Chrome issue: weird horizontal scrollbar - facebook

I'm getting this weird horizontal scrollbar on my canvas app (only in Chrome).
I've tested it with a html-file containing just one word, and it still appears.
The weird thing is, that the scrollbar isn't the scrollbar of the iframe, but of the full window (
I've tried changing the settings (to fluid and 760px) but that doesn't do thing.
Is this a known issue?

This is Facebook's issue. Here is the bug report:


ScrollBars in Facebook App - 2013 breaking changes

My Facebook app (iframe / fluid / Fluid) shows a horizontal scrollbar. All attempts to remove it have failed.
I've tried all the solutions posted here, regarding FB.setAutoGrow(), FB.setSize(), etc... with no luck, but I found something interesting:
The scrollbars that appear are not related to my application, but related to the commercials at the side.
In the image you can see what I'm talking about:
To the left is a portion of my Iframe App. While the Iframe has been correctly resized (I've checked with Firebug - right) and their sizes are all right, there's that horizontal scrollbar at the bottom that affects the whole facebook window (not just my iframe).
The highlighted item on Firebug is what causes the horizontal scrollbar. They don't belong to the pagelet div (the div where the iframe resides): It's part of the carousel of recommended games to the right ! (and its width is > 5000 pixels).
When I first launch my app, there are no scrollbars fora little time interval, like 500ms, then they suddenly appear.
FB.Canvas.setSize , FB.Canvas.setAutoGrow seem to work, if I invoke them manually, they do resize the iframe, etc. but they don't remove the scrollbar.
I have body:overflow=hidden.
(may be related?) My app uses itself another iframe, width and height 100%, that is where the action takes place. That other iframe also has overflow=hidden.
This has traditionally worked. I stopped paying attention to Facebook for a couple months, then I saw this yesterday :(
What can be happening? My guess is somehow Facebook thinks my app needs horizontal scrolling, removes overflow-x:hidden in the main body in order to allow it, but this intererferes with their carousel that expects a hidden overflow... I don't know if this problem is at all my fault or a Facebook Bug.
Fortunately, this bug has been solved by Facebook. Everything is working now.

Ghost scroll bars on Chrome with Windows 7

Wondering if you've seen any issues using fancybox on Windows7 with Chrome where you get ghost scroll bars? See this image.
This actually doesn't happen with Chrome under Vista.
If you look here, the overflow attribute is overridden/changed to scroll by something. Setting it to hidden using Firebug, makes the ghost scroll bars disappear. I've got the attribute set to hidden in the code, but something is evidently overriding the attribute to scroll.
Any ideas how to get rid of these ghost scroll bars?
A quick workaround would be to use !important in your css to force them to go away.

GWT not properly rendering on Chrome

I've a really really weird bug in production.
For some customers and some setups (this can happen on a Linux and a Windows box), our GWT application doesn't render in full (there are a widgets that are missing). The weird thing is that if we ask our customers to start the JavaScript debugger (CTRL-SHIFT-J on Windows), the content displays. Viewing using another browser (like FF) works.
We've been banging our heads bloody a few days now... any ideas?
Sounds like a problem with the height of the component containing your logs objects. Did you try to set a fixed height in pixel? I assume once you open the debugger window, Chrome is forced to render the page again and adjusts the height of the container, so your elements become visible.

facebook canvas height no scroll set in ie8 and firefox

hey, i want to set a long page app without fb will limit the height of my app and append scroll
i did iframes& canvas and autoresize in settings and apply that code and its limits me in ie its shows scroll and in firefox its cuts the content:
the code is here:
please help
I've tried everything you said and looked at this two links either ( CSS + FireFox: hiding scrollbar on iframe with scrolling=yes - CSS + FireFox: hiding scrollbar on iframe with scrolling=yes) that discuss the same problem, but it didn't work for me.
What worked for me was changing the canvas settings in the section advanced of app canvas configuration ( ) to fixed canvas width (760px) and height (fixed at 800).
I hope this help you.
I am actually having the same issue, it started yesterday, but i have not changed the code. Facebook having some issues maybe?
I was using setAutoResize, but started getting the scrollbars, change to setSize (to something somewhat bigger then the content) and looks fine in firefox, but chrome still scrolls... odd but im thinking facebook problem.
Edit: Facebook forum thread on it:

Top Portion of Site Disappears in IE7

I am working on a site and the header element is completely disappearing in only IE7 (it shows in IE6 and IE8). It shows for a second, then once the whole page is loaded, it disappears. I have no idea what could be causing this. The portion disappearing is the section I have included via PHP, but it still doesn't show when I actually insert it into the file, so I don't think that is the problem. Any help would be appreciated. I can post any code that would be helpful, but most of it should be able to be found through the view source or inspecting an element.
On a side note, my opacities aren't working in any version of IE either. I have them in a separate IE CSS document and am using the filters, so I am not sure why it is not working.
I figured it out. Apparently IE7 doesn't like negative z-index values and so was placing my background image over certain elements on the page that were above it in the HTML. Strange, but that's IE for you I guess.