All combinations for matrix in matlab - matlab

I'm trying find all combinations of an n-by-n matrix without repetitions.
For example, I have a matrix like this:
A = [321 319 322; ...
320 180 130; ...
299 100 310];
I want the following result:
(321 180 310)
(321 130 100)
(319 320 310)
(319 139 299)
(322 320 100)
(322 180 299)
I have tried using ndgrid, but it takes the row or the column twice.

Here's a simpler (native) solution with perms and meshgrid:
N = size(A, 1);
X = perms(1:N); % # Permuations of column indices
Y = meshgrid(1:N, 1:factorial(N)); % # Row indices
idx = (X - 1) * N + Y; % # Convert to linear indexing
C = A(idx) % # Extract combinations
The result is a matrix, each row containing a different combination of elements:
C =
321 180 310
319 320 310
321 130 100
319 130 299
322 320 100
322 180 299
This solution can also be shortened to:
C = A((perms(1:N) - 1) * N + meshgrid(1:N, 1:factorial(N)))

ALLCOMB is the key to your question
E.g. I am not front of a MATLAB machine so, I took a sample from web.
x = allcomb([1 3 5],[-3 8],[],[0 1]) ;
1 -3 0
1 -3 1
1 8 0
5 -3 1
5 8 0
5 8 1

You can use perms to permute the columns as follows:
% A is given m x n matrix
row = 1:size( A, 1 );
col = perms( 1:size( A, 2 ) );
B = zeros( size( col, 1 ), length( row )); % Allocate memory for storage
% Simple for-loop (this should be vectorized)
% for c = 1:size( B, 2 )
% for r = 1:size( B, 1 )
% B( r, c ) = A( row( c ), col( r, c ));
% end
% end
% Simple for-loop (further vectorization possible)
r = 1:size( B, 1 );
for c = 1:size( B, 2 )
B( r, c ) = A( row( c ), col( r, c ));


Data arrangement in vector

I have the following vector:
Here is the code to produce this vector:
A = [11 115 167 44 51 5 6];
B = [100 1 1 87];
C = [2000 625];
D = [81 623 45 48 6 14 429 456 94];
E = [89];
F = [44 846 998 2035 498 4 68 4 1 89];
G = {A,B,C,D,E,F};
[max_val, idx] = max(cellfun(#numel, G)); % Find max sizes of vectors
% Create vector with zeros filling open matrix space
LeftIndented = zeros(idx,max_val);
for k = 1:numel(G), LeftIndented(k,1:numel(G{k})) = G{k}; end
I would like to have a vector with:
Data to the right (zeros to the left)
Centered data (surrounded with zeros)
(Notice that if data cannot be exactly centered, it is ok if it is off by one vector space to the left)
How can I achieve this?
You can pad each vector with zeros:
A = [11 115 167 44 51 5 6];
B = [100 1 1 87];
C = [2000 625];
D = [81 623 45 48 6 14 429 456 94];
E = [89];
F = [44 846 998 2035 498 4 68 4 1 89];
G = {A,B,C,D,E,F};
[max_val, idx] = max(cellfun(#numel, G)); % Find max sizes of vectors
% Create vector with zeros filling open matrix space
LeftIndented = zeros(idx,max_val);
Centered = zeros(idx,max_val);
RightAligned = zeros(idx,max_val);
for k = 1:numel(G)
LeftIndented(k,1:numel(G{k})) = G{k};
l = length(G{k});
padding = max_val - l;
leftPadding = floor(padding / 2);
Centered(k, :) = [zeros(1, leftPadding), G{k}, zeros(1, padding - leftPadding)];
RightAligned(k, :) = [zeros(1, padding), G{k}];
This is equivalent to
A = [11 115 167 44 51 5 6];
B = [100 1 1 87];
C = [2000 625];
D = [81 623 45 48 6 14 429 456 94];
E = [89];
F = [44 846 998 2035 498 4 68 4 1 89];
G = {A,B,C,D,E,F};
[max_val, idx] = max(cellfun(#numel, G)); % Find max sizes of vectors
% Create vector with zeros filling open matrix space
LeftIndented = zeros(idx,max_val);
Centered = zeros(idx,max_val);
RightAligned = zeros(idx,max_val);
for k = 1:numel(G)
LeftIndented(k,1:numel(G{k})) = G{k};
l = length(G{k});
padding = max_val - l;
leftPadding = floor(padding / 2);
Centered(k, 1 + leftPadding:leftPadding + l) = G{k};
RightAligned(k, 1 + padding:end) = G{k};
but in the second code the values of the vectors are written into the correct position in a zero vector.
A solution using strjust:
A = [11 115 167 44 51 5 6];
B = [100 1 1 87];
C = [2000 625];
D = [81 623 45 48 6 14 429 456 94];
E = [89];
F = [44 846 998 2035 498 4 68 4 1 89];
G = {A,B,C,D,E,F};
data = [G{:}];
N = cellfun(#numel, G);
M = max(N);
idx = char((N.' >= (1:M))+32);
Le = strjust(idx, 'left');
Ri = strjust(idx, 'right');
Ce = strjust(idx, 'center');
LeftAdjusted = zeros(M, N);
RightAdjusted = zeros(M, N);
Centered = zeros(M, N);
LeftAdjusted(Le.' ~= ' ') = data;
RightAdjusted(Ri.' ~= ' ') = data;
Centered(Ce.' ~= ' ') = data;
LeftAdjusted = LeftAdjusted.';
RightAdjusted = RightAdjusted.';
Centered = Centered.';

how do i create a binary [0,1]?

i want to declare that x will be variable for binary 0,1
i and k represent facilities in flow matrix, j and q represent location in distance matrix ..
x(i,j) mean that x will be equal to 1 if i (facility) is assign in j (location) ..
x(i, j) = 1 if facility i is assigned to location j and if otherwise, xij = 0,
so otherwise mean that if x(k,q) =1 , x(i,J) will be 0...
example of the manual calculation
Min =(f i1,k1 * d j1,q1 * x i1,j1 * x k1,q1) + (f i1,k1 * d j1,q2 * x i1,j1 * x k1,q2) + (f i1,k1 * d j1,q3 * x i1,j1 * x k1,q3)....
( 0*0* 1*1 ) + ( 0* 6* 1*0 ) + ( 0*8 * 1 *0 ).....
I want to *xi1,j1 * xk1,q1 to be 0 or 1.. if i choose i1, j1=1 the other will be 0.. for example i2,j1 will be equal to 0
below is the coding
%sum sum sum sum(fik*djq*xij*xkq)
%i,k= facilities
%j,q= location
%f(i,k)= flow between facilities i and k
%d(j,q)= distance between locations j and q
%xij = 1 if facility i is assigned to location j and if otherwise, xij = 0
% Flow matrix: flow assigning facility i (column) to facility k (row)
f = [0 5 7 9;
5 0 4 6;
7 4 0 3;
9 6 3 0];
%Distance matrix: distance assigning location j (column) to location q (row)
d = [0 6 8 9;
6 0 5 1;
8 5 0 2;
9 1 2 0];
z= 0;
nf= 4;
nd= 4;
for i=1:nf
for j=1:nf
for k=1:nd
for q=1:nd
z = min('z','f(i,k)*d(j,q)*x(i,j)*x(k,q)');
%The first set of constraints requires that each facility gets exactly one
%location, that is for each facility, the sum of the location values
%corresponding to that facility is exactly one
Constraints.constr1 = sum(x,2) == 1;
%The second set of constraints are inequalities. These constraints specify
%that each office has no more than one facility in it.
Constraints.constr2 = sum(x,1) == 1;
disp (z);
by using recperm
this recperm is used to fine permuation 0,1 in the coding

Get points which are within a given distance in two different matrices

I have two matrices A and B, in which the number of rows can vary. A and B do not necessarily have the same number of rows.
For example:
A = [ 110 90
130 140
230 50
370 210 ];
B = [ 321 95
102 35
303 200 ];
Now matrix A and B have 'corresponding points'. Corresponding points are rows where the values in the 2nd column of both matrices are within +/-20.
For example:
A(1,2) = 90 and B(1,2) = 95, the difference is within +/-20 so A(1,:) and B(1,:) are corresponding points.
A(2,2) = 140 and B(2,2) = 35, the difference is not within +/-20 so A(2,:) and B(2,:) are not corresponding points.
A(3,2) = 50 and B(2,2) = 35, the difference is within +/-20 so A(3,:) and B(2,:) are corresponding points.
Using this I want to store the corresponding points of A and B in C and D respectively. For the above example, the final matrices should look like this:
C = [ 110 90
230 50
370 210 ]
D = [ 321 95
102 35
303 200 ]
You can get all of the distances using pdist2
dists = pdist2( A(:,2), B(:,2) )
>> dists = [ 5 55 110
45 105 60
45 15 150
115 175 10 ]
Then get the indices of all 'corresponding points', as defined by a threshold of 20.
% Get combinations within tolerance
idx = dists < 20;
% Get indices
[iA, iB] = find(idx);
Then you can create the final matrices
C = A(iA, :);
D = B(iB, :);
Edit: One way to ensure each pairing is unique (i.e. A(1,:) cannot be paired with multiple rows from B) would be to get the minimum dists for each row/column. Note: this would still give you duplicate matches if the distances are exactly the same, you haven't defined how this should be handled.
dists = pdist2( A(:,2), B(:,2) );
% Set values which are greater than the row/column minima to be infinity.
% This means they will never be within the tolerance of 20 (or whatever else)
dists ( bsxfun(#gt, dists, min(dists,[],1)) | bsxfun(#gt, dists, min(dists,[],2)) ) = Inf;
% In MATLAB versions > 2016b, you can use implicit expansion to replace bsxfun
% That would be: dists( dists > min(dists,[],1) | dists > min(dists,[],2) )
% Now continue as before
[iA, iB] = find( dists < 20 );
C = A(iA, :);
D = B(iB, :);

Checking the repeated values and then finding mean

I m working on my project, where i have 2 images as Img1 and Img2.
As Img1 is the binary image so i have calculated all decimal values.
For Img2 i have taken the pixel values.
For convenience i have taken 10X10 matrix values from the entire image for the below operation.
[row,col] = size(Img1);
m = zeros(row,col);
w = [1 2 4 8; 16 32 64 128; 256 512 1024 2048; 4096 8192 16384 32768];
for i=2:10
for j=2:10
O = double(Img1(i-1:i+2,j-1:j+2));
m(i,j) = sum(sum(O.* w));
[row,col] = size(Img2);
count = row*col;
outMat = zeros(4,4,count);
%m = zeros(row,col);delete
O = zeros(1,256);
for i=2:10
for j=2:10
outMat(:,:,l) = Img2(i-1:i+2,j-1:j+2);
vec = outMat(3,3,:);
vec = vec(:);
Now, for Img2 , i have collected all pixel values, and need to store 2 below.
Col1 col2 from Img2
from Img1
44128 162
54960 150
58320 119
31200 120
48240 180
54960 160
44128 163
51109 90
44128 56
Here, 44128 is repeated 3 times,now adding all correspong mapping values from col2 i.e.
162,163,56 add them all divide by 3(becos occurance of 44128 is 3 times) and same procedure
to be followed for all values.
44128 (162+163+56)/3
54960 (150+160)/2
58320 (119/1)
31200 (120/1)
48240 (180/1)
51109 (90/1)
Here, I want to create an array N of 1D 1X(size of col) which acts as a counter of Img1 decimal
values,repeated values and store the counter values inside N, and then finding mean by dividing corresponding counter values of N to the Img2 pixel values as above.
Please help:-( , how can i write the code further.
Here's a way doing it using sparse.
Accumulate sums and counts:
S = sparse(Img1, ones(size(Img1)), Img2);
N = sparse(Img1, ones(size(Img1)), ones(size(Img2)));
Determine which values actually occur:
ind = find(N)
Extract sums and counts for those values:
S = full(S(ind))
N = full(N(ind))
Compute corresponding means
M = S ./ N
For your example numbers, this gives
ind =
S =
N =
M =
Try this:
totals = sparse(1, Img1, Img2 );
denominators = sparse( 1, Img1, 1);
img1vals = find(totals);
averages = nonzeros(totals) ./ nonzeros(denominators);
[img1vals(:) averages(:)]

Difference between skewness function and skewness formula result

Consider the matrix
c =
1 2
3 4
m = 2;
n = 2;
% mean
% sum1 = uint32(0);
b4 = sum(c);
b5 = sum(b4');
c5 = b5 / ( m * n )
% standard deviation
sum2 = uint32(0);
for i = 1 : m
for j = 1 : n
b = ( double(c(i,j)) - c5 ) ^ 2 ;
sum2 = sum2 + b ;
sum3 = sum2 / ( m * n );
std_dev = sqrt(double(sum3))
% skewness
sum9 = 0;
for i = 1 : m
for j = 1 : n
skewness_old = ( ( double(c(i,j)) - c5 ) / ( std_dev) )^ 3 ;
sum9 = sum9 + skewness_old ;
skewness_new = sum9 / ( m * n )
The skewness result is 0
If I use the matlab function skewness,
c =
1 2
3 4
ans =
0 0
Why is the function skewness returning two 0's, While the formula returns only one 0
MATLAB function SKEWNESS by default calculates skewness for each column separately. For the whole matrix do skewness(c(:)).