I am new to i phone programming.I want add one project into another project.In one project i have used root view controller and another project is view controller.In root view controller its displaying table view in starting after that if i click on the cell its will display the private document folder images,its working fine in root view controller project when i add this project to view controller i have made some changes in app delegate here after that when i run project first displaying view controller in that if click one button means its displaying table view but if click any cell in table view means its not working it.That root view controller project is https://github.com/kirbyt/KTPhotoBrowser
Here if click on that cell its will all document images in thumbnails its not working can please help me what to do now.
I have tried this but did not get success yet. I think it's not possible. The other way is to merge the methods of the other project yourself into the other project so that you can get the functionality of the other project.
I'm new to iphone dev. My app Design has 3 views. One start screen. Then you press a button and you go to a table view. The table view will decide if it goes to another same table view with other data (and how many levels down ) according to an xml file. Then it will go to a view that shows details. For example it might go like:
Main Screen -> table view -> detail view
Main Screen -> Table view -> table view -> table view -> detail view etc.
So I want to be able when a cell is chosen in the table view then (if this is what the xml describes) call a same view (same view Controller and code). And when the xml describes so go to detail view.
Can this be done using storyboards? If I want to use ios 4.3 how can I do it?
I'm using latest (4.3) xCode on Lion. Also note that this xcode does not have a template for a Navigation Based app.
From what I have seen till now, I can't dynamically call the same view from storyboards. So I implemented a navigation controller using the following tutorial and it works like a charm for me!
I am working on an iPad application and need some help from you guys.
Actually i want to use UISplitView inside one my View Based application.
The flow of my app would be like following:
In main view:
When i Enter username and password and click Login, On Successfull login it should open the second screen using present model view controller.
Now on Second Screen there is a Button to goto Mails. When i click on it It should open up the 3rd screen. again pushed using presentModalViewController, which should have a UISplitViewController to show the emails list and when clicking on any email show the detail of that email.
Now please can any one guide me how can i use uisplitView controller inside the Viewbased application templet.
at least post any use full links/source code files.
Thanks in advance
The SplitViewController has to be the RootViewController. From Apple Docs:
"A split view controller must always be the root of any interface you create. In other words, you must always install the view from aUISplitViewController object as the root view of your application’s window. The panes of your split-view interface may then contain navigation controllers, tab bar controllers, or any other type of view controller you need to implement your interface."
So you cannot do what you want without writing your own container views (in iOS5) instead of using Apple' SplitViewController.
This is a novice error for sure. In Xcode 4 i have created a Window Based application in which i put a TabBarController as the root controller. When the application starts, the first tab of the tabbar is selected and thus the view corresponding to that tab is shown. The problem is that the View Controller that corresponds to that view in the first tab is not being read, i put some logs in the init, viewWillLoad, and viewDidLoad methods and none of them are being shown. I have linked the controllers correctly, plus Xcode links them automatic if you select that option when creating a new view controller. Here's how it looks like in my project.
This is how it looks like in the tab controller i have linked to the view.nib:
And this is the view, it is linked to the view controller:
And here's the View Connected to the File's Owner Outlet:
Everything looks fine for me so i don't understand why it's not calling those methods in the view controller when the application starts or when the tab corresponding to that view is being selected.
Thanks in advance for the help.
I fixed it. The problem was that the referencing class was UIViewController intead of the view controller i created for it. The answer was to go to MainWindow.xib then select View Controller - Home then go to Identity Inspector and select the View Controller i created for it in this case the HomeViewController.h
Hey all, I'm really new to iphone development and am getting really frustrated. I know ASP and Javascript and i'm trying to do this objective-c. I took a course on lynda and now i'm trying to hook up a tab view.
I placed buttons on the first view of the tab view controller. I then went into the header file and created the - (IBAction) for the 4 buttons on there and added the function in the implementation file. The problem is when i go back to Interface builder and try to connect the actions to the buttons, they don't show up. I have no actions listed in the File's owner so i can't do anything. Can anyone out there please help! thanks.
You're doing it backwards (IMHO). create the Actions and Outlets (don't forget to save the source), then create the items in IB (note that you have to refresh IB so that it can re-read the source.
In tab view controller app make sure that class of view is your ViewController class and also in MainWindow.xib make sure all tabs are referencing respective ViewController
I have built an application that revolves around UITableView, Core Data and XML. Now that the app is almost complete i want to add a main menu before accessing the tableView. The main menu will then allow you to navigate to the table and other functions. What is the easiest way to go about doing this? I'm confused about how to change the inital file that is loaded.
One suggestion would be to add a navigation controller and a new view which will serve as your 'main' view and show your menu. Then in response to the 'menu' choices you could push your existing table view or other views that you might want to show.