possible to stream wma sound files on iPhone/iPod touch? - iphone

i searched with keyword "wma" but couldn't find similar posts, so i start this post.
My goal is to download wma files from a known website and playback those files. These wma files are recorded radio programs, a sample link looks like: mms://media.chinabroadcast.cn/eng/music/morning/2010/0825a.wma. Online streaming is acceptable by my client.
Now i'm hitting the wall with wma sound file streaming and playback, i'm wondering if it's possible on iPhone/iPod Touch?

Is it possible to play .wma files on iOS devices?
iPhone (and all Apple iOS devices for that matter) are not capable of playing Windows Media Audio files. You'll need to transcode or restrict the audio types to mp3 or AAC.


iPhone - IMA WAV ADPCM audio stream for iOS

I am trying to write an app for a school project that will play a video stream of the lab. They use Foscam cameras, and from what I understand they only stream audio in FFMPEG and VLC (a wrapper of FFMPEG and others, correct?). I can play the video stream in a UIWebView just fine, but I can't figure out how to get audio to work. I have read a bunch of post on here about the different audio stream options, but none support this format. I have also looked into VLCKit, but that seems to only work in OS X, not iOS.
Is there a Framework, or Kit that can stream IMA WAV ADPCM audio from a VLC/FFMPEG file, or does someone know of a better way to get audio from a Foscam?
EDIT - I know more about the stream and I have tried a few things. I tried AVPlayer, but discovered Audio FIle Stream and Audio Queue Services but can't find a good tutorial.
I also found THIS site, and tried the project with my stream and it did not work.

Video Karaoke Development on iPhone

I have a karaoke app that takes mp3+g files and mixes in the mic (using audio units)... and is able to record the final results to a raw pcm file.
I have potential clients asking me if I can do the same with a karaoke video file. So, can I...
1) playback a video and mix in the microphone audio?
2) take #1 and record it to a video file?
3) possibly even take the video camera and microphone inputs, and video audio... and save this to a file?
Thinking about this can I... take an mp3, camera and microphone inputs and mix all of these to a video file?
Thanks for any feedback!
Yes, all of these are possible. With the CD+G format, you will be a lot better off converting those to h.264 on the desktop and then loading them as movies with an AAC audio track. Attempting to write a CD+G parser for iOS would be a nightmare since so many CD+G files are badly broken. Also, CD+G files are shocking large, much larger than the MP3 files because CD+G is dumb uncompressed video from the 80's. It is a silly format.

Post-processing on audio from the iPhone user's music library?

I want to apply post-processing to audio from an iPhone user's music library (i.e. the iPod app). This could happen in a number of ways:
Piping the media player's output through an Audio Unit.
Writing a custom audio output device, and having the media player send audio to it.
Getting direct access to the files in the user's music library.
Are any of these things possible? I know all of them would be on the desktop, but what about the iPhone?
I've written some sample code that does just this, which is based on some code from Chris Adamson.

Is it possible to play audio with ipod webpages?

I would like to have a page and either use m4a or ogg (other formats are ok but these are my preference) on my webpage. Does the ipod touch or iphone support webpages with audio? If so, is it HTML5 and what audio formats? (if html5 i'll assume i can use the audio object in javascript and not be forced to use the audio tag).
For sure, you'll be able to instantiate a QuickTime instance to do your bidding. Can't comment on HTML5 support.

Can iphone mix two sound files or build custom equalizer?

Can iphone mix two sound files or build custom equalizer?
I have studied for weeks about this problem,
and it seems unable to use iphone-sdk to mix two or more sound files or to build custom equalizer.
Is anyone have the experience to do this?
Yes you can. AVAudioPlayer can play multiple sounds and you can control the volume for each. Or you can use Audio Units and have more control over the audio data.
aurioTouch is a good sample app for what you are thinking of.
For simple playback of sound files you can use the AVAudioPlayer class introduced in the 2.2 SDK. It provides playback and volume controls for playing any audio file. As far as I am aware, there are no restrictions on the number of sound files you can play on the iPhone. The only restriction on playing sound files is that you may only play one AAC or MP3 compressed file at a time, the rest of the files must be either uncompressed or in the IMA4 format.
If your needs are more low-level (If you need to do DSP) you might want to look at AudioQueue Services or AudioUnits - two Mac OS X audio processing APIs that are also available on the iPhone.