how to get my facebook share dialog to display the facebook share button rather than just text? - facebook

how to get my facebook share dialog to display the facebook share button rather than just text? Furthermore I'd like to ask how to get it to display the actual shares? The generic code at does not answer this question. Thanks for any help

What you are looking for is the Share Button. Facebook has deprecated this and this will no longer be supported. So, you have to use the Share Dialog instead that you've mentioned.


Facebook Open Graph: URL to use for sharing?

I am creating a customised Facebook share button. The idea is upon clicking on the Facebook share button, it will pick up the meta tags on the page and prefill the share information with a title, description and image that have been curated.
What URL should I be using for the button?
There is
I heard the latter has been deprecated? And you can append a whole bunch of information to the URL as well?
I can't quite figure that out.
sharer.php is not deprecated. It was, for some months, but you can definitely use it. The benefit of using sharer.php is that you don´t need to create an App. It´s the easiest way to implement sharing.
Keep in mind that sharer.php ONLY takes the URL as parameter, everything else will get loaded from the Open Graph tags.
For example:

Is it possible to prepoulate the comments box while posting to facebook from an application?

I have added the facebook recommend/like button in my application. All I want is when user click on the recommend/like button then the comments box should be pre-poulated with some default text.
Is it possible to do this? if so how can i achieve that?
If you're talking about a facebook comments box: its not possible. Checkout this: Facebook Like Button with prepopulated Comment
Otherwise, if its a custom comment box, this will need to be done via javascript SDK. Check out the documentation for subscribing to like events on a page here.

Facebook Like button url?

Is there an actual link that if clicked and someone is logged in will have them automatically like my fan page? I'm sick of FaceBook's terrible code and am looking for alternatives for a better "Like" button. Suggestions are welcomed, Thank you!
There is nothing other than the Like button. Your only other option is to use a Like box.
If you meant a Like Box, then there is nothing that will achieve what you want.
Better to use the facebook like button because it provides statistics for your site or blog, you can also create or use an app like reference your button.
Facebook Like Button (Graph API v2.3)
Facebook Insights

Is it possible to embed a facebook feed dialog on a web page?

I'm trying to figure out if it's possible to embed the facebook feed dialog on a page rather than have it popup overlayed on the page.
I've followed the instructions here and get it to popup, but dont' know if it's even possible to have it embedded on the page.
Check out display parameter in Common Dialog Parameters.
According to that you can show a dialog as a page,iframe,popup.
Using an iframe could be useful in your case, for which you will need a valid access_token.
Hope this helps
Yes, I just wrote up how to do this along with a workaround for specifying the recipient here: Letting user specify recipients within Feed Dialog
No, you cannot embed it to the page.
basically it is either popup or lightbox.
see the link provided by Dhiraj Bodicherla

Facebook fan page iframe share button

I just start on creating fan page on facebook. Left hand side of the fan page, there is a "Share" button which is sharing the current fan page.
I saw that it's url is:
When i try to use this, it's failed. Is there any method can use this or simulate this function, allowing me to share the fan page?
Thanks to all in advance.
I know this thread is basically dead, but it still comes up in Google, so I figured I'd answer it. This is possible using Jquery and the FB Javascript API.
Check out
You can use the method I describe here : How to make custom share buttons
It works in page tabs.