facebook sdk 3.1.1 login settings - iphone

I am trying to integrate facebook sdk 3.1.1 with iOS6. My issue is if the user has "logged in" in settings it works fine, but if the user has not logged in, the facebook sdk gives option for go to "Settings" and log in there, but it does not go to settings, then I went through some forums, there I came to know that this code does not work
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:[NSURL URLWithString:#"prefs:root=General&path=Network"]];
and may be that's why its not opening the settings
I am using this code to post
BOOL displayedNativeDialog = [FBNativeDialogs presentShareDialogModallyFrom:self
if (!displayedNativeDialog) {
[self performPublishAction:^{
// otherwise fall back on a request for permissions and a direct post
[FBRequestConnection startForPostStatusUpdate:#""
completionHandler:^(FBRequestConnection *connection, id result, NSError *error) {
[self showAlert:message result:result error:error];
- (void) performPublishAction:(void (^)(void)) action {
if ([FBSession.activeSession.permissions indexOfObject:#"publish_actions"] == NSNotFound) {
[FBSession.activeSession reauthorizeWithPublishPermissions:[NSArray arrayWithObject:#"publish_actions"]
completionHandler:^(FBSession *session, NSError *error) {
if (!error) {
} else {
Possible solutions ????

I dint know or found any documentation that there is also facebook appid under
Project > Target > Info > URL Types > URL Schemes besides plist
in my case it was not there but in sample projects from facebook it was there, I inserted the appid with appID and it worked perfectly


iphone development: cannot open active Facebook session with publish permission

In my app I want to post a image on my wall however I think i miss something. I did lots of research and end up with that code. Actually it sometimes working but generally when the code is running since there is no session with publish_action permission, second part of the code is working but the problem is I always get error log at the second part, so I cant proceed...Do you have any idea why I cant open active session with publish permissions?
if ([[FBSession activeSession]isOpen]) {
* if the current session has no publish permission we need to reauthorize
if ([[[FBSession activeSession]permissions]indexOfObject:#"publish_actions"] == NSNotFound) {
[[FBSession activeSession] requestNewPublishPermissions:[NSArray arrayWithObject:#"publish_action"] defaultAudience:FBSessionDefaultAudienceOnlyMe
completionHandler:^(FBSession *session,NSError *error){
[self publishStory];
* open a new session with publish permission
[FBSession openActiveSessionWithPublishPermissions:[NSArray arrayWithObject:#"publish_actions"]
completionHandler:^(FBSession *session, FBSessionState status, NSError *error) {
if (!error && status == FBSessionStateOpen) {
[self publishStory];
In the first part of the code when you are requesting new publish permissions you have
[NSArray arrayWithObject:#"publish_action"] ....
If i am not not mistaken I think that should be [NSArray arrayWithObject:#"publish_actions"]
Here is code snip from facebook docs
// Method that requests permissions needed to make the API call.
- (void)requestPermissionCallAPI {
requestNewPublishPermissions:[NSArray arrayWithObject:#"publish_actions"]
completionHandler:^(FBSession *session, NSError *error) {
if (error) {
// Handle new permissions request errors
[self handleRequestPermissionError:error];
} else {
// Make API call

iOS native Facebook Login fails for Mobile Safari authentication

I have a native iOS app with Facebook Login integrated. The login flow works when the native Facebook app is installed.
However, when I delete the app, the FB login fallback on FB Mobile Safari webapp. The app switching works fine, but when controls come back to my app, the state of the session is declared FBSessionStateClosedLoginFailed.
I am using Facebook SDK v3.5.2 as of June 6th, 2013
Using iPad1 iOS5.1.1
* Opens a Facebook session and optionally shows the login UX.
- (BOOL)openSessionWithAllowLoginUI:(BOOL)allowLoginUI {
NSArray *permissions = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects:
BOOL result = NO;
FBSession *session =
[[FBSession alloc] initWithAppID:nil
if (allowLoginUI ||
(session.state == FBSessionStateCreatedTokenLoaded)) {
[FBSession setActiveSession:session];
[session openWithBehavior:FBSessionLoginBehaviorWithFallbackToWebView
^(FBSession *session, FBSessionState state, NSError *error)
[self sessionStateChanged:session state:state error:error];
result = session.isOpen;
return result;
* If we have a valid session at the time of openURL call, we handle
* Facebook transitions by passing the url argument to handleOpenURL
- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application
openURL:(NSURL *)url
sourceApplication:(NSString *)sourceApplication
annotation:(id)annotation {
// attempt to extract a token from the url
//return [FBSession.activeSession handleOpenURL:url];
BOOL urlWasHandled = [FBAppCall handleOpenURL:url
fallbackHandler:^(FBAppCall *call) {
// handle deep links and responses for Login or Share Dialog here
return urlWasHandled;
* Callback for session changes.
- (void)sessionStateChanged:(FBSession *)session
state:(FBSessionState) state
error:(NSError *)error
switch (state) {
case FBSessionStateOpen:
if (!error) {
if (FBSession.activeSession.isOpen) {
[[FBRequest requestForMe] startWithCompletionHandler:^(FBRequestConnection *connection, NSDictionary<FBGraphUser> *user, NSError *error) {
//Application specific code goes here.
// We have a valid session
NSLog(#"User session found");
case FBSessionStateClosed:
case FBSessionStateClosedLoginFailed:
[FBSession.activeSession closeAndClearTokenInformation];
I happened to fix the issue.
The bug was, I was requesting read and write permissions in the same call.
Taking out the "publish_actions" from permissions solved the issue.
I tested Facebook Login in iOS6+ through native FB login, native FB app, and webapp.
Also tested on iOS5.1.1 through native FB app, and webapp.

The operation couldn't be completed.(com.facebook.sdk error 2.) error iOS 6 [duplicate]

I'm using die Facebook SDK 3.1.1 to implement FB Connect in my iOS application. This works fine in the simple case with either the new FB integration (logged in on iOS) or falling back to the normal authorization via web view (I do not have the native Facebook application installed in both cases).
The problem occurs when I switch the account on iOS level. Logging out and logging in with a different FB user account.
To log in/authorize I perform:
[FBSession openActiveSessionWithReadPermissions:nil allowLoginUI:allowLoginUI
completionHandler:^(FBSession *session, FBSessionState state, NSError *error) {
[self sessionStateChanged:session state:state error:error];
If then get a FBSessionStateClosedLoginFailed every time even though I perform a closeAndClearTokenInformation when that state is reached:
- (void)sessionStateChanged:(FBSession *)session
state:(FBSessionState) state
error:(NSError *)error
NSLog(#"Session State Changed: %u", [[FBSession activeSession] state]);
switch (state) {
case FBSessionStateOpen:
case FBSessionStateClosed:
case FBSessionStateClosedLoginFailed:
NSLog(#"FBSessionStateClosedLoginFailed ERROR: %#", [error description]);
[[FBSession activeSession] closeAndClearTokenInformation];
However, I receive the same state on every retry. My log says the following:
FBSDKLog: FBSession **INVALID** transition from FBSessionStateCreated to FBSessionStateClosed
FBSDKLog: FBSession transition from FBSessionStateCreated to FBSessionStateCreatedOpening
FBSDKLog: FBSession transition from FBSessionStateCreatedOpening to FBSessionStateClosedLoginFailed Session State Changed: 257
FBSessionStateClosedLoginFailed TOKEN: (null)
FBSessionStateClosedLoginFailed ERROR: Error Domain=com.facebook.sdk Code=2 "The operation couldn’t be completed. (com.facebook.sdk error 2.)" UserInfo=0xb24cc20 {com.facebook.sdk:ErrorLoginFailedReason=com.facebook.sdk:ErrorLoginFailedReason}
Can anyone reproduce this or has any idea where the problem might lie?
Another answer gives a way to manually resync the device with the server. I defined a method called fbRsync to call this code. Make sure to #import <Accounts/Accounts.h> in your implementation file and then define this method:
ACAccountStore *accountStore;
ACAccountType *accountTypeFB;
if ((accountStore = [[ACAccountStore alloc] init]) && (accountTypeFB = [accountStore accountTypeWithAccountTypeIdentifier:ACAccountTypeIdentifierFacebook] ) ){
NSArray *fbAccounts = [accountStore accountsWithAccountType:accountTypeFB];
id account;
if (fbAccounts && [fbAccounts count] > 0 && (account = [fbAccounts objectAtIndex:0])){
[accountStore renewCredentialsForAccount:account completion:^(ACAccountCredentialRenewResult renewResult, NSError *error) {
//we don't actually need to inspect renewResult or error.
if (error){
I then call fbResync if openActiveSessionWithReadPermissions yields an error:
[FBSession openActiveSessionWithReadPermissions:permissions
completionHandler:^(FBSession *session, FBSessionState state, NSError *error) {
NSLog(#"Session error");
[self fbResync];
[NSThread sleepForTimeInterval:0.5]; //half a second
[FBSession openActiveSessionWithReadPermissions:permissions
completionHandler:^(FBSession *session, FBSessionState state, NSError *error) {
[self sessionStateChanged:session state:state error:error];
[self sessionStateChanged:session state:state error:error];
The half a second delay is likely unnecessary, but it currently gives me piece of mind.
This seems to solve the problem for me. I can now switch between Facebook accounts and am able to log in. Yay!
I had the same problem. Check that your FB App is enabled in Settings -> Facebook.
Mine was disabled (even though I don't remember disabling it) and once I enabled it, it was fixed.
In my test process, I've added and removed my FB App several times from my FB Account, which is linked with my iPhone. It may explain why, magically, my app was disabled.
In ios 6 with fb sdk 3.1.1. Please pass permissions param as "nil or email" in "[FBSessio openActiveSessionWithReadPermissions..." method. Here my code it was works great.
#define IOS_NEWER_OR_EQUAL_TO_6 ( [ [ [ UIDevice currentDevice ] systemVersion ] floatValue ] >= 6.0 )
[FBSession.activeSession closeAndClearTokenInformation];
NSArray *permissions = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:#"email, publish_actions, publish_stream", nil];
permissions = nil; or NSArray *permissions = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:#"email",nil];
NSLog(#"\npermissions = %#", permissions);
[FBSession openActiveSessionWithReadPermissions:permissions
^(FBSession *session,
FBSessionState state, NSError *error) {
NSLog(#"\nfb sdk error = %#", error);
switch (state) {
case FBSessionStateOpen:
[[FBRequest requestForMe] startWithCompletionHandler:
^(FBRequestConnection *connection, NSDictionary<FBGraphUser> *user, NSError *error) {
if (!error) {
case FBSessionStateClosed:
//need to handle
case FBSessionStateClosedLoginFailed:
//need to handle
I have the same problem on 3.1.3 FB SDK with iOS7.1. And I find a solution here. Hope it help!!
I have tried all answers here.
#loganathan nil permissions, #ill_always_be_a_warriors fbResync.
All of those don't work for me.
But I found it will works well when I launch the same code in iPhone 7.1 simulator
(without SSO"Single Sign On")
The same code works well on old version iOS FB SDK(not sure which version, but not 3.13)
(but no SSO will show when try to login)
So, I try to re-write a sample problem. I found several different here.
1. https://developers.facebook.com/docs/ios/getting-started Add new FacebookDisplayName
2. I modify my BundleID for iTune connect but I am not update it back to Faceboook App Dev
After modify those setting, it works on my iOS app with SSO feature.
Hope it help!!
Did you Try the RenewSystemCredential Methods? Take a look at this post:
Facebook iOS SDK extendAccessToken not Working - fbDidExtendToken not being called
I got the same error. But i used #ill_always_be_a_warriors method: -(void)fbResync but not work for me.
I finally found it's my permissions issue, i removed offline_access permission, it works, hope it helps some one.

Facebook authentication doesnot auto closes

I am trying to integrating Facebook-Connect SDK to a cocos2d-x game on iOS platform.
I am using the api,
[FBSession openActiveSessionWithReadPermissions:nil
completionHandler:^(FBSession *session, FBSessionState state, NSError *error)
if(state == FBSessionStateOpen)
Dialog box doesn't close on pressing okay, however the completionHandler executes successfully with FBSessionStateOpenstate.
I see you tagged this question iOS 6 so I'm assuming you are developing this game for iOS 6 devices which you'll be able to use iOS 6 integration with Facebook.
I explained how i did it once (https://stackoverflow.com/a/14151853/1449151) but I put it here anyway. If you like to use iOS 6 Facebook integration you could follow these steps to make sure you did all of them right. (for instance I see your permission is nil, see how i did it below). Hope it helps:
OK here is how I do this integration with iOS 6 and get what I want from Facebook:
In AppDelegate I do this:
- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application
openURL:(NSURL *)url
sourceApplication:(NSString *)sourceApplication
annotation:(id)annotation {
return [FBSession.activeSession handleOpenURL:url];
- (void)applicationDidBecomeActive:(UIApplication *)application
[FBSession.activeSession handleDidBecomeActive];
- (void)applicationWillTerminate:(UIApplication *)application
[FBSession.activeSession close];
and in my ViewController where I want to retrieve information about myself or my friends I do this (NOTE: this is a test, so it is a lot of permissions!):
NSArray *permissions =
[NSArray arrayWithObjects:#"email", #"user_location",
#"user_likes", #"user_interests",#"friends_interests",#"friends_birthday",#"friends_location",#"friends_hometown",#"friends_photos",#"friends_status",
#"friends_about_me", #"friends_birthday", #"friends_hometown", #"friends_interests", #"friends_likes", #"friends_location", nil];
[FBSession openActiveSessionWithReadPermissions:permissions
completionHandler:^(FBSession *session, FBSessionState status, NSError *error) {
/* handle success + failure in block */
if (status) {
NSLog(#"Facebook Read Permission is successful!");
[self presentPostOptions];
// [self presentPostOptions];
Then in "presentPostOptions" I do this (in this example I try to retrieve something from my friend):
- (void)presentPostOptions
[[FBRequest requestForMyFriends] startWithCompletionHandler:^(FBRequestConnection *connection, NSDictionary<FBGraphUser> *user, NSError *error)
if (!error) {
NSArray *data = [user objectForKey:#"data"];
NSLog(#"%d", [data count]);
for (FBGraphObject<FBGraphUser> *friend in data) {
NSLog(#"%#", [friend first_name]);
NSLog(#"%#", [friend last_name]);
NSLog(#"%#", [friend id]);
//make sure you have FBProfilePictureView outlet in your view
//otherwise skip the profile picture!
self.fbProfilePic.profileID = #"you'r friend's profile.id";
// [self didFailWithError:error];
I don't know what else you want to do because in your question you just tried to make a connection but this way you can do what ever you want while you are integrated in iOS 6.
One more thing, make sure about your App Settings over Facebook and the configs over there like enable your app for iOS and the ID for iPhone/iPad. Also the FacebookAppID in your plist.
Let me know if it works out for you,
EDIT: My Facebook SDK is 3.1.1 btw.

How to login just in time to facebook in iOS app

Have reviewed the facbook pages on how to integrate facebook with iOS, but what i had been looking for is a bit different.
I would like to prompt for Facbook login only when a user decides to share stuff, the flow explained in FB docs walk thru how to login (handle asyc response from FB login) and show publish button, but what we need is to show "Post to FB" button, when the user clicks, i would like the user to login and then go to the preview of what is going to be posted and then post to FB.
I am using FB SDK and iOS 5, the difficulty is how to wire FB login flow directly to Post flow.
Below is some code that I wrote that does this. If the user has not signed in to Facebook from the device settings, it is a better user experience to just call openActiveSessionWithPublishPermissions:, which does both the read and publish permissions in one step. Otherwise, you just do the two permissions serially. As soon as the read permission succeeds, you do the publish permission.
I tested this code on an iOS6 and iOS5 device, using Facebook SDK 3.2.1
- (BOOL)hasFacebookInDeviceSettings
ACAccountStore *accountStore = [[ACAccountStore alloc] init];
ACAccountType *accountTypeFB = [accountStore accountTypeWithAccountTypeIdentifier:#"com.apple.facebook"];
BOOL hasFacebookBuiltinAccount = (accountTypeFB != nil);
return hasFacebookBuiltinAccount;
- (BOOL)hasLoggedInToFacebookInDeviceSettings
if (![self hasFacebookInDeviceSettings]) {
return NO;
BOOL result = [SLComposeViewController isAvailableForServiceType:SLServiceTypeFacebook];
return result;
- (void)openFacebookSessionWithAllowLoginUI:(BOOL)allowLoginUI
if (![self hasLoggedInToFacebookInDeviceSettings]) {
// Simpler if we don't have the built in account
[FBSession openActiveSessionWithPublishPermissions:#[#"publish_actions"]
completionHandler:^(FBSession *session,
FBSessionState state,
NSError *error) {
[self facebookSessionStateChanged:session
else if (!FBSession.activeSession.isOpen) {
__block BOOL recursion = NO;
[FBSession openActiveSessionWithReadPermissions:nil
completionHandler:^(FBSession *session,
FBSessionState state,
NSError *error) {
if (recursion) {
recursion = YES;
if (error || !FBSession.activeSession.isOpen) {
[self facebookSessionStateChanged:session
else {
if ([FBSession.activeSession.permissions indexOfObject:#"publish_actions"] == NSNotFound) {
[FBSession.activeSession requestNewPublishPermissions:#[#"publish_actions"]
completionHandler:^(FBSession *session,
NSError *error) {
[self facebookSessionStateChanged:session
hasFacebookInDeviceSettings tells you if this device even supports Facebook from the settings (i.e. this is iOS6+).
hasLoggedInToFacebookInDeviceSettings tells you if the user has signed into to Facebook from the iOS6 Facebook device settings.
You'll need to create your own facebookSessionStateChanged: and other code, as described in the login tutorial