In this case from Nygard's "Release it!" why do deadlocks happen? - threadpool

I'm reading over and over this paragraph from Michael Nygard's book "Release it!" and I still don't understand why exactly deadlocks can happen:
Imagine 100,000 transactions all trying to update the same row of the
same table in the same database. Somebody is bound to get deadlocked.
Once a single transaction with a lock on the user’s profile got hung
(because of the need for a connection from a different resource pool),
all the other database transactions on that row got blocked. Pretty
soon, every single request-handling thread got used up with these
bogus logins. As soon as that happens, the site is down.
When he says "because of the need for a connection from a different resource pool", is this inside the DB engine? What is this other resource pool and why would a connection from this other resource pool be needed?
Then, "every single request-handling thread" refers already not to DB threads, but to application threads, right? And they hung because they're waiting for the DB transactions (that are already hung) to finish?

The problem is in that applications interface with a LOT of different systems, any of which can run in parallel, have internal or external locks, and depend on yet more systems.
A simple example of a deadlock is basically when two processes need to acquire exactly the same two locks at the same time to proceed, but can't agree to who will go first and in which order (which is usually what the locks are for in the first place, so it's a chicken-and-the-egg problem, not exactly trivial). So processes A and B need to acquire two locks, #1 and #2, to do their thing and proceed. But while A is locking #1, B is locking #2, and then A tries to lock #2 and B tries to lock #1 - that's a deadlock. Someone's got to give in for any work to be done.
In real life, let's say you're running multiple instances of your web application, to be able to serve multiple incoming client requests (e.g. web browsers) at the same time. It doesn't matter if those are threads, processes or coroutines. Instances of your application can hang if they require locks on two database rows. Or they can hang because in addition to a database lock, they also need a lock on a file in the file system. Or they can hang because they need a lock on a file in the file system and they are using a third party remote REST API which also has locks of its own. Or because of infinite other reasons including all of the above simultaneously.


Are the changes of a write transaction in ClientA immediately visible to a ClientB read, started after COMMIT?

We are observing some behaviours/errors in some of our workflows, related to the consistency and visiblity of a Postgres write transaction, followed by a read. One of our developers offered an explanation, but I could not find any search results documenting the proposed reasoning.
Given a single Postgres 10.3 host, the following operations take place:
ClientA performs a successful write transaction
After the COMMIT, an external notification is emitted
ClientB reacts to external notification and performs a read, only to find that the UPDATE transaction changes are not visible
The explanation that was proposed is that two postgres client connections on different threads don't have a guaranteed view snapshot and may not immediately observe the write transaction update after the commit. But from what I have read, I would expect that after the COMMIT has succeeded, a read operation then starting in response should see the effects of that write.
My specific question is: Given two database client connections on different threads, is it possible for a race condition with one client viewing the effects of a write transaction AFTER the other client has committed? (no overlapping transactions).
Every bit of documentation I have found thus far only refers to concerns about overlapping/concurrent transaction and the MVCC/transaction isolation topics. Nothing about a synchronised serial operation between two different client connections.
Edit: Some extra details about the configuration.
ClientA and ClientB would be different threads accessing postgres through a connection pool. Clients may both be in the same connection pool on the same application server, or it may be ClientA/ApplicationA and ClientB/ApplicationB.
When ClientB reacts, it will access the existing Application server connection pool to make a new read.
No, that cannot happen, unless the reading transaction started earlier and is running at the REPEATABLE READ or SERIALIZABLE isolation level.
There is also the possibility that the reading transaction does not connect to the same server as the writing transaction, but to a streaming replication standby server with hot_standby enabled. Then this can easily happen, even with synchronous replication (unless you set synchronous_commit = remote_apply).

How can (messaging) queue be scalable?

I frequently see queues in software architecture, especially those called "scalable" with prominent representative of Actor from multi-actor platform. However, how can queue be scalable, if we have to synchronize placing messages in queue (and therefore operate in single thread vs multi thread) and again synchronize taking out messages from queue (to assure, that message it taken exactly once)? It get's even more complicated, when those messages can change state of (actor) system - in this case even after taking out message from queue, it cannot be load balanced, but still processed in single thread.
Is it correct, that putting messages in queue must be synchronized?
Is it correct, that putting messages out of queue must be synchronized?
If 1 or 2 is correct, then how is queue scalable? Doesn't synchronization to single thread immediately create bottleneck?
How can (actor) system be scalable, if it is statefull?
Does statefull actor/bean mean, that I have to process messages in single thread and in order?
Does statefullness mean, that I have to have single copy of bean/actor per entire system?
If 6 is false, then how do I share this state between instances?
When I am trying to connect my new P2P node to netowrk, I believe I have to have some "server" that will tell me, who are other peers, is that correct? When I am trying to download torrent, I have to connect to tracker - if there is "server" then we do we call it P2P? If this tracker will go down, then I cannot connect to peers, is that correct?
Is synchronization and statefullness destroying scalability?
Is it correct, that putting messages in queue must be synchronized?
Is it correct, that putting messages out of queue must be synchronized?
Assuming we're talking about the synchronized java keyword then that is a reenetrant mutual exclusion lock on the object. Even multiple threads accessing that lock can be fast as long as contention is low. And each object has its own lock so there are many locks, each which only needs to be taken for a short time, i.e. it is fine-grained locking.
But even if it did, queues need not be implemented via mutual exclusion locks. Lock-free and even wait-free queue data structures exist. Which means the mere presence of locks does not automatically imply single-threaded execution.
The rest of your questions should be asked separately because they are not about message queuing.
Of course you are correct in that a single queue is not scalable. The point of the Actor Model is that you can have millions of Actors and therefore distribute the load over millions of queues—if you have so many cores in your cluster. Always remember what Carl Hewitt said:
One Actor is no actor. Actors come in systems.
Each single actor is a fully sequential and single-threaded unit of computation. The whole model is constructed such that it is perfectly suited to describe distribution, though; this means that you create as many actors as you need.

Haskell database connections

Please look at this scotty app (it's taken directly from this old answer from 2014):
import Web.Scotty
import Database.MongoDB
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as T
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
runQuery :: Pipe -> Query -> IO [Document]
runQuery pipe query = access pipe master "nutrition" (find query >>= rest)
main = do
pipe <- connect $ host ""
scotty 3000 $ do
get "/" $ do
res <- liftIO $ runQuery pipe (select [] "stock_foods")
text $ T.pack $ show res
You see how the the database connection (pipe) is created only once when the web app launches. Subsequently, thousands if not millions of visitors will hit the "/" route simultaneously and read from the database using the same connection (pipe).
I have questions about how to properly use Database.MongoDB:
Is this the proper way of setting things up? As opposed to creating a database connection for every visit to "/". In this latter case, we could have millions of connections at once. Is that discouraged? What are the advantages and drawbacks of such an approach?
In the app above, what happens if the database connection is lost for some reason and needs to be created again? How would you recover from that?
What about authentication with the auth function? Should the auth function only be called once after creating the pipe, or should it be called on every hit to "/"?
Some say that I'm supposed to use a pool (Data.Pool). It looks like that would only help limit the number of visitors using the same database connection simultaneously. But why would I want to do that? Doesn't the MongoDB connection have a built-in support for simultaneous usages?
Even if you create connection per client you won't be able to create too many of them. You will hit ulimit. Once you hit that ulimit the client that hit this ulimit will get a runtime error.
The reason it doesn't make sense is because mongodb server will be spending too much time polling all those connections and it will have only as many meaningful workers as many CPUs your db server has.
One connection is not a bad idea, because mongodb is designed to send several requests and wait for responses. So, it will utilize as much resources as your mongodb can have with only one limitation - you have only one pipe for writing, and if it closes accidentally you will need to recreate this pipe yourself.
So, it makes more sense to have a pool of connections. It doesn't need to be big. I had an app which authenticates users and gives them tokens. With 2500 concurrent users per second it only had 3-4 concurrent connections to the database.
Here are the benefits connection pool gives you:
If you hit pool connection limit you will be waiting for the next available connection and will not get runtime error. So, you app will wait a little bit instead of rejecting your client.
Pool will be recreating connections for you. You can configure pool to close excess of connections and create more up until certain limit as you need them. If you connection breaks while you read from it or write to it, then you just take another connection from the pool. If you don't return that broken connection to the pool pool will create another connection for you.
If the database connection is closed then: mongodb listener on this connection will exit printing a error message on your terminal, your app will receive an IO error. In order to handle this error you will need to create another connection and try again. When it comes to handling this situation you understand that it's easier to use a db pool. Because eventually you solution to this will resemble connection pool very much.
I do auth once as part of opening a connection. If you need to auth another user later you can always do it.
Yes, mongodb handles simultaneous usage, but like I said it gives only one pipe to write and it soon becomes a bottle neck. If you create at least as many connections as your mongodb server can afford threads for handling them(CPU count), then they will be going at full speed.
If I missed something feel free to ask for clarifications.
Thank you for your question.
What you really want is a database connection pool. Take a look at the code from this other answer.
Instead of auth, you can use withMongoDBPool to if your MongoDB server is in secure mode.
Is this the proper way of setting things up? As opposed to creating a database connection for every visit to "/". In this latter case, we could have millions of connections at once. Is that discouraged? What are the advantages and drawbacks of such an approach?
You do not want to open one connection and then use it. The HTTP server you are using, which underpins Scotty, is called Warp. Warp has a multi-core, multi-green-thread design. You are allowed to share the same connection across all threads, since Database.MongoDB says outright that connections are thread-safe, but what will happen is that when one thread is blocked waiting for a response (the MongoDB protocol follows a simple request-response design) all threads in your web service will block. This is unfortunate.
We can instead create a connection on every request. This trivially solves the problem of one thread's blocking another but leads to its own share of problems. The overhead of setting up a TCP connection, while not substantial, is also not zero. Recall that every time we want to open or close a socket we have to jump from the user to the kernel, wait for the kernel to update its internal data structures, and then jump back (a context switch). We also have to deal with the TCP handshake and goodbyes. We would also, under high load, run out file descriptors or memory.
It would be nice if we had a solution somewhere in between. The solution should be
Let us max-bound the number of connections so we don't exhaust the finite resources of the operating system
Share connections across threads under normal load
Create new connections as we experience increased load
Allow us to clean up resources (like closing a handle) as connections are deleted under reduced load
Hopefully already written and battle-tested by other production systems
It is this exactly problem that resource-pool tackles.
Some say that I'm supposed to use a pool (Data.Pool). It looks like that would only help limit the number of visitors using the same database connection simultaneously. But why would I want to do that? Doesn't the MongoDB connection have a built-in support for simultaneous usages?
It is unclear what you mean by simultaneous usages. There is one interpretation I can guess at: you mean something like HTTP/2, which has pipelining built into the protocol.
standard picture of pipelining
Above we see the client making multiple requests to the server, without waiting for a response, and then the client can receive responses back in some order. (Time flows from the top to the bottom.) This MongoDB does not have. This is a fairly complicated protocol design that is not that much better than just asking your clients to use connection pools. And MongoDB is not alone here: the simple request-and-response design is something that Postgres, MySQL, SQL Server, and most other databases have settled on.
And: it is true that connection pool limits the load you can take as a web service before all threads are blocked and your user just sees a loading bar. But this problem would exist in any of the three scenarios (connection pooling, one shared connection, one connection per request)! The computer has finite resources, and at some point something will collapse under sufficient load. Connection pooling's advantages are that it scales gracefully right up until the point it cannot. The correct solution to handling more traffic is to increase the number of computers; we should not avoid pooling simply due to this problem. 
In the app above, what happens if the database connection is lost for some reason and needs to be created again? How would you recover from that?
I believe these kinds of what-if's are outside the scope of Stack Overflow and deserve no better answer than "try it and see." Buuuuuuut given that the server terminates the connection, I can take a stab at what might happen: assuming Warp forks a green thread for each request (which I think it does), each thread will experience an unchecked IOException as it tries to write to the closed TCP connection. Warp would catch this exception and serve it as an HTTP 500, hopefully writing something useful to the logs also. Assuming a single-connection model like you have now, you could either do something clever (but high in lines of code) where you "reboot" your main function and set up a second connection. Something I do for hobby projects: should anything odd occur, like a dropped connection, I ask my supervisor process (like systemd) to watch the logs and restart the web service. Though clearly not a great solution for a production, money-makin' website, it works well enough for small apps.
What about authentication with the auth function? Should the auth function only be called once after creating the pipe, or should it be called on every hit to "/"?
It should be called once after creating the connection. MongoDB authentication is per-connection. You can see an example here of how the db.auth() command mutates the MongoDB server's data structures corresponding to the current client connection.

Pattern for a singleton application process using the database

I have a backend process that maintains state in a PostgreSQL database, which needs to be visible to the frontend. I want to:
Properly handle the backend being stopped and started. This alone is as simple as clearing out the backend state tables on startup.
Guard against multiple instances of the backend trampling each other. There should only be one backend process, but if I accidentally start a second instance, I want to make sure either the first instance is killed, or the second instance is blocked until the first instance dies.
Solutions I can think of include:
Exploit the fact that my backend process listens on a port. If a second instance of the process tries to start, it will fail with "Address already in use". I just have to make sure it does the listen step before connecting to the database and wiping out state tables.
Open a secondary connection and run the following:
LOCK TABLE initech.backend_lock IN EXCLUSIVE MODE;
Note: the reason for IN EXCLUSIVE MODE is that LOCK defaults to the AccessExclusive locking mode. This conflicts with the AccessShare lock acquired by pg_dump.
Don't commit. Leave the table locked until the program dies.
What's a good pattern for maintaining a singleton backend process that maintains state in a PostgreSQL database? Ideally, I would acquire a lock for the duration of the connection, but LOCK TABLE cannot be used outside of a transaction.
Consider an application with a "broker" process which talks to the database, and accepts connections from clients. Any time a client connects, the broker process adds an entry for it to the database. This provides two benefits:
The frontend can query the database to see what clients are connected.
When a row changes in another table called initech.objects, and clients need to know about it, I can create a trigger that generates a list of clients to notify of the change, writes it to a table, then uses NOTIFY to wake up the broker process.
Without the table of connected clients, the application has to figure out what clients to notify. In my case, this turned out to be quite messy: store a copy of the initech.objects table in memory, and any time a row changes, dispatch the old row and new row to handlers that check if the row changed and act if it did. To do it efficiently involves creating "indexes" against both the table-stored-in-memory, and handlers interested in row changes. I'm making a poor replica of SQL's indexing and querying capabilities in the broker program. I'd rather move this work to the database.
In summary, I want the broker process to maintain some of its state in the database. It vastly simplifies dispatching configuration changes to clients, but it requires that only one instance of the broker be connected to the database at a time.
it can be done by advisory locks
I solved this today in a way I thought was concise:
CREATE TYPE mutex as ENUM ('active');
CREATE TABLE singleton (status mutex DEFAULT 'active' NOT NULL UNIQUE);
Then your backend process tries to do this:
insert into singleton values ('active');
And quits or waits if it fails to do so.

NEventStore 3.0 - Throughput / Performance

I have been experimenting with JOliver's Event Store 3.0 as a potential component in a project and have been trying to measure the throughput of events through the Event Store.
I started using a simple harness which essentially iterated through a for loop creating a new stream and committing a very simple event comprising of a GUID id and a string property to a MSSQL2K8 R2 DB. The dispatcher was essentially a no-op.
This approach managed to achieve ~3K operations/second running on an 8 way HP G6 DL380 with the DB on a separate 32 way G7 DL580. The test machines were not resource bound, blocking looks to be the limit in my case.
Has anyone got any experience of measuring the throughput of the Event Store and what sort of figures have been achieved? I was hoping to get at least 1 order of magnitude more throughput in order to make it a viable option.
I would agree that blocking IO is going to be the biggest bottleneck. One of the issues that I can see with the benchmark is that you're operating against a single stream. How many aggregate roots do you have in your domain with 3K+ events per second? The primary design of the EventStore is for multithreaded operations against multiple aggregates which reduces contention and locks for read-world applications.
Also, what serialization mechanism are you using? JSON.NET? I don't have a Protocol Buffers implementation (yet), but every benchmark shows that PB is significantly faster in terms of performance. It would be interesting to run a profiler against your application to see where the biggest bottlenecks are.
Another thing I noticed was that you're introducing a network hop into the equation which increases latency (and blocking time) against any single stream. If you were writing to a local SQL instance which uses solid state drives, I could see the numbers being much higher as compared to a remote SQL instance running magnetic drives and which have the data and log files on the same platter.
Lastly, did your benchmark application use System.Transactions or did it default to no transactions? (The EventStore is safe without use of System.Transactions or any kind of SQL transaction.)
Now, with all of that being said, I have no doubt that there are areas in the EventStore that could be dramatically optimized with a little bit of attention. As a matter of fact, I'm kicking around a few backward-compatible schema revisions for the 3.1 release to reduce the number writes performed within SQL Server (and RDBMS engines in general) during a single commit operation.
One of the biggest design questions I faced when starting on the 2.x rewrite that serves as the foundation for 3.x is the idea of async, non-blocking IO. We all know that node.js and other non-blocking web servers beat threaded web servers by an order of magnitude. However, the potential for complexity introduced on the caller is increased and is something that must be strongly considered because it is a fundamental shift in the way most programs and libraries operate. If and when we do move to an evented, non-blocking model, it would be more in a 4.x time frame.
Bottom line: publish your benchmarks so that we can see where the bottlenecks are.
Excellent question Matt (+1), and I see Mr Oliver himself replied as the answer (+1)!
I wanted to throw in a slightly different approach that I myself am playing with to help with the 3,000 commits-per-second bottleneck you are seeing.
The CQRS Pattern, that most people who use JOliver's EventStore seem to be attempting to follow, allows for a number of "scale out" sub-patterns. The first one people usually queue off is the Event commits themselves, which you are seeing a bottleneck in. "Queue off" meaning offloaded from the actual commits and inserting them into some write-optimized, non-blocking I/O process, or "queue".
My loose interpretation is:
Command broadcast -> Command Handlers -> Event broadcast -> Event Handlers -> Event Store
There are actually two scale-out points here in these patterns: the Command Handlers and Event Handlers. As noted above, most start with scaling out the Event Handler portions, or the Commits in your case to the EventStore library, because this is usually the biggest bottleneck due to the need to persist it somewhere (e.g. Microsoft SQL Server database).
I myself am using a few different providers to test for the best performance to "queue up" these commits. CouchDB and .NET's AppFabric Cache (which has a great GetAndLock() feature). [OT]I really like AppFabric's durable-cache features that lets you create redundant cache servers that backup your regions across multiple machines - therefore, your cache stays alive as long as there is at least 1 server up and running.[/OT]
So, imagine your Event Handlers do not write the commits to the EventStore directly. Instead, you have a handler insert them into a "queue" system, such as Windows Azure Queue, CouchDB, Memcache, AppFabric Cache, etc. The point is to pick a system with little to no blocks to queue up the events, but something that is durable with redundancy built-in (Memcache being my least favorite for redundancy options). You must have that redundancy, in the case that if a server drops, you still have the event queued up.
To finally commit from this "Queued Event", there are several options. I like Windows Azure's Queue pattern for this, because of the many "workers" you can have constantly looking for work in the queue. But it doesn't have to be Windows Azure - I've mimicked Azure's Queue pattern in local code using a "Queue" and "Worker Roles" running in background threads. It scales really nicely.
Say you have 10 workers constantly looking into this "queue" for any User Updated events (I usually write a single worker role per Event type, makes scaling out easier as you get to monitor the stats of each type). Two events get inserted into the queue, the first two workers instantly pick up a message each, and insert them (Commit them) directly into your EventStore at the same time - multithreading, as Jonathan mentioned in his answer. Your bottleneck with that pattern would be whatever database/eventstore backing you select. Say your EventStore is using MSSQL and the bottleneck is still 3,000 RPS. That is fine, because the system is built to 'catch up' when those RPS drops down to, say 50 RPS after a 20,000 burst. This is the natural pattern CQRS allows for: "Eventual Consistency."
I said there was other scale-out patterns native to the CQRS patterns. Another, as I mentioned above, is the Command Handlers (or Command Events). This is one I have done as well, especially if you have a very rich domain domain as one of my clients does (dozens of processor-intensive validation checks on every Command). In that case, I'll actually queue off the Commands themselves, to be processed in the background by some worker roles. This gives you a nice scale out pattern as well, because now your entire backend, including the EvetnStore commits of the Events, can be threaded.
Obviously, the downside to that is that you loose some real-time validation checks. I solve that by usually segmenting validation into two categories when structuring my domain. One is Ajax or real-time "lightweight" validations in the domain (kind of like a Pre-Command check). And the others are hard-failure validation checks, that are only done in the domain but not available for realtime checking. You would then need to code-for-failure in Domain model. Meaning, always code for a way out if something fails, usually in the form of a notification email back to the user that something went wrong. Because the user is no longer blocked by this queued Command, they need to be notified if the command fails.
And your validation checks that need to go to the 'backend' is going to your Query or "read-only" database, riiiight? Don't go into the EventStore to check for, say, a unique Email address. You'd be doing your validation against your highly-available read-only datastore for the Queries of your front end. Heck, have a single CouchDB document be dedicated to only a list of all email addresses in the system as your Query portion of CQRS.
CQRS is just suggestions... If you really need realtime checking of a heavy validation method, then you can build a Query (read-only) store around that, and speed up the validation - on the PreCommand stage, before it gets inserted into the queue. Lots of flexibility. And I would even argue that validating things like empty Usernames and empty Emails is not even a domain concern, but a UI responsiblity (off-loading the need to do real-time validation in the domain). I've architected a few projects where I had very rich UI validation on my MVC/MVVM ViewModels. Of course my Domain had very strict validation, to ensure it is valid before processing. But moving the mediocre input-validation checks, or what I call "light-weight" validation, up into the ViewModel layers gives that near-instant feedback to the end-user, without reaching into my domain. (There are tricks to keep that in sync with your domain as well).
So in summary, possibly look into queuing off those Events before they are committed. This fits nicely with EventStore's multi-threading features as Jonathan mentions in his answer.
We built a small boilerplate for massive concurrency using Erlang/Elixir, using Eventstore. We still have to optimize db connections, pooling, etc... but the idea of having one process per aggregate with multiple db connections is aligned with your needs.