Skype integration issue - iphone

I'm new in iOS development. But anyway now I can: post private messages to my friends on Facebook and Twitter.
Is there any way to post message to my skype contact's?
Does skype provide any API for iOS to post message to skype contact's?
Is there any way to gain skype contacts information (email, phone number), so to be able to post email/SMS to skype contact directly?
What is the best way to post data to my skype contacts?

No currently there is no public API is provided for iOS.
You can check their documents skypekit and api reference for more details.
You can use Skype Uri for communicating with skype from your APP.

Try look at this repositories
Projects on Objective-C with Skype support

Sevabot Skype bot provides a HTTP interface for sending Skype messages:
(Disclaimer: I am author of the project)
However, using this solution means that you need to have a Skype client running on your server.


How can I check the messages that I received from whatsapp business API?

We are using an integration with whatsapp business API and it is working great, but we need to check if we have a new message or if the user have replied, we try it to use the whatsapp business app, but we can't access to the app and it seems like that whatsapp doesn't allow to use the App and API with the same number, then is there any way to check the messages like an app or dashboard?
I have been investigating in internet but I cannot find any solutions for that

I need help creating a Whatsapp chatbot

Is there at this moment a reliable way to build a chatbot for Whatsapp? There are some Whatsapp frameworks like this one but looking at the comments it looks like most of Whatsapp numbers got banned when using these. Also, Twilio for example has an API for Whatsapp but it is only for testing.
Thanks in advance!
Currently the WhatsApp API is still in beta and you need to wait for the API to be officially open to everyone. Still you can make a request to get access to their API in advance
Twilio now directly supports WhatsApp integration; simply fill out Twilio's Request Access form with accurate and up-to-date information, including the Facebook Business Manager ID, and securely send WhatsApp messages using Twilio APIs.
And, in general, there are numerous approaches to developing a WhatsApp chatbot. However, there are some fundamental considerations to bear in mind when creating a WhatsApp chatbot.
Whatsapp business API
Chatbot builder platform
To build a chatbot I suggest Kommunicate for creating a simple and seamless chatbot. Kommunicate includes a bot builder tool called Kompose, which allows you to create bots without writing a single line of code. You can build AI-powered chatbots, deploy them on your website and apps, and even incorporate automated human takeovers if they fail. For detailed instructions on how to build a chatbot, please see this article. Kommunicate also lets you integrate with other third-party bot builder platforms such as Dialogflow, Amazon lex, IBM Watson, and custom bots.
Once the Twilio account has been configured with the WhatsApp Business API, connect it to the Kommunicate account to deploy the chatbot and manage customer conversations. Refer to this link for detailed instructions
PS: I work for Kommunicate

What is the alternative to using Facebook chat API now that Facebook will soon disable the XMPP API?

Now that Facebook will be completely disabling the XMPP service soon, how do I get around this? Will there be any possible way to send/receive messages in real-time? Do I need to run my own XMPP server?
I assume there is still a way to do this or else desktop apps like Trillian would have to stop offering Facebook connection.
Currently there is no other API that allows you to retrieve the user's chat information.

iOS Facebook SDK sending private message to friends

There are many similar questions here on SO but i am asking it because FB changes its guidelines quite often. Also this question is relevant to specific scenario.
I want my iOS app to send some text and link as a private message to selected friends.
Now FB has barred this. But can we send it using FB chat API using Jabber, XMPP?
Will that be allowed and not considered as spam?
Any input will be welcome.
So i finally figured it out.
I used FB SDK version 1 and XMPPFramework.
I managed to send private message to friends.

Is there any way to connect to the Facebook chat service without using the XMPP protocol?

I am trying to create an application that will basically be a Linux command line messenger app just for Facebook chat. When you connect to facebook chat using the XMPProtocol, you can send instant messages to all of your friends but you can only see the messages from the friends that appear online. If an offline friend sends you a message, you do not see it. I have tested this with various chat programs (like pidgin) that are using XMPP to connect to facebook chat.
There is an iPhone app called "Messenger" that allows you to send and receive instant messages even when your friends appear to be offline. How is this possible? Do you have to use some other protocol? I tried making a research about this, and while there were many references about XMPP basically having this limit, there was no reference about how you solve this problem. I'd appreciate any clue regarding the direction I should look (may that be just the name of a protocol, an open source project that has this feature etc).
chat and inbox are two faces of the same Facebook backend i mean you can read message sent by your Facebook friends by Graph Api http GET as this ...