Paypal integration without customer filling in billing / shipping - paypal

Is there a a paypal integration where the customer view's their cart and can click checkout and pay with paypal without filling out the shipping fields.
I want the quickest and slickest possible checkout without the customer filling out any fields what so ever and then requesting it from paypal using the API.
I was looking at the express checkout but it seems to need a shipping fields on our side.
There is so many paypal integration types and documentation that my head is starting to spin.

PayPal's One Touch is enabled on buyer's end, but something tells me you'd like the philosophy behind it :)
As far as integration is concerned, limit the fields using variables like no_note and no_shipping.
If you think cart, you may like this:
Replace with your email.
Variable reference [ here ].


PayPal Checkout - can we send funds to another person?

We have been using the PayPal Checkout (v4) for a little while now, and really like the way it integrates. This is the system I'm talking about:
We are using this plugin to do the magic:
Anyway, as I said we have this all working fine when someone is sending US the money. However, we also have a tool on our site where "customers" can send money to sellers. For this, we currently have the Adaptive Payments system.
My question: How can we use the PayPal Checkout tool to let people send to a given email address, while still getting the callback for the order? (so we can enter it into our system, to track it)
At first I thought this wouldn't be possible - but I've seen this exact same logic on eBay:
Is this something that is publicly available? Or is it just a "PayPal-Ebay" thing? (as they are effectively the same company, so maybe have access to different tools than the general public do)
Here's another option -- the payee option in PayPal's REST api:
Using this, you can set the money to be moved to whichever paypal account you like with just the email address.
The PayPal Express Checkout v4 is based on PayPal Rest API which does not support spliting or sending payment to a given PayPal account that is not the API caller. Adaptive payment is the right to do so in PayPal. The PayPal checkout on eBay is only for eBay, the checkout experience may look similar but it's using different product than the Express Checkout v4.
The basic integration lets you set up a button for a merchant using only their client id:
So if you can collect the merchant's client id, you can set up a button to make payments to that merchant.
Hope that helps!

Which paypal solution to use?

I just noticed that paypal now has a number of solutions to accept payment, and per this own page, it doesn't really compare their difference in a nice way:
Does anyone happen to know (I am using C#/.net, but JS is also OK), if I want to have a customized checkout, in which I can customize the look and feel, and allow customers to enter/select shipping address (which is saved in the site's own database), which paypal method I should use?
Thanks! (also if any document that explain better the differences of the above different ways of accept payment, it would be great!)
If you want to completely customize everything then the PayPal Payments Pro Payflow Edition is a viable solution.
Here is the link to Sample Code C# is one of the programming languages offered in the Sample Payflow Code.
You will need to build your form/shopping cart and then the Sample Code can be used to make the payment request to process the payments. The Entire Transaction will take place place on your website from start to finish.
If you want PayPal to handle the payment portion with a customer leaving your site to use PayPal as the Payment method and then returning to your site to complete the payment, Express Checkout is the other option that will work.
You can make an API call to PayPal to get the Shipping information from PayPal and then store the shipping info in your own database.
Here is the Express Checkout Sample Code

PayPal dynamic price

I've done a LOT of research on how to accept payments through PayPal for items whose price changes dynamically.
My site sells a service and there are pretty much an infinite possible prices for the same item based on parameters (price increments in $0.99, 0.20 and 0.10).
I've looked into Paypal Express but it doesn't seem to allow accepting credit cards / debit cards, only payments through Paypal.
I looked into a "hacky" solution that calls the API's BMUpdateButton method to update the price of the button on PayPal's side but this won't work in my case as multiple users may be on the page at the same time and would need to be quoted different prices.
I saw that I can create a payment page from scratch and call APIs to create, accept, and verify payments against PayPal but that's a lot of coding for one and that tremendously reduces security as I don't have SSL and will need to get it which isn't cheap for a start-up business :)
I also came across creating a "non-hosted" button (haven't tried it yet) but that seems to require specifying my business email address in the HTML code which would be far less than ideal.
What I'd really like to do is have a php page act as a gatekeeper between the time the user checks out and what gets sent to PayPal where my PHP can inject the payment amount in and the user can confirm it on the PayPal page and checkout. Any other solution that satisfy the requirements will be truly appreciated.
Requirements again are
Must accept credit cards and PayPal payments
User does not have to have a Paypal account
Price must be dynamic and be able to support multiple users at the same time
Must be as secure as possible. I don't have SSL. An html input type='hidden' won't work as it's too easy to manipulate.
Another thing I thought of just now while typing this post up - if I can securely add quantities of an "item" that may also serve the purpose. For instance, I could add 10 quantities of "items" costing $0.99 and 2 "items" costing 0.10 to get to my required total of 10.19. Is it possible? The quantity boxes, again, must not be changeable by the user. It's more of an all or nothing type of deal :)
Help will be truly appreciated. Please let me know if I've missed anything.
Express Checkout does include "Guest Checkout" so people can pay using a credit card without having or creating a PayPal account. Unfortunately, they just recently made changes so you're forced to click a "Guest Checkout" button before you can see the full credit card form, so some buyers still miss it and don't realize they can do that.
Payments Pro would definitely give you want, but you would indeed need an SSL, and you'd need to make sure you're not saving any credit card details locally.
Payments Advanced is similar to Pro except that the form is hosted within an iframe and resides on PayPal's server so you don't need an SSL that way.
I personally prefer Payments Pro.

Paypal express checkout API collect billing info

Is it possible to collect user billing detail after successful payment how?
You can collect any information you want at any time, but you might be slightly limited based on PayPal features you're using.
For example, if you're using a standard payment button you could setup a form for them to fill out on your return page after they've completed. There is no guarantee they'll even make it to this page, though, and even if they do they may choose not to fill out your form. As such, it's generally recommended to collect any necessary data prior to sending the user over to PayPal for payment.
That said, one of the benefits of using PayPal for buyers is that they don't have to fill in forms and don't have to share billing information with you, so you might actually lose sales if you do that.
PayPal will send you an address via IPN (or GetExpressCheckoutDetails, for example) but they only consider that a shipping address. If I'm working with a system that requires both a billing and a shipping I usually just use that same address for both.

Paypal express - adding an "agent code" field (doesn't need to modify the price)

I've been reading up about paypal express and I'm trying to work out if I could add an extra field to collect the agent code. It's just something simple, it's just a code like "AGENT-X" that could sit in a field like the comments, or hopefully it's own field called Agent Code that is on the paypal express checkout form.
Is this possible? There is no real mention of it on the paypal introduction to express here
I've seen this question, I was hoping that I wouldn't have to add an extra screen to my checkout process just to collect this field, and that rather it could be collected on the paypal checkout screen
This is not possible with PayPal Website Payments Standard and/or Express Checkout unfortunately.
Is there no way to dynamically populate / retrieve the agent code? You can then pass it on in the CUSTOM parameter in your SetExpressCheckout API call and have it returned in GetExpressCheckoutDetails when the buyer is back on your site.