Is it possible to prepoulate the comments box while posting to facebook from an application? - facebook

I have added the facebook recommend/like button in my application. All I want is when user click on the recommend/like button then the comments box should be pre-poulated with some default text.
Is it possible to do this? if so how can i achieve that?

If you're talking about a facebook comments box: its not possible. Checkout this: Facebook Like Button with prepopulated Comment
Otherwise, if its a custom comment box, this will need to be done via javascript SDK. Check out the documentation for subscribing to like events on a page here.


Facebook like button on click

Is there any way to listen on click facebook like button in api version v1.12 according to this article:
There's no way to track facebook like event legally. edge.create event was deprecated (
In the other hand, trying to track facebook like and then give user something is not allowed according to
Thanks luschn for comments

how to get my facebook share dialog to display the facebook share button rather than just text?

how to get my facebook share dialog to display the facebook share button rather than just text? Furthermore I'd like to ask how to get it to display the actual shares? The generic code at does not answer this question. Thanks for any help
What you are looking for is the Share Button. Facebook has deprecated this and this will no longer be supported. So, you have to use the Share Dialog instead that you've mentioned.

specific fb page will not work with like button

I've had this like button/box setup for this specific page for some time. But now it;s stopped working:
Using code generated (for iframe) on this page:
to display this fb page:
does not display/work. If I amend the like button url in the iframe to another fb page, it does work. I'm not tryinig to use a button/plugin that requires an app. Just a plain 'ol simple button. But it appears to me there is an issue with this specific fb page (johnpurkiss one above)
Any advice/help greatly appreciated.
The problem here is that the "page" you linked to is in actual fact a personal user.
You can not "like" a user in the same way that
you can not add a page as a friend...
or "poke" an event...
or subscribe to a photo...
You'll gave to provide an actual page to be liked.
As you can see from the screenshot below taken from the link you provided, there is no like button to be found.
Only an "Add Friend" and "Subscribe" button. I'm not sure if converting your profile into a page is the way you want to go, but it is possible. You can learn how at this link.

Facebook Like button url?

Is there an actual link that if clicked and someone is logged in will have them automatically like my fan page? I'm sick of FaceBook's terrible code and am looking for alternatives for a better "Like" button. Suggestions are welcomed, Thank you!
There is nothing other than the Like button. Your only other option is to use a Like box.
If you meant a Like Box, then there is nothing that will achieve what you want.
Better to use the facebook like button because it provides statistics for your site or blog, you can also create or use an app like reference your button.
Facebook Like Button (Graph API v2.3)
Facebook Insights

Choice to Post to Facebook After Clicking Like Button

I noticed at that if you click the Like button, a small option opens up to share that link on the user's wall.
I believe this is not a default option because I have implemented the Like button on my site and it doesn't work that way.
How to get this functionality...
Use FB.Event.subscribe('edge.create') as described here with the JS SDK to catch the event when a user likes your page.
You don't need to subscribe to the like event. The behavior you describe in that link is default. Go to the link generator here: to play around with it. Any time you click on like a little comment box will popup.