Eclipse Maven: no "Checkout Maven project from SCM" option - eclipse

I have to compile and run a Maven project that some colleagues of mine developed some years ago. I'm using Eclipse Helios on Microsoft Windows Server 2008.
In their documentation about how to compile it with Eclipse, I read that I have to install on my Eclipse:
Maven plugin (from )
Maven plugin extra (from )
Subclipse plugin ( )
After installed these plugins, their document says to select the option "Checkout Maven Project from SCM" and other operations.
I've tried to install these plugins, but, first, I realized that they are antiquated.
I discovered that Maven Plugin changed name and address (now is Maven Integration for Eclipse 1.2), and that Maven Plugin Extra does not exist anymore.
Subclipse, instead, is available.
So I installed these plugins, but, afterwords, no "Checkout Maven Project from SCM" functionality was present on my Eclipse.
Then I searched online to solve this problem, and I found this thread on It suggested to install the Maven SCM handler for Subclipse.
I've searched it on the plugin repository of Elcipse but it does not exist anymore.
Which Eclipse plugin may I use to get the "Checkout Maven Project from SCM" functionality on my Eclipse IDE ?
Thanks a lot

When you go to Window -> Preferences -> Maven -> Discovery, you have a button "Open Catalog", which opens a plugin marketplace specific to the m2e plugin. There you'll find a plugin called m2e-subclipse, which should give you the appropriate options:

Change the installed sub version to have m2 plugin. then check out as maven shows up.
Eclipse Marketplace -> Installed -> Subversive SVN -> Change -> Subversive SVN Integration for the M2E Project (Optional) and install it.
see images below.

I have recently run into same issue and found solution, as preferences trick mentioned in this post did not work for me.
All you need to do is to go back to your SVN installation (tested for subversive, guess similar for subclipse) and check m2e integration plug-in.
In my case: Eclipse Marketplace -> Installed -> Subversive SVN -> Change -> Subversive SVN Integration for the M2E Project (Optional) and install it.

I have a workaround , since I was not able to find m2e-subclipse in Window -> Preferences -> Maven -> Discovery.You need to check out the project.Once done, right click on the Project Explorer and Import->Maven->Existing Maven Project and select the checked out project and click Finish.

Just a heads up for anybody seeing this again for future versions of Eclipse.
Sonatype is no longer maintaining this:
You can either use the fork currently being maintainted in github []:
Or you can use the eclipse maintained link for the eclipse version:
Install either one by using the "install new software" link in Eclipse above "Eclipse Marketplace"

I used eclipse version 2022-12 from this website
After I face this problem and try many ways. Finally, I got the solution.
Right-click on repo
Select Find/Check Out As...
Choose Check out as a project with the name specified, then input your project name alias
After checkout is finished. Right-click on the project.
Select Configure > Convert to Maven Project.


Maven SCM Handler for CVS in Eclipse (Juno)

I'm a longtime Eclipse and Maven user, but am just now upgrading to the more recent Eclipse builds (Luna- 4.4.1).
I've noticed that while Luna ships with m2e (1.5), the m2e marketplace no longer seems to have the 'Maven SCM Handler for CVS' as it did in the past. Has this handler been discontinued? Are there any other handlers that would allow for clean integration of Eclipse/Maven/CVS?
Without that handler, importing a Maven project from CVS is a rather painful affair; import generic cvs project, apply java project wizard, convert project to maven project. Once that's done, you then have to reconfigure other project settings such as Java source, resources, etc. All of this was automatically handled in m2e 1.0.x with the CVS handler.
For CVS SCM connector (if you want to import maven project from cvs repository):
Install new software:
More info: Maven Eclipse (m2e) SCM connector for subclipse 1.10 (svn 1.8)
(In case you're wondering, it also worked on Eclipse Mars)
First solution
How to install the SCM connector:
download zip or files from above repository location
unzip the file to an empty folder somewhere, remember that folder (or put the files from repository in that folder)
In Eclipse,
go to Help/Install New Software…
Click “Add…” to add a new site
In the window, click on “Local…” and choose the folder where you unzipped the site before. The result in the Location field should look like file:/C:/theUnzipFolder/
Click OK, choose all available packages to install, and continue the installation as usual
Second solution
Open Eclipse
Go to Help -> Install New Software -> Enter above repository location and hit enter
Select Maven Integration for Eclipse CVS Team Provider -> Finish
Alternative solution to SCM connector:
Checkout your project in workspace
Open cmd.exe and go to project location in that workspace. Then execute the following
mvn eclipse:eclipse
Open Eclipse with that workspace path as target
Right click in Project Explorer panel, Import -> Maven -> Existing Maven Projects -> Select project location from workspace and you should see the projects in here
Right click on your project in Project Explorer panel -> Maven -> Update project -> Select all projects -> Ok
Don't forget to:
set your corresponding JDK in Window -> Preferences -> Java -> Installed JREs
set your corresponding compiler level in Window -> Preferences -> Java -> Compiler -> Compiler compliance level
set JAVA_HOME environment variable

Running the ZK essentials maven project from eclipse

I usually can run zk apps on the server but the essentials app is a maven project and I cant see that option in zk studio (in eclipse).
How do I run it in eclipse?
Install the m2e plugin from the marketplace. It will give you additional options in the Run menu like "Maven install".
Note that Maven is a build tool, not a run tool. Maven only manages the classpath for you. You can then use the normal "Run as ..." of Eclipse to start it.
EDIT When you have m2e, make sure you import the project using "Import Maven project". M2e will then configure all the aspects, facets and natures.
If you already have the project imported, try "Update Project..."
If that doesn't work, try to enable the "Web Project Facet". See this blog post for details:
I have installed m2e plugin on Eclipse Juno without any problem.
Have you tried install m2e plugin before install other plugins? it
will give you maven install option .
first of all, goto help menu then eclipse marketplace search
m2e plugin in eclipse juno/ kepler version and install the m2e plugin

Eclipse doesn't have "Project facets" after install of JBoss WTP adapter

I'm trying to use project facets in Eclipse but the "project facets" section under "project -> properties" is gone. I noticed this when switching to Eclipse Juno from Eclipse Indigo. I thought this was related to Juno, so I switched back to Indigo, only to find the "project facets" were gone there too.
I tried both versions as a fresh install and with a clean workspace.
Searching the web for this issue only came up with "go to 'project -> properties -> project facets'", but this simply isn't possible.
I managed to break it down. The facet related stuff disappears after I installed the "JBossAS Tools" package from the JBoss update site (
Steps to reproduce:
Install Eclipse Juno (4.2.0)
Install project facets from
Under "Modeling": "EMF Facet SDK (Incubation)"
Under "Web, XML, Java EE and OSGi Enterprise Development": "Eclipse Faceted Project Framework"
After a restart see that Eclipse has possibility to create a faceted project (File -> New -> Other -> Faceted Project)
Install "JBossAS Tools" from
Restart, check for faceted things, aaand it's gone.
This might depend on which install of eclipse you are using. In any case, you can download the needed packages to get Facets working.
Facets are part of the Web Tools Platform. If you can't find it in the package manager, you can download it here:
You should create your Eclipse project using File / New / Project... / General / Faceted Project wizard or use project's popup menu Configure / Convert to Faceted From....
I installed the "JBossAS Tools" package from the nightly built update site. This didn't cause problems regarding project facets.
Nightly update site:

Eclipse-Maven: Doesn't show Maven project from SCM

I have installed the Maven plugin and the svn connector for sublipse. Afterwards I right clicked in the project explorer (empty workspace) and clicked New -> Other -> Maven -> Maven project from SCM, entered the URL and it started downloading.
After download finished, it didn't show up in the "Project-Explorer". What do I have to do, in order to checkout a Maven project from SVN so it shows up in the "Project-Explorer".
In order to get the "Checkout as Maven Project" functionality to work I have had to install the following:
From the Eclipse Marketplace:
Maven Integration for Eclipse
From the m2eclipse-extras update site (
Maven SCM handler for Subclipse
Also make sure that your project explorer view is setup correctly. Verify that your top level items are projects.

Checkout Maven project from SCM - no connectors

I have a problem with checkout Maven project in Eclipse Indigo. I've installed m2e plugin, Subclipse, Git, but can't select appropriate SCM type ? How to solve this ?
Affan was correct. The connectors are all still there in Indigo, just hidden a little.
Start Eclipse and open preferences.
Find the Maven group and expand it.
Select the "Discovery" item and click "Open Catalog".
A dialog will pop up with all the goodies. The connectors are at the bottom.
I ran into this issue with Eclipse where when you would try to Import a project via:
"Check out Maven Projects from SCM" from the project expoler the "scm url" drop down box would be empty.
After googling around, you must have subclipse installed from the Eclipse Marketplace (which I did) AND "Maven SCM handler for Subclipse" from the "Help->Install new software" dialog box (which I did not).
How to get Maven SCM Handler for Subclipse:
Assumption: You have Subclipse installed.
Click Help->Install New Software
Click "Add..." to add a new software site.
Add this site: (Alternative URL:
Select the Maven SCM handler for Subclipse
You can now use the Project Explorer context menu of "Import -> Maven -> Check out Maven Projects from SCM" and actually have a SCM URL to choose from in the drop down box, namely "svn".
Tested with Eclipse Juno
Looks like there is some incompatibility issue between Indigo and m2eclipse. This discussion gives more details including a possible solution.
Hope this helps.
Edit 1: Uninstalled m2eclipse 0.12.x from Indigo and installed m2e from Eclipse's m2e releases repository. This version shows a link to download m2e scm connectors from Eclipse marketplace (when you try to check out a maven project from scm). I could see connectors for cvs, git and subversive.
For those using subclipse 1.8.x there is a patched version of the m2e connector.
Here is the update site:
(Thanks to RockyMM for posting the link to the WONTFIX issue, which contained the link to the patched version.)
Indigo comes with m2e pre-installed. To get the connectors just click on link where it says find more connectors in the m2e marketplace. From there i installed the m2e-subclipse connector. This is a different approach from previous versions of Eclipse where you had to install another plugin from market place called "Maven Integration for Eclipse (Extras)".
There was an unofficial update of SVN connector. To install it go to download attachment and follow the steps:
Unzip the file to an empty folder somewhere, remember that folder
In Eclipse,
go to Help/Install New Software…
Click “Add…” to add a new site
In the window, click on “Local…” and choose the folder where you unzipped the
site before. The result in the Location field should look like file:/C:/
Click OK, choose all available packages to install, and continue the
installation as usual
This is related answer by "technocrat" with new update site URLs.
This is working with Eclipse 2019-12:
The problem: "Check out Maven Projects from SCM" from the project explorer the "scm url" drop down box is be empty.
You must have subclipse installed from the Eclipse Marketplace AND "Maven SCM handler for Subclipse".
How to get Maven SCM Handler for Subclipse:
Background: The original website of this project ( redirects to The subproject "m2e" is important.
Here, you will find a link to an Eclipse update site: Add this to the eclipse update sites.
Now you will see "Maven SCM handler for Subclipse". Install it.
You can now use the Project Explorer context menu of "Import -> Maven -> Check out Maven Projects from SCM" and actually have a SCM URL to choose from in the drop down box, namely "svn".