JMeter POST returns 415 - Unsupported Media Type - rest

Well it's one step forward and two steps back for me. Thanks to you guys, I finally got the GET for my webservice working in JMeter. Now I'm trying a POST, and once again I'm not getting anywhere.
I'm using a HTTP Request and made the POST body as small as possible: <the_tag></the_tag>.
I even took the xml out and just used text.
No matter what's in the body, I get the 415 error.
What am I missing?
My implementation is HC3, protocol https, and I don't have anything else selected (other than the POST, of course). I also set the Content-Type to text/xml.
P.S. I should add that this POST works fine in SoapUI, so I don't think it's a server issue.

Did you check the content type of your request ?
What is it ? What should it be ?
To set it, add a header manager as child of your sampler and set :
content-type in column 1
application/xml in column 2
If you're looking to learn jmeter correctly, this book will help you.

Do not forget header manager, and there:


Host header not being applied

I am confused. I've added headers to a request before and, for some reason, this one does not work as I want it to.
I'm trying to perform a post request to Linkedin following their documentation to get an access_token from an OAuth2 flow. I have the preliminary code to pass to the token endpoint, that is not an issue.
This is the sample request from the docs:
POST /oauth/v2/accessToken HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
I assume the Host header is to avoid CORS issues, but it just isnt being set. When I perform this request, my console gives me this 404:
Given that I know the Header is not 'unsafe', how do I go about setting it in this specific case?
Any help would be greatly appreciated, thank you!
My bad. Remove the Host header from config object and set it directly in the URL. Works just fine. I now have CORS Allow-Origin issues, but that's not related.

Node-Red HTTP Input verify json

this might be a stupid question but I was unable to find a solution, also no luck with search.
My Node-Red flow gets triggered by a HTTP Input because I want to create a REST Webservice. It works fine so far but I wonder how to verify the content someone send to me.
As I see right now, I can pass any kind of content. There is no verification if the content matches to the content I want as input.
If I set content-type to application/json, it only accepts json data. That's great but I also want to ensure, users can post only a specific json string.
If someone sends data I'm unable to proceed (not the json object I expected), I want to send HTTP 400 as response.
I'm pretty new to Node-Red and also to json. I'm more an old-school programmer using classic webservices and soap. What I'm missing is some kind of WSDL (not sure if it exists when using REST) and some kind of payload validation.
It would be great if someone can point me the way to go.
Best regards
There are some nodes available for doing schema validation on JSON objects.
For example, node-red-contrib-json-schema-validator - which uses ajv as the validation engine under the covers. Unfortunately this node doesn't come with much in the way of help. Essentially it lets you provide your schema and if a message fails to validate, it logs an error which can be handled with a Catch node if you want.
I found the issue. It was too bad.
I just forgotten to set HTTP Header content-type to application/json.
node-red-contrib-json-schema-validator works like a charm if content type is set corret

Redirection handling in ROKU

I am trying to call an API in ROKU player using bright script. But I a getting "response code -3". But when I am hitting that service on Web Browser it gives the xml in response. Actually there is a redirection in the API which I am using. As I know the redirection is not handled by the ROKU OS level. So How will I come out this situation.
Please help me and provide me any solution for that how can I handle the redirection in ROKU?
Thanks in advance.
The documentation at gives CURLE_URL_MALFORMAT as name for the -3 code you got from GetResponseCode() on the roUrlEvent. Try checking the string you get from GetFailureReason() on that same roUrlEvent, which should give a more detailed description of the problem.
Please check if you are missing any header in http request.
Check for accept header also.
Check this link how to make Get and Post request in Roku.
request = CreateObject("roUrlTransfer")
html = request.GetToString()

Is it possible to change/modify properties of a CR using OSLC_CM?

Is it possible to modify a property of a change request by using the OSLC-CM REST API of a change management system. The system that I'm trying to achieve that is Rational Change.
I can browse and query via the REST API, but to modify anything I need to resort to command line which is rather slow.
Is there a way?
To update resources using the OSLC-CM REST API you simply just can use HTTP PUT. In order to do this, you'll first need the URL of the Change Request.
The steps to achieve this (using any HTTP client) are:
acquire URL for Change Request (usually done by query, or stored reference, etc)
Perform an HTTP GET on that URL, specifying a format for use in editing. This is done using 'Accept' header, some typical values would be 'application/xml', 'application/json' or 'application/rdf+xml'.
Note, it is a good idea to set the header 'OSLC-Core-Verson: 2.0' as well to ensure you are working with the 2.0 formats.
Once you have fetched the resource, modify the property to the value you want.
Using HTTP PUT, send the modified resource in the content body to the same URL you fetched the resource from.
Additionally you will most likely need to pass along some additional headers to help the server detect any possible conflict.
You should get back a 200 (OK) or 204 (No content) response on success.
An optimization would be to do the same steps as above but only request the properties of interest and only send them by using the selective properties feature of OSLC.
So I've finally got it working with some help from googlegroups
To recap what I've done so that someone else might benefit too (I really have searched for it and the IBM documentation is as in most of the cases not helping):
So to modify PR/CR' implement_actual_effort attribute on the Rational Change server the following procedure was successful (using Firefox REST plugin):
1. In Headers set: Accept to application/xml, Content-Type to application/xml
Put the oslc address of the cr i URL in my case it was:
http://[IP:PORT]/change/oslc/db/[DB hex ID]/role/User/cr/[web_encoded_name_of_the_CR]?
(note in browser http://[IP:PORT]/change/oslc/db/[DB hex ID]/role/User/cr/[web_encoded_name_of_the_CR] will open change page of the CR/PR)
In REST client set Method to GET and press SEND
Click on the Response Body (RAW), copy xml Body
Change Method to PUT, change the value of the attribute (in the xml in Body window)
Press SEND
Attribute should have been changed right now, and the response should be similiar to what you've sent, with the attribute showing the change.
Note that to change an attribute (called property from oslc point of view) one has to provide ?[properties delimited with comma]
and in the request body xml the same properties have to be present, if I remember correctly if the property isn't mentioned in the xml it will be set to default
I hope this helps someone

How Do I Upload Multiple Files Using the iPhone

I am posting (HTTP POST) various values to the posterous api. I am successfully able to upload the title, body, and ONE media file, but when I try to add in a second media file I get a server 500.
They do allow media and media[] as parameters.
How do I upload multiple files with the iPhone SDK?
The 500 your getting is probably based on one of two things:
An incorrect request
An error on the server
Now, if its an incorrect, the HTTP server would be more helpful responding back with like a 415 (unsupported media type) or something. A 500 insists that something went wrong on the server and that your request was valid.
You'll have to dig into the server API or code (if you wrote it), or read the docs and figure out what's wrong with your second request ... seems like maybe your not setting the appropriate media type?
EDIT: Ok, so I looked at the API. It appears your posting XML, so your request content-type should be
Content-Type: application/xml
The API doc didn't specifically say, but that would be the correct type.
EDIT: Actually on second glance, are you just POSTing w/URI params? Their API doc isn't clear (I'm also looking rather quickly)