Host header not being applied - axios

I am confused. I've added headers to a request before and, for some reason, this one does not work as I want it to.
I'm trying to perform a post request to Linkedin following their documentation to get an access_token from an OAuth2 flow. I have the preliminary code to pass to the token endpoint, that is not an issue.
This is the sample request from the docs:
POST /oauth/v2/accessToken HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
I assume the Host header is to avoid CORS issues, but it just isnt being set. When I perform this request, my console gives me this 404:
Given that I know the Header is not 'unsafe', how do I go about setting it in this specific case?
Any help would be greatly appreciated, thank you!

My bad. Remove the Host header from config object and set it directly in the URL. Works just fine. I now have CORS Allow-Origin issues, but that's not related.


Azure Graph API 2.0 error in refreshing token: Provided grant is invalid or malformed (AADSTS70000)

I'm following step by step guide on Microsoft's site (, everything is working correctly but every time I try to refresh the access token, I get this error: AADSTS70000: Provided grant is invalid or malformed. error_codes: 70000.
I've created a Postman collection for testing, also downloaded the official postman collection from the Microsoft's site, everything is working correctly until the access token does not expire. When it expire, trying to refresh the token always lead to an error and I'm pretty stuck with it. I've double and triple checked correspondence between redirect_url, permission, grant, copy/paste errors, waited for the access_token to expire before trying to refresh... I've done almost 100 tests, and every time I'm stuck at the refresh part!
I start with doing the normal call to Microsoft Login API in my browser, and getting the code in query string from the browser (no problems here) (please note that client_id is URL encoded because, in my test environment, client id is an URL due to the configuration of the Drupal portan we're using, I'm truing to recreate the same behaviour in postman){tenant_guid}/oauth2/v2.0/authorize?client_id={myclient_id_urlencoded}&response_type=code&redirect_uri={redirect_uri_urlencoded}&
Then with the code in query string, i POST to the token endpoint:
POST /{tenant_guid}/oauth2/v2.0/token HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/x-www-url-form-urlencoded
cache-control: no-cache
Postman-Token: a0456a8d-6979-491f-b61e-86b5d614c577
I receive back an accesso token (that is working like a charm in accessing for an hour) and a refresh token. I would love to get a new pair of access/refresh token when the original access token expires, using the refresh_token grant_type
POST /tenant_guid/oauth2/v2.0/token HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/x-www-url-form-urlencoded
cache-control: no-cache
Postman-Token: 5d71f813-768e-476c-a97f-c109fba3165e
But no matter if I try before access token expiration or after, closing and reopening postman, I always receive that error back. I've done almost 50 tests (always with the full round of login/authorization to use always a fresh refresh token) with no luck.
Seems like I'm missing something really stupid here because I can't imagine that everybody else is behaving correctly... but really can't find a way out!
So I just got mine working! Here are the required parameters I needed:
client_id = your client id
refresh_token = the refresh token here
grant_type = refresh_token,
client_secret = secret
NOTE: Everything I read told me to URLEncode the values. I found it worked with them UNENCODED - no idea if it will really make a difference or not. Since it is going in the body of the post, which means it is TLS encrypted.
The other important thing was the url I posted to. There seem to be so many examples and none seem to be consistent. I used this format:{tenantId}/oauth2/v2.0/token
The last thing is to be sure you are using the correct app id. In my case I was using the appId for the wrong app and it didnt have consent. Hope this helps. I do wish Microsoft would make a concerted effort to spell out things consistently and think like someone who doesn't do security for a living.
Finally resolved thanks yo the Azure Support.
The problem is the client id: as I supposed before, Microsoft allow you to define another application name, but always want to use the GUID client id to submit any request. Unfortunately, it was warning me when I didn't url-encoded it, but did not alert me that it was not correct until I tried to use the refresh token.
So just read very very well the documentation: client_id: The Application (client) ID that the Azure portal – App registrations experience assigned to your app (so not the one you choose).
Maybe including a format validation in the documentation would help!

Browser doesn't return If-None-Match header

i am trying to implement caching for dynamic API calls where data is near-static. The approach i have taken is using the ETag and returning an ETag header for a Web API response headers. However, Browser doesn't seems to return the "if-None-Match" header at all for me to validate the subsequent calls.
Please note that i am using https and i have a valid SSL installed. Anyone had this issue and potential clues?
Found the root cause of the issue, It was due to the wrong cache-headers being sent by the server particularly Cache-Control: no-store
After changing the response headers, Browser is now able to send the If-None-Match request header.
My current response header is as below which is good enough to request the browser to re-validate it.

XHR and Access-Control-Allow-Origin

One of the method that I am testing sends a XMLHttpRequest to "http://localhost:4848/qrs/extension/schema?xrfkey=asdfasdfdf". I am getting an error which looks like this -
XMLHttpRequest cannot load http://localhost:4848/qrs/extension/schema?xrfkey=asdfasdfdf. No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. Origin 'http://localhost:9875' is therefore not allowed access. The response had HTTP status code 404.
Now I understand that test are served on "localhost:9876", and trying access localhost:4848 is actually violating cross domain policy. I have seen the karma proxy settings and tried -
proxies: {
'/qrs': 'http://localhost:4848/qrs'
But doing this actually serves my content from "http://localhost:9876/qrs/extension/schema?xrfkey=asdfasdfdf". But this way my client code will not work. Because client code directly sends XHR request to "http://localhost:4848/qrs/.....", but NOT to "http://localhost:9876/qrs/.....".
Any suggestion how can I solve this?
Also, wouldn't it be better to have an option to set different headers in the config file? At lest we know that we are talking about test here (I mean not in production).
Thanks in advance.

What is the URL for getAllSiteAccounts (REST)

I'm trying to call getAllSiteAccounts using the following URL:
When I make the call, I get back:
A 418 error code is:
Problem Updating Account(418): We could not update your account because the site is experiencing technical difficulties. Please try later.
Am I using the correct URL? I know they really don't want us to use this call in evaluation mode as it could time out, but I would think I'd get back a different error if that was the case.
This URL is working. I tried this REST API using an external REST client and successfully got the response.
Below is the request which is being sent.
POST /services/srest/restserver/v1.0/jsonsdk/SiteAccountManagement/getAllSiteAccounts HTTP/1.1
Cache-Control: no-cache
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Can you test this again.

JMeter POST returns 415 - Unsupported Media Type

Well it's one step forward and two steps back for me. Thanks to you guys, I finally got the GET for my webservice working in JMeter. Now I'm trying a POST, and once again I'm not getting anywhere.
I'm using a HTTP Request and made the POST body as small as possible: <the_tag></the_tag>.
I even took the xml out and just used text.
No matter what's in the body, I get the 415 error.
What am I missing?
My implementation is HC3, protocol https, and I don't have anything else selected (other than the POST, of course). I also set the Content-Type to text/xml.
P.S. I should add that this POST works fine in SoapUI, so I don't think it's a server issue.
Did you check the content type of your request ?
What is it ? What should it be ?
To set it, add a header manager as child of your sampler and set :
content-type in column 1
application/xml in column 2
If you're looking to learn jmeter correctly, this book will help you.
Do not forget header manager, and there: