Why is Rails caching assets in development mode on my iPhone? - iphone

According to the Ruby on Rails Guide: Caching, caching is disabled by default in the development and testing environments. If I make a small CSS change, run rails server and access my site at localhost:3000, I can see my change. However, if I access my rails server on my iPhone at, the CSS doesn't update, even Chrome in Incognito Mode. When I try different iPhone that has an empty cache, the change is there.
I found a stack overflow post that described the same problem. Here were the suggested solutions:
Remove the public/assets directory. I don't have one.
Add config.serve_static_assets = false to environments/development.rb. It's already there.
Delete /tmp/cache/assets, add config.serve_static_assets = false to environments/development.rb and restart the server. I tried this and it didn't work.
Here's my relevant environments/development.rb config:
# In the development environment your application's code is reloaded on
# every request. This slows down response time but is perfect for development
# since you don't have to restart the web server when you make code changes.
config.cache_classes = false
# Show full error reports and disable caching
config.consider_all_requests_local = true
config.action_controller.perform_caching = false

I'm pretty sure this is happening because Rails only does fingerprinting in production: http://guides.rubyonrails.org/asset_pipeline.html#in-production
This means that in development browsers that are more cache-aggressive can run into this issue.
Try adding this to your development.rb:
config.assets.digest = true
Or more preferable something conditional for when you're doing mobile development
# One of the few exceptions I'd make to a no ENV variables rule
# for my rails environment config files
config.assets.digest = true if ENV["MOBILE_DEBUG"]

How are use accessing your local machine via your iphone ?
have you configured any network settings or you push it to a different server and access from there, because the thing is if you are pusing it to a different server , that sever might be running in the production mode.

I don't have an iPhone to test, but it sounds like a normal browser caching issue. Try these instructions for clearing the browser cache. If that works, you'll need to do it each time you update your CSS (or J

I had a similar problem. It happened because my config/environments/development.rb had contained config.asset_host = 'http://localhost:3000'
I've removed it and all works fine.


Flutter CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED in nix shell, where all other SSL users work without issues // where does flutter look for the ca-bundle by default?

I'm having a strange issue when running a flutter app in a nix-shell (with an FHS environment).
Specifically, the app throws a CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED: unable to get local issuer certificate(handshake.cc:393).
(Some history in this post, which was never really solved.)
The https address I am contacting is LetsEncrypt signed, and works for all other clients, also e.g. with curl executed in the same nix-shell. (So this other issue doesn't provide valid solutions for the issue, because the case is different.)
So the question: where does the default flutter https-connection instance look for the system's ca-bundle.crt if apparently not under /etc/ssl/certs/ca-bundle.crt.
It also apparently doesn't use the SSL_CERT_FILE, at least setting it to a valid bundle location doesn't have any effect.
(Obviously one could put some explicit cert-loading functionality in the flutter app e.g. like suggested here, but that should be beside the point, since sensible system defaults should work out of the box.)

Editing buildout.cfg in Plone from a browser

I am editing a website using the Plone 4 CMS. The Plone instance I am currently using is hosted by a server to which I don't have access (i.e. I can't FTP this server and edit PHP files).
Although I don't own the server which is hosting this website, I would like to access the buildout.cfg file. Is there a way to edit this file by just logging in on my Plone website, or do I need to have the credentials to manipulate the whole instance of the site with FTP?
When I log in, I can go to a page called Site Setup (screenshot provided). Can I perhaps solve my problem from this page?
Theoretically it's possible, the code-example below shows a prototype using a browser-view, which when called:
Reads the content of a given page
Writes the content to the buildout-config
Updates the instance
You'd need to have access to the file-system, to install an add-on with the browser-view beforehand.
One would never want to do this in production, because if errors occur you
cannot do much about it then.
import os
from Products.Five.browser import BrowserView
class View(BrowserView):
def __call__(self):
# Let's assume these paths exist:
instance_path = '/path/to/instance'
buildout_config_path = instance_path + 'buildout.cfg'
page_path_in_site = 'front-page'
# Read buildout-config of page in site:
page = self.context[page_path_in_site]
config_content = page.getText()
# Write buildout-config to filesystem:
with open(buildout_config_path, 'w') as fil:
# Run buildout, so changes in config take effect:
os.system(instance_path + 'buildout')
# Restart server, so python- and zcml-files get
# (re-)compiled, respectively loaded:
os.system(instance_path + 'bin/instance restart')
You can't. The buildout.cfg file is used for installing / building your application. So, when you are in Site setup you already are using the running application you want to reconfigure.
You will edit your buildout.cfg then you will run ./bin/develop rb to rebuild it, then you will (re)start the instance of your application. This is when, for example, you will see new add-ons available for activating them from Site setup / Add-ons (the add-ons you added in eggs / zcml / versions sections of your buildout.cfg).

Setting up load-balancer based on authenticated users

I'm trying to set up a loadbalancer that would redirect to specific version of an application certein users. So far i was using Blue/Green deployment strategy (so once i made new version of an app i created new environment and redirected traffic there). Now i would like to change this approach. I want to be able to specify users (more experienced or whatever) that would see new site after authentication while the others would still be redirected to old one. If something goes wrong with new version all users will see old version. Currently my loadbalancing is made in apache and authentication is done on application level. So is this even possible? I know i could hardcode it in application but what if there is a bug in new feature and new users are still being redirected there? I would then need to stop application for all users and rollback to old version and that's bad i guess. I was thinking about using external CAS however didnt find any information if it would be possible then. So i would like to ask is it possible and are there any tools (maybe some apache plugin) for that purpose?
Here's a working solution with nginx
create conf.d/balancer.conf
put the code into it (see below)
docker run -p8080:8080 -v ~/your_path/conf.d:/etc/nginx/conf.d openresty/openresty:alpine
use curl to play with it
map $cookie_is_special_user $upstream {
default http://example.com;
~^1$ http://scooterlabs.com/echo;
server {
listen 8080;
location / {
proxy_pass $upstream;
curl --cookie "is_special_user=1" http://localhost:8080
It would return the contents of scooterlabs.com dumping the request it receives
curl http://localhost:8080
Produces the contents of example.com
the idea is that you set a special cookie to the users you treat as special by the backend app after they get authorized as usual
of course it would only work if both app versions are served on the same domain so that the cookie is seen by both versions
after that you balance them to a desired server depending on the cookie value
you can easily disable such routing by tweaking your nginx config file
with this approach you can come up with even more complex scenarios like setting random cookie values in the range 1-10 and then gradually switching some of the special users in your config file i.e. start with those having value 1, after that 1-2 etc

Error 403 with Ckan 2.6.2 - Datapush

I have, in order to process some big data, to set up ckan on a local machine. I've set up the whole system following this guide : http://docs.ckan.org/en/latest/maintaining/installing/install-from-source.html
I wanted to display a preview of a locally loaded file, so the user can actually see it before downloading it. And it doesn't work, because it only works for online files. For instance, it DOES work with this online file but NOT with my own file I upload.
So, I've been interested about Datastore and Datapusher. I've followed every part of the guide, and it appears on my ckan. However, I have an error. Specifically this one :
Upload error: An Error occurred while sending the job: 403 Client Error: Forbidden for url:
Here's my most important parts about my production.ini file (copying the whole would be very long) :
ckan.site_url = http://localhost
ckan.plugins = datastore datapusher stats text_view image_view
recline_view recline_graph_view recline_map_view webpage_view
ckan.datapusher.formats = csv xls xlsx tsv application/csv
ckan.datapusher.url =
I truly have no idea about what my problem could be, I tried to change the datapusher.url to as the guide suggested, but it doesn't work either.
If the data to be added to CKAN is in a file on your computer, select “Upload a file” option. CKAN will give you a file browser to select it. You should use link to a file option just for publicly available resources.
Have you installed datapusher also? Its a separate process running on port 8800. CKAN uses datastore to be able to have a grid view of tabular data. Data needs to be pushed through datapusher to be used by datastore.
Yes, you need to set up the Datapusher.It's not activated by default.
Pull the datapusher code, install the dependencies and run it using:
python datapusher/main.py deployment/settings.py
The instructions to configure the settings are on the repository.
Here's the datapusher manual: http://docs.ckan.org/projects/datapusher/en/latest/
Here's the repository: https://github.com/ckan/datapusher
Had the exact same error message.
This post solved my issue though.
short: insert/check the following in your virtualhost in /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/datapusher.conf
<Directory /etc/ckan>
Options All
AllowOverride All
Require all granted

Stop framework from using HTTP Proxy

After nearly drowning in tears of frustration I have to ask you a question.
My play (2.0.3, scala) application is consuming a wsdl, which works perfectly fine, if I run the dev version of my webservice on localhost, which makes the wsdl-url something like http://localhost:8080/Service/Service?wsdl.
When I try to consume the WSDl from the remote test system server, with an Url like http://testserver.company.net:8084/Service/Service?wsdl, I get:
[WebServiceException: Failed to access the WSDL at: http://testserver.company.net:8084/Service/Service?wsdl. It failed with: Got Server returned HTTP response code: 502 for URL: http://testserver.company.net:8084/Service/Service?wsdl while opening stream from http://testserver.company.net:8084/Service/Service?wsdl.]
My company uses a http proxy for internet use, which is the reason for the 502 error. So I want play to stop using the proxy.
So far I have tried (all together):
deleted proxy from Intenet Explorer
set _JAVA_OPTIONS=-Dhttp.noProxyHosts="testserver.company.net"
set JAVA_OPTIONS=-Dhttp.noProxyHosts="testserver.company.net"
play run -Dhttp.noProxyHosts="testserver.company.net"
None of this worked. Any ideas? How can I stop play from using the HttpProxy?
I found it has someting to do with java Webservices-api / jaxws libraries.
Any ideas?
EDIT 2012-10-17:
It seams to depend on system proxy settings. I still don't know why it didn't work that day although I deleted the whole proxy from IE and restarted everything. Is there any way to make my play app independend from system settings?
play -Dhttp.noProxyHosts="testserver.company.net" run
I noticed a typo in your property, the correct property is http.nonProxyHosts so add and extra n after no.