How to write a Build.scala to change a SettingKey priviously assigned in build.sbt - scala

I have a build.sbt:
name := "name"
And a project/Build.scala:
import sbt._
object MyBuild extends Build {
val root = Project(id = "root", base = file("."))
override def settings = super.settings :+ ( in root ~= { oldName => oldName + "-in-scala" }
I want a transformer in project/Build.scala, which can changes name to name-in-scala. But it does not work.
How can I write a transformer in Build.scala?

I don't think that's possible.
The page states about SBT 0.12.1:
The setting in build.sbt should "win" over the one in Build.scala.
The settings in .sbt files are appended to the settings in .scala files.


Set task settings from build.sbt

I am writing a small sbt plugin to generate some files which should be configurable by a target path parameter. Therefore I wrote this plugin code:
object GeneratorPlugin extends AutoPlugin {
object autoImport {
val targetPath = settingKey[String]["target directory"]
val generateFiles = taskKey[Unit]["generate files"]
import autoImport._
override def trigger = allRequirements
override lazy val buildSettings = Seq(
targetPath := ".",
generateFiles := generateTask
lazy val generateTask = Def.task {
When importing this using addSbtPlugin in project/plugins.sbt and running it with sbt generateFiles is correctly printing .. However when I change the value of targetPath in my build.sbt the result does not change.
targetPath := "/my/new/path"
Result of sbt generateFiles is still ..
Is there a way to change the value of targetPath within my build.sbt when importing the plugin?
You can change it like so:
targetPath in ThisBuild := "/my/new/path"
or in the sbt 1.1's new slash syntax
ThisBuild / targetPath := "/my/new/path"

How can I specify a mainClass in build.sbt that resides in another module?

For some reason, our project got reorganized with the main class thrown in another module
I've specified the mainClass as below in the build.sbt but I still get a class not found error:
mainClass in Compile := Some("")
However, this is bound to fail since it's going to look for the Main class in the src folder. However, this module lives outside of (sibling of) src:
| +-Main
|+-build.sbt <-- build.sbt specific to this module, currently blank
| +-<other folders>
+-build.sbt <-- build.sbt currently housing all config
How can I change the project scope in build.sbt to find and correctly load the main class?
That is, is it possible to do sbt run at the top level and have the main class be found with this structure?
It should work.
The FQCN specification for mainClass should be location independent to my understanding.
The real question that comes to mind is how you are loading your sub-module.
Here are some sbt definitions that should help point you in the right direction ( replace the <> tags with your own project Ids) :
// Define a submodule ref to be able to include it as a dependency
lazy val subModuleRef = ProjectRef(file("MyModule"),<MyModule SBT NAME>)
// Define a submodule project to be able to orchestrate it's build
lazy val subModule = Project(
id = <MyModule SBT NAME>,
base = file("MyModule"),
// Define the top-level project, depending and subModule Ref for code
// inclusion and aggregating the subModule for build orchestration
lazy val scalaProject = Project(
id = <MyScalaProject NAME>,
base = file("."),
aggregate = Seq(subModule),
settings = commonSettings
Let's say that you have the MyModule module/folder containing the main class and some other module called MyCoreModule (just to illustrate the whole build.sbt):
// any stuff that you want to share between modules
lazy val commonSettings = Seq(
scalaVersion := "2.12.8",
version := "1.0-SNAPSHOT"
lazy val root = (project in file("."))
.settings(commonSettings: _*)
name := "parent-module"
.aggregate(core, app)
.dependsOn(app) // <-- here is the config that will allow you to run "sbt run" from the root project
lazy val core ="MyCoreModule"))
.settings(commonSettings: _*)
name := "core"
lazy val app ="MyModule"))
.settings(commonSettings: _*)
name := "app"
// define your mainClass from the "app" module
mainClass in Compile := (mainClass in Compile in app).value
Btw, sbt.version=1.2.7

Why does sbt report "not found: value PlayScala" with Build.scala while build.sbt works?

I am creating a multi-module sbt project, with following structure:
LoggingModule is a Play Framework project, while common is a simple Scala project.
In plugins.sbt:
resolvers += "Typesafe repo" at ""
addSbtPlugin("" % "sbt-plugin" % "2.3.3")
While I have this in build.sbt, all works fine and it recognises PlayScala:
name := "Multi-Build"
lazy val root =".")).aggregate(common, LoggingModule).dependsOn(common, LoggingModule)
lazy val common = project in file("common")
lazy val LoggingModule = (project in file("LoggingModule")).enablePlugins(PlayScala)
However as soon I put this in project/Build.scala instead of `build.sbt' as follows:
object RootBuild extends Build {
lazy val root ="."))
.aggregate(common, LoggingModule)
.dependsOn(common, LoggingModule)
lazy val common = project in file("common")
lazy val LoggingModule = (project in file("LoggingModule")).enablePlugins(PlayScala)
...//other settings
it generates error as:
not found: value PlayScala
lazy val LoggingModule = (project in file("LoggingModule")).enablePlugins(PlayScala)
How to solve the issue?
It's just a missing import.
In .sbt files, some things are automatically imported by default: contents of objects extending Plugin, and (>= 0.13.5) autoImport fields in AutoPlugins. This is the case of PlayScala.
In a Build.scala file, normal Scala import rules apply. So you have to import things a bit more explicitly. In this case, you need to import play.PlayScala (or use .enabledPlugins(play.PlayScala) directly).

SBT plugin - User defined configuration for Command via their build.sbt

I'm writing an SBT Plugin that adds a Command and would like users to be able to configure this Command by setting variables in their build.sbt. What is the simplest way to achieve this?
Here is an simplified example of what the Plugin looks like:
import sbt.Keys._
import sbt._
object MyPlugin extends Plugin {
override lazy val settings = Seq(commands += Command.args("mycommand", "myarg")(myCommand))
def myCommand = (state: State, args: Seq[String]) => {
//Logic for command...
I would like someone to be able to add the follow to their build.sbt file:
newSetting := "light"
How do I make this available as a String variable from inside the myCommand Command above?
Take a look at the example here:
In this example, a task and setting are defined:
val newTask = TaskKey[Unit]("new-task")
val newSetting = SettingKey[String]("new-setting")
val newSettings = Seq(
newSetting := "test",
newTask <<= newSetting map { str => println(str) }
A user of your plugin could then provide their own value for the newSetting setting in their build.sbt:
newSetting := "light"
Here's another example, closer to what you're going for:
import sbt._
import Keys._
object HelloBuild extends Build {
val newSetting = SettingKey[String]("new-setting", "a new setting!")
val myTask = TaskKey[State]("my-task")
val mySettings = Seq(
newSetting := "default",
myTask <<= (state, newSetting) map { (state, newSetting) =>
println("newSetting: " + newSetting)
lazy val root =
Project(id = "hello",
base = file("."),
settings = Project.defaultSettings ++ mySettings)
With this configuration, you can run my-task at the sbt prompt, and you'll see newSetting: default printed to the console.
You can override this setting in build.sbt:
newSetting := "modified"
Now, when you run my-task at the sbt prompt, you'll see newSetting: modified printed to the console.
Here's a stand-alone version of the example above:
I've accepted #James's answer as it really helped me out. I moved away from using a Commands in favour of a Task (see this mailing list thread). In the end my plugin looked something like this:
import sbt.Keys._
import sbt._
object MyPlugin extends Plugin {
import MyKeys._
object MyKeys {
val myTask = TaskKey[Unit]("runme", "This means you can run 'runme' in the SBT console")
val newSetting = SettingKey[String]("newSetting")
override lazy val settings = Seq (
newSetting := "light",
myTask <<= (state, newSetting) map myCommand
def myCommand(state: State, newSetting: String) {
//This code runs when the user types the "runme" command in the SBT console
//newSetting is "light" here unless the user overrides in their build.sbt (see below)
To override the newSetting in the build.sbt of a project that uses this plugin:
newSetting := "Something else"
The missing import statement had me stuck for a while!

How to get list of dependency jars from an sbt 0.10.0 project

I have a sbt 0.10.0 project that declares a few dependencies somewhat like:
object MyBuild extends Build {
val commonDeps = Seq("commons-httpclient" % "commons-httpclient" % "3.1",
"commons-lang" % "commons-lang" % "2.6")
val buildSettings = Defaults.defaultSettings ++ Seq ( organization := "org" )
lazy val proj = Project("proj", file("src"),
settings = buildSettings ++ Seq(
name := "projname",
libraryDependencies := commonDeps, ...)
I wish to creat a build rule to gather all the jar dependencies of "proj", so that I can symlink them to a single directory.
Example SBT task to print full runtime classpath
Below is roughly what I'm using. The "get-jars" task is executable from the SBT prompt.
import sbt._
import Keys._
object MyBuild extends Build {
// ...
val getJars = TaskKey[Unit]("get-jars")
val getJarsTask = getJars <<= (target, fullClasspath in Runtime) map { (target, cp) =>
println("Target path is: "+target)
println("Full classpath is: "":"))
lazy val project = Project (
file ("."),
settings = Defaults.defaultSettings ++ Seq(getJarsTask)
Other resources
Unofficial guide to sbt 0.10.
Keys.scala defines predefined keys. For example, you might want to replace fullClasspath with managedClasspath.
This plugin defines a simple command to generate an .ensime file, and may be a useful reference.