How to get list of dependency jars from an sbt 0.10.0 project - scala

I have a sbt 0.10.0 project that declares a few dependencies somewhat like:
object MyBuild extends Build {
val commonDeps = Seq("commons-httpclient" % "commons-httpclient" % "3.1",
"commons-lang" % "commons-lang" % "2.6")
val buildSettings = Defaults.defaultSettings ++ Seq ( organization := "org" )
lazy val proj = Project("proj", file("src"),
settings = buildSettings ++ Seq(
name := "projname",
libraryDependencies := commonDeps, ...)
I wish to creat a build rule to gather all the jar dependencies of "proj", so that I can symlink them to a single directory.

Example SBT task to print full runtime classpath
Below is roughly what I'm using. The "get-jars" task is executable from the SBT prompt.
import sbt._
import Keys._
object MyBuild extends Build {
// ...
val getJars = TaskKey[Unit]("get-jars")
val getJarsTask = getJars <<= (target, fullClasspath in Runtime) map { (target, cp) =>
println("Target path is: "+target)
println("Full classpath is: "":"))
lazy val project = Project (
file ("."),
settings = Defaults.defaultSettings ++ Seq(getJarsTask)
Other resources
Unofficial guide to sbt 0.10.
Keys.scala defines predefined keys. For example, you might want to replace fullClasspath with managedClasspath.
This plugin defines a simple command to generate an .ensime file, and may be a useful reference.


How to use SBT IntegrationTest configuration from Scala objects

To make our multi-project build more manageable we split up our Build.scala file into several files, e.g. Dependencies.scala contains all dependencies:
import sbt._
object Dependencies {
val slf4j_api = "org.slf4j" % "slf4j-api" % "1.7.7"
We want to add integration tests to our build. Following the SBT documentation we added
object Build extends sbt.Build {
import Dependencies._
import BuildSettings._
import Version._
import MergeStrategies.custom
lazy val root = Project(
id = "root",
base = file("."),
settings = buildSettings ++ Seq(Git.checkNoLocalChanges, TestReport.testReport)
).configs(IntegrationTest).settings(Defaults.itSettings: _*)
where Dependencies, BuildSettings, Version and MergeStrategies are custom Scala objects definied in their own files.
Following the documentation we want to add some dependencies for the IntegrationTest configuration in Dependencies.scala:
import sbt._
object Dependencies {
val slf4j_api = "org.slf4j" % "slf4j-api" % "1.7.7"
val junit = "junit" % "junit" % "4.11" % "test,it"
Unfortunately this breaks the build:
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Cannot add dependency
'junit#junit;4.11' to configuration 'it' of module ... because this configuration doesn't exist!
I guess I need to import the IntegrationTest configuration. I tried importing the IntegrationTest configuration in Dependencies.scala:
import sbt.Configurations.IntegrationTest
IntegrationTest is a lazy val defined in the Configurations object:
object Configurations {
lazy val IntegrationTest = config("it") extend (Runtime)
But that did not solve the problem.
Does someone has an idea how to solve this?
You need to add the config to the Project object before you add the dependency to the Project object.
Your code quotes show you doing the former, but you don't show where you are doing the latter in your quoted code.
Please could you post the full config, or try moving those two around each other?
Here is where the config is added to the Project object in the SBT docs you linked to:
lazy val root = (project in file(".")).
Your quoted code above which declares a lazy val but does not use it is not sufficient to get the "it" config into use:
lazy val IntegrationTest = config("it") extend (Runtime)

Why does sbt report "not found: value PlayScala" with Build.scala while build.sbt works?

I am creating a multi-module sbt project, with following structure:
LoggingModule is a Play Framework project, while common is a simple Scala project.
In plugins.sbt:
resolvers += "Typesafe repo" at ""
addSbtPlugin("" % "sbt-plugin" % "2.3.3")
While I have this in build.sbt, all works fine and it recognises PlayScala:
name := "Multi-Build"
lazy val root =".")).aggregate(common, LoggingModule).dependsOn(common, LoggingModule)
lazy val common = project in file("common")
lazy val LoggingModule = (project in file("LoggingModule")).enablePlugins(PlayScala)
However as soon I put this in project/Build.scala instead of `build.sbt' as follows:
object RootBuild extends Build {
lazy val root ="."))
.aggregate(common, LoggingModule)
.dependsOn(common, LoggingModule)
lazy val common = project in file("common")
lazy val LoggingModule = (project in file("LoggingModule")).enablePlugins(PlayScala)
...//other settings
it generates error as:
not found: value PlayScala
lazy val LoggingModule = (project in file("LoggingModule")).enablePlugins(PlayScala)
How to solve the issue?
It's just a missing import.
In .sbt files, some things are automatically imported by default: contents of objects extending Plugin, and (>= 0.13.5) autoImport fields in AutoPlugins. This is the case of PlayScala.
In a Build.scala file, normal Scala import rules apply. So you have to import things a bit more explicitly. In this case, you need to import play.PlayScala (or use .enabledPlugins(play.PlayScala) directly).

How to use custom plugin in multi-module project?

In a multi-module project, with one module implementing a custom SBT plugin with custom TaskKey, how this plugin can be imported for the project settings of another submodule.
If the submodule using the plugin is define in submodule1/build.sbt, then submodule1/project/plugins.sbt is not loaded.
If plugin is registered in project/plugins.sbt it will fails when loading top/aggregate project as plugin is not necessarily already built.
Is there any other way to define a custom task requiring custom dependency so that it can be used by a submodule?
Here is how I finally make it works:
import sbt._
import Keys._
object MyBuild extends Build {
private lazy val myGenerator =
// Private project with generator code and its specific dependencies
// (e.g. Javassist)
Project(id = "my-generator",
base = file("project") / "my-generator").settings(
name := "my-generator",
javacOptions in Test ++= Seq("-Xlint:unchecked", "-Xlint:deprecation"),
autoScalaLibrary := false,
scalacOptions += "-feature",
resolvers +=
"Typesafe Snapshots" at "",
libraryDependencies ++= Seq( // Dependencies required to generate classes
"org.javassist" % "javassist" % "3.18.2-GA")
// Some custom setting & task
lazy val generatedClassDirectory = settingKey[File](
"Directory where classes get generated")
lazy val generatedClasses = taskKey[Seq[(File, String)]]("Generated classes")
lazy val myProject =
Project(id = "my-project", base = file("my-project")).settings(
name := "my-project",
javacOptions in Test ++= Seq("-Xlint:unchecked", "-Xlint:deprecation"),
autoScalaLibrary := false,
scalacOptions += "-feature",
libraryDependencies ++= Seq(/* ... */),
generatedClassDirectory := {
// Defines setting for path to generated classes
val dir = target.value / "generated_classes"
if (!dir.exists) dir.mkdirs()
generatedClasses <<= Def.task { // Define task generating .class files
// first get classloader including generator and its dependencies
val cp = (fullClasspath in (myGenerator, Compile)).value
val cl = classpath.ClasspathUtilities.toLoader(cp.files)
// then loaded generator class, and instantiate with structural type
val genClass = cl loadClass "my.custom.GeneratorClass"
val generator = genClass.newInstance.
asInstanceOf[{def writeTo(out: File): File}]
// finally we can call the
val outdir = generatedClassDirectory.value
val generated = generator writeTo outdir
val path = generated.getAbsolutePath
// Mappings describing generated classes
Seq[(File, String)](generated -> path.
} dependsOn(compile in (myGenerator, Compile))/* awkward? */,
managedClasspath in Compile := {
// Add generated classes to compilation classpath,
// so it can be used in my-project sources
val cp = (managedClasspath in Compile).value
cp :+ Attributed.blank(generatedClassDirectory.value)
// Make sure custom class generation is done before compile
compile in Compile <<= (compile in Compile) dependsOn generatedClasses,
mappings in (Compile, packageBin) := {
val ms =, packageBin).value
ms ++ generatedClasses.value // add generated classes to package
).dependsOn(myGenerator/* required even if there dependsOn(compile in (myGenerator, Compile)) */)
Not sure there is better solution, especially about the redondant dependsOn(compile in (myGenerator, Compile)) and .dependsOn(myGenerator).

Compile with different settings in different commands

I have a project defined as follows:
lazy val tests = Project(
id = "tests",
base = file("tests")
) settings(
commands += testScalalib
) settings (
sharedSettings ++ useShowRawPluginSettings ++ usePluginSettings: _*
) settings (
libraryDependencies <+= (scalaVersion)("org.scala-lang" % "scala-reflect" % _),
libraryDependencies <+= (scalaVersion)("org.scala-lang" % "scala-compiler" % _),
libraryDependencies += "org.tukaani" % "xz" % "1.5",
scalacOptions ++= Seq()
I would like to have three different commands which will compile only some files inside this project. The testScalalib command added above for instance is supposed to compile only some specific files.
My best attempt so far is:
lazy val testScalalib: Command = Command.command("testScalalib") { state =>
val extracted = Project extract state
import extracted._
val newState = append(Seq(
(sources in Compile) <<= (sources in Compile).map(_ filter(f => !f.getAbsolutePath.contains("scalalibrary/") && != "Typers.scala"))),
runTask(compile in Compile, newState)
Unfortunately when I use the command, it still compiles the whole project, not just the specified files...
Do you have any idea how I should do that?
I think your best bet would be to create different configurations like compile and test, and have the appropriate settings values that would suit your needs. Read Scopes in the official sbt documentation and/or How to define another compilation scope in SBT?
I would not create additional commands, I would create an extra configuration, as #JacekLaskowski suggested, and based on the answer he had cited.
This is how you can do it (using Sbt 0.13.2) and Build.scala (you could of course do the same in build.sbt, and older Sbt version with different syntax)
import sbt._
import Keys._
object MyBuild extends Build {
lazy val Api = config("api")
val root = Project(id="root", base = file(".")).configs(Api).settings(custom: _*)
lazy val custom: Seq[Setting[_]] = inConfig(Api)(Defaults.configSettings ++ Seq(
unmanagedSourceDirectories := (unmanagedSourceDirectories in Compile).value,
classDirectory := (classDirectory in Compile).value,
dependencyClasspath := (dependencyClasspath in Compile).value,
unmanagedSources := {
unmanagedSources.value.filter(f => !f.getAbsolutePath.contains("scalalibrary/") && != "Typers.scala")
now when you call compile everything will get compiled, but when you call api:compile only the classes matching the filter predicate.
Btw. You may want to also look into the possibility of defining different unmanagedSourceDirectories and/or defining includeFilter.

Integrating scala code coverage tool jacoco into a play 2.2.x project

My goal is to integrate jacoco into my play 2.2.0 project.
Different guides on the web I tried to follow mostly added to confusion not to closing in on the goal.
Adding to confusion
Most guides assume the existance of an build.sbt
which as it seems as been superseded by an build.scala with a different
There is a jacoco4sbt and a regular jacoco
which one is most appropiate for use with scala play framework 2
Current state
in plugins.sbt added
addSbtPlugin("de.johoop" % "jacoco4sbt" % "2.1.2")
in build.scala added
import de.johoop.jacoco4sbt.JacocoPlugin._
lazy val jacoco_settings = Defaults.defaultSettings ++ Seq(jacoco.settings: _*)
With these changes i don't get an "jacoco" task in sbt nor in the play console.
What are the appropriate steps to get this working?
As requested the content of the build.scala
import com.typesafe.sbt.SbtNativePackager._
import com.typesafe.sbt.SbtScalariform._
import play.Project._
import sbt.Keys._
import sbt._
import sbtbuildinfo.Plugin._
import de.johoop.jacoco4sbt.JacocoPlugin._
object BuildSettings {
val buildOrganization = "XXXXX"
val buildVersion = "0.1"
val buildScalaVersion = "2.10.2"
val envConfig = "-Dsbt.log.format=false -Dconfig.file=" + Option(System.getProperty("env.config")).getOrElse("local.application")
scalacOptions ++= Seq("-encoding", "UTF-8", "-deprecation", "-unchecked", "-feature")
javaOptions += envConfig
val buildSettings = Defaults.defaultSettings ++ Seq (
organization := buildOrganization,
version := buildVersion,
scalaVersion := buildScalaVersion
object Resolvers {
val remoteRepoUrl = "XXXXXXXXXXXX" at "http://nexus.cXXXXX/content/repositories/snapshots/"
val publishRepoUrl = "XXXXXXXXXXXX" at "http://nexus.ciXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX/content/repositories/snapshots/"
object Dependencies {
val ods = "XXXXXXXXX" % "XXXXXX-ws" % "2.2.1-SNAPSHOT"
val scalatest = "org.scalatest" %% "scalatest" % "2.0.M8" % "test"
val mockito = "org.mockito" % "mockito-all" % "1.9.5" % "test"
object ApplicationBuild extends Build {
import BuildSettings._
import Dependencies._
import Resolvers._
// Sub-project specific dependencies
val commonDeps = Seq(
//val bN = settingKey[Int]("current build Number")
val gitHeadCommitSha = settingKey[String]("current git commit SHA")
val release = settingKey[Boolean]("Release")
lazy val jacoco_settings = Defaults.defaultSettings ++ Seq(jacoco.settings: _*)
lazy val nemo = play.Project(
path = file("."),
settings = Defaults.defaultSettings ++ buildSettings ++
Seq(libraryDependencies ++= commonDeps) ++
Seq(scalariformSettings: _*) ++
Seq(playScalaSettings: _*) ++
buildInfoSettings ++
jacoco_settings ++
sourceGenerators in Compile <+= buildInfo,
buildInfoKeys ++= Seq[BuildInfoKey](
libraryDependencies in Test,
buildInfoBuildNumber, { case (k, v) => "project" + k.capitalize -> v.capitalize },
"envConfig" -> envConfig, // computed at project load time
BuildInfoKey.action("buildTime") {
} // re-computed each time at compile
buildInfoPackage := "com.springer.nemo"
) ++
Seq(resolvers += remoteRepoUrl) ++
Seq(mappings in Universal ++= Seq(
file("ops/rpm/") -> "",
file("ops/rpm/") -> ""
).settings(version <<= version in ThisBuild)
lazy val nemoPackaging = Project(
settings = Defaults.defaultSettings ++Seq(Packaging.settings:_*)
def publishSettings =
publishTo := Option(publishRepoUrl),
credentials += Credentials(
"Repo", "", "admin", "admin123"))
Note: jacoco is running with this but does not pick up our tests. Output:
[info] Compiling 1 Scala source to /home/schl14/work/nemo/target/scala-2.10/classes...
[info] ScalaTest
[info] Run completed in 13 milliseconds.
[info] Total number of tests run: 0
[info] Suites: completed 0, aborted 0
[info] Tests: succeeded 0, failed 0, canceled 0, ignored 0, pending 0
[info] All tests passed.
[info] Passed: Total 0, Failed 0, Errors 0, Passed 0
[info] No tests to run for nemo/jacoco:test
I solved it by doing this.
Add the following to plugins.sbt
addSbtPlugin("de.johoop" % "jacoco4sbt" % "2.1.2")
In build.scala i added a new import
import de.johoop.jacoco4sbt.JacocoPlugin._
and added jacoco to the config section like this
lazy val xyz = play.Project(
path = file("."),
settings = Defaults.defaultSettings
jacoco.settings ++ //this is the important part.
).settings(parallelExecution in jacoco.Config := false) //not mandatory but needed in `most cases as most test can not be run in parallel`
After these steps jacoco:cover was available in the sbt and play console and also discovers our tests.
A better option for Scala code coverage is Scoverage which gives statement line coverage.
Add to project/plugins.sbt:
addSbtPlugin("com.sksamuel.scoverage" % "sbt-scoverage" % "1.0.1")
Then run SBT with
sbt clean coverage test
To measure the code coverage of Java code jacoco4sbt is the best fit.
Add to project/plugins.sbt:
addSbtPlugin("de.johoop" % "jacoco4sbt" % "2.1.2")
Add at the end of build.sbt:
Then run in the terminal:
//or just the sbt command and then use your browser
sbt jacoco:cover && /usr/bin/x-www-browser target/scala-2.10/jacoco/html/index.html
Scala code coverage can also be determined by SCCT.
Add to project/plugins.sbt:
addSbtPlugin("com.github.scct" % "sbt-scct" % "0.2.1")
Add at the end of build.sbt:
And then to see the coverage:
sbt scct:test && /usr/bin/x-www-browser target/scala_2.10/coverage-report/index.html
Maybe you get the error
Please either restart the browser with --allow-file-access-from-files
or use a different browser.
Maybe you use chrome and the security settings forbid dynamic actions on local files. You can open the page with firefox or use python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8000 to bind it to the http protokoll and open http://localhost:8000/target/scala-2.10/coverage-report/ .
Inspiration which generated classes should be excluded from the report can you find on the mailing list.
My test projects are on GitHub.