How to get coords between 2 points - coordinates

I cannot find exactly what I'm looking for or reading google documentation I missed it, I just need a function or whatever to submit 2 point, start and end, and get X waypoint in between.
Is there some api like ",12.23&end=44.12,12.23&number_of_waypoints=5" that return some json?
thank you!

First of all, this will require working with geodesics, which are the shortest lines passing through two points around the Earth, assuming the Earth is an ellipsoid. WGS84 is the standard coordinate system you will see most widely used for "latitude + longitude" coordinates, and this assumes the Earth is an ellipsoid.
To solve this problem, you first need to find the azimuth (bearing angle from north) and distance between two coordinates. The way to calculate this is by solving the inverse geodesic problem.
Once we have this distance (let's say in metres), we can divide it by n, where n - 1 is the number of waypoints we want in between the line. This gives us the distance d metres between each waypoint.
Now, we need to plot points at intervals of d metres along this line. To do this, we can solve the direct geodesic problem. This gives us a new set of coordinates after moving a given distance from a given point with a given azimuth. We can do this repeatedly to get new points moving d metres from the previous point each time. One thing to note with this is that the resultant azimuth to the end of the line from different points within the line will vary, so the destination azimuth must be obtained after each stage and used for calculating the next point.
Solving the direct and inverse geodesic problems requires mathematical formulas, of which multiple are available. However, for your PHP application, you are probably best not trying to implement these yourself, but instead use a library which can do this for you. One popular library for PHP which does this is called phpgeo.
Here's an example of how this might be implemented with phpgeo:
use Location\Coordinate;
use Location\Distance\Vincenty;
use Location\Bearing\BearingEllipsoidal;
$numPoints = 5;
$coordsA = new Coordinate(50.0, 0.0);
$coordsB = new Coordinate(51.0, 1.0);
$bearingCalculator = new BearingEllipsoidal();
$distanceCalculator = new Vincenty();
// Inverse geodesic problem
// Calculate total length of line between coords
$totalDistance = $distanceCalculator->getDistance($coordsA, $coordsB);
$intervalDistance = $totalDistance / ($numPoints + 1);
// Inverse geodesic problem
// Calculate angle to destination
$currentBearing = $bearingCalculator->calculateBearing($coordsA, $coordsB);
$currentCoords = $coordsA;
$points = [];
for ($i = 0; $i < $numPoints; $i++) {
// Direct geodesic problem
// Calculate new point along line
$currentCoords =
// Add these new coordinates to the list
array_push($points, $currentCoords);
// Inverse geodesic problem
// Recalculate angle to destination
$currentBearing =
// Print out the list of points
foreach ($points as $point) {
echo "{$point->getLat()}, {$point->getLng()}\n";


Finding the tangent on a given point of a polyline

I have a list of X,Y coordinates that represents a road. For every 5 meters, I need to calculate the angle of the tangent on this road, as I have tried to illustrate in the image.
My problem is that this road is not represented by a mathematical function that I can simply derive, it is represented by a list of coordinates (UTM33N).
In my other similar projects we use ArcGIS/ESRI libraries to perform geographical functions such as this, but in this project I need to be independent of any software that require the end user to have a license, so I need to do the calculations myself (or find a free/open source library that can do it).
I am using a cubic spline function to make the line rounded between the coordinates, since all tangents on a line segment would just be parallell to the segment otherwise.
But now I am stuck. I am considering simply calculating the angle between any three points on the line (given enough points), and using this to find the tangents, but that doesn't sound like a good method. Any suggestions?
In the end, I concluded that the points were plentiful enough to give an accurate angle using simple geometry:
//Calculate delta values
var dx = next.X - curr.X;
var dy = next.Y - curr.Y;
var dz = next.Z - curr.Z;
//Calculate horizontal and 3D length of this segment.
var hLength = Math.Sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
var length = Math.Sqrt(hLength * hLength + dz * dz);
//Calculate horizontal and vertical angles.
hAngle = Math.Atan(dy/dx);
vAngle = Math.Atan(dz/hLength);

Randomly drawing from a hypercube in Matlab

Consider the n-cube (defined here) with n>3. Suppose that it centered at the origin of the Cartesian plane and each edge has length 10.
I would like to write a piece of code in Matlab that allows me to randomly draw one point (with n coordinates) from this hypercube. Is there a way to do it without pre-defining a n-dimensional grid? In my particular application n=11.
To draw 1 point from the volume of an n-dimensional hypercube with side s, with all points having equal probability, you call
s = 10;
point = (rand(1,n)-0.5)*s;
Replace the 1 with a larger number if you want to draw many points at once.
Extending Jonas' answer, if you want to specify a center, do this:
center = [1.0 -1.0 2.0 -2.0 ...];
s = 10;
point = (rand(1,n)-0.5)*s + center;

finding the intersection of a line with a non monotonic arbitrary surface?

I have a surface Z on a X-Y grid for which I want to find the intersection point with a line. I used so far this code for finding the intersection:
x_ray = x_source + t * x_dir
y_ray = y_source + t * y_dir
z_ray = z_source + t * z_dir
height_above_plane = #(t) z_source + t * z_dir - interp2(X, Y, Z, ...
x_source + t*x_dir, y_source + t*y_dir)
t_intercept = fzero(height_above_plane, 0);
my problem is that when my surface is "wiggly", the function has several zero crossing points, and I want to find the minimal out of them.
How can I do that?
A possible approach is to project the ray onto the XY domain and draw the corresponding Bresenham line. As you go along this line, grid cell per grid cell, you will compute the Z altitudes along the ray and check if their range overlaps the range of altitudes of the surface (i.e. the min and max value in this cell).
If yes, you have to find the 3D intersection between the ray and the interpolating surface, an hyperbolic paraboloid. If the intersection does fall inside the grid cell considered, you are done. Otherwise, continue the march along the ray.
Convert the surface to matlab mesh, then use this code.

Find area of circle on a grid using euclidean distance?

I would like to have a function where I can input a radius value and have said function spit out the area for that size circle. The catch is I want it to do so for integer based coordinates only.
I was told elsewhere to look at Gauss's circle problem, which looks to be exactly what I'm interested in, but I don't really understand the math behind it (assuming it is actually accurate in calculating what I'm wanting).
As a side note, I currently use a modified circle drawing algorithm which does indeed produce the results I desire, but it just seems so incredibly inefficient (both the algorithm and the way in which I'm using it to get the area).
So, possible answers for this to me would be actual code or pseudocode for such a function if such a thing exists or something like a thorough explanation of Gauss's circle problem and why it is/isn't what I'm looking for.
The results I would hope the function would produce:
Input: Output
0: 1
1: 5
2: 13
3: 29
4: 49
5: 81
6: 113
7: 149
8: 197
9: 253
I too had to solve this problem recently and my initial approach was that of Numeron's - iterate on x axis from the center outwards and count the points within the upper right quarter, then quadruple them.
I then improved the algorithm around 3.4 times.
What I do now is just calculating how many points there are within an inscribed square inside that circle, and what's between that square and the edge of the circle (actually in the opposite order).
This way I actually count one-eighth of the points between the edge of the circle, the x axis and the right edge of the square.
Here's the code:
public static int gaussCircleProblem(int radius) {
int allPoints=0; //holds the sum of points
double y=0; //will hold the precise y coordinate of a point on the circle edge for a given x coordinate.
long inscribedSquare=(long) Math.sqrt(radius*radius/2); //the length of the side of an inscribed square in the upper right quarter of the circle
int x=(int)inscribedSquare; //will hold x coordinate - starts on the edge of the inscribed square
allPoints+=(long) y; //returns floor of y, which is initially 0
x++; //because we need to start behind the inscribed square and move outwards from there
y=Math.sqrt(radius*radius-x*x); // Pythagorean equation - returns how many points there are vertically between the X axis and the edge of the circle for given x
allPoints*=8; //because we were counting points in the right half of the upper right corner of that circle, so we had just one-eightth
allPoints+=(4*inscribedSquare*inscribedSquare); //how many points there are in the inscribed square
allPoints+=(4*radius+1); //the loop and the inscribed square calculations did not touch the points on the axis and in the center
return allPoints;
Here's a picture to illustrate that:
Round down the length of the side of an inscribed square (pink) in the upper right quarter of the circle.
Go to next x coordinate behind the inscribed square and start counting orange points until you reach the edge.
Multiply the orange points by eight. This will give you the yellow
Square the pink points. This will give you the dark-blue ones. Then
multiply by four, this will get you the green ones.
Add the points on the axis and the one in the center. This gives you
the light-blue ones and the red one.
This is an old question but I was recently working on the same thing. What you are trying to do is as you said, Gauss's circle problem, which is sort of described here
While I too have difficulty understaning the serious maths behind it all, what it more or less pans out to when not using wierd alien symbols is this:
1 + 4 * sum(i=0, r^2/4, r^2/(4*i+1) - r^2/(4*i+3))
which in java at least is:
int sum = 0;
for(int i = 0; i <= (radius*radius)/4; i++)
sum += (radius*radius)/(4*i+1) - (radius*radius)/(4*i+3);
sum = sum * 4 + 1;
I have no idea why or how this works and to be honest Im a bit bummed I have to use a loop to get this out rather than a single line, as it means the performance is O(r^2/4) rather than O(1).
Since the math wizards can't seem to do better than a loop, I decided to see whether I could get it down to O(r + 1) performance, which I did. So don't use the above, use the below. O(r^2/4) is terrible and will be slower even despite mine using square roots.
int sum = 0;
for(int x = 0; x <= radius; x++)
sum += Math.sqrt(radius * radius - x * x);
sum = sum * 4 + 1;
What this code does is loop from centre out to the edge along an orthogonal line, and at each point adding the distance from line to edge in a perpendicualr direction. At the end it will have the number of points in a quater, so it quadruples the result and adds one because there is also central point. I feel like the wolfram equation does something similar, since it also multiplies by 4 and adds one, but IDK why it loops r^2/4.
Honestly these aren't great solution, but it seems to be the best there is. If you are calling a function which does this regularly then as new radii come up save the results in a look-up table rather than doing a full calc each time.
Its not a part of your question, but it may be relevant to someone maybe so I'll add it in anyway. I was personally working on finding all the points within a circle with cells defined by:
(centreX - cellX)^2 + (centreY - cellY)^2 <= radius^2 + radius
Which puts the whole thing out of whack because the extra +radius makes this not exactly the pythagorean theorem. That extra bit makes the circles look a whole lot more visually appealing on a grid though, as they don't have those little pimples on the orthogonal edges. It turns out that, yes my shape is still a circle, but its using sqrt(r^2+r) as radius instead of r, which apparently works but dont ask me how. Anyway that means that for me, my code is slightly different and looks more like this:
int sum = 0;
int compactR = ((radius * radius) + radius) //Small performance boost I suppose
for(int j = 0; j <= compactR / 4; j++)
sum += compactR / (4 * j + 1) - compactR / (4 * j + 3);
sum = sum * 4 + 1;

How can I correctly calculate the direction for a moving object?

I'm solving the following problem: I have an object and I know its position now and its position 300ms ago. I assume the object is moving. I have a point to which I want the object to get.
What I need is to get the angle from my current object to the destination point in such a format that I know whether to turn left or right.
The idea is to assume the current angle from the last known position and the current position.
I'm trying to solve this in MATLAB. I've tried using several variations with atan2 but either I get the wrong angle in some situations (like when my object is going in circles) or I get the wrong angle in all situations.
Examples of code that screws up:
a = new - old;
b = dest - new;
alpha = atan2(a(2) - b(2), a(1) - b(1);
where new is the current position (eg. x = 40; y = 60; new = [x y];), old is the 300ms old position and dest is the destination point.
Here's a picture to demonstrate the problem with a few examples:
In the above image there are a few points plotted and annotated. The black line indicates our estimated current facing of the object.
If the destination point is dest1 I would expect an angle of about 88°.
If the destination point is dest2 I would expect an angle of about 110°.
If the destination point is dest3 I would expect an angle of about -80°.
Firstly, you need to note the scale on the sample graph you show above. The x-axis ticks move in steps of 1, and the y-axis ticks move in steps of 20. The picture with the two axes appropriately scaled (like with the command axis equal) would be a lot narrower than you have, so the angles you expect to get are not right. The expected angles will be close to right angles, just a few degrees off from 90 degrees.
The equation Nathan derives is valid for column vector inputs a and b:
theta = acos(a'*b/(sqrt(a'*a) * sqrt(b'*b)));
If you want to change this equation to work with row vectors, you would have to switch the transpose operator in both the calculation of the dot product as well as the norms, like so:
theta = acos(a*b'/(sqrt(a*a') * sqrt(b*b')));
As an alternative, you could just use the functions DOT and NORM:
theta = acos(dot(a,b)/(norm(a)*norm(b)));
Finally, you have to account for the direction, i.e. whether the angle should be positive (turn clockwise) or negative (turn counter-clockwise). You can do this by computing the sign of the z component for the cross product of b and a. If it's positive, the angle should be positive. If it's negative, the angle should be negative. Using the function SIGN, our new equation becomes:
theta = sign(b(1)*a(2)-b(2)*a(1)) * acos(dot(a,b)/(norm(a)*norm(b)));
For your examples, the above equation gives an angle of 88.85, 92.15, and -88.57 for your three points dest1, dest2, and dest3.
NOTE: One special case you will need to be aware of is if your object is moving directly away from the destination point, i.e. if the angle between a and b is 180 degrees. In such a case you will have to pick an arbitrary turn direction (left or right) and a number of degrees to turn (180 would be ideal ;) ). Here's one way you could account for this condition using the function EPS:
theta = acos(dot(a,b)/(norm(a)*norm(b))); %# Compute theta
if abs(theta-pi) < eps %# Check if theta is within some tolerance of pi
%# Pick your own turn direction and amount here
theta = sign(b(1)*a(2)-b(2)*a(1))*theta; %# Find turn direction
You can try using the dot-product of the vectors.
Define the vectors 'a' and 'b' as:
a = new - old;
b = dest - new;
and use the fact that the dot product is:
a dot b = norm2(a) * norm2(b) * cos(theta)
where theta is the angle between two vectors, and you get:
cos(theta) = (a dot b)/ (norm2(a) * norm2(b))
The best way to calculate a dot b, assuming they are column vectors, is like this:
a_dot_b = a'*b;
norm2(a) = sqrt(a'*a);
so you get:
cos(theta) = a'*b/(sqrt((a'*a)) * sqrt((b'*b)))
Depending on the sign of the cosine you either go left or right
Essentially you have a line defined by the points old and new and wish to determine if dest is on right or the left of that line? In which case have a look at this previous question.