Import an Image and replce it with existing Image in COCOS2D - iphone

I am new in cocos2d and I am making a game by using cocos2d.
I import an png Image and use it as sprite. It works very well.
But when I replace images by another image with same name and run it on simulator.
It works very well. But when I run it on my iPhone for testing then it show old image (not replaced image). while I have deleted it already.
can anybody tell me that how will I fix it.

Change the name of the image for another one, rebuild the project: it should raise an error and clean internally all the links to the image.
Rename back the image and compile. Hopefully, the iphone will show you the new image.

Try to clean the app from xcode and then reinstall. Let me know if it is not working.

clean project before building (press Shift+Command+K)

Clean project, go to project then clean.

Make sure the old image is completely gone from inside and anywhere near your project's folder. (Basically put it in the trash and then empty it).
Restart Xcode.
Uninstall the app from your device.
Restart your device.
Clean your Xcode project like everyone else has said.
Try to run your app.
Hopefully all of these (probably excessive) steps will do something for you.


Is there a way to insert an image in Xcode?

I'm very new to Xcode and Swift, so for now I'm creating a UI that requires an image to appear on the screen. I would like to add the image to the LaunchScreen.storyboard file in Xcode. Can anybody help me?
I'm very new to Xcode and Swift, so for now I'm creating a UI that requires an image to appear on the screen. I would like to add the image to the LaunchScreen.storyboard file in Xcode. Can anybody help me?
Images are typically stored in .xcassets files, which show up as folders in your project. Your project probably already has one called Assets.xcassets, and you can just drag and drop images into that file. Then you can add an image view to your LaunchScreen.storyboard and set it to use the image you just added.
Beyond that, let me suggest that you go through some of Apple's SwiftUI tutorials. They'll help you learn about Swift, but you'll also get a lot of exposure to just using Xcode. If you have to figure it all out on your own, it'll take a lot longer.

old images show after replacing with new ones in ios app

I am dealing with this really really annoying bug in X-Code where it seems to save images to some type of memory that seems impossible to clear.
I have replaced a bunch of images in which I am creating a clock animation however when I try to play the animation it showes all the old images, I have tried cleaning the app and still they continue to show even though I have deleted the images.. So then I tried changing the name of the images along with the code where they were getting called and now I'm getting a bunch more errors, So I'm just woundering if anyone knows how to get around this problem of xcode caching images.
You need to clean the build or delete it from the device/simulator. That usually takes care of it if you're sure the files are named correctly. Also make sure that you're using the correct case in your filenames, that messed me up a few times. :)
In the XCode explorer, right click on the image, use "Show in finder" and make sure they refer to the images you want.
Try using the Clean option from the Product menu in XCode.

iPhone: InterfaceBuilder nibs disconnected from my project

Since upgrading to XCode 3.2, InterfaceBuilder doesn't play nice. All of my image links are broken in IB but they'll show fine when I compile. When I go to the combo box to select an image for my UIImageView, it doesn't have the image files I've added to my app.
I also can't create a new .nib and associate it with a class I've written. Like images, my custom viewcontrollers aren't available to pick from.
I'm going to try a reinstall but I was curious if anyone's dealt with this?
I gave up trying to fix and resorted the classic workaround. Started a clean project and schlepped everything over. Things are fine...for now.

Default.png no longer exists

I've searched for the answer to this question but I can't seem to find it, and logically this process makes no sense to me...
I added a default.png to my app and I didn't like the fact that it didn't show long enough, so I removed it and was going to add a splash screen instead.
The problem is that the default.png still shows on load. I've completely removed it from the Xcode project and from the computer.
I've deleted the installed app from the simulator, and rebuilt the project but it still shows up. I've even exited Xcode and relaunched. Does this value get saved anywhere that I'm missing? How do I get rid of this image?
Any help will be appreciated.
Thank you in advance,
Have you tried doing a Clean first? I've had some resources stick around before with Xcode... the clean operation deletes all the build artifacts.

Images and Caching - same image after name change

I've got a mysterious problem with images and caching. In my project I've got 20 photos that elegantly fade in and out with a random function that changes up the order a bit.
I found that I didn't like one image in particular, image_1.png and wanted to push it back in the rotation (each time the app starts the images start with image_1.png). So, I swapped the name of image_1.png with that of image_16.png. When I look at image in the project folder and in Resources indeed the images are as they should be but when I run the app its the same old image that starts things out.
I have reset the sim, deleted the app from my iPhone, removed the images from the project and reimported them and still the same image.
Even odder.. I have an image_0.png that is no longer in the project file at all ... its not even on my hard drive.... but it shows up as well.
Do I have a ghost in my Mac or is this just seriously persistent cache?
Clean All Targets
Sounds like a persistent cache.
Let me guess: you have your images in a directory that you add to your project as a reference?
Yeah, that stuff's weird and buggy. Even in the latest xcode. I find it helps to recreate the folder with the new contents in a different place, then remove the old one from the project and add the new one. Perhaps even closing the project before re-adding.
XCode sucks.