How to upload images to app store? - app-store

I'm struggling to get images uploaded to iTunes Connect. I am on the below screen in Safari, but the "Choose file" option is disabled.
I have tried to drag and drop images into it, but it never does anything.
If I uncheck the ones currently checked; they I can drag and drop images into; but never the very first items.
Can someone assist how I upload the images?

The answer was indicated above;
You selected 5.5 inch Display So make sure your Screenshot size is
Further, I noticed that an extra localisation was created that I didn't need; deleting this also helped solved the problem.


Edit an existing app detail page icon or image?

How do you change an app detail image or icon? There is no delete or upload button once you already have uploaded an image to the app detail page(unsbumitted state). There is no way to remove it or change it so you are stuck with it? help?! Tried in safari and luck.
On mouse hover the image, you will see the Edit link

how can i can change the icon of the facebook app in the timeline

See the above image, So i changed the tab image of the app using the instruction from this site. But i can't change this icon. How can change that.
On the main page of the app in the developer settings, there is the an app image and some smaller text that says "edit icon" - this is what the small icon refers to and it is 16x16px. It's not related to the image that sits next to it which I believe is around 70x70px. The proximity does make it slightly confusing. But just click the text link

how can we use browse button in iphone for images or file

how can we use browse button in iphone for images or file.i want to upload images to server from iphone.
Since the iOS 6.0, the safari app and all webviews can handle upload/file html input fields for images and such.
You can only access files present in your sandbox. And on iOS, the guidelines say that you should display a list of files that can be uploaded (perhaps in a table view in a separate view), rather than a browse dialog.

Disable the 'save image' menu on iPhone with Javascript

Have a photography site that I want to prevent image copying from. How can I disable the save image menu that pops up on an iPhone when you hold down your finger on an image?
As an aside is it really worth it? Hacks like this do impact user expectations, and your image is on the internet, anyone who wants it can easily get it regardless of whether a context menu has been disabled in the browser they're using.
The solution with CSS (-webkit-touch-callout: none;) as #alex tells, works fine with iOS7 Safari. Thanks.

Link Target in iPhone Based web app

I am building a web application that is to be run by adding the app to the home screen. Currently it has a list of users, clicking on a user takes you to a detail screen for that user and on that screen is a notes link to take the user to another screen with a grid of notes and a text box to add more notes.
When any links are clicked/tapped, the link is opened in Safari, not the current full screen Safari instance. I tried setting the target of the link to _self, but this had no effect.
Any ideas?
I learned a full screen iPhone webapp can only be a single web page. Any link you try to open will launch Safari instead of replacing the current page. To combat this, I used postbacks with panels to hide/load/show requested data.
I use target="_webapp" and it works just use for example <a href="" target="_webapp"> and it gonna open the link without exit landscape (full screen) i dont know why but with some of my webapps works and sometimes dont.