I need to play mp3 sounds on different sound devices (not only the default) on Windows XP. How can I choose a sound device on windows xp to play my mp3 file? ( I am programming on C# , but C++ answer will be good as well).
Thanks for your answers
We are working on a prototyp application using unity3d. Your goal is to create a fluid and fun to use cross platform app.
The problem we facing right now is streaming (h.264 - mp4) video content over the web. This will be a major feature of our app.
I have already tried MovieTextures and the www class but it seems the files must be in ogg format which we can not provide. On the other hand handheld.playfullscreenmovie seems to be an android and ios only feature which uses the build in video player. This would be great if it would be supported on other platforms (e.g. Win8-Phone) as well.
Is there another cross platform option to stream (h.264 - mp4) video content over the web and display in full screen or as gui object? Or are there any plans to support something like this in the near future? Or is there a stable plugin for such a task?
As of Unity 5 Handheld.PlayFullScreenMovie supports Windows Phone and Windows Store as per http://docs.unity3d.com/ScriptReference/Handheld.PlayFullScreenMovie.html
On Windows Phone 8, Handheld.PlayFullScreenMovie internally uses Microsoft Media Foundation for movie playback. On this platform, calling Handheld.PlayFullScreenMovie with full or minimal control mode is not supported.
On Windows Store Apps and Windows Phone 8.1, Handheld.PlayFullScreenMovie internally uses XAML MediaElement control.
On Windows Phone and Windows Store Apps, there generally isn't movie resolution or bitrate limit, however, higher resolution or bitrate movies will consume more memory for decoding. Weaker devices will also start skipping frames much sooner at extremely high resolutions. For example, Nokia Lumia 620 can only play videos smoothly up to 1920x1080. For these platforms, you can find list of supported formats here: Supported audio and video formats on Windows Store
mp4 is not a streamable container. If you read the ISO specification, you will see that MP4 can not be streamed. This is because the MOOV atom can not be written until all frames are know and accounted for. This 100% incompatible for live video. There are supersets of MP4 used in DASH that make this possible. Essentially, they create a little mp4 (called a fragment) file every couple seconds. Alternatively you can use a container designed for streaming such as FLV or TS.
You will probably need to step outside the unity sdk a bit to enable this.
I know this isn't quite a programming question but it's very closely related to iPhone/iPad development.
What's a good software (preferably with a GUI) for converting videos to iPhone/iPad compatible mp4s? My videos are mostly mpg, avi, mov.
Handbrake will do a great job, its free, its open source, and it is on Windows, Linux, and Macintosh.
I know it takes file inputs from any source on Windows (I'm not sure on Mac, but I'm pretty sure its the same on Mac).
Handbrake is my favorite tool for this job. Free and Multiplatform.
Integrates with all of the appropriate preset for iPhone / iPod / iPhone 4
Just for note: I use ffmpeg library to convert all my media. Yes, it doesn't have UI but it supports probably almost all the video/audio formats you need + it's very easy to use it with scripts when you want to convert a big amount of media.
i searched with keyword "wma" but couldn't find similar posts, so i start this post.
My goal is to download wma files from a known website and playback those files. These wma files are recorded radio programs, a sample link looks like: mms://media.chinabroadcast.cn/eng/music/morning/2010/0825a.wma. Online streaming is acceptable by my client.
Now i'm hitting the wall with wma sound file streaming and playback, i'm wondering if it's possible on iPhone/iPod Touch?
Is it possible to play .wma files on iOS devices?
iPhone (and all Apple iOS devices for that matter) are not capable of playing Windows Media Audio files. You'll need to transcode or restrict the audio types to mp3 or AAC.
I am porting an iPhone app to Mac. On iPhone I use AVAudioPlayer for playing sounds, but it doesn't exist on Mac. What would be the Mac equivalent for playing audio (hopefully as simple as AVAudioPlayer so I can port my app easily)?
Additionally, are there any open source libraries / samples / wrappers available for playing music and sound files on Mac?
As of OS X 10.7, AVAudioPlayer is available on the Mac and Apple recommends using this wherever possible.
Depending on what capabilities you need, Core Audio might be unnecessarily complex. The obvious simple way is NSSound. It's also possible to use a hidden QTMovieView to play sound.
I've written a framework for audio playback, called SFBAudioEngine: http://github.com/sbooth/SFBAudioEngine
It might be a bit more than you're looking for, but it is more capable than NSSound and supports formats (FLAC, Musepack, Ogg Vorbis) that Core Audio doesn't handle natively.
Take a look at Core Audio:
Core Audio is designed to handle all audio needs in Mac OS X. You can use Core Audio to generate, record, mix, edit, process, and play audio.
I want to compose some basic background music for an iPhone game. What's a good program for OS X (10.5.8)? I'd like to save the audio files in a compressed format that's compatible w/ AVAudioPlayer (aif, aiff, caf, mp3, aac, m4a, mp4, wav).
Perhaps something like Logic Studio Express?
Logic Studio Express is definitely a good option. It is loaded with features, and actually developed by Apple IIRC.
You could also try Reason, if that is the sort of thing you are looking for.