How to merge two prototypes in Pencil Wireframing Tool? - merge

I am using Pencil wire framing tool. I have distributed the modules with my developers and now I want to merge all of them in a single solution. Instead of copy pasting page by page I think there can be a better way of doing this.
Also I wanted to know, is it possible of converting the one source file of prototype into another as I think collaboration feature in Pencil is missing.
Please assist.
Thank you

Open .ep files in your favorite editor. You will see an XML structure like
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<Document xmlns="">
Now just copy paste second .ep files all <page> at end of first .ep (Just before </pages>


how to refresh a page of full data population automatically

I have a list of data which are been read from an xml file(in dam) in a component and suppose get populated in the entire page. As soon as I read the file in the component, it refreshes the page due to editConfig setting, however, in order see the full data the page(read from xml), I have to do a manual refresh again in the browser.
Is there a way to automate the entire process such that manual refresh can be done away with.
Here is the editConfig setting:
<jcr:root xmlns:cq="" xmlns:jcr=""
I think this might be an useful solution for your problem.

Sandcastle how to include subtopics in TOC

I'm just getting started with Sandcastle, trying to build a conceptual help file without any code component at all. I've got a basic framework working, but I'm having trouble figuring out how to get things into the Table of contents. As I understand it the TOC is based on the contents of the Content Layout.content file, but all I can add are FILES not links within a file.
Is there some syntax that will allow me to have a section within a file appear as a TOC entry? I'm working with some AML files provided by a client, and they include lots of tags that look like this:
<section address="_Toc190084020">
but the _Toc is apparently meaningless, because they don't appear anywhere.
I asked this same question on the SHFB website ( and got an answer from Eric Woodruff, the maintainer of the project.
It turns out that the table of contents is based strictly on the files included in the project, so the only way to get more TOC entries is to break it into more files.

Why does my ClientLibrary css file keep including Bootstrap?

In CQ5, I've made a clientLibrary for one of my pages. Even when I remove all embed's and dependencies, the output .css file that gets loaded by my page has bootstrap at the top of the file. The client library itself just has a few js and css files that don't include or require bootstrap in any way. Am I missing something? Also I'm noticing the js file this clientLib outputs includes lot of scripts from my libraries that I'm not including in the clientLib or calling as a dependency/embed.
Below is my clientLibs .content.xml file.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
categories="[apps.myPage]" />
AEM saves the compiled clientlibs in a cache. Sometimes it happens the invalidation of the cache is not triggered. With using the following url you can execute the invalidation or the rebuild of your clientlibs:
Is your problem not solved check the clientlib setup at the following page.
This page gives you insight about the embeds and dependencies on your clientlib. Probably a the reference still exists.
Everything configured well and it still doesnt work? In that case change the jcr:nodename of your clientlib folder. Check it once again.. Does it work, change back the name and it will work ;)

Is it possible to redirect a link that ends with .aspx to a .ashx?

We have a website that we recently released based mostly on SharePoint. Some of the site needed to return just straight XML. The consultants on the project implemented the xml returns as .aspx pages that write the response object in the page_load method.
After a short time researching this, I relize that this is probably the wrong way to do this because it calls all the extra events for a ASPX page that we don't need.
Here's my question, I want to recreate these functions as .ashx links with the httphandler. However, I want to be able to retain the orginal links that ended in .aspx and the get parameters that accompany them to decide which type of XML to return.
Is is possible to rewrite/redirect the .aspx ending links to a .ashx link. Or would that cause the IIS server to interpret every .aspx incorrectly?
I think you're probably in luck...
We did a similar thing. Our eCommerce web app only accepts JPG, PNG and GIF files as the images for products, but we wanted every image to be dynamically created for every product.
So, we remapped JPG, PNG and GIF files to become a handler.
However, we didn't want ALL JPG, PNG and GIF files to be mapped since it would be hugely inefficient for static files, so we only did certain ones.
Here is how to do it.
If all of your ASPX files follow a similar file-spec that NO other files share, add this to your web.config under <httpHandlers>.
<add path="filespec*.aspx" verb="*" type="MyAssembly.MyHandlerName, MyAssembly"/>
If they don't all share a file-spec, you'll have to add them one-by-one to web.config:
<add path="oldaspx1.aspx" verb="*" type="MyAssembly.MyHandlerName, MyAssembly"/>
<add path="oldaspx2*.aspx" verb="*" type="MyAssembly.MyHandlerName, MyAssembly"/>
<add path="oldaspx3*.aspx" verb="*" type="MyAssembly.MyHandlerName, MyAssembly"/>
To make this usuable whether or not you are running in the IIS7 integrated pipeline, you could also add similar lines to the <handlers> element
Then when a request comes in for 'oldaspx1.aspx', it will get handled (very efficiently, without the page lifecycle being started) by your custom handler.
If this solves your problem, please mark it as the accepted answer with the check mark to the left.

Making Word document embedded in a web page editable or read-only

I'm embedding some Word documents into our web page using iframe like this:
<iframe src="" width="100%" height="400">
The problem is that the embedded Word control allows the user to edit the documents and shows an icon to save them, but doesn't actually save anything. Is it possible to setup Word to save edits back to the FTP server? If not, is there someway we can make the document read-only so the user doesn't get the idea that they can make changes? We're using IE7 and Word 2003.
(I just asked a related question about getting Word to save to a FTP server: Possible for Word to edit documents directly off an web server without Sharepoint?)
You can use ActiveX component like EDraw OfficeView or UltraOffice to embbed office and give you few control against the save and edit the document. You can also send it back to server for save.
There are a number of solutions to your problem, the easiest in my oppinion is a commercial app: Developers have unlimited preview time but production use requires a license, don't know if thats an option in your case? To get this working in IE7 you will also need together with
Not sure if this solution will remain free but it is at the moment: They provide an api to convert documents to html, you could write a script to convert docs to html on upload and then store html to show on site.
Another good option is they have a conversion plugin to convert docx to HTML, pdf and such.
As for making your existing solution read only, i read somewhere you can do it with the method below but i am unable to test as i am on a mac and currently have no access to a machine with IE right now.
<object id="msword" width="100%" height="100%" classid="clsid:67F2A879-82D5-4A6D-8CC5-FFB3C114B69D" data='[insert document name].doc'>
<PARAM NAME="src" VALUE="file:////[insert full document path here].doc" >
<PARAM NAME="readonly" value=true>
Hope these suggestions help you with your project!
I would recommend converting the file to an mht file. this will provide cleaner lines when shown in the browser and prevent the user from editing or saving the file.