Starling Feathers Extend Theme - Custom button - starling-framework

I am trying to work out how to use a sprite added to a themes sprite sheet as a button but not having much luck.
I have created the entire button with click state and label and added to the theme sprite sheet and need to use on a button. I have a number of custom buttons I would like to use but I would also like to use a number of the theme skin (Minimal skin).
I have looked at the extending themes section but unsure how to use a signal sprite image for 1 button, another for another button and the theme skin for others.

Look at the names property, this is how the theme "knows" what initializer function to call


Setting Button's Size in TinyMCE 4

I'm new with TinyMCE and trying to set the size of some of the buttons in the editor to small and some others' to medium, in TinyMCE 4.
I know about this property toolbar_items_size but this sets all the button's size small or medium. Instead, I'm trying to set the size property of the buttons in editor.buttons[] manually after the buttons get registered with the editor but before the theme gets initialized since the theme uses Factory.create() to create buttons & that sets class btn-<size> to the button, which sets its size.
I've looked into TinyMCE's code too but have not able to figure out a way to do so. Also, I've observed that all the editor's events get fired after the theme gets initialized, like BeforeSetContent,..etc.
I'm using modern theme.
Is there some way to achieve this?
TinyMCE simply does not support what you are trying to do - the buttons on the toolbar(s) are a uniform size. You can pick that uniform size (as you reference) but you can't mix buttons of different sizes on the toolbar.

Change the border's color of a button in Unity3D

I began to work with Unity3D since one month and I'm trying to do an application which contains a menu, composed by a panel and several buttons. At this moment, I'm trying to customize the menu, I change the fill color of the panel and buttons, but until now I could not change the border color of the buttons. There is any way to customize the border's color of the UI buttons? I would appreciate your help. :)
The easiest way to add an outline to your button is to use the Outline component (doc).
Simply add the Outline component where your button image or text is. Then configure it how you like it :)
The above results in the following button:
No, you can not change just border color. If you use default buttons, take a look at Source image. It is basically a grey square with black borders. So when you change color of image black color remains black.
To customize buttons as you want you need either create nested UI elements:
or create sprites with colors you want and replace source image
I find nested UI elements to be the easiest way to do something like this. Simple example:
Start out by creating a panel and change the scale until you get the desired size for your button. This will be your "borders".
Next create another panel as a child of the panel you just made and change the scale to be just slightly smaller than your first panel and change the color.
In the Inspector for your panel, add component and type in Button and add it as a component.
Finally, add a text as a child of your panel for a label and you're done.

How to make select button like Apple Pages app

I can select multiple font styles in Apple Pages app, orange colored box on the screen.
How to make it?
I can't find any ui component in the iOS SDK like this, multiple select. UISegmentControl is only for one select like radio button.
use a UISegmentControl in momentary mode to have the bar :)
set custom background images for the cells
there is no stock control but this is quite basic using this approach
No default thing is available you have to do it by yourself. You set tags for each button and only one selector. By checking the selected button tags execute you specific code.
For that, yon need to take UISegment Control and make it's background images custom. Also you can set the width of the each segment.
Then you will achieve your goal.

In Android - How can I set a default style for buttons that are created programmatically?

My Android application can't use XML buttons, because the size and label of the buttons are created based on user input. Therefore I need to create the buttons in the activity and add them to the layout programmatically.
How can I create a default button style (foreground and background color, padding, font, etc), and apply that style to all of my buttons in the Java code?
One way to do this might be the following:
1) Create a custom button class (wonkyBtn) that extends Button.
2) In wonkyBtn's constructor, instantiate an Android button, and then reconfigure it to your heart's content... If it works out that you need multiple flavors of button, you can overload the constructor, or pass in a parameter.
3) Return a brand, spankin' new wonkyBtn to your application...
I hope I got that right,

selection Menu like Tap Tap Revenge 3

I am wondering how to achieve selection menu like tap tap revenge 3 have.Do I need to make a whole custom class or any help which class should I drive my subclass.I tried to modify UIPickerView but I cant change background image and frame(both is private).
Mrigank Gupta
Here is the link of image(not having reputation to post image)
Making a custom control class will be easier than trying to shoehorn one of the existing ones.
Tapbots put together a little article on their work.
You should be able to use a few images, a button, graphics transforms and touch event handling to pull it off.