Does ijab chat only work with Apache server? - xmpp

The question is about ijab (facebook, gmail style chat bar) chat.
I have seen this tutorial for configuring ijab with Openfire XMPP server
but not able to connect it with Openfire server.
In the tutorial ijab is being used with Apache webserver but I am using Tomcat with urlrewritefilter for redirecting my request to Openfire server.
Does ijab chat only work with Apache server?
Is there any way of using ijab chat with other web servers like Tomcat, Weblogic, jboss etc?

I think It will only work in Apache since it requires mode_rewrite configuration.


How to make voice/video call in pidgin (XMPP)?

I'm using ejabberd as my XMPP server and Pidgin as my client.
My ejabberd version is 22.05 and my Pidgin version is 2.14.10
I have configured my ejabberd server for making voice/video call by following this article.
Now what should I do to make voice/video call through pidgin? I didn't see any plugins for enabling voice/video chat in pidgin.
As at today (7/11/2022), the pidgin website says that the voice and video calls support is still under development. Check this link:
I only know Gajim Client and Conversations Client does support voice and video calls.

Hosting REST api in web server or application server

I would like to know if there is any difference in hosting REST web service APIs in a web server or application server, is there any reason one is preferred over the other?
So i think you are confused about what are application servers and web servers.
Application Server is the name of a machine/server which is running any application used by an organization and it depends of any other servers to run the application functionalities correctly, like Database Servers, Caching Servers and other kind of servers.
Web server is a software which puts an application online for being accessed by clients through the web.
An application server commonly has a web server running inside it, as part of a stack needed to run the application in the server, like libraries and other sofwares need to execute the application objective.
So you can run a REST api inside of an application server with help of the web server application.
Some examples of web servers are Apache, Nginx, LightHttpd, etc.

How to connect & run Strophe JS files with Openfire Server?

I have installed Openfire successfully & enabled HTTP Binding at port 7070. I have downloaded strophe.js library & want to run its examples, but I don't know how to connect this two. Where should I place my strophe.js files, so that it runs from Openfire server, and I even want to know how to run NodeJS code after installing NodeJS plugins in Openfire.

IBM Worklight 6.0 - Application only works with HTTP or HTTPS, not both

I'm creating an application (with the Desktop Browser web page environment) using Worklight 6.0. My problem is this: my application only works in either HTTP or HTTPS but not in both.
When I tried to run my app, it returns:
The application failed connecting to the service
How can i build my app for both, and deploy it? because I want to put this app on the Facebook canvas, but it only works on HTTP or HTTPS.
It's not the application or the environment you've added to your application, but the server. Requests from the Worklight Server are either HTTP or HTTPS, they cannot be both.
But IMO this is irrelevant. I think the correct approach is to put Apache or alike in-front of Worklight (or WebSphere, in your case, which hosts Worklight Server since you've deployed it there), and its job is to handle incoming and outgoing connections - be it HTTPS or HTTP.
That said, AFAIK in Facebook only HTTPS should be used.

Do the application servers provide SMTP server implementation?

I have a requirement to send emails from my Java EE based application to the customers. I am using a JBoss application server.
I would like to understand if the application servers has the capability to act as an SMTP server as well.
Can we use Mule ESB product to send emails? I guess Mule ESB uses the JavaMail API to send emails.
Here you have the documentation that should clarify your doubts: