'm reading over and over this paragraph from Michael Nygard's book "Release it!" and I still don't understand why exactly deadlocks can happen:
Imagine 100,000 transactions all trying to update the same row of the
same table in the same database. Somebody is bound to get deadlocked.
Once a single transaction with a lock on the user’s profile got hung
(because of the need for a connection from a different resource pool),
all the other database transactions on that row got blocked. Pretty
soon, every single request-handling thread got used up with these
bogus logins. As soon as that happens, the site is down.
When he says "because of the need for a connection from a different resource pool", is this inside the DB engine? What is this other resource pool and why would a connection from this other resource pool be needed?
Then, "every single request-handling thread" refers already not to DB threads, but to application threads, right? And they hung because they're waiting for the DB transactions (that are already hung) to finish?
The problem is in that applications interface with a LOT of different systems, any of which can run in parallel, have internal or external locks, and depend on yet more systems.
A simple example of a deadlock is basically when two processes need to acquire exactly the same two locks at the same time to proceed, but can't agree to who will go first and in which order (which is usually what the locks are for in the first place, so it's a chicken-and-the-egg problem, not exactly trivial). So processes A and B need to acquire two locks, #1 and #2, to do their thing and proceed. But while A is locking #1, B is locking #2, and then A tries to lock #2 and B tries to lock #1 - that's a deadlock. Someone's got to give in for any work to be done.
In real life, let's say you're running multiple instances of your web application, to be able to serve multiple incoming client requests (e.g. web browsers) at the same time. It doesn't matter if those are threads, processes or coroutines. Instances of your application can hang if they require locks on two database rows. Or they can hang because in addition to a database lock, they also need a lock on a file in the file system. Or they can hang because they need a lock on a file in the file system and they are using a third party remote REST API which also has locks of its own. Or because of infinite other reasons including all of the above simultaneously.

Is there a way of assigning an int number to different instances of stateless services?

I'm building a solution where we'll have a (service-fabric) stateless service deployed to K instances. This service is tasked with some workload (like querying) and I want to split the workload between them as evenly as I can - and I want to make this a dynamic solution, which means if I decide to go from K instances to N instances tomorrow, I want the workload splitting to happen in a way that it will automatically distribute the load across N instances now. I don't have any partitions specified for this service.
As an example -
Let's say I'd like to query a database to retrieve a particular chunk of the records. I have 5 nodes. I want these 5 nodes to retrieve different 1/5th of the set of records. This can be achieved through some query logic like (row_id % N == K) where N is the total number of instances and K is the unique instance_number.
I was hoping to leverage FabricRuntime.GetNodeContext().NodeId - but this returns a guid which is not overly useful.
I'm looking for a way where I can deterministically say it's instance number M out of N (I need to be able to name the instances through 1..N) - so I can set my querying logic according to this. One of the requirements is if that instance goes down / crashes etc... when SF automatically restarts it, it should still identify as the same instance id - so that 2 or more nodes doesn't query the same set of results.
What is the best of solving this problem? Is there a solution which involves pure configuration through ApplicationManifest.xml or ServiceManifest.xml?
There is no out of the box solution for your problem, but it can be easily done in many different ways.
The simplest way is using the Queue-Based Load Leveling pattern in conjunction with Competing Consumers pattern.
It consists of creating a queue, add the work to the queue, and each instance get one message to process this work, if one instance goes down and the message is not processed, it goes back to the queue and another instance pick it up.
This way you don't have to worry about the number of instances running, failures and so on.
Regarding the work being put in the queue, it will depend if you want to to do batch processing or process item by item.
Item by item, you put one message in the queue for each item being processed, this is a simple way to handle the work and each instance process one message at time, or multiple messages in parallel.
In batch, you can put a message that represents a list of items to be processed and each instance process that batch until completed, this is a bit trickier because you might have to handle the progress of the work being done, in case of failure, the next time you can continue from where it stopped.
The queue approach is a reactive design, in this case the work need to be put in the queue to trigger the processing, If you want a proactive approach and need to keep track of which work goes to who, you probably might be better of using some other approach, like a Leasing mechanism, where each instance acquire a lease that belongs to the instance until it releases the lease, this would more suitable when you work with partitioned data or other mechanism where you can easily split the load.
Regarding the issue with the ID, an option would be the InstanceId of the replica you are on, you can reach by StatelessService.Context.InstanceId, it is not a sequential ID, but it is a random number. It is better than using the node id, because you might have multiple partitions on same node and the id would conflict with each other.
If you decide to use named partitions, you could use order in the partition name instead, so each partition would have a sequential name.
Worth mention that service fabric has a limitation that doesn't allow services to have multiple replicas on same node, because of this limitation you might have to design your services with this in mind, otherwise you won't be able to scale out once the limit is reached. Also, the same thread has some discussion about approaches to process multiple distributed items that might give you some ideas.

Why Paxos is design in two phases

Why Paxos requires two phases(prepare/promise + accept/accepted) instead of a single one? That is, using only prepare/promise portion, if the proposer has heard back from a majority of acceptors, that value is choose.
What is the problem, does it break safety or liveness?
It breaks safety not to follow the full protocol.
Typical implementations of multi-paxos have a steady state mode where a stable leader streams Accept messages containing fresh values. Only when a problem occurs (leader crashes, stalls, or is partitioned by a network issue) does a new leader need to issue prepare messages to ensure saftey. A full description of this is in the write-up of how TRex an open source Paxos library implements Paxos.
Consider the following crash scenario which TRex would handle properly:
Nodes A, B, C with A leading
Client application sends V1 to leader A
Node A is in steady state and so sends accept(n, V1) to nodes B and C. The network starts to fail though so only B sees the message and it replies with accepted(n)
Node A sees the response and has a majority {A,B} so it knows the value is fixed due to the safety proof of the protocol.
Node A attempts to broadcast the outcome to everyone just as it's server dies. Only the client application who issued the V1 gets the message. Imagine that V1 is a customer order and upon learning the order is fixed the client application debts the customer credit card.
Node C times out on the dead leader and attempts to lead. It never saw the value V1. It cannot arbitrarily choose any new value without rolling back the order V1 but the customer has already been charged.
So Node C first issues a prepare(n+1) and node B responds with promise(n+1, V1).
Node C then issues accept(n+1, V1) and as long as the remaining messages get through nodes B and C will learn the value V1 was chosen.
Intuitively we can say that Node C has chosen to collaborate with the dead node A by choosing A's value. So intuitively we can see why there must be two rounds. The first round is needed to discover whether there is any pending work to finish. The second round is used to fix the correct value to give consistency across all processes within the system.
It's not entirely accurate, but you can think of the two phases as 1) copying the data, and then 2) committing the data. If the data is just copied to the other servers, those servers would have no idea if enough other servers have the data for it to be considered safe to serve. Thus there is a second phase to let the servers know that they can commit the data.
Paxos is a little more complex than that, which allows it to continue during failures of either phase. Part of the Paxos proof is that it is the minimal protocol for doing this completely. That is, other protocols do more work, either because they add more capabilities, or because they were poorly designed.

Is ZooKeeper always consistent in terms of CAP theorem?

Is that correct that ZooKeeper is always CP (in terms of CAP theorem)?
Or is there anyway to use it as AP for service discovery needs?
Zookeeper is not A, and can't drop P. So it's called CP apparently. In terms of CAP theorem, "C" actually means linearizability.
linearizability : if operation B started after operation A successfully completed, then operation B must see the the system in the same state as it was on completion of operation A, or a newer state.
Zookeeper has Sequential Consistency - Updates from a client will be applied in the order that they were sent.
ZooKeeper does not in fact simultaneously consistent across client views.
ZooKeeper does not guarantee that at every instance in time, two different clients will have identical views of ZooKeeper data. Due to factors like network delays, one client may perform an update before another client gets notified of the change. Consider the scenario of two clients, A and B. If client A sets the value of a znode /a from 0 to 1, then tells client B to read /a, client B may read the old value of 0, depending on which server it is connected to. If it is important that Client A and Client B read the same value, Client B should should call the sync() method from the ZooKeeper API method before it performs its read.
ZooKeeper provides "sequential consistency". This is weaker than linearizability but is still very strong, much stronger than "eventual consistency". ZooKeeper also provides a sync command. If you invoke a sync command and then a read, the read is guaranteed to see at least the last write that completed before the sync started.
linearizability, writes should appear to be instantaneous. Imprecisely, once a write completes, all later reads (where “later” is defined by wall-clock start time) should return the value of that write or the value of a later write. Once a read returns a particular value, all later reads should return that value or the value of a later write."
In Zookeeper they have sync() method to use where we need something like linearizability.
Serializability is a guarantee about transactions, or groups of one or more operations over one or more objects. It guarantees that the execution of a set of transactions (usually containing read and write operations) over multiple items is equivalent to some serial execution (total ordering) of the transactions.
Refer :
Difference between Linearizability and Serializability
No, you cannot change consistency guarantees in current versions of ZooKeeper like you can in some other systems.
You can add a local cache to your clients which will make them have read only data if the cluster goes down, but in terms of CAP that is still not A because it needs to be available for updates as well as reads.
If ZK offers too strong levels of consistency for your service discovery needs, you should try researching other options, e.g. Eureka, Consul or etcd.
Possibly related reads:
An excellent question.
In terms of CAP theorem, "C" actually means linearizability:
if operation B started after operation A successfully completed, then
operation B must see the the system in the same state as it was on
completion of operation A, or a newer state.
Since the write in ZooKeeper is considered completed after the quorum confirms it, there can still be stale nodes with old data. Therefore, strictly speaking, ZooKeeper is by default not a CP system, even though it provides reasonably high level of consistency. You can ensure linearizability by preceding a read with a sync command.
Regarding the availability under the network partition, those nodes that are not in majority could not process write requests anymore because they don't have a quorum.
See also:
Please stop calling database CP or AP