Detect iPhone device which using same wifi - iphone

how can i detect other iPhone devices in my wifi. After i found other iPhone devices, I want to send some values to them from my App. If i find 3 devices , i send any values that should go to all the three devices. In which way, i can achieve this.
Can anyone help me to find this.

I believe you can achieve it by detecting whether the SSID is the same, with the answer in this question . Also, you can double confirm by checking their IP. They suppose to be in subnet.


How to get available all wifi network name Listing in swift

I have a simple question but I don't know how to implement this. I need to create an app that can get all list of available wifi networks names and information when the user clicks on some network iPhone have to connect to this network. Can I do this? and How. Please Help me.
answer is no in some case you get list of nearer wifi but can't connect.(its also not advisable)
details :-
prefer below links to get wifi list:
How to get available wifi network name in iOS using swift
iOS Get list of all WiFi networks
some similar questions for reference:
Connect to WiFi programmatically in ios
connect to a specific wifi programmatically in ios with a given SSID and Password
Where do I find iOS Obj-C code to scan and connect to wifi (private API)
Programmatically auto-connect to WiFi iOS
The most interesting answer seems to be in the first link which points to a GitHub project: wifiAssociate. However someones in the third link explains that this doesn't work anymore with iOS8 so you might have hard time getting it running.
Furthermore the iDevice must be jailbroken.
i hope it will help you :)

Bonjour data sending multiple devices

Does Bonjour allows one iOS device to send data or image to multiple iOS devices at a same time?
I am able to detect number of iOS devices over a wifi network. But the problem is coming in sending data or image to more than 1 iOS device at the same time.
Should i go for gamekit bluetooth approch for the above problem? Sample code for the question will be appreciated, and help is always welcome.
Yeah I think you should use Bluetooth to do the thing mentioned in your question.
Here are some of the samples. Please have a look:-
It may help you, Thanks!

how to get ios devices' information nearby with Bluetooth

How could I set the ios devices' (iphone & ipad) bluetooth visible for other ios devices when turn the bluetooth on?
I just want to get and show all the ios devices' name (MFI devices include) nearby in my app when all devices' bluetooth on, and I also want to get devices' deviceID.
I have succed using GameKit.framework to connect two ios devices by using bluetooth, but this requires the two devices run that app together.
Could some one provide me suggest on how to implement it? Thank you very much!
i my self have not worked on it, i know its not good to give link here.But hope these links will get u to start on your-self:
happy to help
I'm not exactly sure what you are asking. Setting a device's bluetooth on is not enough. A device needs to be advertising for peers to detected it. I think this might be related to what you are trying to do:
I tried this tutorial and it was very helpful. It uses Multipeer Connectivity to advertise and browse for peers around. It also displays the deviceID of devices around you.

iOS bluetooth without GameKit

I already know that using GameKit, I can only connect to other iOS devices running the same app.
But I want to connect to a Parallaz EasyBluetooth chip to send and receive commands, so I need a different solution. I suppose there are some libraries for jailbroken devices, but I don't know any. Can you give me some names or hints to look for?
Is this maby what you need?

An application to check iPhone connection with USB

I want to know if an iPhone is connected to USB programmatically.
So far by googling i found
Do I really need this api to find out whether an iPhone is connected to USB device?
I just want to make an iPhone app that prints out in console whether the iPhone is connected with USB or not.
Thanks much.
You might be able to use the solution from this question.
The solution detects if the device's battery is currently being charged which, if connected to USB, most likely will be unless it is a 3rd party accessory in which case there's a different SDK for those I believe.
In any case, if the solution isn't helpful it might point you in the right direction.
Did some more digging and it appears that this may not be possible other than the battery charging solution mentioned previously.
So to answer your question "Do I really need this api to find out whether an iPhone is connected to USB device?":
Yes, it appears that way.