ModeShape 3.0 on JBoss Application Server 7.1 - jboss

I am trying to setup ModeShape AS7 Kit on JBoss Application Server 7.1.1. The ModeShape has the following structure.
Could somebody help on where these files to be copied to JBoss AS7 installation directories in order for ModeShape to be up and running?
Thanks in advance.

Check out the documentation, which includes instructions for installing the ModeShape kit for AS7. It actually is as simple as unzipping the kit over the top of an existing AS7 installation.
The kit includes a sample configuration, but it's better if you create a configuration that suits your own needs. The best way to do that is using AS7's command line interface to set up the Infinispan caches, security, and repositories.

Copy and paste all the contents from ModeShape AS Kit into JBoss's Application Server's directories(if they exist or they will be copied from ModeShape source) and run the JBoss's
./ -c="standalone-modeshape.xml".
Enjoy :)


Is it required to restart JBOSS after updating the module.xml?

I am a Siemens Teamcenter Implementation consultant and have limited knowledge of JBOSS.
I have a question-related to JBOSS module dependencies.
Before asking a question, I will quickly give the background.
JBoss version is EAP 6.1.0 installed in Linux.
For one of the POC in the Teamcenter application, we need to deploy the EAR file in JBOSS.
The company provided the shared JBOSS where other applications from the different departments also using the JBOSS.
JBOSS is used in domain mode.
For deploying the EAR file for Teamcenter application, I need to update the module.xml with JMX dependency. Since the JBOSS is shared by many applications of different departments, we need to get permission from each of them to restart the JBOSS. ( This restart point I want to confirm)
Is it required to restart the JBOSS for module.xml update?
Is there another way to add the dependency in classpath without restarting the JBOSS.
If you edit the module.xml of a module that's been loaded you'll need to restart the server.

Migration from JBOSS-3.3.2 to JBOSS EAP 7.1

I am in process of migrating one of our web application from JBOSS-3.3.2 to JBOSS EAP 7.1. As Jboss 3 will not support JDK1.8*. I was instructed to migrate the jboss to latest jboss version available in our repository.
I referred the following link but it confuses me as both the versions folder structures are different.
One thing I understood is I have to use standalone/deployments folder for my application(war) to be deployed.
In 3.x we have run.jar,, run.conf. But in newer versions these are not available instead we have jboss-eap.conf, but no run.jar any where.
Is there any guide or steps available to be followed for migration.
I was not able to find in google.
In the latest JBoss EAP, you have to start the JBoss EAP server using (for standalone mode) or domain mode) file.
The .sh file is located under $JBOSS_HOME/bin directory.
For configuration, you can configure using standalone.conf or standalone.xml file in standalone mode and for domain mode, you have to add configuration inside domain.xml file.
For migration please refer to the official document. file located in Jboss EAP 6.3

I tried to run simple Web APP in JBoss EAP 6.3 and from the log and I saw
DEBUG [org.apache.catalina.realm] (http-/ User data constraint has no restrictions
This logging message is from
I would like to know, where does this file located in EAP 6.3? Which jar file?
I am running Windows 7 and the Jboss is installed under C:\EAP-6.3.0
It is located in

Which JBoss application server's version is stable and latest?

I am new to JBoss application server. when I go for download the application server in the website. I am seeing the below servers list in the top
EAP built from AS 7.3.
EAP 6.2 Maven Repository.
EAP 6.2 Quickstarts.
kindly help me. Which is the best one. otherwise, shall I go for any other open source application server.
I don't want to make any comment about these things you mentioned. But I can share my experience with you.
Jboss 5.1: It was good.
Jboss 7.1: I faced a problem with log4j issue. Its very complicated.
EAP 6.2: Its much stable than 7.1. my log4j problem is solved with this version.
So, it totally depends upon how deep you want to use jboss.

IBM Worklight 6.0 - .war file deployment fails

I've installed IBM Worklight v6.0 Consumer Edition with WAS Liberty Profile 8.5.5 on a linux server and an oracle database.
I've built a .war with IBM Worklight Studio v6.0 and deployed it in my Liberty apps' directory /worklightServer/apps.
Then I changed server.xml with the following:
<!-- Configuration for Test app -->
<application id="TestApp" name="TestApp" location="TestProjectWL6.war" type="war">
<classloader delegation="parentLast">
<fileset dir="${shared.resource.dir}/lib" includes="worklight-jee-library.jar"/>
The .war file does not get deployed because of following errors in messages.log:
[7/5/13 14:42:47:289 CEST] 00000012 E
CWWKZ0021E: Application TestApp at location TestProjectWL6.war is
How to make the .war valid? I followed the IBM Worklight and WebSphere Information Centers on how to deploy, but it's not working.
The error identifier CWWKZ0021E suggests a problem with the "archive or directory at the specified location". I would make sure that
The file usr/servers/worklightServer/apps/TestProjectWL6.war exists (file name case being significant),
It is really a file, not a directory.
Its access rights don't prevent the Liberty server process from reading it. Use ls -l .../usr/servers/worklightServer/apps/TestProjectWL6.war to check it.
It is not truncated (i.e. unzip -l .../usr/servers/worklightServer/apps/TestProjectWL6.war gives a reasonable listing of its contents).
The server.xml you modified is really the one in usr/servers/worklightServer/ and not the one belonging to a different server.
This all sounds stupid, but these kinds of things occasionally are wrong when manual application server configuration is performed. Configuration through the Ant task <configureApplicationServer> is more reliable.
How did you install IBM Worklight v6.0?
How did you deploy your project's .war file?
Did you use the supplied Ant scripts that are copied to disk when using the IBM Worklight Installation Manager?
The process of installing Worklight Server as well as deploying a .war file in IBM Worklight v6.0 is much different than it was in v5.
Make sure you follow the updated documentation:
Installing Worklight Server
Deploying an IBM Worklight project
I am willing to bet you did not use the Ant scripts to deploy the .war file; Most likely you are pointing to the wrong location of the Worklight JEE .jar file. You will need to correct the path.
I suggest using the supplied Ant scripts.
i've cleaned all my environment: remove all applications config in server.xml (including application center console installed with worklight server installation), remove every war from apps & dropins directory.
then i built with ant task, and now it's ok.