What is the relationship between julia set and mandelbrot set? - fractals

I wrote a mandelbrot set and I have read about the julia set that it's very similar but what is the relationship exactly? Can I use the mandelbrot formula to draw a julia set? What is the starting parameter? Read my code for a mandelbrot set:
function complex_iterate($re,$im)
$zisqr = $zrsqr = $iter = $zIm = $zRe = "0";
while (floatval(bcadd($zrsqr,$zisqr)) < 4
&& $iter < $this->iterations
$zIm = bcmul($zIm,$zRe);
$zIm = bcadd($zIm,$zIm);
$zIm = bcadd($zIm,$im);
$zRe = bcadd(bcsub($zrsqr,$zisqr),$re);
$zrsqr = bcmul($zRe,$zRe);
$zisqr = bcmul($zIm,$zIm);
return $iter;
I'm not sure what it means mandelbrot set is iterate for z and julia set is iterate for c? Do I need to change the code at all?
Update: I changed my code but it doesn't work. My idea is to start with $re and $im instead of 0:
$zisqr = $zrsqr = $iter = 0;
Update 2: I forgot this:
$zrsqr = $zRe*$zRe;
$zisqr = $zIm*$zIm;

As I see you are new to Mandelbrot and Julia here are some definitions to see the relationship.
Mandelbrot map: the map you calculate and visualize graphically
Mandelbrot set: those points on the map that go to infinity (which you usually paint black. Those shiny colored parts on the usually displayed Mandelbrot pictures are not part of the Mandelbrot set)
Continous map: where points on the set lies next to each other (you can walk the whole map by starting from any point)
Island map: where points on the set lie isolated (you cannot walk the whole map from a starting point)
There is only one Mandelbrot set and there are infinite Julia sets and some definition says the Mandelbrot set is the index set of all Julia sets.
In other words: you can calculate a Julia set from any point within a certain limit (if you take large values the result might be empty, though). If your chosen point is not part of the Mandelbrot set (it is not a black pixel when visualized), the resulting Julia set will contain islands. However if you choose a point that is part of the Mandelbrot set (it is a black pixel when visualized) the resulting Julia set will be contiguous.


How to use geoserver SLD style to serve single channel elevation raster ("gray" channel) as Mapbox Terrain-RGB tiles

I have an elevation raster layer in my GeoServer with a single channel ("gray").
The "gray" values is elevations values (signed int16).
I have 2 clients:
The first one is using that elevation values as is.
The second one expect to get [Mapbox Terrain-RGB format][1]
I do not want to convert the "gray scale" format to Mapbox Terrain-RGB format and hold duplicate data in the GeoServer.
I was thinking to use the SLD style and elements to map the elevation value to the appropriate RGB value (with gradient interpolation between discrete values).
For example:
<ColorMapEntry color="#000000" quantity="-10000" />
<ColorMapEntry color="#FFFFFF" quantity="1667721.5" />
It turns out that the above example does not span the full range of colors but rather creates gray values only.
That is, it seems that it interpolate each color (red, green, blue) independent of each other.
Any idea how to make it interpolate values like that: #000000, #000001, #000002, ... , #0000FF, #000100, ..., #0001FF, ..., #FFFFFF?
[1]: https://docs.mapbox.com/data/tilesets/reference/mapbox-terrain-rgb-v1/
I'm trying to do the same with no luck, and i think it can't be done... Check this example. It's a "gradient" [-10000, -5000, -1000, -500 ... 100000000000000000, 5000000000000000000, 1000000000000000000] with the Mapbox color codification. The color progression/interpolation is anything but linear, so i think it can't be emulated in an SLD.
If you have the elevation data in the format you desire then that is the easiest option: it just works. However, if you want a more customized solution, here's what I've done for a project using the Mapbox Terrain-RGB format:
I have a scale of colors from dark blue to light blue to white.
I want to be able to specify how many steps are used from light blue to white (default is 10).
This code uses GDAL Python bindings. The following code snippet was used for testing.
It just outputs the color mapping to a GeoTIFF file.
To get values between 0 and 1, simply use value *= 1/num_steps.
You can use that value in the lookup table to get an RGB value.
If you're only interested in outputting the colors, you can ignore everything involving gdal_translate. The colors will automatically be stored in a single-band GeoTIFF. If you do want to re-use those colors, note that this version ignores alpha values (if present). You can use gdal_translate to add those. That code snippet is also available at my gist here.
import numpy as np
import gdal
from osgeo import gdal, osr
def get_color_map(num_steps):
colors = np.zeros((num_steps, 3), dtype=np.uint8)
colors[:, 0] = np.linspace(0, 255, num_steps, dtype=np.uint8)
colors[:, 1] = colors[::-1, 0]
return colors
ds = gdal.Open('/Users/myusername/Desktop/raster.tif')
band = ds.GetRasterBand(1) # Assuming single band raster
arr = band.ReadAsArray()
arr = arr.astype(np.float32)
arr *= 1/num_steps # Ensure values are between 0 and 1 (or use arr -= arr.min() / (arr.max() - arr.min()) to normalize to 0 to 1)
colors = get_color_map(num_steps) # Create color lookup table
colors[0] = [0, 0, 0] # Set black for no data so it doesn't show up as gray in the final product.
# Create new GeoTIFF with colors included (transparent alpha channel if possible). If you don't care about including the colors in the GeoTIFF, skip this.
cols = ds.RasterXSize
rows = ds.RasterYSize
out_ds = gdal.GetDriverByName('GTiff').Create('/Users/myusername/Desktop/raster_color.tif', cols, rows, 4)
band = out_ds.GetRasterBand(1)
band.WriteArray(colors[arr]) # This can be removed if you don't care about including the colors in the GeoTIFF
band = out_ds.GetRasterBand(2)
band.WriteArray(colors[arr]) # This can be removed if you don't care about including the colors in the GeoTIFF
band = out_ds.GetRasterBand(3)
band.WriteArray(colors[arr]) # This can be removed if you don't care about including the colors in the GeoTIFF
band = out_ds.GetRasterBand(4)
alpha = np.zeros((rows, cols), dtype=np.uint8) # Create alpha channel to simulate transparency of no data pixels (assuming 0 is "no data" and non-zero is data). You can remove this if your elevation values are not 0.
alpha[arr == 0] = 255
band.WriteArray(alpha) # This can be removed if you don't care about including the colors in the GeoTIFF
This issue is also present in Rasterio when using a palette with multiple values. Here is an example.
However, if your raster has n-dimensions or is a masked array, the flip operation can be tricky. Here's a solution based on one of the answers in this stackoverflow question: How to vertically flip a 2D NumPy array?.

Labeled, horizontal arrows pointing into a vertical line

I'm trying to plot some annotations to go along with my step function graphs. I currently have these graphs, and I've been trying to figure out how to draw horizontal arrows that point towards vertical lines. I will also need labeled, vertical lines that are pointing towards horizontal lines.
I have attached an image that shows (in red) what I mean. I've tried the annotation() function, but it's truly a pain to get the arrows where I want them to be. If anyone wouldn't mind explaining how to use that function, or alternative methods for what I'm trying to achieve, that would be amazing!
EDIT: Is there a way to edit the Quiver arrowhead size?
Using Quiver in a 2D Subplot
Not quite sure if this is any better or simpler but I used the quiver() function to plot the lines shown below. The quiver() function takes in a few inputs in this case. In the full script below I used twice the amount of quiver() calls to plot overlapping arrows to create a double headed arrow.
Function Call:
• Start_Point → equal to [x y] (x-coordinate y-coordinate)
• Start_Point(1) → The x-coordinate of the arrow's start
• Start_Point(2) → The y-coordinate of the arrow's start
• X_Displacement → The horizontal distance from the start of the array
• Y_Displacement → The vertical distance from the start of the array
Setting the Maximum Size of the Arrow Head:
The maximum size of the arrow head can be set by using the 'MaxHeadSize' property.
Start_Point(1) = 0;
Start_Point(2) = 0;
X_Displacement = 0; Y_Displacement = 10;
Magnitude = sqrt(X_Displacement.^2 + Y_Displacement.^2);
hold on
Start_Point(1) = 0;
Start_Point(2) = 0;
X_Displacement = 100; Y_Displacement = 0;
Magnitude = sqrt(X_Displacement.^2 + Y_Displacement.^2);

How to get coords between 2 points

I cannot find exactly what I'm looking for or reading google documentation I missed it, I just need a function or whatever to submit 2 point, start and end, and get X waypoint in between.
Is there some api like "www.somesite.com/api.php?start=43.12,12.23&end=44.12,12.23&number_of_waypoints=5" that return some json?
thank you!
First of all, this will require working with geodesics, which are the shortest lines passing through two points around the Earth, assuming the Earth is an ellipsoid. WGS84 is the standard coordinate system you will see most widely used for "latitude + longitude" coordinates, and this assumes the Earth is an ellipsoid.
To solve this problem, you first need to find the azimuth (bearing angle from north) and distance between two coordinates. The way to calculate this is by solving the inverse geodesic problem.
Once we have this distance (let's say in metres), we can divide it by n, where n - 1 is the number of waypoints we want in between the line. This gives us the distance d metres between each waypoint.
Now, we need to plot points at intervals of d metres along this line. To do this, we can solve the direct geodesic problem. This gives us a new set of coordinates after moving a given distance from a given point with a given azimuth. We can do this repeatedly to get new points moving d metres from the previous point each time. One thing to note with this is that the resultant azimuth to the end of the line from different points within the line will vary, so the destination azimuth must be obtained after each stage and used for calculating the next point.
Solving the direct and inverse geodesic problems requires mathematical formulas, of which multiple are available. However, for your PHP application, you are probably best not trying to implement these yourself, but instead use a library which can do this for you. One popular library for PHP which does this is called phpgeo.
Here's an example of how this might be implemented with phpgeo:
use Location\Coordinate;
use Location\Distance\Vincenty;
use Location\Bearing\BearingEllipsoidal;
$numPoints = 5;
$coordsA = new Coordinate(50.0, 0.0);
$coordsB = new Coordinate(51.0, 1.0);
$bearingCalculator = new BearingEllipsoidal();
$distanceCalculator = new Vincenty();
// Inverse geodesic problem
// Calculate total length of line between coords
$totalDistance = $distanceCalculator->getDistance($coordsA, $coordsB);
$intervalDistance = $totalDistance / ($numPoints + 1);
// Inverse geodesic problem
// Calculate angle to destination
$currentBearing = $bearingCalculator->calculateBearing($coordsA, $coordsB);
$currentCoords = $coordsA;
$points = [];
for ($i = 0; $i < $numPoints; $i++) {
// Direct geodesic problem
// Calculate new point along line
$currentCoords =
// Add these new coordinates to the list
array_push($points, $currentCoords);
// Inverse geodesic problem
// Recalculate angle to destination
$currentBearing =
// Print out the list of points
foreach ($points as $point) {
echo "{$point->getLat()}, {$point->getLng()}\n";

Leaflet latLngToContainerPoint and containerPointToLatLng not reciprocal?

Anybody know why the following is not reciprocal? latLng and new
var point = dispmap.latLngToContainerPoint(latlng);
var newPoint = L.point([point.x, point.y]);
var newLatLng = dispmap.containerPointToLatLng(newPoint);
When I execute this code I send in latlng=(26.75529,-80.93581)
newLatLng, which by inspection of the code above I would expect to reciprocate gives back...
newLatLng = (26.75542,-80.93628)
I'm wanting to array some markers with identical lat-lons around the shared spot on a map, and bumping each by some screen coordinates looks like the best method based on some blog/issue reading I've done.
I'm, "close" to what I want to achieve, but as I try to validate what these leaflet calls are doing for me I hit the fundamental question above.
They can't be ...
Latitude and longitude are float values while x and y are integer values.
This means that there are an (theoretically) infinite number of latlng's and a rather small number of points on your view (width * height).
Furthermore, I'm not sure how you define identical latlng's; the best you can't to is to speak of proximity.
If I read between the lines, identical may mean that the markers overlap. Then the best way is to have a look how Leaflet.MarkerCluster are tackling with the problem.
I was able to achieve my desired result by altering zoom level to avoid pixel-point quantization effects on my translations. The screenshot below illustrates an orange and two green circle markers that represent an identical lat-lon, but I want the green arrayed around the orange in a circular fashion...in this example there are only 2 green.
I perform simple circular array math with an angular step size of PI/4 in this example. The KEY to getting the visual effect correct is the "dispmap.setZoom(dispmap._layersMaxZoom)" call BEFORE I do the math, and then I invoke "dispmap.setZoom(mats.zoom)" after the math, which will give the user the desired zoom level as specified by variable mats.zoom.
var arrayRad=20;
var dtheta=Math.PI/4;
var theta=0;
L.geoJson(JSON.parse(mats.intendeds), {
pointToLayer: function (feature, latlng) {
var point = dispmap.latLngToContainerPoint(latlng);
dx = arrayRad*Math.cos(theta);
dy = arrayRad*Math.sin(theta);
theta += dtheta;
var newPoint = L.point([point.x + dx, point.y+ dy]);
var newLatLng = dispmap.containerPointToLatLng(newPoint);
return L.circleMarker(newLatLng, intendedDeliveryLocationMarkerOptions);
}, onEachFeature: onEachIntendedLocFeature }).addTo(dispmap);
Sample screen shot at max zoom level: 2 arrayed markers

How to make geometry follow a curve?

Is it possible to make some sprites/objects to copy itself and bend in a curve?
I made an image to show what i mean:
Here the curve, possibly a bezier path is green and the geometry is shown in black. I want the sprite or object (on the left) to copy itself and merge it's vertices with the last copy, while the last two vertices follow the curve.
If it is, how to do it? Is there any documentation on something like this? Have you done something like this? How?
EDIT: I don't want the sprite or object to move through the path, but kind of duplicate itself and merge itself with it's copies.
Yes, what you want to do can work, and your drawing shows how it works fairly well. The pseudocode would look something like this:
curveLength = <length of entire curve>;
tileLength = <length of 1 tile>;
currentLength = 0;
while (currentLength < curveLength)
currentTileLength = 0;
startPt = prevPt = calculateBezierAt(0.0);
for (t = delta; (t < 1) && (currentTileLength < tileLength); t += delta) // delta is up to you. I often use 1/100th
nextPt = calculateBezierAt(t);
distance = distanceBetween(prevPt, nextPt);
currentTileLength += distance;
currentLength += distance;
prevPt = nextPt;
endPt = prevPt;
// Calculate quad here
To calculate each quad, you need to generate perpendiculars at the start and end points. You then have 4 points for your quad.
Note that I've simplified things by assuming there's only a single bezier. Normally, you'll have many of them connected together, so it will be a little trickier to iterate over them than I've said above, but it shouldn't be too hard.
Also note that if you have either very tight corners or if the curve loops back on itself you may get bad-looking results. Presumably you'll avoid that if your generating the curves yourself, though.
Take a look at SCNShape, which generates a SceneKit geometry from a Bézier curve.