Integrating JBOSS and Eclipse - eclipse

I have JBOSS server. I used to make web applications using just notepad++. I used to create the necessary folders like web-inf and files like web.xml. For larger projects doing all this and manually compiling has become cumbersome. I want to use eclipse for that. I saw this tutorial - . But I don't understand how to make a server. I already have a server. What I want to do is write JSPs and Servlets in eclipse and the build should automatically be deployed in jboss server.
How to to this?

Install JBoss Tools
After that follow the instructions from here to get started and deploy apps to JBoss Server.
To automatically deploy apps after the build you could use a build tool such as ANT or Maven.

I wrote a tutorial for this some time ago: Setting up web development environments with Eclipse
It shows how to setup JBoss within Eclipse (in addition, it also shows how to setup Tomcat and Weblogic), and also shows how to build a simple sample Servlet to verify the proper installation.

If you already use JBoss on the server side, then have a look at the client side as well:
(I haven't tried it myself, but...)

Just open eclipse then go to:
"Help-> Check For Updates" It will check for eclipse updates and installs new availables.
Now "Help -> Eclipse Market Place" Search for "Jboss tools" from search result select one(as your eclipse version) and install it. It will add adapter for new jboss versions.
Now add new server from server view select Jboss version then next add your Home directory of jboss. Then finish.
Step 1 is optional but it sometime it helps.


How to run/debug java web service project in eclipse

I have a Java Web Service project which was just handed over to me by a colleague who just resigned (no one is assisting me in my new company). Im new to Java (J2EE) and my background is .Net + frontend + azure so I am pretty much very confused with setting up and running the java project. Also, Since my background is .Net Im referencing everything with how things work in Visual Studio from running a project, setting up a project to setting up and debugging a WCF project which I realized now is very different from eclipse + java.
I would really appreciate if someone could explain to me how I can run this project which is supposedly a java web service (as I was told)?
First I have a project that is like this:
Im assuming that the project boxed as blue is the webservice (and the rest are just libraries)? Is this correct? if so how do I run and debug the project using eclipse
Second when I click on debug as -> debug on server this is all I see:
Another colleague told me to install JBOSS (I haven't installed a server in eclipse) because that is what they used. Is there good documentation (step-by-step guide) on how to install JBOSS to run in eclipse. Im assuming that JBOSS + eclipse is like IIS express + Visual studio. Are there also other alternatives to JBOSS + eclipse like perhaps tomcat + ecplise that I can configure.
I really really find it hard to setup the java web service project in eclipse I have little to no prior experience with java j2ee programming especially with web services so any clarifications with my questions would be much appreciated. To sum up:
How would I really know that the project is a java webservice?
If so, how do I run the project and host the project using debugging in eclipse with tomcat or jboss?
I would appreciate if anyone can point me to the right direction of figuring out the source code
From here we can only guide you, you will have to go through some tutorials to understand how java projects work.
Your project is a webservice project according to your web.xml file because its having context params for rest.
the context param sets a front url to your webservice which in this case is gametime.
Check these tutorials and you will understand how it works
Create simple examples given in the above tutorial and then you can execute your's program
Jboss is a application server which we use to run our app.
You can install jboss in eclipse or you can use it externally also.
To install eclipse and jboss you can follow the link
The other option is to download eclipse and jboss seperately
and use them.
Go to jbosshome/bin
If you download both of them seperately
then in that case for jboss
Invoke the or add-user.bat script. ...
Choose to add a Management user. ...
Choose the realm for the user. ...
Enter the desired username and password. ...
Choose whether the user represents a remote JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 6 server instance. ...
Enter additional users. ...
Create users non-interactively.
After this go to eclipse and follow steps of below link to add jboss to eclipse
A Java web application among other things has a predefined directory structure including folders named WEB-INF, WEB-CONTENT etc.
On how to deploy a web application to Tomcat via Eclipse you can follow the steps in this tutorial.

Teaching Eclipse To Deploy an Ant Generated WAR File With JBoss Tools

I've been asked to migrate an older Ant-based web application. I'm building and trying to deploy using Eclipse Luna with JBoss Tools 3.0.1.Final. JBoss instance is EAP 6.3.0 (AS 7.1).
The build tool, like I said, is Ant. And when I run ant package, a valid WAR file is created at /target/foo.war
For some reason I'm having a heck of a time trying to explain to Eclipse and JBoss server that the foo.war file is what I want to deploy.
To this end I've:
Right-clicked on the project root and opened the Properties dialog.
Declared custom Ant builder for the project by going to Builders and adding an Ant builder and disabling the default Java builder.
Now Project -> Clean removes the target/ folder; Project -> Build results in a /target/foo.war file.
So far so good. At this point, I think all I need to do is declare that foo.war file as the Web Deployment Assembly? If I go to Web Deployment Assembly and click Add, then add the target/foo.war file, it tries to add it as a project library (i.e. WEB-INF/lib/foo.war). So clearly that's wrong.
I've also gone to the Server view, and tried numerous settings in the Deployment tab. The closest I've come to what I'm looking for is the Default Settings, but I haven't had any luck there, either.
(When I start JBoss via the JBoss Tools in Eclipse, then pull up the management console on port 9990, I can upload and deploy the WAR that way with no issues.)
I'm sure there's something completely obvious I'm missing. Could anyone help an IntelliJ user out? I have seen, but it seems to be missing the "last mile" in that the problem is not generating the WAR but in getting JBoss to actually pick it up and use it.
Since you are not actually not configuring the project to be a war project by Eclipse knowledge you need to tell JBoss Tools that you wish to deploy the specific war file.
To do this right click on the target/foo.war and select 'Mark as Deployable' - this tell JBoss Tools this foo.war can be deployed meaning you can now drag it to a server or add it via Add/Remove on the server.

How do I - Incrementally deploy in debug mode and other wise using Eclipse Helios and JBoss Tools

Eclipse Helios, Eclipse 3.6.1
Java 6
Jboss Tools version 1.0.0.v20110123-0129-H10-CR1 from the nightly builds
Jboss 4.2.3
In the past I used MyEclipse, which is a paid tool. In myEclipse, it's easy to configure a JBOSS Server and then deploy
your webproject in it. While in debug mode, if I change a java class (OR JSP), its changes are immediately reflected under Jboss and
I can test that change, without doing any explicit redeployment
So myeclipse had these features working outof the box....
I'm trying to accomplish same functionality with Eclipse Helios and Jboss Tools
Case 1
I added the Jboss Server via Java EE perspective->Add Server etc...
And then added my WebProject to this Jboss Server
When I right click on this added project and publish from here, it runs an ant script, to create a single (Standard) war file...and it always does the whole thing over.
I dont get a choice to deploy it expanded and anything to specify an incremental deployment
Case 2
Since Case 1 didnt allow exploded war and anything incremental, I decided to use JBOSS Tools
So I opened, Window->Show View->Other->Jboss Tools->Project archives
Selected my webproject, after which it showed up in the "Project archives" tab
So then....Right click on the project name in "project archives" tab.....->New Archive->WAR...and I added my project to deploy in exploded form. ok.
Now if I right click on the added WAR and click "Build Archive (full)" deploys the whole web project. Everytime it does the whole thing, instead of incremental.
Since that option didnt do it incrementally, so I right clicked and clicked "Publish to Server". The window that pops up, doesnt show me any servers...from where do i add to this?
In summary....
A) I havent seen any way to incrementally deploy
B) When I'm in debug mode, my java file changes dont reflect immediately...I dont mind redeploying, but since its not incremental, its annoying to do the whole thing over and over.
So question is ...
1) How do I do an incremental deployment?
2) How do I configure this, such that my changes in java classes are reflected immediately when in debug mode.
btw I have seen people suggest an alternate soln to use a custom ANT script....But will ANT script incrementally deploy, if I use it's copy command?
It's MUCH simpler than this.
Forget about JBoss tools Archives, simply use the WTP adapter that JBoss tools provides. This one does incremental deployment (like MyEclipse).
Make sure you install JBossAS Tools from JBoss tools (yes the name sucks). Its description is:
Provides a WTP adapter for JBoss AS 4.x and 5.x. Supports incremental and exploded deployment.
Dish the WTP Server adaptor you created earlier from "Add Server etc..." and do it again, but this time don't choose from "JBoss" but choose from the new folder "JBoss Community". You'll see several new adapters there with the red logo and a slightly different name (e.g. WTP bundled is JBoss v5.0 but the one supplied by JBossAS Tools is JBoss AS 5.0).
Alternatively you can also use JRebel, which does incremental deployment no matter what WTP adapter you use (you disable the automatic deployment in that case).

Tomcat issues inside eclipse

I am very new to Tomcat and web development in general and apologize for what may be a very silly question.
Consider 2 situations:
I start Tomcat outside of Eclipse.
I use eclipse to create a war file.
I deploy it via admin console.
All is ok
I start Tomcat via Eclipse
I can't access admin console
http://localhost:8080/manager/html greets me with 404 error
Same page is behaving properly when Tomcat is started outside of Eclipse
Please advise
Why might the issue be?
Why might the issue be?
You need to configure Eclipse to take control of your Tomcat installation. To do so:
double click on the Tomcat Server in the Servers view
under Server Locations, select Use Tomcat installation
This is illustrated on the screenshot below:
Eclipse creates a new Tomcat configuration separate to your Tomcat installation, in the 'Servers' project. This allows Eclipse to deploy webapps without interfering with anything you've done in your installation (via the manager app or by editing config files manually).
You can reconfigure Eclipse so that it uses the config from your Tomcat installation (see Pascal's answer), or to re-enable the manager app - but read the WTP Tomcat FAQ first as there are good reasons for it working the way it does. I don't recall ever needing to do this - the 'Servers' tab in Eclipse lets you deploy/start/stop/debug/configure apps as required.

How to redeploy the web app using the Eclipse IDE

Im new to Eclipse. I use Tomcat as my run time server, but every time I modified the jsp pages, Eclipse was still displaying the older one. Just wondering how to redeploy the application so the changes can be reflected.
Eclipse: Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers
Tomcat: Tomcat 6.0
Doubleclick the server instance in question in the Servers view to open its configuration. Now, in the right top you should see a section called Publishing. Open it to verify and configure autopublishing settings.
Eclipse should do that automatically for you.
Otherwise, on the Servers view (Menu Window->Show View->Servers), you can right click on your Tomcat instance and hit "Publish" or "Restart"
Make sure you have the "JST Server Adapters" ("Web, XML and Java EE Development category") feature installed.
Eclipse's publishing functionality requries the project to be a "web project", and in some cases requires additional configurations.
Go to Windows > Preferences > Server > Runtime environments and add your tomcat
Either try using publishing, or (better I think) use the FileSync plugin. There you can tell which folders from your project should be copied (live) to what directory on your machine (the tomcat/webapps/yourapp). With a little more effort the filesync configuration can be made machine independent (only using one parameter as TOMCAT_ROOT), in case you want to check-in the project to a repository where others will use it.
Get the Tomcat plugin. It was nice because you can install Tomcat on your system and then associate your web app with that instance of Tomcat. The plugin will let you stop/start Tomcat and define a server such that when you do a build it knows how to deploy the changes. There may be some newer plugin but the Tomcat plugin worked for me and was fairly simple to install and use. Here is a page from IBM on using Eclipse and Tomcat. Inside that page it points you to the following: