Edit an existing app detail page icon or image? - facebook

How do you change an app detail image or icon? There is no delete or upload button once you already have uploaded an image to the app detail page(unsbumitted state). There is no way to remove it or change it so you are stuck with it? help?! Tried in safari and chrome...no luck.

On mouse hover the image, you will see the Edit link


How to upload images to app store?

I'm struggling to get images uploaded to iTunes Connect. I am on the below screen in Safari, but the "Choose file" option is disabled.
I have tried to drag and drop images into it, but it never does anything.
If I uncheck the ones currently checked; they I can drag and drop images into; but never the very first items.
Can someone assist how I upload the images?
The answer was indicated above;
You selected 5.5 inch Display So make sure your Screenshot size is
Further, I noticed that an extra localisation was created that I didn't need; deleting this also helped solved the problem.

Crossrider browser button icon is very blurry

I have a browser button configured for IE, which uses an icon. The problem is the icon is pixellated and blurry. I tried uploading various icons of different sizes (19x19, 40x4, 65x65), however the icon looks almost the same every time (pixellated and blurry). Would you please advise if there are any steps I could take for the icon to show up clear on IE bar? Thanks!

How to show number small custom icon like mail, iphone

I have a social networking app. I have a button and based on the click on the button I need to show a small icon on the top right corner of the button. it is a custom color and text.
I know to show the default system number icon for like the one for unread mail you can get it from the shared application badge count. But I am trying to do something custom here.
I am thinking of building my own imageview (its background will be a custom png) and then within it a small text to show the number.
Anyone has experience with this and can recommend a better way?
You can add a imageView with badge image as the subvie of that button.
There is a lot of custom badge controls available.
Please check the following links.
You cannot change anything on the home screen besides for the app icon, name, and badge value. Do you mean on the home screen or on a tab bar?
If you mean a badge in the app, not on the homescreen, checkout #MidhunMP's answer to find links on how to do this. I have used http://www.spaulus.com/2011/04/custombadge-2-0-retina-ready-scalable-light-reflex/?lang=en before successfully.

how can i can change the icon of the facebook app in the timeline

See the above image, So i changed the tab image of the app using the instruction from this site. But i can't change this icon. How can change that.
On the main page of the app in the developer settings, there is the an app image and some smaller text that says "edit icon" - this is what the small icon refers to and it is 16x16px. It's not related to the image that sits next to it which I believe is around 70x70px. The proximity does make it slightly confusing. But just click the text link

app icon don't change

i've upload an icon to app in dev area on facebook, but in post that created via app i see another icon http://platform.ak.fbcdn.net/www/app_full_proxy.php?app=342798179094087&v=1&size=z&cksum=418d0035bf803448240c46f206d53fac&src=http%3A%2F%2Fbit.ly%2FbFTnqd
but in my icon shows monkey not "214 apps", and i check an app id it is right.
please help me.
p.s. Sorry for my english.
check if your icon gets overridden by another image in your meta tags. you can check them easily here.