Why does my ClientLibrary css file keep including Bootstrap? - aem

In CQ5, I've made a clientLibrary for one of my pages. Even when I remove all embed's and dependencies, the output .css file that gets loaded by my page has bootstrap at the top of the file. The client library itself just has a few js and css files that don't include or require bootstrap in any way. Am I missing something? Also I'm noticing the js file this clientLib outputs includes lot of scripts from my libraries that I'm not including in the clientLib or calling as a dependency/embed.
Below is my clientLibs .content.xml file.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
categories="[apps.myPage]" />

AEM saves the compiled clientlibs in a cache. Sometimes it happens the invalidation of the cache is not triggered. With using the following url you can execute the invalidation or the rebuild of your clientlibs:
Is your problem not solved check the clientlib setup at the following page.
This page gives you insight about the embeds and dependencies on your clientlib. Probably a the reference still exists.
Everything configured well and it still doesnt work? In that case change the jcr:nodename of your clientlib folder. Check it once again.. Does it work, change back the name and it will work ;)


Keycloak CSS is not updating in browser

I am upgrading Keycloak from 9.x to 12.x in a development environment. I initially copied some custom themes forward, and found that the styling was badly broken (no surprise). I reviewed my FTL files, copied some of the core changes into my theme, and things are much better - just some minor issues to adjust.
Now the problem. I've made the changes to my login.css file, but those changes aren't showing up in the browser. It continues to fetch an old version of my custom CSS file.
What I have tried (multiple times for most of these):
Clear browser cache
Restart Keycloak
Check ownership/permissions of theme files
Restart entire server
Load CSS file directly
Load CSS file directly with meaningless parameter added (trying to bypass any possible middleman caching)
Confirm new version of Keycloak is the one running
Load page in other browsers
I've also now grepped the entire Keycloak directory for some of the CSS rules I've removed, and I can't find any copies of the "old" css file anywhere that might be getting referenced by accident.
Also, there are no messages in the Keycloak log when loading the CSS file.
I want to figure out how to get Keycloak to deliver the updated CSS to the browser.
Blind guess, so please don't blame me if it doesn't work. (question should include minimal reproducible example):
Edit /opt/jboss/keycloak/standalone/configuration/standalone-ha.xml and update it as follows:
For me it worked when changed this file
like below way
I think it is because I am using single instance mode instead cluster ha mode.
Apart from disabling cache, as described above, you can also adjust the theme resource URLs, breaking the client-side cache. It's a bit of a hack, but you can directly modify the resource tag portion of the URL by adjusting the database migration_model.id value.
You must delete the path keycloak-server\standalone\tmp\kc-gzip-cache\sbgwq or otherelse folder... and test in a browser in incognit mode.

how to refresh a page of full data population automatically

I have a list of data which are been read from an xml file(in dam) in a component and suppose get populated in the entire page. As soon as I read the file in the component, it refreshes the page due to editConfig setting, however, in order see the full data the page(read from xml), I have to do a manual refresh again in the browser.
Is there a way to automate the entire process such that manual refresh can be done away with.
Here is the editConfig setting:
<jcr:root xmlns:cq="http://www.day.com/jcr/cq/1.0" xmlns:jcr="http://www.jcp.org/jcr/1.0"
I think this might be an useful solution for your problem.

Which css files get included by AEM by default when you specify a design for your website?

I've created a website in AEM and created a design for that website. Initially the design included a folder with images and a css file called static.css. When I specify the cq:designPath on a node in my website's content, the static.css file gets included automatically (/etc/designs/mywebsite/static.css); AEM also tries to include another file (/etc/designs/mywebsite.css). If the static.css file doesn't exist, it will NOT get included, but the mywebsite.css file gets included ('ed to) regardless of whether or not it exists. The documentation I have found (see here) suggests that you can include any number of css files in your design, but when I try to add addition css files to the /etc/designs/mywebsite/ folder, none of them get included. Am I missing something here? Should all the css files under /etc/designs/mywebsite/ be included in the site, or is it intended that only /etc/designs/mywebsite.css and /etc/designs/mywebsite/static.css are included automatically and any additional files need to be included manually?
The .css extension on the design node invokes a servlet (/libs/wcm/core/components/designer/designer.css.java) which dynamically generates CSS based on various nodes from the design's jcr:content node into CSS.
When a content author switches to design mode (WCMMode=Design), the edit dialogs save to the either the currently-applied design or the default (/etc/designs/default) design's jcr:content node. The template used to create the page, along with the path of the component being edited will determine the path under the jcr:content node where the design settings are saved.
For instance, if you edit an out-of-the-box parsys component you will see an option to editing the "Cell Padding"
If you enter a CSS padding value into the text box and click OK, the value will be saved to a div.padding property at the following location:
The servlet will then render the following in the design CSS:
.mytemplate .par div.section {
padding: 8px;
The class that actually converts the nodes to CSS is the CSSWriter in the cq-wcm-core jar.
For more information, see a similar question I asked a while back:
In Adobe AEM, how does the parsys component inject styles into the design css file?
Just a short correction. Actually it is not: /etc/designs/mydesign/jcr:content/mytemplate but instead /etc/designs/mydesign/jcr:content/my_page_component
That means if two pages have different templates but share the same page rendering component, then they will share the same design configuration and their components will write at the same location in Design Mode.

Attaching javadoc to libraries

as an example, I'd like to attach the javadoc to org.eclipse.swt
As I've read in similar threads, I went to the build path, expanded the swt library node and tried to enter the url as the javadoc location:
Trying to validate it however tells me that typical root files like package-list or index.html couldn't be found. Obviously pretty weird since the url ends with index.html. Am I doing something wrong?
You can only specify the URL for the javadocs if it has a package-list file. Otherwise you will have to use downloaded javadocs/src for the jar. Then you can do specify the location for those javadocs archives in the same window you tried. You can attached sources if you want to see the source instead of decompiled library classes.
Similar post
Do not include the index.html part at the end. You want a URL to which you can append "package-list" and actually get the right content.

iPhone WebApp cache

I've made a simple Web Application for the iPhone, it's just 6 pages each with an image on it and I use the Cube transition to switch between them, all static content.
I need this to work on an iPod Touch offline, i.e. visit it once, disconnect from WiFi, and then be able to browse the static site.
I'm trying to do this using the HTML5 manifest feature, but I'm clearly doing it wrong?
My Manifest file:
top of my HTML file
<html manifest="cache-manifest">
Hey I figured it out, leaving answer here in case it helps anyone else.
The problem I was having was that our server (IIS6) was refusing to serve my manifest file.
I had to add the MIME type ".manifest" using "text/cache-manifest".
Since then it's been caching fine, all 40+ files ranging from 1kb to 200kb.
Hope this helps.
I also wrote some tips on using the Manifest at: http://wecreategames.com/blog/?p=210
Other things to note: You need to reload the app TWICE to get the manifest's new contents, and you need to change the actual content of the manifest to force reloading the containing pages (I do this by changing a comment #v.03 to #v.04, or something similar).
As a note: Apple suggests:
"The HTML file that declares the manifest file ..... is automatically included in the application cache. You do not need to add it to the manifest file."
So it would work with leaving "index.html" out of the manifest list.