How do I set fixed height on TinyMCE in iOS Safari? - tinymce

I'm having major problems getting TinyMCE having a fixed height on iPad. I have tried setting fixed heights on a container div, I have tried setting it via CSS, I have tried defining it in the init function.
Any help is greatly appreciated!

Tinymce is using an iframe to edit contents. Problem here is that on iPad/ios safari iframes do not get scrollbars. Instead safari will enlarge the iframe everytime when needed so that there is no need for scrollbars. This is the reson why setting a fixed height does not work on iOS-Safari.


Chrome issue: weird horizontal scrollbar

I'm getting this weird horizontal scrollbar on my canvas app (only in Chrome).
I've tested it with a html-file containing just one word, and it still appears.
The weird thing is, that the scrollbar isn't the scrollbar of the iframe, but of the full window (
I've tried changing the settings (to fluid and 760px) but that doesn't do thing.
Is this a known issue?
This is Facebook's issue. Here is the bug report:

Mobile Safari (iPhone) CSS vertical centering/line-height CSS issues

Got an issue I've been trying to solve without much luck for a while across various projects.
I've got some divs with text inside that is centered with CSS using display: block and line-height. I also tried with padding and a fixed height. Typically, these are setup as either just headers, or sometimes buttons.
Either way, I always seem to have an offset on the top from vertical center in the mobile safari browser that I don't get in ANY web browser (it's perfectly vertically aligned in a desktop browser). I can alter the setting to center in the mobile browser, but this throws out all the other browsers and this is a responsive design.
Has anyone experienced this issue?
I've got -webkit-text-size-adjust: 100%; but that doesn't seem to be related to this issue.
So far my hack work around is to have devices only css which sets a different line-height, but as you can imagine, that's a horrible solution.
This article has some great information on many different options for centering content when you don't know anything about the widths and heights:
It builds on from user1002464's answer quite well.
you can use display:table-cell and vertical-align:middle for the div containing the text

FB.Canvas.setAutoGrow() not working with jquery .load

I'm having a problem with the canvas height in my app. I've got it set to FB.Canvas.setAutoGrow(); but when I'm loading a page into a div via ajax, it's not picking up the canvas height.
What happens is if the page I'm loading is quite long, then I load a page into the same div which is smaller, the canvas height stays the same as the larger page. It's not resizing the scrollbars to fit the smaller page.
Any help would be appreciated.
Also make sure you have a FB.init(); before your setAutoGrow();
i just had the same problem, FB.Canvas.setAutoGrow() did not work. in the end it was a weird problem, i had a javascript variable named "name". renamed it to "username" and now it works perfectly fine.
the rest did not show any error and my code worked without any problems, only the resizing did not work while i had "name". so maybe you should also just try to rename variables and/or functions...

CSS causing page not to display on iPad / iPhone

One of my designers sliced up a PSD & for some reason the page isn't rendering on iPhones or iPads. The div that contains a feedback link is the only thing that is visible. I've spent some time on the issue, but can't seem to find the issue. Have a look here:
I get the same problem in Safari on my Mac. I messed around with the Web Inspector for a few minutes and found out that when I disable the sidebar1 element's height: attribute, the content appears.
that's because the width occupied by the sidebar1 div is making the rest drop to the bottom! and since your container div has the overflow hidden, it doesn't even show the other floatted divs that dropped.
I advise positioning that div absolutelly and you're done.

facebook canvas height no scroll set in ie8 and firefox

hey, i want to set a long page app without fb will limit the height of my app and append scroll
i did iframes& canvas and autoresize in settings and apply that code and its limits me in ie its shows scroll and in firefox its cuts the content:
the code is here:
please help
I've tried everything you said and looked at this two links either ( CSS + FireFox: hiding scrollbar on iframe with scrolling=yes - CSS + FireFox: hiding scrollbar on iframe with scrolling=yes) that discuss the same problem, but it didn't work for me.
What worked for me was changing the canvas settings in the section advanced of app canvas configuration ( ) to fixed canvas width (760px) and height (fixed at 800).
I hope this help you.
I am actually having the same issue, it started yesterday, but i have not changed the code. Facebook having some issues maybe?
I was using setAutoResize, but started getting the scrollbars, change to setSize (to something somewhat bigger then the content) and looks fine in firefox, but chrome still scrolls... odd but im thinking facebook problem.
Edit: Facebook forum thread on it: